311 lines
11 KiB
311 lines
11 KiB
const sharp = require('sharp');
const Canvas = require('canvas')
const psd = require('ag-psd')
const fs = require('fs');
const mainPath = `../icons/`
const icons = require('../misc/icons/gameSheet.json');
const colors = require('../misc/icons/colors.json');
const forms = require('../misc/icons/forms.json')
const offsets = require('../misc/icons/offsets.json')
const legOffsets = require('../misc/icons/legOffsets.json')
let canvasSize = 300
let halfCanvas = canvasSize/2
let TRANSPARENT = {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, alpha: 0}
let cache = {}
let partNames = {
"1": "Primary",
"2": "Secondary",
"3": "UFO Dome",
"glow": "Glow",
"extra": "White",
// convert hex to RGB
let hexRegex = /^[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}$/
function hexConvert(hex) { hex = hex.replace('#', ''); return {val: hex, r: '0x' + hex[0] + hex[1] | 0, g: '0x' + hex[2] + hex[3] | 0, b: '0x' + hex[4] + hex[5] | 0}; }
// get path name from icon form and ID
function getIconPath(icon, formName) {
return `${mainPath}${formName}_${icon < 10 ? "0" : ""}${icon}`
// get color from param input
function getColor(colInput, defaultCol) {
colInput = String(colInput)
let foundColor = colors[colInput]
if (foundColor) {
foundColor.val = colInput
return foundColor
else if (colInput.match(hexRegex)) { // custom hex code
let hexCol = hexConvert(colInput)
colors[colInput.toLowerCase()] = hexCol
return hexCol
else if (!foundColor && defaultCol) {
let def = colors[defaultCol]
def.val = defaultCol
return def
module.exports = async (app, req, res) => {
async function buildIcon(account=[], userCode) {
let form = forms[req.query.form] || forms["icon"]
let iconID = req.query.icon || account[form.index] || 1;
let col1 = getColor(req.query.col1 || account[10], "0")
let col2 = getColor(req.query.col2 || account[11], "3")
let colG = getColor(req.query.colG || req.query.colg)
let colW = getColor(req.query.colW || req.query.colw || req.query.col3)
let useGlow = req.query.glow || account[28] || false;
if (useGlow && ["false", "0"].includes(useGlow)) useGlow = false
if (col1.r == 0 && col1.g == 0 && col1.b == 0 ) useGlow = true
// bit of a hacky solution for glow color but whatev
let glowColor = colG || col2
if (glowColor.r == 0 && glowColor.g == 0 && glowColor.b == 0) glowColor = col1
if (glowColor.r == 0 && glowColor.g == 0 && glowColor.b == 0) glowColor = {r: 255, g: 255, b: 255}
let psdExport = req.query.psd || false
let topless = form.name == "UFO" ? req.query.topless || false : false
let customSize = req.query.size == "auto" ? "auto" : +req.query.size || null
let iconPath = getIconPath(iconID, form.form)
let iconCode = `${form.name}-${iconID}-${col1.val}-${col2.val}-${colG ? colG.val : "x"}-${colW ? colW.val : "x"}-${useGlow ? 1 : 0}`
let cachable = !topless && !customSize && !psdExport
if (cachable && cache[iconCode]) return res.end(cache[iconCode].buffer)
// default to 1 if icon ID does not exist
if (!fs.existsSync(getPartName(1).slice(1))) { // slice 1 from filename since fs reads paths differently
iconID = 1
iconPath = getIconPath(1, form.form)
// get path of icon 'part' (1: primary, 2: secondary, 3: ufo top, extra: white, glow: glow, )
function getPartName(part, robotPart) {
let path = iconPath
if (form.legs) path += `_0${robotPart || 1}`
if (!part || part == "1") return `${path}_001.png`
else return `${path}_${part}_001.png`
// recolor white parts of icon to specified color
