GDColon 76bc74c58c Google Sheets is now used to fetch accurate leaderboard
smjs is going to be ditching his api soon
2020-04-24 15:26:29 -04:00

60 lines
2 KiB

const request = require('request')
const {GoogleSpreadsheet} = require('google-spreadsheet');
const sheet = new GoogleSpreadsheet('1ADIJvAkL0XHGBDhO7PP9aQOuK3mPIKB2cVPbshuBBHc'); // accurate leaderboard spreadsheet
module.exports = async (app, req, res) => {
if (!app.sheetsKey || app.endpoint != "") return res.send([])
let type = req.query.type ? req.query.type.toLowerCase() : ''
if (type == "usercoins") type = "coins"
if (type != "demons" && type != "coins") type = ''
let cell = type == "demons" ? 2 : type == "coins" ? 1 : 0
sheet.loadInfo().then(async () => {
let tab = sheet.sheetsById[1555821000]
await tab.loadCells('A2:C2')
let topPlayers = tab.getCell(1, cell).value
let idArray = topPlayers.split(",")
let leaderboard = []
let total = idArray.length
if (!type.length) type = "stars"
if (type == "coins") type = "usercoins"
idArray.forEach((x, y) => { + 'getGJUserInfo20.php', {
form: {targetAccountID: x, secret: app.secret}
}, function (err, resp, body) {
if (err || !body || body == '-1') return res.send([])
let account = app.parseResponse(body)
let accObj = {
rank: "0",
username: account[1],
playerID: account[2],
accountID: account[16],
stars: account[3],
demons: account[4],
cp: account[8],
coins: account[13],
usercoins: account[17],
diamonds: account[46]
if (leaderboard.length == total) {
leaderboard = leaderboard.filter(x => x.stars).sort(function (a, b) {return parseInt(b[type]) - parseInt(a[type])})
leaderboard.forEach((a, b) => a.rank = b + 1)
return res.send(leaderboard)