I've started work on making GDBrowser compatible with GD private servers :D Currently a few things (comments, leaderboards, etc) are broken but other than that I'm kind of getting there. This commit mostly just makes life easier for people who want to fork GDBrowser for their private server - The endpoint (e.g. boomlings.com) is now set in index.js - Added gdpsConfig.js, where you can tweak small settings in case your GDPS does stuff weirdly - Small tweaks to the code so the weird GDPS responses can be correctly interpreted - secretStuff.json is no longer mandatory If you're able to help me out with this project, PRs are appreciated :D - Removed Herobrine
353 lines
15 KiB
353 lines
15 KiB
const request = require('request')
const Jimp = require('jimp');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const icons = require('../icons/gameSheet.json');
const colors = require('../misc/colors.json');
const forms = require('../icons/forms.json')
function recolor(img, col) {
return img.scan(0, 0, img.bitmap.width, img.bitmap.height, function (x, y, idx) {
if (img.bitmap.data.slice(idx, idx+3).every(function(val) {return val >= 20 && val <= 255})) { // If it's not "black, i.e. we want to recolor it"
this.bitmap.data[idx] = colors[col].r / (255 / this.bitmap.data[idx]);
this.bitmap.data[idx + 1] = colors[col].g / (255 / this.bitmap.data[idx + 1]);
this.bitmap.data[idx + 2] = colors[col].b / (255 / this.bitmap.data[idx + 2]);
Caveat of genFileName is that if there are any falsey values in the arguments they are ignored.
This is usually a good thing though - avoid issues by not putting something like 0 instead of '0'
function genFileName(...args) {
return args.filter(function(val) {return val}).join('_')+'_001.png';
function fromIcons(filename) {
return `./icons/${filename}`;
let cache = {};
module.exports = async (app, req, res) => {
function buildIcon(account) {
if (!account) account = []
let { form, ind } = forms[req.query.form] || {};
form = form || 'player';
ind = ind || 21;
let iconID = req.query.icon || account[ind] || 1;
let col1 = req.query.col1 || account[10] || 1;
let col2 = req.query.col2 || account[11] || 3;
let outline = req.query.glow || account[28] || "0";
if (outline == "0") outline = false;
if (iconID && iconID.toString().length == 1) iconID = "0" + iconID;
if (col1 == 15) outline = true;
function genImageName(...args) {
return genFileName(form, iconID, ...args);
let icon, glow, extra;
function setBaseIcons() {
icon = genImageName(isSpecial && '01');
glow = genImageName(isSpecial && '01', '2');
extra = genImageName(isSpecial && '01', 'extra');
const isSpecial = ['robot', 'spider'].includes(form);
if (!fs.existsSync(fromIcons(icon)) || (isSpecial && !fs.existsSync(fromIcons(genImageName('02'))))) {
iconID = '01';
// Condition on next line should never be satisfied but you never know!
if (!fs.existsSync(fromIcons(icon))) return res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, '../assets/unknownIcon.png'))
if (!colors[col1]) col1 = 1
if (!colors[col2]) col2 = 3
let iconCode = `${req.query.form == "cursed" ? "cursed" : form}-${iconID}-${col1}-${col2}-${outline ? 1 : 0}`
if (cache[iconCode]) {
cache[iconCode].timeoutID = setTimeout(function() {delete cache[iconCode]}, 600000);
return res.end(cache[iconCode].value);
let useExtra = false
let originalOffset = icons[icon].spriteOffset;
const minusOrigOffset = function(x, y) { return x - originalOffset[y] }
let offset = icons[glow].spriteOffset.map(minusOrigOffset);
let robotLeg1, robotLeg2, robotLeg3, robotLeg3b, robotLeg2b, robotLeg1b, robotLeg1c;
let robotOffset1, robotOffset2, robotOffset3, robotOffset1b, robotOffset2b, robotOffset3b;
let robotGlow1, robotGlow2, robotGlow3;
if (isSpecial) {
const legs = [1,2,3].map(function(val) {return genImageName(`0${val+1}`)});
const glows = [1,2,3].map(function(val) {return genImageName(`0${val+1}`, '2')});
robotOffset1 = icons[legs[0]].spriteOffset.map(minusOrigOffset).concat(icons[legs[0]].spriteSize);
robotOffset2 = icons[legs[1]].spriteOffset.map(minusOrigOffset).concat(icons[legs[1]].spriteSize);
robotOffset3 = icons[legs[2]].spriteOffset.map(minusOrigOffset).concat(icons[legs[2]].spriteSize);
robotOffset1b = icons[glows[0]].spriteOffset.map(minusOrigOffset).concat(icons[glows[0]].spriteSize);
robotOffset2b = icons[glows[1]].spriteOffset.map(minusOrigOffset).concat(icons[glows[1]].spriteSize);
robotOffset3b = icons[glows[2]].spriteOffset.map(minusOrigOffset).concat(icons[glows[2]].spriteSize);
robotLeg1 = new Jimp(fromIcons(legs[0])); robotGlow1 = new Jimp(fromIcons(glows[0]))
robotLeg2 = new Jimp(fromIcons(legs[1])); robotGlow2 = new Jimp(fromIcons(glows[1]))
robotLeg3 = new Jimp(fromIcons(legs[2])); robotGlow3 = new Jimp(fromIcons(glows[2]))
let extrabit, offset2, size2;
