Note that python3-stem appears in Debian wheezy and newer, and it appears in Ubuntu 13.10 and newer. Older versions of Debian and Ubuntu aren't supported.
Note that OnionShare uses stdeb to generate Debian packages, and `python3-stdeb` is not available in Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty). Because of this, you can't use the `` script to build the .deb file in versions of Ubuntu 14.04 and earlier. However, .deb files you build in later versions of Ubuntu will install and work fine in 14.04.
These instructions include adding folders to the path in Windows. To do this, go to Start and type "advanced system settings", and open "View advanced system settings" in the Control Panel. Click Environment Variables. Under "System variables" double-click on Path. From there you can add and remove folders that are available in the PATH.
First, download and install the 32-bit (x86) version of Python 3.4.x from You need 3.4 instead of 3.5 because PyQt5 was built with 3.4. Add `C:\Python34` and `C:\Python34\Scripts` to the path.
Download and install Qt5 from I downloaded `qt-unified-windows-x86-2.0.2-2-online.exe`. There's no need to login to a Qt account during installation. Make sure you install the latest Qt 5.x.
Download and install the latest PyQt5 for 32-bit Windows from I downloaded `PyQt5-5.5.1-gpl-Py3.4-Qt5.5.1-x32.exe`.
* You'll need a code signing certificate. I roughly followed [this guide]( to make one using my StartSSL account.
* Go to and install the standalone Windows 10 SDK. Note that you may not need this if you already have Visual Studio.
* Open a command prompt, cd into the onionshare directory, and type: `python py2exe`. `onionshare.exe` and all of its supporting files will get created inside the `dist` folder.
Note that you must have a codesigning certificate installed in order to use the `install\build_exe.bat` script, because it codesigns `onionshare.exe`, `uninstall.exe`, and `OnionShare_Setup.exe`.
This will prompt you to codesign three binaries and execute one unsigned binary. When you're done clicking through everything you will have `dist\OnionShare_Setup.exe`.
OnionShare includes [nose]( unit tests. First, `sudo apt-get install python3-nose` or `sudo pip3 install nose`.