const request = require('request') const Jimp = require('jimp'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const icons = require('../icons/gameSheet.json'); const colors = require('../misc/colors.json'); const forms = require('../icons/forms.json') function recolor(img, col) { return img.scan(0, 0, img.bitmap.width, img.bitmap.height, function (x, y, idx) { if (, idx+3).every(function(val) {return val >= 20 && val <= 255})) { // If it's not "black, i.e. we want to recolor it"[idx] = colors[col].r / (255 /[idx]);[idx + 1] = colors[col].g / (255 /[idx + 1]);[idx + 2] = colors[col].b / (255 /[idx + 2]); } }) } /* Caveat of genFileName is that if there are any falsey values in the arguments they are ignored. This is usually a good thing though - avoid issues by not putting something like 0 instead of '0' */ function genFileName(...args) { return args.filter(function(val) {return val}).join('_')+'_001.png'; } function fromIcons(filename) { return `./icons/${filename}`; } let cache = {}; module.exports = async (app, req, res) => { let username = req.params.text'', { form: { str: username, secret: 'Wmfd2893gb7' } }, function (err1, res1, body1) { let result = app.parseResponse(body1);'', { form: { targetAccountID: result[16], secret: 'Wmfd2893gb7' } }, function (err2, res2, body2) { let account = app.parseResponse(body2); let { form, ind } = forms[req.query.form] || {}; form = form || 'player'; ind = ind || 21; let iconID = req.query.icon || account[ind] || 1; let col1 = req.query.col1 || account[10] || 1; let col2 = req.query.col2 || account[11] || 3; let outline = req.query.glow || account[28] || "0"; if (outline == "0") outline = false; if (iconID && iconID.toString().length == 1) iconID = "0" + iconID; if (col1 == 15) outline = true; function genImageName(...args) { return genFileName(form, iconID, ...args); } let icon, glow, extra; function setBaseIcons() { icon = genImageName(isSpecial && '01'); glow = genImageName(isSpecial && '01', '2'); extra = genImageName(isSpecial && '01', 'extra'); } const isSpecial = ['robot', 'spider'].includes(form); setBaseIcons(); if (!fs.existsSync(fromIcons(icon)) || (isSpecial && !fs.existsSync(fromIcons(genImageName('02'))))) { iconID = '01'; setBaseIcons(); // Condition on next line should never be satisfied but you never know! if (!fs.existsSync(fromIcons(icon))) return res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, '../assets/unknownIcon.png')) } if (!colors[col1]) col1 = 1 if (!colors[col2]) col2 = 3 let iconCode = `${form}-${iconID}-${col1}-${col2}-${outline ? 1 : 0}` if (cache[iconCode]) { clearTimeout(cache[iconCode].timeoutID); cache[iconCode].timeoutID = setTimeout(function() {delete cache[iconCode]}, 600000); return res.end(cache[iconCode].value); } let useExtra = false let originalOffset = icons[icon].spriteOffset; const minusOrigOffset = function(x, y) { return x - originalOffset[y] } let offset = icons[glow]; let robotLeg1, robotLeg2, robotLeg3, robotLeg3b, robotLeg2b, robotLeg1b, robotLeg1c; let robotOffset1, robotOffset2, robotOffset3, robotOffset1b, robotOffset2b, robotOffset3b; let robotGlow1, robotGlow2, robotGlow3; if (isSpecial) { const legs = [1,2,3].map(function(val) {return genImageName(`0${val+1}`)}); const glows = [1,2,3].map(function(val) {return genImageName(`0${val+1}`, '2')}); robotOffset1 = icons[legs[0]][legs[0]].spriteSize); robotOffset2 = icons[legs[1]][legs[1]].spriteSize); robotOffset3 = icons[legs[2]][legs[2]].spriteSize); robotOffset1b = icons[glows[0]][glows[0]].spriteSize); robotOffset2b = icons[glows[1]][glows[1]].spriteSize); robotOffset3b = icons[glows[2]][glows[2]].spriteSize); robotLeg1 = new Jimp(fromIcons(legs[0])); robotGlow1 = new Jimp(fromIcons(glows[0])) robotLeg2 = new Jimp(fromIcons(legs[1])); robotGlow2 = new Jimp(fromIcons(glows[1])) robotLeg3 = new Jimp(fromIcons(legs[2])); robotGlow3 = new Jimp(fromIcons(glows[2])) } res.contentType('image/png'); let extrabit, offset2, size2; if (fs.existsSync(fromIcons(extra))) { extrabit = icons[extra] offset2 =; size2 = extrabit.spriteSize; extra = new Jimp(fromIcons(extra)); useExtra = true } function (image) { let size = [image.bitmap.width, image.bitmap.height] let glow = recolor(image, col2) let imgOff = isSpecial ? 