2021-01-14 00:59:13 -05:00
let path = "../extra/"
let files = [ "AchievementsDesc" , "AchievementsDescMD" , null , "AchievementsDescSZ" ]
let gameNames = [ "gd" , "meltdown" , "world" , "subzero" ]
let achString = "geometry.ach."
let rewardTypes = { color : "color1" , icon : "cube" , bird : "ufo" , dart : "wave" , special : "trail" , death : "deathEffect" }
let games = { "md" : "meltdown" , "world." : "world" , "subzero." : "subzero" }
const plist = require ( 'plist' ) ;
const fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
let achArray = [ ]
files . forEach ( ( file , fileNum ) => {
if ( ! file ) return
let data = plist . parse ( fs . readFileSync ( path + file + '.plist' , 'utf8' ) ) ;
console . log ( ` Converting ${ file } .plist... ` )
for ( let key in data ) {
if ( ! achArray . find ( x => x . trueID == key ) ) {
let fileData = data [ key ] ;
let reward = fileData . icon ? fileData . icon . split ( "_" ) : [ ]
let achObj = {
id : key . slice ( achString . length ) ,
game : gameNames [ fileNum ] ,
name : fileData . title ,
rewardType : rewardTypes [ reward [ 0 ] ] || reward [ 0 ] || "misc" ,
rewardID : + reward [ 1 ] || - 1 ,
description : fileData . unachievedDescription ,
achievedDescription : fileData . achievedDescription ,
trueID : key
Object . keys ( games ) . forEach ( x => { if ( key . startsWith ( achString + x ) ) achObj . game = games [ x ] } )
if ( key == achString + "rate" ) achObj . id = "rating"
if ( achObj . id . startsWith ( "subzero.coins" ) ) achObj . id = achObj . id . replace ( "subzero.coins" , "szcoin" )
if ( achObj . id . includes ( "demoncoin" ) ) achObj . id = achObj . id . replace ( "demoncoin" , "ultimatedemon" )
achArray . push ( achObj )
} }
} )
achArray = achArray . filter ( x => ! x . id . startsWith ( "lite" ) )
let final = achArray . filter ( x => x . game == "gd" )
gameNames . slice ( 1 ) . forEach ( g => final = final . concat ( achArray . filter ( x => x . game == g ) ) )
2022-05-19 22:30:54 -04:00
fs . writeFileSync ( './parsed/achievements.json' , JSON . stringify ( final , null , 2 ) . replace ( /\[\n.+?(-?\d+),\n.+?(-?\d+)\n.+]/g , "[$1, $2]" ) ) ; // regex to make it easier to read
console . log ( "Successfully parsed!" )