68 lines
2.3 KiB
68 lines
2.3 KiB
let path = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Geometry Dash/Resources/"
let files = ["AchievementsDesc", "AchievementsDescMD"]
let values = ["achievedDescription", "title", "icon", "unachievedDescription"]
let innerKey = null
let jsonValues = false
let exportName = "achievements"
// let files = ["GJ_GameSheet02-uhd"]
// let values = ["spriteSize", "spriteOffset"]
// let innerKey = "frames"
// let jsonValues = true
const plist = require('plist');
const fs = require('fs');
let final = {}
files.forEach(file => {
let data = plist.parse(fs.readFileSync(path + file + '.plist', 'utf8'));
if (innerKey) data = data[innerKey]
console.log(`Converting ${file}.plist...`)
for (let key in data) {
let fileData = data[key];
for (let innerKey in fileData) {
if (fileData[innerKey] && values.includes(innerKey)) {
if (!final[key]) final[key] = {}
if (jsonValues) final[key][innerKey] = JSON.parse(fileData[innerKey].replace(/{/g, '[').replace(/}/g, ']')); // for icon sheet
else final[key][innerKey] = fileData[innerKey]
console.log("Finishing up...")
if (exportName == "achievements") { // hardcoded shit starts here!
let achString = "geometry.ach."
let rewardTypes = {color: "color1", icon: "cube", bird: "ufo", dart: "wave", special: "trail", death: "deathEffect"}
let games = {"md": "meltdown", "world.": "world"}
let achArray = []
for (let k in final) {
let reward = final[k].icon ? final[k].icon.split("_") : []
let achObj = {
id: k.slice(achString.length),
game: "gd",
name: final[k].title,
rewardType: rewardTypes[reward[0]] || reward[0] || "misc",
rewardID: +reward[1] || -1,
description: final[k].unachievedDescription,
achievedDescription: final[k].achievedDescription
Object.keys(games).forEach(x => {
if (k.startsWith(achString + x)) achObj.game = games[x]
data = achArray.filter(x => !x.id.startsWith("lite"))
data = data.filter(x => x.game == "gd").concat(data.filter(x => x.game != "gd"))
fs.writeFileSync(exportName + '.json', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2).replace(/\[\n.+?(-?\d+),\n.+?(-?\d+)\n.+]/g, "[$1, $2]")); // regex to make it easier to read
console.log("Successfully converted!")