GDColon 252e3f3b05 GDPS Compatibility (kinda)
I've started work on making GDBrowser compatible with GD private servers :D
Currently a few things (comments, leaderboards, etc) are broken but other than that I'm kind of getting there.

This commit mostly just makes life easier for people who want to fork GDBrowser for their private server
- The endpoint (e.g. is now set in index.js
- Added gdpsConfig.js, where you can tweak small settings in case your GDPS does stuff weirdly
- Small tweaks to the code so the weird GDPS responses can be correctly interpreted
- secretStuff.json is no longer mandatory

If you're able to help me out with this project, PRs are appreciated :D

- Removed Herobrine
2019-12-21 22:16:18 -05:00

237 lines
9.8 KiB

const pako = require('pako')
const properties = require('../misc/objectProperties.json')
const init = require('../misc/initialProperties.json')
const colorStuff = require('../misc/colorProperties.json')
const ids = require('../misc/objects.json')
const blocks = require('../misc/blocks.json')
module.exports = async (app, req, res, level) => {
let unencrypted ='kS') // some gdps'es don't encrypt level data
let levelString = unencrypted ? : Buffer.from(, 'base64')
let response = {};
let rawData;
if (unencrypted) rawData =
else {
let buffer;
try { buffer = pako.inflate(levelString, {to:"string"}) }
catch(e) { return res.send("-1") }
rawData = buffer.toString('utf8')
let data = rawData; // data is tweaked around a lot, so rawData is preserved
let blockNames = Object.keys(blocks)
let miscNames = Object.keys(ids.misc)
let blockCounts = {}
let miscCounts = {}
let triggerGroups = []
let highDetail = 0
data = data.split(";")
function sortObj(obj, sortBy) {
var sorted = {}
var keys = !sortBy ? Object.keys(obj).sort((a,b) => obj[b] - obj[a]) : Object.keys(obj).sort((a,b) => obj[b][sortBy] - obj[a][sortBy])
keys.forEach(x => {sorted[x] = obj[x]})
return sorted
data.forEach((x, y) => {
obj = app.parseResponse(x, ",")
let keys = Object.keys(obj)
keys.forEach((k, i) => {
if (init.values[k]) k = obj[k][0]
else if (properties[k]) obj[properties[k]] = obj[k]
delete obj[k]
let id =
if (ids.portals[id]) obj.portal = ids.portals[id]
if (ids.orbs[id]) obj.orb = ids.orbs[id]
if (ids.triggers[id]) obj.trigger = ids.triggers[id]
if (obj.triggerGroups) obj.triggerGroups.split('.').forEach(x => triggerGroups.push(x))
if (obj.highDetail == 1) highDetail += 1
blockNames.forEach(b => {
if (blocks[b].includes(id)) {
if (!blockCounts[b]) blockCounts[b] = 1
else blockCounts[b] += 1
miscNames.forEach(b => {
if (ids.misc[b].includes(Number(id))) {
if (!miscCounts[b]) miscCounts[b] = [1, ids.misc[b][0]]
else miscCounts[b][0] += 1
data[y] = obj;
let last = 0;
let xArr = => Number(x.x))
let dl = data.length
while (dl--) {last = xArr[dl] > last ? xArr[dl] : last}
response.level = {
name:, id:, author:, authorID: level.authorID, accountID: level.accountID, large: level.large
response.objects = data.length - 2
response.highDetail = highDetail
response.settings = {}
response.portals = data.filter(x => x.portal).sort(function (a, b) {return parseInt(a.x) - parseInt(b.x)}).map(x => x.portal + " " + Math.round(x.x / last * 99) + "%").join(", ")
response.orbs = {}
orbArray = data.filter(x => x.orb).reduce( (a,b) => { //stolen from
var i = a.findIndex(x => x.orb === b.orb);
return i === -1 ? a.push({ orb : b.orb, count : 1 }) : a[i].count++, a;
}, []).sort(function (a, b) {return parseInt(b.count) - parseInt(a.count)})
orbArray.forEach(x => response.orbs[x.orb] = x.count) = data.filter(x => x.orb).length
response.triggers = {}
triggerArray = data.filter(x => x.trigger).reduce( (a,b) => {
var i = a.findIndex(x => x.trigger === b.trigger);
return i === -1 ? a.push({ trigger : b.trigger, count : 1 }) : a[i].count++, a;
}, []).sort(function (a, b) {return parseInt(b.count) - parseInt(a.count)})
triggerArray.forEach(x => response.triggers[x.trigger] = x.count) = data.filter(x => x.trigger).length
response.triggerGroups = {}
response.blocks = sortObj(blockCounts)
response.misc = sortObj(miscCounts, '0')
response.colors = []
triggerGroups.forEach(x => {
if (response.triggerGroups['Group ' + x]) response.triggerGroups['Group ' + x] += 1
else response.triggerGroups['Group ' + x] = 1
response.triggerGroups = sortObj(response.triggerGroups) = Object.keys(response.triggerGroups).length
Object.keys(data[0]).forEach(x => {
let val = init.values[x]
let name = val[0]
let property = data[0][x]
if (val[1] == "list") val = init[(val[0] + "s")][property]
else if (val[1] == "number") val = Number(property)
else if (val[1] == "bump") val = Number(property) + 1
