Note that python3-stem appears in Debian wheezy and newer, and it appears in Ubuntu 13.10 and newer. Older versions of Debian and Ubuntu aren't supported.
Install the [latest Python 3.x from]( If you use the built-in version of python that comes with OS X, your .app might not run on other people's computers.
Download and install Qt5 from I downloaded `qt-unified-mac-x64-2.0.2-2-online.dmg`. There's no need to login to a Qt account during installation. Make sure you install the latest Qt 5.x for clang.
Download the source code for [SIP]( and [PyQt]( I downloaded `sip-4.17.tar.gz` and `PyQt-gpl-5.5.1.tar.gz`.
* Go to Start and type "advanced system settings", and open "View advanced system settings" in the Control Panel. Click Environment Variables. Under "System variables" double-click on Path, and add `C:\Python27` and `C:\Python27\Scripts`. Now you can just type `python` to run python scripts in the command prompt.
* Go to and download the latest PyQt4 for Windows for python 2.7, 32-bit (I downloaded `PyQt4-4.11-gpl-Py2.7-Qt4.8.6-x32.exe`), then install it.
* Go to and download and install the latest 32-bit pywin32 binary for python 2.7. I downloaded `pywin32-219.win32-py2.7.exe`.
* Go to Start and type "advanced system settings", and open "View advanced system settings" in the Control Panel. Click Environment Variables. Under "System variables" double-click on Path, and add `C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS` to the end. Now you can just type `makensis [script]` to build an installer.
* You'll need a code signing certificate. I roughly followed [this guide]( to make one using my StartSSL account.
* Go to and install the latest .NET Framework. I installed `.NET Framework 4.6`.
* Go to and install the Windows SDK.
* Right click on Computer, go to Properties. Click "Advanced system settings". Click Environment Variables. Under "System variables" double-click on Path and add `C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin` to the end.
* Windows 10:
* Go to and install the standalone Windows 10 SDK. Note that you may not need this if you already have Visual Studio.
* Go to Start and type "advanced system settings", and open "View advanced system settings" in the Control Panel. Click Environment Variables. Under "System variables" double-click on Path, and add `C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86`.
* Open a command prompt, cd into the onionshare directory, and type: `pyinstaller -y install\onionshare-win.spec`. Inside the `dist` folder there will be a folder called `onionshare` with `onionshare.exe` in it.
Note that you must have a codesigning certificate installed in order to use the `install\build_exe.bat` script, because it codesigns `onionshare.exe`, `uninstall.exe`, and `OnionShare_Setup.exe`.
This will prompt you to codesign three binaries and execute one unsigned binary. When you're done clicking through everything you will have `dist\OnionShare_Setup.exe`.