if (fs.existsSync(fromIcons(extra))) {
extrabit = icons[extra]
offset2 = extrabit.spriteOffset.map(minusOrigOffset);
size2 = extrabit.spriteSize;
extra = new Jimp(fromIcons(extra));
useExtra = true
Jimp.read(fromIcons(glow)).then(async function (image) {
let size = [image.bitmap.width, image.bitmap.height]
let glow = recolor(image, col2)
let imgOff = isSpecial ? 100 : 0
Jimp.read(fromIcons(icon)).then(async function (ic) {
let iconSize = [ic.bitmap.width, ic.bitmap.height]
recolor(ic, col1)
ic.composite(glow, (iconSize[0] / 2) - (size[0] / 2) + offset[0], (iconSize[1] / 2) - (size[1] / 2) - offset[1], { mode: Jimp.BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER })
if (form == "ufo") { //ufo top WIP
ic.contain(iconSize[0], iconSize[1] * 1.1, Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER | Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER)
//ic.contain(iconSize[0], 300, Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER | Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM)
//ic.composite(ufoTop, (iconSize[0] / 2) - (size[0] / 2) + 7, iconSize[1] + topOffset[3] + 30, {mode: Jimp.BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER})
if (form == "robot" || req.query.form == "cursed") {
ic.contain(iconSize[0], 300, Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER | Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP)
ic.contain(iconSize[0] + 200, 300, Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER | Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP)
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(robotGlow1)).then(rob => {
robotGlow1 = recolor(rob, col2)
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(robotGlow2)).then(rob => {
robotGlow2 = recolor(rob, col2)
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(robotGlow3)).then(rob => {
robotGlow3 = recolor(rob, col2)
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(robotLeg1)).then(rob => {
recolor(rob, col1)
rob.composite(robotGlow1, (robotOffset1[2] - robotOffset1b[2]) + 1, (robotOffset1[3] - robotOffset1b[3]) / 2, { mode: Jimp.BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER })
robotLeg1 = rob
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(robotLeg2)).then(rob => {
recolor(rob, col1)
rob.composite(robotGlow2, (robotOffset2[2] - robotOffset2b[2]) / 2, (robotOffset2[3] - robotOffset2b[3]) / 2, { mode: Jimp.BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER })
robotLeg2 = rob
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(robotLeg2)).then(rob => {
robotLeg2b = rob.color([{ apply: 'darken', params: [20] }]).rotate(-5)
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(robotLeg3)).then(rob => {
recolor(rob, col1)
rob.composite(robotGlow3, (robotOffset3[2] - robotOffset3b[2]) / 2 - 2, (robotOffset3[3] - robotOffset3b[3]) / 2, { mode: Jimp.BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER })
robotLeg3 = rob
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(robotLeg3)).then(rob => {
robotLeg3b = rob.color([{ apply: 'darken', params: [10] }])
ic.composite(robotLeg2b, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset2[2]) + robotOffset2[0] - 31, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset2[3]) - robotOffset2[1] + 73)
ic.composite(robotLeg3b, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset3[2]) + robotOffset3[0] + 20, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset3[3]) - robotOffset3[1] + 78)
ic.composite(robotLeg2, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset2[2]) + robotOffset2[0] - 20, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset2[3]) - robotOffset2[1] + 73)
ic.composite(robotLeg3, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset3[2]) + robotOffset3[0] + 40, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset3[3]) - robotOffset3[1] + 78)
ic.composite(robotLeg1, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset1[2]) + robotOffset1[0] - 20, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset1[3]) - robotOffset1[1] + 50)
else if (form == "spider") {
let spiderBody;
ic.contain(iconSize[0], 300, Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER | Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP)
ic.contain(iconSize[0] + 200, 300, Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER | Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP)
if (iconID == "07") {
robotOffset2[2] -= 10
robotOffset2[1] += 12
robotOffset1b[3] -= 105
robotOffset2b[3] -= 150
robotOffset2b[2] -= 60
if (iconID == "16") {
robotOffset1b[3] -= 100
robotOffset2b[3] -= 200
robotOffset2b[2] -= 30
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(robotGlow1)).then(rob => {
if (robotGlow1.bitmap.width < 10) robotGlow1.opacity(0)
else robotGlow1 = recolor(rob, col2)
