const express = require('express'); const request = require('request'); const compression = require('compression'); const timeout = require('connect-timeout'); const rateLimit = require("express-rate-limit"); const fs = require("fs"); const app = express(); app.config = require('./settings.js') app.servers = require('./servers.json') let rlMessage = "Rate limited ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

Please do not spam my servers with a crazy amount of requests. It slows things down on my end and stresses RobTop's servers just as much." + " If you really want to send a zillion requests for whatever reason, please download the GDBrowser repository locally - or even just send the request directly to the GD servers.

" + "This kind of spam usually leads to GDBrowser getting IP banned by RobTop, and every time that happens I have to start making the rate limit even stricter. Please don't be the reason for that.

" + "(also, keep in mind that most endpoints have a ?count parameter that let you fetch a LOT more stuff in just one request)" const RL = rateLimit({ windowMs: app.config.rateLimiting ? 5 * 60 * 1000 : 0, max: app.config.rateLimiting ? 100 : 0, // max requests per 5 minutes message: rlMessage, keyGenerator: function(req) { return req.headers['x-real-ip'] || req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] }, skip: function(req) { return ((req.url.includes("api/level") && !req.query.hasOwnProperty("download")) ? true : false) } }) const RL2 = rateLimit({ windowMs: app.config.rateLimiting ? 2 * 60 * 1000 : 0, max: app.config.rateLimiting ? 200 : 0, // max requests per 1 minute message: rlMessage, keyGenerator: function(req) { return req.headers['x-real-ip'] || req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] } }) let forms = { "player": "cube", "bird": "ufo", "dart": "wave" } let colorOrder = [0, 1, 2, 3, 16, 4, 5, 6, 13, 7, 8, 9, 29, 10, 14, 11, 12, 17, 18, 15, 27, 32, 28, 38, 20, 33, 21, 34, 22, 39, 23, 35, 24, 36, 25, 37, 30, 26, 31, 19, 40, 41] let XOR = require('./classes/XOR.js'); let sampleIcons = require('./misc/sampleIcons.json') let achievements = require('./misc/achievements.json') let achievementTypes = require('./misc/achievementTypes.json') let shopIcons = require('./misc/shops.json') let music = require('./misc/music.json') let colorList = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./icons/colors.json', 'utf8')) // need a clone of this let assetPage = fs.readFileSync('./html/assets.html', 'utf8') let gdIcons = fs.readdirSync('./assets/previewicons') let whiteIcons = fs.readdirSync('./icons').filter(x => x.endsWith("extra_001.png")).map(function (x) { let xh = x.split("_"); return [xh[1] == "ball" ? "ball" : forms[xh[0]] || xh[0], +xh[xh[1] == "ball" ? 2 : 1]]}) app.accountCache = {} app.lastSuccess = {} app.actuallyWorked = {} app.servers.forEach(x => { app.accountCache[ || "gd"] = {} app.lastSuccess[ || "gd"] = }) app.set('json spaces', 2) app.use(compression()); app.use(express.json()); app.use(express.urlencoded({extended: true})); app.use(timeout('20s')); app.use(async function(req, res, next) { let subdomains = => x.toLowerCase()) if (!subdomains.length) subdomains = [""] req.server = app.servers.find(x => subdomains.includes( if (subdomains.length > 1 || !req.server) return res.redirect("http://" + req.get('host').split(".").slice(subdomains.length).join(".") + req.originalUrl) // literally just for convenience req.offline = req.server.offline req.endpoint = req.server.endpoint req.onePointNine = req.server.onePointNine req.timestampSuffix = req.server.timestampSuffix || "" = || "gd" req.isGDPS = req.server.endpoint != "" if (req.isGDPS) res.set("gdps", (req.onePointNine ? "1.9/" : "") + if ( > 0) req.offline = false req.gdParams = function(obj={}, substitute=true) { Object.keys(app.config.params).forEach(x => { if (!obj[x]) obj[x] = app.config.params[x] }) Object.keys(req.server.extraParams || {}).forEach(x => { if (!obj[x]) obj[x] = req.server.extraParams[x] }) let ip = req.headers['x-real-ip'] || req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] let