css | ||
font | ||
img | ||
includes | ||
js | ||
public/files | ||
rain | ||
.gitignore | ||
api.php | ||
error.php | ||
error_meow.php | ||
index.php | ||
README.md | ||
upload-done.php |
Temp file sharing application source code, stores files and deletes after X amount of time. Forked from Uguu.se available here.
Tested with:
- Nginx+PHP5-FPM (PHP 5.4) on Debian 7 Wheezy
- Apache (PHP 5.4) on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- Apache (PHP 5.6) on Debian 8 Jessie
- Nginx+PHP5-FPM (PHP 5.6) on Debian 8 Jessie
- Modify includes/config.php (copy config.template.php as a starting point) to determine the path and URL to the app, the default retention time and other config points
- Execute check.sh with cron to delete old files:
crontab -e
and add0,15,30,45 * * * * bash /path/to/check.sh
(or adapt if you know how cron works). - Some extensions are blocked by default, this can be changed via includes/config.php's CONFIG_BLOCKED_EXTENSIONS value.
Make the uguu/public/files and uguu/rain/cache directory modifiable to the web server user:
chown -R www-data:www-data /path/to/uguu/public/files
and chown -R www-data:www-data /path/to/uguu/rain/cache
Using the API
Leaving POST value 'name' empty will cause it to save using the original filename.
Leaving POST value 'randomname' empty will cause it to use original filename or custom name if 'name' is set to file.ext.
Putting anything into POST value 'randomname' will cause it to return a random filename + ext (xxxxxx.ext).
Putting a custom name into POST value 'name' will cause it to return a custom filename (yourpick.ext).
- curl -i -F name=test.jpg -F file=@localfile.jpg http://path.to.uguu/api.php?d=upload (HTML Response)
- curl -i -F name=test.jpg -F file=@localfile.jpg http://path.to.uguu/api.php?d=upload-tool (Plain text Response)