const WHITE = 0xffffff const colorNames = { "1": "Color 1", "2": "Color 2", "g": "Glow", "w": "White", "u": "UFO Dome" } const formNames = { "player": "cube", "player_ball": "ball", "bird": "ufo", "dart": "wave" } const loader = PIXI.Loader.shared let positionMultiplier = 4 function positionPart(part, partIndex, layer, formName, isGlow) { layer.position.x += (part.pos[0] * positionMultiplier) layer.position.y -= (part.pos[1] * positionMultiplier) layer.scale.x = part.scale[0] layer.scale.y = part.scale[1] if (part.flipped[0]) layer.scale.x *= -1 if (part.flipped[1]) layer.scale.y *= -1 layer.angle = part.rotation layer.zIndex = part.z if (!isGlow) { let tintInfo =[formName].tints let foundTint = tintInfo[partIndex] if (foundTint > 0) { let darkenFilter = new PIXI.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(); darkenFilter.brightness(0) darkenFilter.alpha = (255 - foundTint) / 255 layer.filters = [darkenFilter] } } } function validNum(val, defaultVal) { let colVal = +val return isNaN(colVal) ? defaultVal : colVal } function getGlowColor(colors) { let glowCol = colors["g"] || (colors[2] === 0 ? colors[1] : colors[2]) if (glowCol === 0) glowCol = WHITE // white glow if both colors are black return glowCol } function validateIconID(id, form) { let realID = Math.min(iconData.iconCounts[form], Math.abs(validNum(id, 1))) if (realID == 0 && !["player", "player_ball"].includes(form)) realID = 1 return realID } function parseIconColor(col) { if (!col) return WHITE else if (typeof col == "string" && col.length >= 6) return parseInt(col, 16) let rgb = iconData.colors[col] return rgb ? rgbToDecimal(rgb) : WHITE; } function parseIconForm(form) { let foundForm = iconData.forms[form] return foundForm ? foundForm.form : "player" } function loadIconLayers(form, id, cb) { let texturesToLoad = Object.keys(iconData.gameSheet).filter(x => x.startsWith(`${form}_${padZero(validateIconID(id, form))}_`)) loader.add(texturesToLoad.filter(x => !loader.resources[x]).map(x => ({ name: x, url: `/iconkit/icons/${x}` }))) loader.load(cb) } function padZero(num) { let numStr = num.toString() if (num < 10) numStr = "0" + numStr return numStr } function rgbToDecimal(rgb) { return (rgb.r << 16) + (rgb.g << 8) + rgb.b; } class Icon { constructor(data={}, cb) { = this.sprite = new PIXI.Container(); this.form = data.form || "player" = validateIconID(, this.form) this.colors = { "1": validNum(data.col1, 0xafafaf), // primary "2": validNum(data.col2, WHITE), // secondary "g": validNum(data.colG, validNum(+data.colg, null)), // glow "w": validNum(data.colW, validNum(+data.colw, WHITE)), // white "u": validNum(data.colU, validNum(+data.colu, WHITE)), // ufo } this.glow = !!data.glow this.layers = [] this.glowLayers = [] this.complex = ["spider", "robot"].includes(this.form) // most forms if (!this.complex) { let extraSettings = {} if (data.noUFODome) extraSettings.noDome = true let basicIcon = new IconPart(this.form,, this.colors, this.glow, extraSettings) this.sprite.addChild(basicIcon.sprite) this.layers.push(basicIcon) this.glowLayers.push(basicIcon.sections.find(x => x.colorType == "g")) } // spider + robot else { let idlePosition = this.getAnimation(data.animation, data.animationForm).frames[0] idlePosition.forEach((x, y) => { =[this.form].names[y] let part = new IconPart(this.form,, this.colors, false, { part: x, skipGlow: true }) positionPart(x, y, part.sprite, this.form) let glowPart = new IconPart(this.form,, this.colors, true, { part: x, onlyGlow: true }) positionPart(x, y, glowPart.sprite, this.form, true) glowPart.sprite.visible = this.glow this.glowLayers.push(glowPart) this.layers.push(part) this.sprite.addChild(part.sprite) }) let fullGlow = new PIXI.Container(); this.glowLayers.forEach(x => fullGlow.addChild(x.sprite)) this.sprite.addChildAt(fullGlow, 0) if (typeof Ease !