params = {form: obj, headers: app.config.ipForwarding && ip ? {'x-forwarded-for': ip, 'x-real-ip': ip} : {}} if (substitute) { // GDPS substitutions in settings.js for (let ss in req.server.substitutions) { if (params.form[ss]) { params.form[req.server.substitutions[ss]] = params.form[ss]; delete params.form[ss] } } } return params } req.gdRequest = function(target, params={}, cb=function(){}) { if (!target) return cb(true) target = req.server.overrides ? (req.server.overrides[target] || target) : target let parameters = params.headers ? params : req.gdParams(params) let endpoint = req.endpoint if (params.forceGD || (params.form && params.form.forceGD)) endpoint = "" + target + '.php', parameters, function(err, res, body) { return cb(err, res, body) }) } next() }) let directories = [""] fs.readdirSync('./api').filter(x => !x.includes(".")).forEach(x => directories.push(x)) app.trackSuccess = function(id) { app.lastSuccess[id] = if (!app.actuallyWorked[id]) app.actuallyWorked[id] = true } app.timeSince = function(id, time) { if (!time) time = app.lastSuccess[id] let secsPassed = Math.floor(( - time) / 1000) let minsPassed = Math.floor(secsPassed / 60) secsPassed -= 60 * minsPassed; return `${app.actuallyWorked[id] ? "" : "~"}${minsPassed}m ${secsPassed}s` } app.userCache = function(id, accountID, playerID, name) { if (!accountID || accountID == "0" || !app.config.cacheAccountIDs) return if (!playerID) return app.accountCache[id][accountID.toLowerCase()] let cacheStuff = [accountID, playerID, name] app.accountCache[id][name.toLowerCase()] = cacheStuff return cacheStuff } = {} directories.forEach(d => { fs.readdirSync('./api/' + d).forEach(x => {if (x.includes('.'))[x.split('.')[0]] = require('./api/' + d + "/" + x) }) }) try { const secrets = require("./misc/secretStuff.json") = app.gjp = secrets.gjp app.sheetsKey = secrets.sheetsKey if ( == "account id goes here" || app.gjp == "account gjp goes here") console.warn("Warning: No account ID and/or GJP has been provided in secretStuff.json! These are required for level leaderboards to work.") if (app.sheetsKey.startsWith("google sheets api key")) app.sheetsKey = undefined } catch(e) { = 0 app.gjp = 0 console.warn("Warning: secretStuff.json has not been created! These are required for level leaderboards to work.") } app.parseResponse = function (responseBody, splitter) { if (!responseBody || responseBody == "-1") return {}; if (responseBody.startsWith("\nWarning:")) responseBody = responseBody.split("\n").slice(2).join("\n").trim() // GDPS'es are wild if (responseBody.startsWith("
")) responseBody = responseBody.split("
").trim() // Seriously screw this let response = responseBody.split('#')[0].split(splitter || ':'); let res = {}; for (let i = 0; i < response.length; i += 2) { res[response[i]] = response[i + 1]} return res } app.xor = new XOR() //xss bad app.clean = function(text) {if (!text || typeof text != "string") return text; else return text.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/=/g, "=").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'")} // ASSETS app.use('/assets', express.static(__dirname + '/assets', {maxAge: "7d"})); app.use('/assets/css', express.static(__dirname + '/assets/css')); // override maxAge app.get("/sizecheck.js", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/misc/sizecheck.js") }) app.get("/dragscroll.js", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/misc/dragscroll.js") }) app.get("/assets/:dir*?", function(req, res) { let main = (req.params.dir || "").toLowerCase() let dir = main + (req.params[0] || "").toLowerCase() if (dir.includes('.') || !req.path.endsWith("/")) { if (!req.params[0]) main = "" if (req.params.dir == "deatheffects" || req.params.dir == "trails") return res.sendFile(__dirname + "/assets/deatheffects/0.png") else if (req.params.dir == "gdps" && req.params[0].endsWith("_icon.png")) return res.sendFile(__dirname + "/assets/gdps/unknown_icon.png") else if (req.params.dir == "gdps" && req.params[0].endsWith("_logo.png")) return res.sendFile(__dirname + "/assets/gdps/unknown_logo.png") return res.send(`