100 : 0 function (ic) { let iconSize = [ic.bitmap.width, ic.bitmap.height] recolor(ic, col1) ic.composite(glow, (iconSize[0] / 2) - (size[0] / 2) + offset[0], (iconSize[1] / 2) - (size[1] / 2) - offset[1], { mode: Jimp.BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER }) if (form == "ufo") { ic.contain(iconSize[0], iconSize[1] * 1.1, Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER | Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER) //ic.contain(iconSize[0], 300, Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER | Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) //ic.composite(ufoTop, (iconSize[0] / 2) - (size[0] / 2) + 7, iconSize[1] + topOffset[3] + 30, {mode: Jimp.BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER}) } if (form == "robot") { ic.contain(iconSize[0], 300, Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER | Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP) ic.contain(iconSize[0] + 200, 300, Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER | Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP) await Jimp(robotGlow1)).then(rob => { rob.rotate(-45) robotGlow1 = recolor(rob, col2) }) await Jimp(robotGlow2)).then(rob => { rob.rotate(45) robotGlow2 = recolor(rob, col2) }) await Jimp(robotGlow3)).then(rob => { robotGlow3 = recolor(rob, col2) }) await Jimp(robotLeg1)).then(rob => { rob.rotate(-45) recolor(rob, col1) rob.composite(robotGlow1, (robotOffset1[2] - robotOffset1b[2]) + 1, (robotOffset1[3] - robotOffset1b[3]) / 2, { mode: Jimp.BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER }) robotLeg1 = rob }) await Jimp(robotLeg2)).then(rob => { rob.rotate(45) recolor(rob, col1) rob.composite(robotGlow2, (robotOffset2[2] - robotOffset2b[2]) / 2, (robotOffset2[3] - robotOffset2b[3]) / 2, { mode: Jimp.BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER }) robotLeg2 = rob }) await Jimp(robotLeg2)).then(rob => { robotLeg2b = rob.color([{ apply: 'darken', params: [20] }]).rotate(-5) }) await Jimp(robotLeg3)).then(rob => { recolor(rob, col1) rob.composite(robotGlow3, (robotOffset3[2] - robotOffset3b[2]) / 2 - 2, (robotOffset3[3] - robotOffset3b[3]) / 2, { mode: Jimp.BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER }) robotLeg3 = rob }) await Jimp(robotLeg3)).then(rob => { robotLeg3b = rob.color([{ apply: 'darken', params: [10] }]) }) ic.composite(robotLeg2b, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset2[2]) + robotOffset2[0] - 31, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset2[3]) - robotOffset2[1] + 73) ic.composite(robotLeg3b, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset3[2]) + robotOffset3[0] + 20, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset3[3]) - robotOffset3[1] + 78) ic.composite(robotLeg2, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset2[2]) + robotOffset2[0] - 20, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset2[3]) - robotOffset2[1] + 73) ic.composite(robotLeg3, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset3[2]) + robotOffset3[0] + 40, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset3[3]) - robotOffset3[1] + 78) ic.composite(robotLeg1, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset1[2]) + robotOffset1[0] - 20, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset1[3]) - robotOffset1[1] + 50) } if (form == "spider") { let spiderBody; ic.contain(iconSize[0], 300, Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER | Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP) ic.contain(iconSize[0] + 200, 300, Jimp.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER | Jimp.