else if (val[1] == "bool") val = property != "0"
// you can only imagine my fear when i discovered this was a thing
// these literally are keys set the value, and to convert this to the color list we have to do this fun messy thing that shouldn't exist
else if (val[1] == 'extra-legacy-color') {
// since i wrote the 1.9 color before this, a lot of explaination will be there instead
const colorInfo = name.split('-');
const color = colorInfo[2]; // r,g,b
const channel = colorInfo[1];
if (color == 'r') {
// first we create the color object
response.colors.push({"channel": channel, "opacity": 1});
// from here we touch the color object
let currentChannel = response.colors.find(k => == channel);
if (color == 'blend') {
currentChannel.blending = true; // only one color has blending though lol
} else if (color == 'pcol' && property != 0) {
currentChannel.pColor = property;
currentChannel[color] = property;
// if a level has a legacy color, we can assume that it does not have a kS38 at all
else if (val[1] == "legacy-color") {
color = app.parseResponse(property, "_");
const keys = Object.keys(color)
let colorObj = {}
// so here we parse the color to something understandable by the rest
// slightly smart naming but it is also pretty gross
// in a sense - the name would be something like legacy-G -> G
const colorVal = name.split('-').pop()
keys.forEach(k => {if ([k]) colorObj[[k]] = color[k]}) = colorVal
// from here stuff can continue as normal, ish
if (colorObj.pColor == "-1" || colorObj.pColor == "0") delete colorObj.pColor;
colorObj.opacity = 1; // 1.9 colors don't have this!
if (colorObj.blending && colorObj.blending == '1') colorObj.blending = true; // 1.9 colors manage to always think they're blending - they're not
else delete colorObj.blending;
if (colorVal == '3DL') { response.colors.splice(4, 0, colorObj); } // hardcode the position of 3DL, it typically goes at the end due to how RobTop make the headers
else if (colorVal == 'Line') { colorObj.blending = true; response.colors.push(colorObj); } // in line with 2.1 behavior
else { response.colors.push(colorObj); } // bruh whatever was done to make the color list originally was long
else if (val[1] == "colors") {
let colorList = property.split("|")
colorList.forEach((x, y) => {
color = app.parseResponse(x, "_")
let keys = Object.keys(color)
let colorObj = {}
if (!color['6']) return colorList = colorList.filter((h, i) => y != i)
keys.forEach(k => {if ([k]) colorObj[[k]] = color[k]})
if (colorStuff.channels[]) = colorStuff.channels[]
if ( > 1000) return;
if (colorStuff.channels[colorObj.copiedChannel]) colorObj.copiedChannel = colorStuff.channels[colorObj.copiedChannel]
if (colorObj.copiedChannel > 1000) delete colorObj.copiedChannel;
if (colorObj.pColor == "-1") delete colorObj.pColor
if (colorObj.blending) colorObj.blending = true
if (colorObj.copiedHSV) {
let hsv = colorObj.copiedHSV.split("a")
colorObj.copiedHSV = {}
hsv.forEach((x, y) => { colorObj.copiedHSV[colorStuff.hsv[y]] = x })
colorObj.copiedHSV['s-checked'] = colorObj.copiedHSV['s-checked'] == 1
colorObj.copiedHSV['v-checked'] = colorObj.copiedHSV['v-checked'] == 1
if (colorObj.copyOpacity == 1) colorObj.copyOpacity = true
colorObj.opacity = +Number(colorObj.opacity).toFixed(2)
colorList[y] = colorObj
colorList = colorList.filter(x => typeof x == "object")
if (!colorList.find(x => == "Obj")) colorList.push({"r": "255", "g": "255", "b": "255", "channel": "Obj", "opacity": "1"})
let specialSort = ["BG", "G", "G2", "Line", "Obj", "3DL"]
let specialColors = colorList.filter(x => isNaN( (a, b) {return specialSort.indexOf( ) > specialSort.indexOf( ) } )
let regularColors = colorList.filter(x => !isNaN(, b) {return ( - ( } );
response.colors = specialColors.concat(regularColors)
response.settings[name] = val
if (!response.settings.ground || response.settings.ground > 17) response.settings.ground = 1
if (!response.settings.background || response.settings.background > 20) response.settings.background = 1
if (!response.settings.font) response.settings.font = 1
if (response.settings.alternateLine == 2) response.settings.alternateLine = true
else response.settings.alternateLine = false
Object.keys(response.settings).filter(k => {
// this should be parsed into color list instead
if (k.includes('legacy')) delete response.settings[k];
delete response.settings['colors']
response.text = data.filter(x => x.message).sort(function (a, b) {return parseInt(a.x) - parseInt(b.x)}).map(x => [Buffer.from(x.message, 'base64').toString(), Math.round(x.x / last * 99) + "%"])
response.dataLength = rawData.length = rawData
return res.send(response)