GDColon 1884d58e46 GDPS improvements, comment jumping, + more
- Improved param building for GDPS'es
- Changed /profile/ to /u/
- Removed "most disliked" comment sort
- Added ability to jump to last page of comments
- Added page number and other small improvements to comment page
2020-09-29 21:42:18 -04:00

42 lines
1.2 KiB

const request = require('request')
module.exports = async (app, req, res) => {
if (app.offline) return res.send("-1")
let amount = 100;
let count = req.query.count ? parseInt(req.query.count) : null
if (count && count > 0) {
if (count > 5000) amount = 5000
else amount = count;
let params = app.gdParams({
count: amount,
type: (req.query.hasOwnProperty("creator") || req.query.hasOwnProperty("creators")) ? "creators" : "top",
}) + 'getGJScores20.php', {
form : params}, async function(err, resp, body) {
if (err || body == '-1' || !body) return res.send("-1")
scores = body.split('|').map(x => app.parseResponse(x)).filter(x => x[1])
if (!scores.length) return res.send("-1")
scores.forEach(x => {
let keys = Object.keys(x)
x.rank = x[6]
x.username = x[1]
x.playerID = x[2]
x.accountID = x[16]
x.stars = x[3]
x.demons = x[4]
x.cp = x[8]
x.coins = x[13]
x.usercoins = x[17] = x[46]
keys.forEach(k => delete x[k])
return res.send(scores)