GDColon 30be2d1d61 More analysis features + optimizations
- Modules are now required BEFORE exports
- Added object count to level analysis
- Added option to hide duplicate portals in analysis
- Removed LOADMODULES.js because it's gross
2019-10-16 18:47:53 -04:00

143 lines
5.2 KiB

const pako = require('pako')
const properties = require('../misc/objectProperties.json')
const init = require('../misc/initialProperties.json')
const colorStuff = require('../misc/colorProperties.json')
const ids = require('../misc/objects.json')
const blocks = require('../misc/blocks.json')
module.exports = async (app, req, res, level) => {
let levelString = new Buffer(, 'base64')
let buffer;
let response = {};
try { buffer = pako.inflate(levelString, {to:"string"}) }
catch(e) { return res.send("-1") }
let rawData = buffer.toString('utf8')
let data = rawData
let blockNames = Object.keys(blocks)
let miscNames = Object.keys(ids.misc)
let blockCounts = {}
let miscCounts = {}
data = data.split(";")
function sortObj(obj, sortBy) {
var sorted = {}
var keys = !sortBy ? Object.keys(obj).sort((a,b) => obj[b] - obj[a]) : Object.keys(obj).sort((a,b) => obj[b][sortBy] - obj[a][sortBy])
keys.forEach(x => {sorted[x] = obj[x]})
return sorted
data.forEach((x, y) => {
obj = app.parseResponse(x, ",")
let keys = Object.keys(obj)
keys.forEach((k, i) => {
if (init.values[k]) k = obj[k][0]
else if (properties[k]) obj[properties[k]] = obj[k]
delete obj[k]
let id =
if (ids.portals[id]) obj.portal = ids.portals[id]
if (ids.orbs[id]) obj.orb = ids.orbs[id]
if (ids.triggers[id]) obj.trigger = ids.triggers[id]
blockNames.forEach(b => {
if (blocks[b].includes(id)) {
if (!blockCounts[b]) blockCounts[b] = 1
else blockCounts[b] += 1
miscNames.forEach(b => {
if (ids.misc[b].includes(Number(id))) {
if (!miscCounts[b]) miscCounts[b] = [1, ids.misc[b][0]]
else miscCounts[b][0] += 1
data[y] = obj;
//return res.send(data)
response.level = {
name:, id:, author:, authorID: level.authorID, accountID: level.accountID, large: level.large
response.objects = data.length - 2
response.portals = data.filter(x => x.portal).sort(function (a, b) {return parseInt(a.x) - parseInt(b.x)}).map(x => x.portal).join(", ")
response.orbs = {}
orbArray = data.filter(x => x.orb).reduce( (a,b) => { //stolen from
var i = a.findIndex(x => x.orb === b.orb);
return i === -1 ? a.push({ orb : b.orb, count : 1 }) : a[i].count++, a;
}, []).sort(function (a, b) {return parseInt(b.count) - parseInt(a.count)})
orbArray.forEach(x => response.orbs[x.orb] = x.count) = data.filter(x => x.orb).length
response.triggers = {}
triggerArray = data.filter(x => x.trigger).reduce( (a,b) => {
var i = a.findIndex(x => x.trigger === b.trigger);
return i === -1 ? a.push({ trigger : b.trigger, count : 1 }) : a[i].count++, a;
}, []).sort(function (a, b) {return parseInt(b.count) - parseInt(a.count)})
triggerArray.forEach(x => response.triggers[x.trigger] = x.count) = data.filter(x => x.trigger).length
response.blocks = sortObj(blockCounts)
response.misc = sortObj(miscCounts, '0')
response.settings = {}
response.colors = []
Object.keys(data[0]).forEach(x => {
let val = init.values[x]
let name = val[0]
let property = data[0][x]
if (val[1] == "list") val = init[(val[0] + "s")][property]
else if (val[1] == "number") val = Number(property)
else if (val[1] == "bump") val = Number(property) + 1
else if (val[1] == "bool") val = property != "0"
else if (val[1] == "colors") {
let colorList = property.split("|")
colorList.forEach((x, y) => {
color = app.parseResponse(x, "_")
let keys = Object.keys(color)
let colorObj = {}
if (!color['6']) return colorList = colorList.filter((h, i) => y != i)
keys.forEach(k => {if ([k]) colorObj[[k]] = color[k]})
if (colorStuff.channels[]) = colorStuff.channels[]
if ( > 1000) return;
if (colorStuff.channels[colorObj.copiedChannel]) colorObj.copiedChannel = colorStuff.channels[colorObj.copiedChannel]
if (colorObj.copiedChannel > 1000) delete colorObj.copiedChannel;
if (colorObj.pColor == "-1") delete colorObj.pColor
if (colorObj.blending) colorObj.blending = true
colorList[y] = colorObj
colorList = colorList.filter(x => typeof x == "object")
if (!colorList.find(x => == "Obj")) colorList.push({"r": "255", "g": "255", "b": "255", "channel": "Obj", "opacity": "1"})
let specialSort = ["BG", "G", "G2", "Line", "Obj", "3DL"]
let specialColors = colorList.filter(x => isNaN( (a, b) {return specialSort.indexOf( ) > specialSort.indexOf( ) } )
let regularColors = colorList.filter(x => !isNaN(, b) {return ( - ( } );
response.colors = specialColors.concat(regularColors)
response.settings[name] = val
delete response.settings['colors']
response.dataLength = rawData.length = rawData
return res.send(response)