== "undefined") this.ease = new Ease.Ease() this.animationSpeed = Math.abs(Number(data.animationSpeed) || 1) if (data.animation) this.setAnimation(data.animation, data.animationForm) } if (cb) cb(this) } getAllLayers() { let allLayers = []; (this.complex ? this.glowLayers : []).concat(this.layers).forEach(x => x.sections.forEach(s => allLayers.push(s))) return allLayers } setColor(colorType, newColor, extra={}) { let colorStr = String(colorType).toLowerCase() if (!colorType || !Object.keys(this.colors).includes(colorStr)) return else this.colors[colorStr] = newColor let newGlow = getGlowColor(this.colors) this.getAllLayers().forEach(x => { if (colorType != "g" && x.colorType == colorStr) x.setColor(newColor) if (!extra.ignoreGlow && x.colorType == "g") x.setColor(newGlow) }) if (!this.glow && colorStr == "1") { let shouldGlow = newColor == 0 this.glowLayers.forEach(x => x.sprite.visible = shouldGlow) } } formName() { return formNames[this.form] || this.form } isGlowing() { return this.glowLayers[0].sprite.visible } setGlow(toggle) { this.glow = !!toggle this.glowLayers.forEach(x => x.sprite.visible = (this.colors["1"] == 0 || this.glow)) } getAnimation(name, animForm) { let animationList = iconData.robotAnimations.animations[animForm || this.form] return animationList[name || "idle"] || animationList["idle"] } setAnimation(data, animForm) { let animData = this.getAnimation(data, animForm) || this.getAnimation("idle") this.ease.removeAll() this.animationFrame = 0 this.animationName = data this.runAnimation(animData, data) } runAnimation(animData, animName, duration) { animData.frames[this.animationFrame].forEach((newPart, index) => { let section = this.layers[index] let glowSection = this.glowLayers[index] if (!section) return // gd is weird with negative rotations let realRot = newPart.rotation if (realRot < -180) realRot += 360 let movementData = { x: newPart.pos[0] * positionMultiplier, y: newPart.pos[1] * positionMultiplier * -1, scaleX: newPart.scale[0], scaleY: newPart.scale[1], rotation: realRot * (Math.PI / 180) // radians } if (newPart.flipped[0]) movementData.scaleX *= -1 if (newPart.flipped[1]) movementData.scaleY *= -1 let bothSections = [section, glowSection] bothSections.forEach((x, y) => { let easing = this.ease.add(x.sprite, movementData, { duration: duration || 1, ease: 'linear' }) let continueAfterEase = animData.frames.length > 1 && y == 0 && index == 0 && animName == this.animationName if (continueAfterEase) easing.on('complete', () => { this.animationFrame++ if (this.animationFrame >= animData.frames.length) { if ( this.animationFrame = 0 } if (this.animationFrame < animData.frames.length) this.runAnimation(animData, animName, !duration ? 1 : ( / (this.animationSpeed || 1))) }) }) }) } autocrop() { // find actual icon size by reading pixel data (otherwise there's whitespace and shit) let spriteSize = [Math.round(this.sprite.width), Math.round(this.sprite.height)] let pixels =; let xRange = [spriteSize[0], 0] let yRange = [spriteSize[1], 0] this.preCrop = { pos: [this.sprite.position.x, this.sprite.position.y], canvas: [,] } for (let i=3; i < pixels.length; i += 4) { let alpha = pixels[i] let realIndex = (i-3) / 4 let pos = [realIndex % spriteSize[0], Math.floor(realIndex / spriteSize[0])] if (alpha > 10) { // if pixel is not blank... if (pos[0] < xRange[0]) xRange[0] = pos[0] // if x pos is < the lowest x pos so far else if (pos[0] > xRange[1]) xRange[1] = pos[0] // if x pos is > the highest x pos so far if (pos[1] < yRange[0]) yRange[0] = pos[1] // if y pos is < the lowest y pos so far else if (pos[1] > yRange[1]) yRange[1] = pos[1] // if y pos is > the highest y pos so far } } // this took hours to figure out. i fucking hate my life xRange[1]++ yRange[1]++ // swing hardcode, will fix this in 2.2 if (this.form == "swing" && !this.glowLayers[0].sprite.visible) { xRange[1] += 4 yRange[1] += 6 } let realWidth = xRange[1] - xRange[0] let realHeight = yRange[1] - yRange[0], realHeight) let bounds = this.sprite.getBounds() this.sprite.position.x -= bounds.x this.sprite.position.y -= bounds.y this.sprite.position.x += (spriteSize[0] - xRange[1]) - xRange[0] } revertCrop() { this.sprite.position.set(...this.preCrop.pos) } toDataURL(dataType="image/png") { this.autocrop(); let b64data =; this.revertCrop() return b64data } pngExport() { let b64data = this.toDataURL() let downloader = document.createElement('a'); downloader.href = b64data downloader.setAttribute("download", `${this.formName()}_${}.png`); document.body.appendChild(downloader);; document.body.removeChild(downloader); } copyToClipboard() { this.autocrop(); => { let item = new ClipboardItem({ "image/png": blob }); navigator.clipboard.write([item]); }); this.revertCrop() } psdExport() { if (typeof agPsd === "undefined") throw new Error("ag-psd not imported!") let glowing = this.isGlowing() this.setGlow(true) let psd = { width:, height:, children: [] } let allLayers = this.getAllLayers() let renderer = let complex = this.complex function addPSDLayer(layer, parent, sprite) { allLayers.forEach(x => x.sprite.alpha = 0) layer.sprite.alpha = 255 let layerChild = { name: layer.colorName, canvas: renderer.plugins.extract.canvas(sprite) } if (layer.colorType == "g") { if (parent.part) = + " glow" else layerChild.blendMode = "linear dodge" if (!complex && !glowing) layerChild.hidden = true } return layerChild } this.layers.forEach(x => { let partName = x.part ? : "Icon" let folder = { name: partName, children: => addPSDLayer(layer, x, this.sprite)), opened: true } psd.children.push(folder) }) if (complex) { let glowFolder = { name: "Glow", children: [], opened: true, hidden: !glowing } glowFolder.children = => addPSDLayer(x.sections[0], x, this.sprite)) psd.children.unshift(glowFolder) } allLayers.forEach(x => x.sprite.alpha = 255) let output = agPsd.writePsd(psd) let blob = new Blob([output]); let downloader = document.createElement('a'); downloader.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); downloader.setAttribute("download", `${this.formName()}_${}.psd`); document.body.appendChild(downloader);; document.body.removeChild(downloader); this.setGlow(glowing) } } class IconPart { constructor(form, id, colors, glow, misc={}) { if (colors[1] == 0 && !misc.skipGlow) glow = true // add glow if p1 is black let iconPath = `${form}_${padZero(id)}` let partString = misc.part ? "_" + padZero(misc.part.part) : "" let sections = {} if (misc.part) this.part = misc.part this.sprite = new PIXI.Container(); this.sections = [] if (!misc.skipGlow) { let glowCol = getGlowColor(colors) sections.glow = new IconLayer(`${iconPath}${partString}_glow_001.png`, glowCol, "g") if (!glow) sections.glow.sprite.visible = false } if (!misc.onlyGlow) { if (form == "bird" && !misc.noDome) { // ufo top sections.ufo = new IconLayer(`${iconPath}_3_001.png`, WHITE, "u") } sections.col1 = new IconLayer(`${iconPath}${partString}_001.png`, colors["1"], "1") sections.col2 = new IconLayer(`${iconPath}${partString}_2_001.png`, colors["2"], "2") let extraPath = `${iconPath}${partString}_extra_001.png` if (iconData.gameSheet[extraPath]) { sections.white = new IconLayer(extraPath, colors["w"], "w") } } let layerOrder = ["glow", "ufo", "col2", "col1", "white"].map(x => sections[x]).filter(x => x) layerOrder.forEach(x => { this.sections.push(x) this.sprite.addChild(x.sprite) }) } } class IconLayer { constructor(path, color, colorType) { let loadedTexture = loader.resources[path] this.offsets = iconData.gameSheet[path] || { spriteOffset: [0, 0] } this.sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(loadedTexture ? loadedTexture.texture : PIXI.Texture.EMPTY) this.colorType = colorType this.colorName = colorNames[colorType] this.setColor(color) this.sprite.position.x += this.offsets.spriteOffset[0] this.sprite.position.y -= this.offsets.spriteOffset[1] this.sprite.anchor.set(0.5) } setColor(color) { this.color = validNum(color, WHITE) this.sprite.tint = this.color } }