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(robotGlow2)).then(rob => {
robotGlow2 = recolor(rob, col2)
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(robotGlow3)).then(rob => {
robotGlow3 = recolor(rob, col2)
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(robotLeg1)).then(rob => {
recolor(rob, col1)
rob.composite(robotGlow1, (robotOffset1[2] - robotOffset1b[2]) / 2, (robotOffset1[3] - robotOffset1b[3]) / 4, { mode: Jimp.BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER })
robotLeg1 = rob
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(robotLeg2)).then(rob => {
recolor(rob, col1)
rob.composite(robotGlow2, (robotOffset2[2] - robotOffset2b[2]) / 6, (robotOffset2[3] - robotOffset2b[3]) / 6, { mode: Jimp.BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER })
robotLeg2 = rob
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(robotLeg1)).then(rob => {
robotLeg1b = rob.color([{ apply: 'darken', params: [20] }])
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(robotLeg1b)).then(rob => {
robotLeg1c = rob.mirror(true, false)
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(robotLeg3)).then(rob => {
recolor(rob, col1)
rob.composite(robotGlow3, (robotOffset3[2] - robotOffset3b[2]) / 2, (robotOffset3[3] - robotOffset3b[3]) / 2, { mode: Jimp.BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER })
robotLeg3 = rob
await Jimp.read(new Jimp(ic)).then(rob => {
spiderBody = rob
ic.composite(robotLeg3, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset3[2]) + (robotOffset3[0]), (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset2[3]) - robotOffset2[1] + 77)
ic.composite(robotLeg1b, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset1[2]) + robotOffset1[0] + 35, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset1[3]) - robotOffset1[1] + 70)
ic.composite(robotLeg1c, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset1[2]) + robotOffset1[0] + 75, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset1[3]) - robotOffset1[1] + 70)
// ^ BELOW
ic.composite(spiderBody, 0, 0)
// v ABOVE
ic.composite(robotLeg2, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset2[2]) + robotOffset2[0] - 60, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset2[3]) - robotOffset2[1] + 75)
ic.composite(robotLeg1, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset1[2]) + robotOffset1[0] + 7, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset1[3]) - robotOffset1[1] + 70)
if (useExtra) ic.composite(extra, imgOff + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (size2[0] / 2) + offset2[0], (iconSize[1] / 2) - (size2[1] / 2) - offset2[1])
if (form != "ufo") ic.autocrop(0.01, false)
if (form == "swing") ic.resize(120, 111)
else if (ic.bitmap.height == '300') ic.autocrop(1, false)
let finalSize = [ic.bitmap.width, ic.bitmap.height]
ic.getBuffer(Jimp.AUTO, function (err, buff) {
if (!outline) {
cache[iconCode] = {
value: buff,
timeoutID: setTimeout(function() {delete cache[iconCode]}, 600000)
return res.end(buff)
//else if (ufoMode) {
// return res.end(buff)
else {
const Canvas = require('canvas')
, Image = Canvas.Image
, canvas = Canvas.createCanvas(finalSize[0] + 10, finalSize[1] + 10)
, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
if (col2 == 15) col2 = col1;
if (col1 == 15 && col2 == 15) col2 = 12;
const img = new Image()
img.onload = () => {
var dArr = [-1, -1, 0, -1, 1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1], // offset array
s = 2, i = 0, x = canvas.width / 2 - finalSize[0] / 2, y = canvas.height / 2 - finalSize[1] / 2;
for (; i < dArr.length; i += 2)
ctx.drawImage(img, x + dArr[i] * s, y + dArr[i + 1] * s);
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-in";
ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(${colors[col2].r}, ${colors[col2].g}, ${colors[col2].b}, 1})`;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
ctx.drawImage(img, x, y)
img.onerror = err => { throw err }
img.src = buff;
const buffer = canvas.toBuffer();
cache[iconCode] = {
value: buffer,
timeoutID: setTimeout(function() {delete cache[iconCode]}, 600000)
return res.end(buffer, 'base64');
let username = req.params.text
let result = []
if (req.query.hasOwnProperty("noUser") || req.query.hasOwnProperty("nouser") || username == "icon") return buildIcon()
request.post(app.endpoint + 'getGJUsers20.php', {
form: {
str: username,
secret: app.secret
}, function (err1, res1, body1) {
if (err1 || !body1 || body1 == "-1") return buildIcon()
else result = app.parseResponse(body1);
request.post(app.endpoint + 'getGJUserInfo20.php', {
form: {
targetAccountID: result[16],
secret: app.secret
}, function (err2, res2, body2) {
if (!err2 && body2 && body2 != '-1') return buildIcon(app.parseResponse(body2));
else return buildIcon()