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP) if (iconID == "07") { robotOffset2[2] -= 10 robotOffset2[1] += 12 robotOffset1b[3] -= 105 robotOffset2b[3] -= 150 robotOffset2b[2] -= 60 } if (iconID == "16") { robotOffset1b[3] -= 100 robotOffset2b[3] -= 200 robotOffset2b[2] -= 30 } await Jimp(robotGlow1)).then(rob => { if (robotGlow1.bitmap.width < 10) robotGlow1.opacity(0) else robotGlow1 = recolor(rob, col2) }) await Jimp(robotGlow2)).then(rob => { robotGlow2 = recolor(rob, col2) }) await Jimp(robotGlow3)).then(rob => { robotGlow3 = recolor(rob, col2) }) await Jimp(robotLeg1)).then(rob => { recolor(rob, col1) rob.composite(robotGlow1, (robotOffset1[2] - robotOffset1b[2]) / 2, (robotOffset1[3] - robotOffset1b[3]) / 4, { mode: Jimp.BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER }) robotLeg1 = rob }) await Jimp(robotLeg2)).then(rob => { recolor(rob, col1) rob.composite(robotGlow2, (robotOffset2[2] - robotOffset2b[2]) / 6, (robotOffset2[3] - robotOffset2b[3]) / 6, { mode: Jimp.BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER }) rob.rotate(-40) robotLeg2 = rob }) await Jimp(robotLeg1)).then(rob => { robotLeg1b = rob.color([{ apply: 'darken', params: [20] }]) }) await Jimp(robotLeg1b)).then(rob => { robotLeg1c = rob.mirror(true, false) }) await Jimp(robotLeg3)).then(rob => { recolor(rob, col1) rob.composite(robotGlow3, (robotOffset3[2] - robotOffset3b[2]) / 2, (robotOffset3[3] - robotOffset3b[3]) / 2, { mode: Jimp.BLEND_DESTINATION_OVER }) robotLeg3 = rob }) await Jimp(ic)).then(rob => { spiderBody = rob }) ic.composite(robotLeg3, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset3[2]) + (robotOffset3[0]), (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset2[3]) - robotOffset2[1] + 77) ic.composite(robotLeg1b, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset1[2]) + robotOffset1[0] + 35, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset1[3]) - robotOffset1[1] + 70) ic.composite(robotLeg1c, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset1[2]) + robotOffset1[0] + 75, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset1[3]) - robotOffset1[1] + 70) // ^ BELOW ic.composite(spiderBody, 0, 0) // v ABOVE ic.composite(robotLeg2, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset2[2]) + robotOffset2[0] - 60, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset2[3]) - robotOffset2[1] + 75) ic.composite(robotLeg1, 100 + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (robotOffset1[2]) + robotOffset1[0] + 7, (iconSize[1] / 2) - (robotOffset1[3]) - robotOffset1[1] + 70) } if (useExtra) ic.composite(extra, imgOff + (iconSize[0] / 2) - (size2[0] / 2) + offset2[0], (iconSize[1] / 2) - (size2[1] / 2) - offset2[1]) if (form != "ufo") ic.autocrop(0.01, false) else if (ic.bitmap.height == '300') ic.autocrop(1, false) let finalSize = [ic.bitmap.width, ic.bitmap.height] ic.getBuffer(Jimp.AUTO, function (err, buff) { if (!outline) { cache[iconCode] = { value: buff, timeoutID: setTimeout(function() {delete cache[iconCode]}, 600000) } return res.end(buff) } //else if (ufoMode) { // return res.end(buff) //} else { const Canvas = require('canvas') , Image = Canvas.Image , canvas = Canvas.createCanvas(finalSize[0] + 10, finalSize[1] + 10) , ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); if (col2 == 15) col2 = col1; if (col1 == 15 && col2 == 15) col2 = 12; const img = new Image() img.onload = () => { var dArr = [-1, -1, 0, -1, 1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1], // offset array s = 2, i = 0, x = canvas.width / 2 - finalSize[0] / 2, y = canvas.height / 2 - finalSize[1] / 2; for (; i < dArr.length; i += 2) ctx.drawImage(img, x + dArr[i] * s, y + dArr[i + 1] * s); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-in"; ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(${colors[col2].r}, ${colors[col2].g}, ${colors[col2].b}, 1})`; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; ctx.drawImage(img, x, y) } img.onerror = err => { throw err } img.src = buff; const buffer = canvas.toBuffer(); cache[iconCode] = { value: buffer, timeoutID: setTimeout(function() {delete cache[iconCode]}, 600000) } return res.end(buffer, 'base64'); } }) }) }) }) }); }