You can now read, write, and delete messages through GDBrowser!
Blocking and viewing sent messages have not been done yet.
Also, a message now appears if you're comment banned
- Added fetching, reading, deleting and sending messages to the API. Interface eventually^tm
- Hopefully fixed comments posted through the site looking out of place in vanilla GD
- Renamed app.modules to
- Added subfolders to /api for neatness
- Removed Herobrine
I've started work on making GDBrowser compatible with GD private servers :D
Currently a few things (comments, leaderboards, etc) are broken but other than that I'm kind of getting there.
This commit mostly just makes life easier for people who want to fork GDBrowser for their private server
- The endpoint (e.g. is now set in index.js
- Added gdpsConfig.js, where you can tweak small settings in case your GDPS does stuff weirdly
- Small tweaks to the code so the weird GDPS responses can be correctly interpreted
- secretStuff.json is no longer mandatory
If you're able to help me out with this project, PRs are appreciated :D
- Removed Herobrine
- Profile posts! This one is long overdue but... yeah! You can now leave profile posts, and drop likes on them as well!
- Classes folder! It's a folder... for classes! Don't ask me to explain what a class is, because I'm still not sure myself
- Le Level Class has arrived! Instead of parsing level data in three different files, the level class has stepped up to do the dirty work. (thanks to memimoe for helping)
- Renamed generate.css to iconkit.css, and deleted soon.css because it's ugly
- Removed 404 redirect when trying to view an asset that doesn't exist
- Updated readme to get with the times
- Removed Herobrine
Quality of life fixes:
- Fixed undefined backgrounds/grounds in analysis
- Fixed leaderboards being buggy when switching tabs while the current one is still loading
- Fixed still being able to switch pages with arrow keys while typing a comment
- Fixed remaining character count for comments not updating in some cases
- Documented liking and commenting on the API page
- Ucrash changed some of the CSS on the API page
- Screw you, you're not my dad and you can't make my type me commit descriptions in present tense
- Remove herobrine
I also added level liking, but I decided to comment it all out (on level.html) because GD levels take a few minutes to update. It would just be confusing to the client :P
- Improved error handling (if err || !body || body == -1)
- Added list of text objects to analysis API (not on actual page, debating whether or not to even do that)
- Accounts with 65535 diamonds (integer limit) now display as '65535+'
- Comment filters (sorting and compact mode) are stored in your cookies and no longer reset back to 'most recent' when entering the page. I'm quite proud of how I pulled this one off ;)
- 101arrowz made a happy little accident that broke level analysis, but it's been fixed.