it's the beginning of the end
rob added strict rate limits, everyone h*cking panic
@ -58,10 +58,16 @@ module.exports = async (app, req, res) => {
comment.levelID = x[1] ||
comment.playerID = x[3]
comment.accountID = y[16]
comment.form = ['icon', 'ship', 'ball', 'ufo', 'wave', 'robot', 'spider'][Number(y[14])]
comment.color = (comment.playerID == "16" ? "50,255,255" : x[12] || "255,255,255")
if (x[10] > 0) comment.percent = +x[10]
comment.moderator = +x[11] || 0
comment.icon = {
form: ['icon', 'ship', 'ball', 'ufo', 'wave', 'robot', 'spider'][+y[14]],
icon: +y[9],
col1: +y[10],
col2: +y[11],
glow: +y[15] > 0
if (i == 0 && req.query.type != "commentHistory") {
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module.exports = async (app, req, res) => {
let topless = form == "bird" && req.query.topless
let autoSize = req.query.size == "auto"
let sizeParam = autoSize || (req.query.size && !isNaN(req.query.size))
if (outline == "0") outline = false;
if (outline == "0" || outline == "false") outline = false;
if (iconID && iconID.toString().length == 1) iconID = "0" + iconID;
@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
const request = require('request')
const {GoogleSpreadsheet} = require('google-spreadsheet');
const sheet = new GoogleSpreadsheet('1ADIJvAkL0XHGBDhO7PP9aQOuK3mPIKB2cVPbshuBBHc'); // accurate leaderboard spreadsheet
// const request = require('request')
// const {GoogleSpreadsheet} = require('google-spreadsheet');
// const sheet = new GoogleSpreadsheet('1ADIJvAkL0XHGBDhO7PP9aQOuK3mPIKB2cVPbshuBBHc'); // accurate leaderboard spreadsheet
let lastIndex = {"stars": 0, "coins": 0, "demons": 0}
let caches = [{"stars": null, "coins": null, "demons": null}, {"stars": null, "coins": null, "demons": null}] // 0 for JSON, 1 for GD
// let lastIndex = {"stars": 0, "coins": 0, "demons": 0}
// let caches = [{"stars": null, "coins": null, "demons": null}, {"stars": null, "coins": null, "demons": null}] // 0 for JSON, 1 for GD
module.exports = async (app, req, res, post) => {
return res.send([]) // this really do be a bruh moment
if (app.offline || !app.sheetsKey || app.endpoint != "") return res.send([])
let gdMode = post || req.query.hasOwnProperty("gd")
let cache = caches[gdMode ? 1 : 0]
@ -32,6 +32,13 @@ module.exports = async (app, req, res) => {
x.coins = +x[13]
x.playerID = x[2]
|||| = x[42] + app.config.timestampSuffix
x.icon = {
form: ['icon', 'ship', 'ball', 'ufo', 'wave', 'robot', 'spider'][+x[14]],
icon: +x[9],
col1: +x[10],
col2: +x[11],
glow: +x[15] > 0
keys.forEach(k => delete x[k])
@ -34,6 +34,13 @@ module.exports = async (app, req, res) => {
x.coins = +x[13]
x.usercoins = +x[17]
|||| = +x[46]
x.icon = {
form: ['icon', 'ship', 'ball', 'ufo', 'wave', 'robot', 'spider'][+x[14]],
icon: +x[9],
col1: +x[10],
col2: +x[11],
glow: +x[15] > 0
keys.forEach(k => delete x[k])
return res.send(scores)
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ module.exports = async (app, req, res, api, getLevels) => {
let account = app.parseResponse(body)
if (!foundID && app.config.cacheAccountIDs) app.accountCache[username.toLowerCase()] = [account[16], account[2]]
else console.log(app.accountCache)
let userData = {
username: account[1],
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@import url('');
@font-face {font-family: Oxygene2; src: url('')}
@font-face {font-family: Pusab; src: url('./../assets/Pusab.ttf')}
.gdButton {
cursor: pointer;
