I held back on pushing this since I wanted to wait for Rob to unblock level downloading, but it's probably gonna be a while since it's (likely) related to an unlisted level exploit Anyways I totally overhauled how the assets work, and you can also browse through all the files by going to gdbrowser.com/assets, because why not I also made many other changes and fixes during this timespan including the addition of the demon list, optimized custom lists along with a ?page param, and other random stuff that needed touching up - Removed Herobrine
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<title>Demon Leaderboard</title>
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<meta id="meta-desc" property="og:description" content="View the victors of a very hard Geometry Dash level!">
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<h2 class="smaller center" style="font-size: 5.5vh">Credits</h2>
<p class="bigger center" style="line-height: 5vh; margin-top: 1.5vh; margin-bottom: 2.5vh;">
<span style="color: orange">Demon rankings</span> made possible thanks to <a target="_blank" href="https://pointercrate.com"><span style="color:aqua; text-decoration: underline">Pointercrate</span></a>!
All demons and rankings are managed by their <span style="color: #4CDA5B">list staff</span>.
<p class="bigger center" style="margin-top: 1vh">
Usernames may <span style="color: yellow">differ</span> from what is used in GD
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let max = 250
let trophies = [1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, max]
let demonID = Math.round(window.location.pathname.split('/')[2])
if (!demonID || demonID > max || demonID < 1) window.location.href = "../../../"
if (demonID > 1) $('#pageDown').attr('href', `./${demonID - 1}`)
else $('#pageDown').hide()
if (demonID < max) $('#pageUp').attr('href', `./${demonID + 1}`)
else $('#pageUp').hide()
fetch(`https://pointercrate.com/api/v1/demons/${demonID}/`).then(res => res.json()).then(demonRes => {
let demon = demonRes.data
if (!demon.id) window.location.href = "../../../"
document.title = "Demon Leaderboard for " + demon.name
$('#header').html(`${demon.name} <span class="smallerer" style="vertical-align: middle">(#${demonID})</span>`)
$('#meta-title').attr('content', "Demon Leaderboard for " + demon.name)
$('#meta-desc').attr('content', 'View the challengers and victors of' + demon.name)
$('#pointercrate').attr('href', `https://pointercrate.com/demonlist/${demonID}`)
demon.records.forEach((x, y) => {
let shift = y >= 999 ? [0.5, 75] : y >= 99 ? [0.4, 60] : y >= 9 ? [0.2, 25] : [0, 10]
let videoIcon = "site"
if (x.video && x.video.includes("youtube.com")) videoIcon = "youtube"
else if (x.video && x.video.includes("twitch.tv")) videoIcon = "twitch"
$('#searchBox').append(`<div class="searchresult leaderboardSlot" style="padding-left: 25.5vh; height: 15%">
<h2 class="small inline gdButton" style="margin-top: 1.5%; font-size: 6.5vh; margin-right: 3%;"><a href="../u/${x.player.name}">${x.player.name}</a></h2>
<h3 class="inline lessSpaced leaderboardStats" style="transform:translateY(-10%)">${x.progress}%</h3>
<div class="center" style="position:absolute; transform:scale(0.82) translate(-28vh, -10vh); height: 10%; width: 12.5%;">
<div class="inline" style="width: 50%; margin: 0% 20% 0% 10%; transform:translateY(-15%)"><h2 class="inline center" style="transform:scale(${1-shift[0]}) translateX(-${shift[1]}%)">${y+1}</h2></div>
<img class="inline spaced" src="../assets/trophies/${trophies.findIndex(z => y+1 <= z) + 1}.png" height="120%" style="margin-bottom: 0%; transform:scale(1.1)">
<div style="${!x.video ? "display: none; " : ""}position:absolute; width: 12.5%; height: 15%; right: 0%">
<a target="_blank" href="${x.video}">
<img class="gdButton inline spaced" src="../assets/${videoIcon}.png" height="80%" style="transform: translateY(-8.5vh)">
$(document).keydown(function(k) {
if (k.which == 37 && demonID > 1) window.location.href = $('#pageDown').attr('href') // left
if (k.which == 39 && demonID < max) window.location.href = $('#pageUp').attr('href') // right
</script> |