GDColon ea5c732c75 Assets overhaul + demon list + several misc updates
I held back on pushing this since I wanted to wait for Rob to unblock level downloading, but it's probably gonna be a while since it's (likely) related to an unlisted level exploit

Anyways I totally overhauled how the assets work, and you can also browse through all the files by going to, because why not

I also made many other changes and fixes during this timespan including the addition of the demon list, optimized custom lists along with a ?page param, and other random stuff that needed touching up

- Removed Herobrine
2021-01-04 10:21:58 -05:00

48 lines
1.9 KiB

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let gauntlets = ["Fire", "Ice", "Poison", "Shadow", "Lava", "Bonus", "Chaos", "Demon", "Time", "Crystal", "Magic", "Spike", "Monster", "Doom", "Death"]
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<div class="gauntlet">
<a href="../search/level?gauntlet=${y + 1}">
<img src="../assets/gauntlets/${x.toLowerCase()}.png" height="300%"><br>
<h3 class="gauntletText"">${x}<br>Gauntlet</h3></div></a>`)