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.2 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.4 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.3 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.5 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.6 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.3 KiB |
@ -349,6 +349,7 @@
<p>coins: Number of secret coins</p>
<p>usercoins: Number of user coins</p>
<p>diamonds: Number of diamonds</p>
<p>icon: The icon preview showed next to the player's name</p>
@ -444,6 +445,7 @@
<p>percent: Percent on the level</p>
<p>coins: Number of coins obtained (0-3)</p>
<p>date: Time since score was submitted (sent as "x days/weeks/months" ago, since it's all the API sends)</p>
<p>icon: The icon preview showed next to the player's name</p>
@ -495,10 +497,10 @@
<p class="red">username: The commenter's username</p>
<p class="red">playerID: The commenter's ID</p>
<p class="red">accountID: The commenter's account ID</p>
<p class="red">form: The form of the commenter's icon</p>
<p class="red">percent: The commenter's percent on the level, if provided</p>
<p class="red">color: The RGB font color of the comment. Note that the yellow author text is not included</p>
<p class="red">moderator: If type of moderator the commenter is. Returns 0 (none), 1 (mod) or 2 (elder, green text)</p>
<p class="red">icon: The icon preview showed next to the commenter's name</p>
<p class="blue">results: The total number of comments (first comment only, doesn't work with comment history)</p>
<p class="blue">pages: The total number of pages, starting at 1</p>
<p class="blue">range: The index of comments that were fetched</p>
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ fetch(`../api${!history ? window.location.pathname : "/comments/" + lvl.playerID
commentHTML = !compact ? `
<div class="commentBG ${bgCol}">
<div class="comment" commentID="${x.ID}">
<img class="inline" src="../icon/${userLink}?form=${x.form}" height=21% style="margin-right: 0.8%">
<img class="inline" src="../icon/icon?form=${x.icon.form}&icon=${x.icon.icon}&col1=${x.icon.col1}&col2=${x.icon.col2}&glow=${x.icon.glow}&size=auto" height=21% style="margin-right: 0.8%">
<a href=../${x.accountID == "0" ? `search/${x.playerID}?user` : `../u/${userLink}`}>
<h2 class="inline gdButton ${x.accountID == "0" ? "green unregistered" : ""}">${userName}</h2></a>
${modNumber > 0 ? `<img class="inline" src="../assets/mod${modNumber == 2 ? "-elder" : ""}.png" height=18% style="margin-left: 0.6%;">` : ""}
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ fetch(`../api${!history ? window.location.pathname : "/comments/" + lvl.playerID
: `
<div class="commentBG compactBG ${bgCol}">
<div class="comment compact" commentID="${x.ID}">
<img class="inline" src="../icon/${userLink}?form=${x.form}" height=21% style="margin-right: 0.8%">
<img class="inline" src="../icon/icon?form=${x.icon.form}&icon=${x.icon.icon}&col1=${x.icon.col1}&col2=${x.icon.col2}&glow=${x.icon.glow}&size=auto" height=21% style="margin-right: 0.8%">
<a href=../${x.accountID == "0" ? `search/${x.playerID}?user` : `../u/${userLink}`}>
<h2 class="inline gdButton ${x.accountID == "0" ? "green unregistered" : ""}">${userName}</h2></a>
${modNumber > 0 ? `<img class="inline" src="../assets/mod${modNumber == 2 ? "-elder" : ""}.png" height=18% style="margin-left: 0.6%;">` : ""}
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ $('#autoMode').click(function() {
document.title = "[LIVE] " + document.title
$('#autoMode').attr('src', `../assets/stopbutton.png`)
interval = setInterval(function() { appendComments(true) }, 2000)
interval = setInterval(function() { appendComments(true) }, 3000)
