GDColon d7c4fe802e Added number of pages
and removed a fucking console log i left in
2019-12-14 00:37:39 -05:00

155 lines
6 KiB

const request = require('request')
const orbs = [0, 0, 50, 75, 125, 175, 225, 275, 350, 425, 500]
const difficulty = {0: 'Unrated', 10: 'Easy', 20: 'Normal', 30: 'Hard', 40: 'Harder', 50: 'Insane'}
const length = ['Tiny', 'Short', 'Medium', 'Long', 'XL']
const mapPacks = require('../misc/mapPacks.json')
const levels = require('../misc/level.json').music
module.exports = async (app, req, res) => {
let amount = 10;
let count = req.query.count ? parseInt(req.query.count) : null
if (count && count > 0) {
if (count > 10) amount = 10
else amount = count;
let filters = {
str: req.params.text,
diff: req.query.diff,
demonFilter: req.query.demonFilter,
page: || 0,
gauntlet: req.query.gauntlet || 0,
len: req.query.length,
song: req.query.songID,
featured: req.query.hasOwnProperty("featured") ? 1 : 0,
originalOnly: req.query.hasOwnProperty("original") ? 1 : 0,
twoPlayer: req.query.hasOwnProperty("twoPlayer") ? 1 : 0,
coins: req.query.hasOwnProperty("coins") ? 1 : 0,
epic: req.query.hasOwnProperty("epic") ? 1 : 0,
star: req.query.hasOwnProperty("starred") ? 1 : 0,
noStar: req.query.hasOwnProperty("noStar") ? 1 : 0,
customSong: req.query.hasOwnProperty("customSong") ? 1 : 0,
type: req.query.type || 0,
secret: app.secret
let foundPack = mapPacks[req.params.text.toLowerCase()]
if (foundPack) filters.str = `${foundPack[0]},${foundPack[1]},${foundPack[2]}`;
if (req.query.gauntlet || req.query.hasOwnProperty("mappack") || req.query.type == "saved") filters.type = 10
if (req.query.songID && filters.customSong == 0 && levels.find(x => req.query.songID.toLowerCase() == x[0].toLowerCase())) { = levels.findIndex(x => req.query.songID.toLowerCase() == x[0].toLowerCase())
if (req.query.type) {
let filterCheck = req.query.type.toLowerCase()
if (filterCheck == 'mostdownloaded') filters.type = 1
if (filterCheck == 'mostliked') filters.type = 2
if (filterCheck == 'trending') filters.type = 3
if (filterCheck == 'recent') filters.type = 4
if (filterCheck == 'featured') filters.type = 6
if (filterCheck == 'magic') filters.type = 7
if (filterCheck == 'awarded' || filterCheck == 'starred') filters.type = 11
if (filterCheck == 'halloffame' || filterCheck == 'hof') filters.type = 16
if (req.query.hasOwnProperty("user")) {
filters.type = 5
if (!req.params.text.match(/^[0-9]*$/)) return app.modules.profile(app, req, res, null, req.params.text)
if (req.params.text == "*") delete filters.str'', {
form : filters}, async function(err, resp, body) {
if (err || !body || body == '-1') return res.send("-1")
let splitBody = body.split('#')
let preRes = splitBody[0].split('|', 10)
let authorList = {}
let songList = {}
let authors = splitBody[1].split('|')
let songs = '~' + splitBody[2]; songs = songs.split('|~1~:').map(x => app.parseResponse(x + '|~1~', '~|~'))
songs.forEach(x => {songList[x['~1']] = x['2']})
authors.splice(10, 999)
authors.forEach(x => {
if (x.startsWith('~')) return
let arr = x.split(':')
authorList[arr[0]] = [arr[1], arr[2]]})
let levelArray = => app.parseResponse(x))
await levelArray.forEach(async (x, y) => {
let keys = Object.keys(x)
if ( == 0) { //this is broken if you're not on page 0
let pages = splitBody[3].split(":");
x.results = +pages[0];
x.pages = +Math.ceil(pages[0] / 10);
} = x[2]; = x[1];
x.description = Buffer.from(x[3], 'base64').toString() || "(No description provided)", = authorList[x[6]] ? authorList[x[6]][0] : "-";
x.authorID = x[6];
x.accountID = authorList[x[6]] ? authorList[x[6]][1] : "0";
x.difficulty = difficulty[x[9]];
x.downloads = x[10];
x.likes = x[14];
x.disliked = x[14] < 0;
x.length = length[x[15]] || "?";
x.stars = x[18];
x.orbs = orbs[x[18]]; = x[18] < 2 ? 0 : parseInt(x[18]) + 2;
x.featured = x[19] > 0;
x.epic = x[42] == 1;
x.version = x[5];
x.copiedID = x[30];
x.officialSong = x[12] != 0 ? parseInt(x[12]) + 1 : 0;
x.customSong = x[35];
x.coins = x[37];
x.verifiedCoins = x[38] == 1;
x.starsRequested = x[39];
x.objects = x[45];
x.large = x[45] > 40000;
x.cp = (x.stars > 0) + x.featured + x.epic;
if (x[17] == 1) x.difficulty += ' Demon'
if (x.difficulty == "Insane Demon") x.difficulty = "Extreme Demon"
else if (x.difficulty == "Harder Demon") x.difficulty = "Insane Demon"
else if (x.difficulty == "Normal Demon") x.difficulty = "Medium Demon"
else if (x[25] == 1) x.difficulty = 'Auto'
x.difficultyFace = `${x[17] != 1 ? x.difficulty.toLowerCase() : `demon-${x.difficulty.toLowerCase().split(' ')[0]}`}${x.epic ? '-epic' : `${x.featured ? '-featured' : ''}`}`
let songSearch = songs.find(y => y['~1'] == x[35])
if (songSearch) {
x.songName = app.clean(songSearch[2] || "Unknown")
x.songAuthor = songSearch[4] || "Unknown"
x.songSize = (songSearch[5] || "0") + "MB"
x.songID = songSearch[1] || x.customSong
else {
let foundSong = require('../misc/level.json').music[parseInt(x[12]) + 1] || {"null": true}
x.songName = foundSong[0] || "Unknown"
x.songAuthor = foundSong[1] || "Unknown"
x.songSize = "0MB"
x.songID = "Level " + [parseInt(x[12]) + 1]
keys.forEach(k => delete x[k])
return res.send(levelArray.slice(0, amount))