- Improved param building for GDPS'es
- Changed /profile/ to /u/
- Removed "most disliked" comment sort
- Added ability to jump to last page of comments
- Added page number and other small improvements to comment page
I've started work on making GDBrowser compatible with GD private servers :D
Currently a few things (comments, leaderboards, etc) are broken but other than that I'm kind of getting there.
This commit mostly just makes life easier for people who want to fork GDBrowser for their private server
- The endpoint (e.g. boomlings.com) is now set in index.js
- Added gdpsConfig.js, where you can tweak small settings in case your GDPS does stuff weirdly
- Small tweaks to the code so the weird GDPS responses can be correctly interpreted
- secretStuff.json is no longer mandatory
If you're able to help me out with this project, PRs are appreciated :D
- Removed Herobrine
- Improved error handling (if err || !body || body == -1)
- Added list of text objects to analysis API (not on actual page, debating whether or not to even do that)
- Accounts with 65535 diamonds (integer limit) now display as '65535+'
- Modules are now required BEFORE exports
- Added object count to level analysis
- Added option to hide duplicate portals in analysis
- Removed LOADMODULES.js because it's gross