else {
document.title = document.title.slice(6)
@ -70,12 +70,12 @@
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script async type="text/javascript" src="../assets/sizecheck.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../assets/dragscroll.js"></script>
let trophies = [1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250]
let demonID = Math.round(window.location.pathname.split('/')[2])
if (!demonID || demonID > 250 || demonID < 1) window.location.href = "../../../"
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ fetch(`${demonID}/`).then(res => res.json
<div class="center" style="position:absolute; transform:scale(0.82) translate(-28vh, -10vh); height: 10%; width: 12.5%;">
<div class="inline" style="width: 50%; margin: 0% 20% 0% 10%; transform:translateY(-15%)"><h2 class="inline center" style="transform:scale(${1-shift[0]}) translateX(-${shift[1]}%)">${y+1}</h2></div>
<img class="inline spaced lazyLoad" data-src="../icon/${}" height="120%" style="margin-bottom: 0%; transform:scale(1.1)">
<img class="inline spaced" src="../trophies/${trophies.findIndex(z => y+1 <= z) + 1}.png" height="120%" style="margin-bottom: 0%; transform:scale(1.1)">
<div style="${! ? "display: none; " : ""}position:absolute; width: 12.5%; height: 15%; right: 0%">
@ -122,7 +122,6 @@ fetch(`${demonID}/`).then(res => res.json
$('.lazyLoad').Lazy({ appendScroll: '#searchBox' });
$(document).keydown(function(k) {
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<div class="popup" id="infoDiv">
<div class="fancybox bounce center supercenter">
<div class="fancybox bounce center supercenter" style="width: 80vh">
<h2 class="smaller center" style="font-size: 5.5vh">Leaderboard Info</h2>
<p class="bigger center" id="infoText" style="line-height: 5vh; margin-top: 1.5vh"></p>
<img src="../assets/ok.png" width=20%; class="gdButton center" onclick="$('.popup').hide()">
@ -75,12 +75,13 @@
let sort = "stars"
let trophies = [1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100]
let top250Text =
`The <g>Top 250<> leaderboard contains the <g>top 250 players<>, sorted by <y>star<> value. However, due to <o>hackers<> flooding the leaderboard, this leaderboard has been <b>frozen<> for well over 2 years and displays <o>very outdated information<>.`
let accurateText =
`The <g>Accurate Leaderboard<> is a highly accurate, hacker-proof leaderboard with <y>proper stats and positioning<> (unlike the regular one). It is managed by <b>XShadowWizardX, Pepper360, Octeract<>, and many many other helpers. You can check out their interactive <a target="_blank" href=""><span style="color:aqua; text-decoration: underline">leaderboard spreadsheet here<></a>.`
`The <g>Accurate Leaderboard<> is a highly accurate, hacker-proof leaderboard with <y>proper stats and positioning<> (unlike the regular one). It is managed by <b>XShadowWizardX, Pepper360, Octeract<>, and many many other helpers. Be sure to check out their <a target="_blank" href=""><span style="color:aqua; text-decoration: underline">interactive leaderboard spreadsheet<></a> or join their <a target="_blank" href=""><span style="color:aqua; text-decoration: underline">Discord server<></a>.`
let creatorText =
`The <g>Creators Leaderboard<> is sorted by <g>creator points<>, rather than stars. A player's <g>creator points<> (CP) is calculated by counting their number of <y>star rated<> levels, plus an extra point for every level that has been <b>featured<>, plus an additional point for <o>epic rated<> levels.`