async function recolor(img, col) {
let rawData = await img.raw().toBuffer({resolveWithObject: true})
for (let i=0; i<rawData.data.length; i += 4) { // [R, G, B, A]
if (rawData.data[i + 3] > 0) {
rawData.data[i] = col.r / (255 / rawData.data[i]);
rawData.data[i + 1] = col.g / (255 / rawData.data[i + 1]);
rawData.data[i + 2] = col.b / (255 / rawData.data[i + 2]);
return sharp(rawData.data, {raw: {width: rawData.info.width, height: rawData.info.height, channels: 4, background: TRANSPARENT}}).png()
// color icon part and add to layer list
async function addLayer(part, color, legSection) {
let leg = legSection ? legSection.leg : null
let partName = getPartName(part, leg)
let offsetData = icons[partName.slice(mainPath.length)]
let { spriteSize, spriteOffset } = offsetData
let builtPart = sharp(partName.slice(1)) // slice 1 from filename since sharp also reads paths differently
if (color) builtPart = await recolor(builtPart, color)
let left = halfCanvas - Math.floor(spriteSize[0] / 2) + spriteOffset[0]
let top = halfCanvas - Math.floor(spriteSize[1] / 2) - spriteOffset[1]
if (legSection) {
left += Math.floor(legSection.xPos)
top -= Math.floor(legSection.yPos)
// if (legSection.darken) builtPart.tint({r: 100, g: 100, b: 100})
if (legSection.rotation) {
builtPart.rotate(legSection.rotation, {background: TRANSPARENT})
if (part == "glow") { left--; top--; }
if (legSection.yScale) builtPart.resize({width: spriteSize[0], height: Math.floor(spriteSize[1] * legSection.yScale), fit: "fill"})
if (legSection.xFlip) builtPart.flop()
let layerData = {
partName, spriteOffset, spriteSize, leg,
layerName: partNames[part],
behind: legSection && legSection.darken,
isGlow: part == "glow",
input: await builtPart.toBuffer(),
left, top
if (legSection) {
if (!legLayers[legSection.leg]) legLayers[legSection.leg] = [layerData]
else legLayers[legSection.leg].push(layerData)
else layers.push(layerData)
// build all layers of icon segment (col1, col2, glow, extra)
async function buildFullLayer(legSection) {
let hasExtra = fs.existsSync(getPartName("extra", legSection ? legSection.leg : null).slice(1))
if (form.form == "bird" && !topless) await addLayer(3, null, legSection) // ufo top
await addLayer(2, col2, legSection) // secondary color
if (useGlow) await addLayer("glow", glowColor, legSection) // glow
await addLayer(1, col1, legSection) // primary color
if (hasExtra) await addLayer("extra", colW, legSection) // extra
// if (legSection) {
// let foundLeg = legLayers[legSection.leg]
// foundLeg.forEach(x => layers.push(x))
// }
let layers = []
let legLayers = []
let legData = form.legs ? legOffsets[form.form] || [] : []
let parentSize = icons[getPartName(1).slice(mainPath.length)].spriteSize
let canvas = sharp({create: {width: canvasSize, height: canvasSize, channels: 4, background: TRANSPARENT}})
// if (legData.length) {
// for (let i=0; i<legData.length; i++) {
// await buildFullLayer(legData[i])
// }
// }
await buildFullLayer()
// if (legData.length) layers = legLayers.flat().filter(x => x).sort((a, b) => !!b.behind - !!a.behind).sort((a, b) => !!b.isGlow - !!a.isGlow)
let rawData = await canvas.toBuffer({resolveWithObject: true})
let minX = canvasSize; let maxX = 0;
let minY = canvasSize; let maxY = 0;
for (let i=0; i<rawData.data.length; i += 4) { // [R, G, B, A]
let pixelIndex = i/4
let x = pixelIndex % canvasSize;
let y = Math.floor(pixelIndex / canvasSize);
let alpha = rawData.data[i + 3];
if (alpha > 0) {
if (x < minX) minX = x
