GDColon 8fd80d7147 Fixed comment username bug
Clicking on a username with a space in it (e.g. "le doge") would redirect you to the profile of the first word only (e.g. "le")

also shut up i'm not writng "fix comment bug" that whole present tense thing is stupid
2019-12-08 17:07:55 -05:00

444 lines
18 KiB

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$('#meta-desc').attr('content', `View all of ${lvl.username}'s Geometry Dash comments!`)
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else if (lvl.accountID == 0) {
$('#authorLink').attr('href', '../search/' + lvl.authorID + "?user")
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$('#levelName').text( || ("Nonexistent level " + lvlID))
$('#levelAuthor').text("By " + ( || "-"))
$('#levelID').text("ID: " + lvlID)
if (lvl.accountID && != "-")
if ( $('#levelLink').attr('href', '../' +
else $('#levelID').removeClass("gdButton")
$('#levelVersion').text("Version: " + (lvl.version || 0))
document.title = "Comments for " + ( || lvlID)
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$('#submitComment').click(function() {
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let levelID = window.location.pathname.split('/')[2]
let accountID = 0
if (!content || !username || !password || loadingComments) return $('#postComment').hide()
$('#message').text("Posting comment...")
allowEsc = false
fetch(`../api/profile/${username}`).then(res => res.json()).then(res => {
if (!res || res == "-1") {$('.postbutton').show(); return $('#message').text("The username you provided doesn't exist!")}
else accountID = res.accountID
$.post("../postComment", {comment, username, password, levelID, accountID, color: true})
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let password = $('#like-password').val()
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