nokonoko d8c46ff78a new uguu code
This is the code that is running, based off Pomf.
2020-11-18 12:54:47 +01:00

4 KiB


uguu is a simple file uploading and sharing platform.


  • One click uploading, no registration required
  • A minimal, modern web interface
  • Drag & drop supported
  • Upload API with multiple response choices
    • JSON
    • HTML
    • Text
    • CSV
  • Supports ShareX and other screenshot tools


See the real world example at


Original development environment is Nginx + PHP7.3 + SQLite, but is confirmed to work with Apache 2.4 and newer PHP versions.


For the purposes of this guide, we won't cover setting up Nginx, PHP, SQLite, Node, or NPM. So we'll just assume you already have them all running well.


First you must get a copy of the uguu code. To do so, clone this git repo. You will need to recursively clone the repo to get the required PHP submodule, and the optional user panel submodule.

git clone --recursive

If you don't want either of the submodules run the following command,

git clone

Assuming you already have Node and NPM working, compilation is easy. If you would like any additional submodules, or to exclude the default PHP submodule, use the MODULES="..." variable.

Run the following commands to do so.

cd uguu/
# alternatively
make MODULES="" # compile no submodules; exclude the default php backend module
make MODULES="php" # compile the php submodule
make install


make install DESTDIR=/desired/path/for/site

After this, the uguu site is now compressed and set up inside dist/, or, if specified, DESTDIR.


Front-end related settings, such as the name of the site, and maximum allowable file size, are found in dist.json. Changes made here will only take effect after rebuilding the site pages. This may be done by running make from the root of the site directory.

Back-end related settings, such as database configuration, and path for uploaded files, are found in static/php/includes/ Changes made here take effect immediately.

If you intend to allow uploading files larger than 2 MB, you may also need to increase POST size limits in php.ini and webserver configuration. For PHP, modify upload_max_filesize and post_max_size values. The configuration option for nginx webserver is client_max_body_size.

Example nginx configs can be found in confs/.

Using SQLite as DB engine

We need to create the SQLite database before it may be used by uguu. Fortunately, this is incredibly simple.

First create a directory for the database, e.g. mkdir /var/db/uguu.
Then, create a new SQLite database from the schema, e.g. sqlite3 /var/db/uguu/uguu.sq3 -init /home/uguu/sqlite_schema.sql. Then, finally, ensure the permissions are correct, e.g.

chown nginx:nginx /var/db/uguu
chmod 0750 /var/db/uguu
chmod 0640 /var/db/uguu/uguu.sq3

Finally, edit php/includes/ to indicate this is the database engine you would like to use. Make the changes outlined below

define('UGUU_DB_CONN', '[stuff]'); ---> define('UGUU_DB_CONN', 'sqlite:/var/db/uguu/uguu.sq3');
define('UGUU_DB_USER', '[stuff]'); ---> define('UGUU_DB_USER', null);
define('UGUU_DB_PASS', '[stuff]'); ---> define('UGUU_DB_PASS', null);

NOTE: The directory where the SQLite database is stored, must be writable by the web server user


If you are running Apache and want to compress your output when serving files, add to your .htaccess file:

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/css application/javascript application/x-javascript application/json

Remember to enable deflate_module and filter_module modules in your Apache configuration file.

Getting help

Hit me up at twitter or email me.


Uguu is based off Pomf.


Uguu is free software, and is released under the terms of the Expat license. See LICENSE.