if (x > maxX) maxX = x
if (y < minY) minY = y
if (y > maxY) maxY = y
// need to make a new sharp instance so everything is merged. bit hacky but it works
let dimensions = [maxX - minX, maxY - minY]
if (!psdExport) {
let finalIcon = sharp(rawData.data, {raw: {width: canvasSize, height: canvasSize, channels: 4}})
.extract({left: minX, top: minY, width: dimensions[0], height: dimensions[1]})
if (customSize) {
let isThicc = dimensions[0] > dimensions[1]
let squareSize = req.query.size == "auto" ? (isThicc ? dimensions[0] : dimensions[1]) : Math.floor(req.query.size)
if (squareSize < 32) squareSize = 32
if (squareSize > 256) squareSize = 256
// use longest side to make square
if (isThicc) finalIcon.resize({
width: dimensions[isThicc ? 0 : 1],
height: dimensions[isThicc ? 0 : 1],
fit: "contain",
background: TRANSPARENT
finalIcon.resize({width: squareSize, height: squareSize, fit: "contain", background: TRANSPARENT})
finalIcon.png().toBuffer().then(x => {
res.end(x) // send file
if (cachable) { // cache for a bit
cache[iconCode] = { buffer: x, timeoutID: setTimeout(function() {delete cache[iconCode]}, 10000000) } // cache file for 3 hours
if (userCode) cache[userCode] = { buffer: x, timeoutID: setTimeout(function() {delete cache[userCode]}, 300000) } // 5 min cache for player icons
else {
let psdLayers = layers.map(x => {
let Image = Canvas.Image
let canvas = Canvas.createCanvas(...dimensions)
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const img = new Image()
img.onload = () => {
ctx.drawImage(img, 0 + x.left - minX, 0 + x.top - minY)
img.onerror = err => { throw err }
img.src = x.input
return {name: x.layerName, canvas, leg: x.leg}
if (form.legs) {
let legLayers = []
for (let i=1; i<=form.legs + 1; i++) legLayers.push({name: i == 1 ? "Base" : `Leg ${i}`, opened: true, children: []})
psdLayers.forEach(x => {
psdLayers = legLayers.reverse()
const photoshop = {
width: dimensions[0],
height: dimensions[1],
children: psdLayers
const buffer = psd.writePsdBuffer(photoshop);
return res.end(buffer)
// ==================================== //
let formCheck = forms[req.query.form]
if (formCheck && formCheck.legs) return app.run.icon_old(app, req, res)
let username = req.params.text
let userCode;
if (req.offline || req.query.hasOwnProperty("noUser") || req.query.hasOwnProperty("nouser") || username == "icon") return buildIcon()
else if (app.config.cachePlayerIcons && !Object.keys(req.query).filter(x => !["form", "forceGD"].includes(x)).length) {
userCode = `${req.id}u-${username.toLowerCase()}-${forms[req.query.form] ? req.query.form : 'cube'}`
if (cache[userCode]) return res.end(cache[userCode].value)
let accountMode = !req.query.hasOwnProperty("player") && Number(req.params.id)
let foundID = app.userCache(req.id, username)
let skipRequest = accountMode || foundID
let forceGD = req.query.hasOwnProperty("forceGD")
// skip request by causing fake error lmao
req.gdRequest(skipRequest ? "" : 'getGJUsers20', skipRequest ? {} : req.gdParams({ str: username, forceGD }, !forceGD), function (err1, res1, body1) {
let result = foundID ? foundID[0] : (accountMode || err1) ? username : app.parseResponse(body1)[16];
req.gdRequest('getGJUserInfo20', req.gdParams({ targetAccountID: result, forceGD }, !forceGD), function (err2, res2, body2) {
if (err2) return buildIcon();
let iconData = app.parseResponse(body2)
if (!foundID && !forceGD) app.userCache(req.id, iconData[16], iconData[2], iconData[1])
return buildIcon(iconData, userCode);
} |