@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ function leaderboard(val) {
$('#searchBox').html(`<div style="height: 4.5%"></div>`)
if (val == type && res != -1) res.forEach((x, y) => {
if (val == type && res != -1 && res.length) res.forEach((x, y) => {
$('#searchBox').append(`<div class="searchresult leaderboardSlot">
<h2 class="small inline gdButton" style="margin-top: 1.5%"><a href="../u/${x.username}">${x.username}</a></h2>
@ -124,13 +125,23 @@ function leaderboard(val) {
<div class="center ranking" style="position:absolute; transform:scale(0.82) translate(-20.7vh, -20vh); height: 10%; width: 12.5%;">
<img class="spaced lazyLoad" data-src="./icon/${x.username}" height="150%"
style="margin-bottom: 0%; transform:scale(1.1)">
${type == "accurate" ? `<img class="spaced" src="./trophies/${trophies.findIndex(z => x.rank <= z) + 1}.png" height="150%" style="margin-bottom: 0%; transform:scale(1.1)">` :
`<img class="spaced lazyLoad" data-src="./icon/icon?form=${x.icon.form}&icon=${x.icon.icon}&col1=${x.icon.col1}&col2=${x.icon.col2}&glow=${x.icon.glow}&size=auto" height="150%" style="margin-bottom: 0%; transform:scale(1.1)">`}
<h2 class="small" style="margin-top: 2%">${x.rank}</h2>
else if (type == "accurate") {
$('#searchBox').append(`<div style="width: 100%">
<h1 style="margin-top: 14%"class="center">The Accurate Leaderboard<br>is temporarily disabled</h1>
<p class="center" style="padding: 0% 10%">Due to RobTop's new <span style="color: yellow">API enforcements</span>, the Accurate Leaderboard is <span style="color: cyan">no longer able to load reliably</span>. A fix is being worked on and will hopefully be released in <span style="color: lime">a day or two</span>.</p>
$('#searchBox').append('<div style="height: 4.5%"></div>')
$('.lazyLoad').Lazy({ appendScroll: '#searchBox' });
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ function leaderboard() {
<div class="center" style="position:absolute; transform:scale(0.82) translate(-28vh, -10vh); height: 10%; width: 12.5%;">
<div class="inline" style="width: 50%; margin: 0% 20% 0% 10%; transform:translateY(-15%)"><h2 class="inline center" style="transform:scale(${1-shift[0]}) translateX(-${shift[1]}%)">${x.rank}</h2></div>
<img class="inline spaced lazyLoad" data-src="../icon/${x.username}" height="120%" style="margin-bottom: 0%; transform:scale(1.1)">
<img class="inline spaced lazyLoad" data-src="../icon/icon?form=${x.icon.form}&icon=${x.icon.icon}&col1=${x.icon.col1}&col2=${x.icon.col2}&glow=${x.icon.glow}&size=auto" height="120%" style="margin-bottom: 0%; transform:scale(1.1)">
<div class="center" style="position:absolute; height: 10%; width: 12.5%;">
@ -109,12 +109,10 @@ function leaderboard() {
$('.lazyLoad').Lazy({ appendScroll: '#searchBox' });
$('#searchBox').append('<div style="height: 4.5%"></div>')
loading = false;
appendScroll: '#searchBox'
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<title>Geometry Dash Browser!</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link href="../css/browser.css?v=1" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<script async src=""></script><script>window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}gtag('js', new Date());gtag('config', 'UA-135255146-3');</script>
@ -39,15 +39,14 @@
let line = 0
let dialogue = [
"Ah frick, here we go again.", "Happy to see me?", "Aw, that's a shame", "Wondering what happened to GDBrowser?",
"Well, we got IP banned", "By RubRub himself", "...again", "Not entirely sure why this time", "Fear not, though.",
"Things will be worked out ASAP", "And if I obey RubRub's orders...",
