- Improved error handling (if err || !body || body == -1) - Added list of text objects to analysis API (not on actual page, debating whether or not to even do that) - Accounts with 65535 diamonds (integer limit) now display as '65535+'
121 lines
4.8 KiB
121 lines
4.8 KiB
const request = require('request')
const fs = require('fs')
module.exports = async (app, req, res, api, analyze) => {
let orbs = [0, 0, 50, 75, 125, 175, 225, 275, 350, 425, 500]
let length = ['Tiny', 'Short', 'Medium', 'Long', 'XL']
let difficulty = {0: 'Unrated', 10: 'Easy', 20: 'Normal', 30: 'Hard', 40: 'Harder', 50: 'Insane'}
let levelID = req.params.id
if (levelID == "daily") return app.modules.download(app, req, res, api, 'daily', analyze)
else if (levelID == "weekly") return app.modules.download(app, req, res, api, 'weekly', analyze)
else if (levelID.match(/[^0-9]/)) {
if (!api) return res.redirect('search/' + req.params.id)
else return res.send("-1")
else levelID = levelID.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "")
if (analyze || req.query.hasOwnProperty("download")) return app.modules.download(app, req, res, api, levelID, analyze)
request.post('http://boomlings.com/database/getGJLevels21.php', {
form : {
str : levelID,
secret : app.secret,
type: 0
}}, async function(err, resp, body) {
if (err || !body || body == '-1') {
if (!api) return res.redirect('search/' + req.params.id)
else return res.send("-1")
let preRes = body.split('#')[0].split('|', 10)
let author = body.split('#')[1].split('|')[0].split(':')
let song = '~' + body.split('#')[2];
song = app.parseResponse(song, '~|~')
let levelInfo = app.parseResponse(preRes[0])
let level = {
name: levelInfo[2],
id: levelInfo[1],
description: Buffer.from(levelInfo[3], 'base64').toString() || "(No description provided)",
author: author[1] || "-",
authorID: levelInfo[6],
accountID: author[2] || 0,
difficulty: difficulty[levelInfo[9]],
downloads: levelInfo[10],
likes: levelInfo[14],
disliked : levelInfo[14] < 0,
length: length[levelInfo[15]] || "?",
stars: levelInfo[18],
orbs: orbs[levelInfo[18]],
diamonds: levelInfo[18] < 2 ? 0 : parseInt(levelInfo[18]) + 2,
featured: levelInfo[19] > 0,
epic: levelInfo[42] == 1,
//uploaded: levelInfo[28] + ' ago',
//updated: levelInfo[29] + ' ago',
version: levelInfo[5],
copiedID: levelInfo[30],
officialSong: levelInfo[12] != 0 ? parseInt(levelInfo[12]) + 1 : 0,
customSong: levelInfo[35],
coins: levelInfo[37],
verifiedCoins: levelInfo[38] == 1,
starsRequested: levelInfo[39],
//ldm: levelInfo[40] == 1, //not given in search
objects: levelInfo[45] == "65535" ? "65000+" : levelInfo[45],
large: levelInfo[45] > 40000
level.cp = (level.stars > 0) + level.featured + level.epic
if (levelInfo[17] == 1) level.difficulty += ' Demon'
if (level.difficulty == "Insane Demon") level.difficulty = "Extreme Demon"
else if (level.difficulty == "Harder Demon") level.difficulty = "Insane Demon"
else if (level.difficulty == "Normal Demon") level.difficulty = "Medium Demon"
else if (levelInfo[25] == 1) level.difficulty = 'Auto'
level.difficultyFace = `${levelInfo[17] != 1 ? level.difficulty.toLowerCase() : `demon-${level.difficulty.toLowerCase().split(' ')[0]}`}${level.epic ? '-epic' : `${level.featured ? '-featured' : ''}`}`
if (song[2]) {
level.songName = song[2] || "Unknown"
level.songAuthor = song[4] || "Unknown"
level.songSize = (song[5] || "0") + "MB"
level.songID = song[1] || level.customSong
else {
let foundSong = require('../misc/level.json').music[parseInt(levelInfo[12]) + 1] || {"null": true}
level.songName = foundSong[0] || "Unknown"
level.songAuthor = foundSong[1] || "Unknown"
level.songSize = "0MB"
level.songID = "Level " + [parseInt(levelInfo[12]) + 1]
function sendLevel() {
if (api) return res.send(level)
else return fs.readFile('./html/level.html', 'utf8', function(err, data) {
let html = data;
let variables = Object.keys(level)
variables.forEach(x => {
let regex = new RegExp(`\\[\\[${x.toUpperCase()}\\]\\]`, "g")
html = html.replace(regex, app.clean(level[x]))
return res.send(html)
//demon list stuff
if (level.difficulty == "Extreme Demon") {
request.get('https://www.pointercrate.com/api/v1/demons/?name=' + level.name.trim(), async function(err, resp, demonList) {
let demon = JSON.parse(demonList)
if (demon[0] && demon[0].position <= 150) level.demonList = demon[0].position
return sendLevel()
else return sendLevel()
} |