Looks like this file doesn't exist ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
View directory listing for /assets/${main}

`) } let path = `./assets/${dir}` let files = [] if (fs.existsSync(path)) { files = fs.readdirSync(path) } assetPage = fs.readFileSync('./html/assets.html', 'utf8') let assetData = JSON.stringify({files: files.filter(x => x.includes('.')), directories: files.filter(x => !x.includes('.'))}) res.send(assetPage.replace('{NAME}', dir || "assets").replace('{DATA}', assetData)) }) // POST REQUESTS"/like", RL, function(req, res) {, req, res) })"/postComment", RL, function(req, res) {, req, res) })"/postProfileComment", RL, function(req, res) {, req, res) })"/messages", RL, function(req, res) {, req, res) })"/messages/:id", RL, function(req, res) {, req, res) })"/deleteMessage", RL, function(req, res) {, req, res) })"/sendMessage", RL, function(req, res) {, req, res) })"/accurateLeaderboard", function(req, res) {, req, res, true) }) // HTML let onePointNineDisabled = ['daily', 'weekly', 'gauntlets', 'messages'] let downloadDisabled = ['daily', 'weekly'] let gdpsHide = ['achievements', 'messages'] app.get("/", function(req, res) { if (req.query.hasOwnProperty("offline") || (req.offline && !req.query.hasOwnProperty("home"))) res.sendFile(__dirname + "/html/offline.html") else { fs.readFile('./html/home.html', 'utf8', function (err, data) { let html = data; if (req.isGDPS) { html = html.replace('"levelBG"', '"levelBG purpleBG"') .replace(/Geometry Dash Browser!/g, + " Browser!") .replace("/assets/gdlogo", `/assets/gdps/${}_logo`) .replace("coin.png\" itemprop", `gdps/${}_icon.png" itemprop`) .replace(/coin\.png/g, 'silvercoin.png') gdpsHide.forEach(x => { html = html.replace(`menu-${x}`, 'changeDaWorld') }) } if (req.onePointNine) onePointNineDisabled.forEach(x => { html = html.replace(`menu-${x}`, 'menuDisabled') }) if (req.server.downloadsDisabled) { downloadDisabled.forEach(x => { html = html.replace(`menu-${x}`, 'menuDisabled') }) html = html.replace('id="dl" style="display: none', 'style="display: block') .replace('No active daily level!', '[Blocked by RobTop]') } return res.send(html) }) } }) app.get("/achievements", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/html/achievements.html") }) app.get("/analyze/:id", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/html/analyze.html") }) app.get("/api", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/html/api.html") }) app.get("/boomlings", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/html/boomlings.html") }) app.get("/comments/:id", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/html/comments.html") }) app.get("/demon/:id", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/html/demon.html") }) app.get("/gauntlets", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/html/gauntlets.html") }) app.get("/gdps", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/html/gdps.html") }) app.get("/iconkit", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/html/iconkit.html") }) app.get("/leaderboard", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/html/leaderboard.html") }) app.get("/leaderboard/:text", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/html/levelboard.html") }) app.get("/mappacks", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/html/mappacks.html") }) app.get("/messages", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/html/messages.html") }) app.get("/search", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/html/filters.html") }) app.get("/search/:text", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/html/search.html") }) // API app.get("/api/analyze/:id", RL, function(req, res) {, req, res, true, true) }) app.get("/api/boomlings", function(req, res) {, req, res) }) app.get("/api/comments/:id", RL2, function(req, res) {, req, res) }) app.get("/api/credits", function(req, res) { res.send(require('./misc/credits.json')) }) app.get("/api/gauntlets", function(req, res) {, req, res) }) app.get("/api/leaderboard", function(req, res) {[req.query.hasOwnProperty("accurate") ? "accurate" : "scores"](app, req, res) }) app.get("/api/leaderboardLevel/:id", RL2, function(req, res) {, req, res) }) app.get("/api/level/:id", RL, function(req, res) {, req, res, true) }) app.get("/api/mappacks", function(req, res) {, req, res) }) app.get("/api/profile/:id", RL2, function(req, res) {, req, res, true) }) app.get("/api/search/:text", RL2, function(req, res) {, req, res) }) app.get("/api/song/:song", function(req, res){, req, res) }) // REDIRECTS app.get("/icon", function(req, res) { res.redirect('/iconkit') }) app.get("/iconkit/:text", function(req, res) { res.redirect('/icon/' + req.params.text) }) app.get("/obj/:text", function(req, res) { res.redirect('/obj/' + req.params.text) }) app.get("/leaderboards/:id", function(req, res) { res.redirect('/leaderboard/' + }) app.get("/profile/:id", function(req, res) { res.redirect('/u/' + }) app.get("/p/:id", function(req, res) { res.redirect('/u/' + }) app.get("/l/:id", function(req, res) { res.redirect('/leaderboard/' + }) app.get("/a/:id", function(req, res) { res.redirect('/analyze/' + }) app.get("/c/:id", function(req, res) { res.redirect('/comments/' + }) app.get("/d/:id", function(req, res) { res.redirect('/demon/' + }) // API AND HTML app.get("/u/:id", function(req, res) {, req, res) }) app.get("/:id", function(req, res) {, req, res) }) // MISC app.get("/icon/:text", function(req, res) {, req, res) }) app.get("/api/userCache", function(req, res) { res.send(app.accountCache) }) app.get("/api/gdps", function(req, res) { res.send(req.query.hasOwnProperty("current") ? req.server : app.servers) }) app.get("/api/achievements", function(req, res) { res.send({achievements, types: achievementTypes, shopIcons, colors: colorList }) }) app.get("/api/music", function(req, res) { res.send(music) }) app.get('/api/icons', function(req, res) { let sample = [JSON.stringify(sampleIcons[Math.floor(Math.random() * sampleIcons.length)].slice(1))] let iconserver = req.isGDPS ? : undefined res.send({icons: gdIcons, colors: colorList, colorOrder, whiteIcons, server: iconserver, noCopy: req.onePointNine || req.offline, sample}); }); app.get('*', function(req, res) { if (req.path.startsWith('/api')) res.send('-1') else res.redirect('/search/404%20') }); app.use(function (err, req, res, next) { if (err && err.message == "Response timeout") res.status(500).send('Internal server error! (Timed out)') }) app.listen(app.config.port, () => console.log(`Site online! (port ${app.config.port})`))