"Hi there!", "Wondering what happened to GDBrowser?", "Well, we got IP banned", "By RubRub himself", "Probably because of spam",
"Fear not, though.", "Things will be worked out ASAP", "And if I obey RubRub's orders...",
"We'll be back in no time", "Plus you get to hang out with me!", "But in the meantime", "Yeah nothing is gonna work",
"API is down as well", "But keep in mind we're on GitHub", "So you can use GDBrowser locally",
"Gotta be big brain for that though...", "At least the icon kit is okay", "Well, mostly", "Anywhooo",
"Enjoy your time here in the Vault", "I'm sure you'll find something to do", "Just stay six feet from me",
"...", ".....", "Yeah that's all I have to say", "You can stop clicking now",
"I'm just gonna repeat myself", "Like my iPod stuck on replay", "*ahem*"
"I'm just gonna repeat myself", "*ahem*"
$("#glubfub").click(function() {
@ -92,13 +92,13 @@
<div class="lightBox center" id="iconsDiv" style="margin: 2% auto; width: 105vh">
<img src="../icon/[[USERNAME]]?form=cube" title="Cube [[ICON]]">
<img src="../icon/[[USERNAME]]?form=ship" title="Ship [[SHIP]]" style="height: 8%">
<img src="../icon/[[USERNAME]]?form=ball" title="Ball [[BALL]]" >
<img src="../icon/[[USERNAME]]?form=ufo" title="UFO [[UFO]]">
<img src="../icon/[[USERNAME]]?form=wave" title="Wave [[WAVE]]" style="height: 7%">
<img src="../icon/[[USERNAME]]?form=robot" title="Robot [[ROBOT]]" >
<img src="../icon/[[USERNAME]]?form=spider" title="Spider [[SPIDER]]">
<img src="../icon/icon?form=cube&icon=[[ICON]]&col1=[[COL1]]&col2=[[COL2]]&glow=[[GLOW]]" title="Cube [[ICON]]">
<img src="../icon/icon?form=ship&icon=[[SHIP]]&col1=[[COL1]]&col2=[[COL2]]&glow=[[GLOW]]" title="Ship [[SHIP]]" style="height: 8%">
<img src="../icon/icon?form=ball&icon=[[BALL]]&col1=[[COL1]]&col2=[[COL2]]&glow=[[GLOW]]" title="Ball [[BALL]]" >
<img src="../icon/icon?form=ufo&icon=[[UFO]]&col1=[[COL1]]&col2=[[COL2]]&glow=[[GLOW]]" title="UFO [[UFO]]">
<img src="../icon/icon?form=wave&icon=[[WAVE]]&col1=[[COL1]]&col2=[[COL2]]&glow=[[GLOW]]" title="Wave [[WAVE]]" style="height: 7%">
<img src="../icon/icon?form=robot&icon=[[ROBOT]]&col1=[[COL1]]&col2=[[COL2]]&glow=[[GLOW]]" title="Robot [[ROBOT]]" >
<img src="../icon/icon?form=spider&icon=[[SPIDER]]&col1=[[COL1]]&col2=[[COL2]]&glow=[[GLOW]]" title="Spider [[SPIDER]]">
<img src="../deatheffects/[[DEATHEFFECT]].png" title="Death Effect [[DEATHEFFECT]]" id="deatheffect">
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ app.clean = function(text) {if (!text || typeof text != "string") return text; e
let assets = ['css', 'assets', 'blocks', 'deatheffects', 'difficulty', 'gauntlets', 'gdicon', 'iconkitbuttons', 'levelstyle', 'objects']
let assets = ['css', 'assets', 'blocks', 'deatheffects', 'difficulty', 'gauntlets', 'gdicon', 'iconkitbuttons', 'levelstyle', 'objects', 'trophies']
app.use('/css', express.static(__dirname + '/assets/css'));
app.use('/assets', express.static(__dirname + '/assets', {maxAge: "7d"}));
app.use('/blocks', express.static(__dirname + '/assets/blocks', {maxAge: "7d"}));
@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ app.use('/gdicon', express.static(__dirname + '/icons/iconkit', {maxAge: "7d"}))
app.use('/iconkitbuttons', express.static(__dirname + '/assets/iconkitbuttons', {maxAge: "7d"}));
app.use('/levelstyle', express.static(__dirname + '/assets/initial', {maxAge: "7d"}));
app.use('/objects', express.static(__dirname + '/assets/objects', {maxAge: "7d"}));
app.use('/trophies', express.static(__dirname + '/assets/trophies', {maxAge: "7d"}));