- Profile posts! This one is long overdue but... yeah! You can now leave profile posts, and drop likes on them as well!
- Classes folder! It's a folder... for classes! Don't ask me to explain what a class is, because I'm still not sure myself
- Le Level Class has arrived! Instead of parsing level data in three different files, the level class has stepped up to do the dirty work. (thanks to memimoe for helping)
- Renamed generate.css to iconkit.css, and deleted soon.css because it's ugly
- Removed 404 redirect when trying to view an asset that doesn't exist
- Updated readme to get with the times
- Removed Herobrine
Quality of life fixes:
- Fixed undefined backgrounds/grounds in analysis
- Fixed leaderboards being buggy when switching tabs while the current one is still loading
- Fixed still being able to switch pages with arrow keys while typing a comment
- Fixed remaining character count for comments not updating in some cases
- Documented liking and commenting on the API page
- Ucrash changed some of the CSS on the API page
- Screw you, you're not my dad and you can't make my type me commit descriptions in present tense
- Remove herobrine
- Improved error handling (if err || !body || body == -1)
- Added list of text objects to analysis API (not on actual page, debating whether or not to even do that)
- Accounts with 65535 diamonds (integer limit) now display as '65535+'