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2019-11-17 19:00:19 -03:00
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2019-11-17 19:13:42 -03:00
<p style="position:absolute; right: 1vh; margin-top: 0; text-align: left" id="charcount">150</p>
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2019-11-17 19:00:19 -03:00
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<form action="nothing lol">
2019-11-17 19:00:19 -03:00
<h3 class="center">GD Username</h3>
<input type="text" name="gdbrowser" id="username" maxlength="50" style="height: 8vh; width: 90%; text-align: center; margin-top: 0.5%">
2019-11-17 19:00:19 -03:00
<h3 class="center" style="margin-top: 2%">GD Password</h3>
<input type="password" id="password" maxlength="50" style="height: 8vh; width: 90%; text-align: center; margin-top: 0.5%">
2019-11-17 19:00:19 -03:00
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<h3 class="center" style="margin-top: 2%">GD Password</h3>
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2019-11-17 19:00:19 -03:00
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2019-11-17 19:00:19 -03:00
2019-11-17 19:16:11 -03:00
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2019-10-21 12:20:25 -03:00
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2019-10-24 23:27:09 -03:00
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2019-10-24 01:51:20 -03:00
let {mode, compact} = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('commentPreset') || '{"mode": "top", "compact": true}')
2020-01-03 19:15:49 -03:00
let messageText = 'Your <span style="color: yellow">Geometry Dash password</span> will <span style="color: lime">not be stored</span> anywhere on the site, both <span style="color:rgb(113, 234, 255)">locally and server-side.</span> You can view the code used for posting a comment <a class="menuLink" target="_blank" href="">here</a>.'
2019-11-17 19:00:19 -03:00
$('#likeMessage').html(messageText.replace("posting", "liking").replace("postComment", "like"))
let lvlID = window.location.pathname.split('/')[2]
let history = false
let page = 0
let loadingComments = true
let like = true
if (mode == "top") {
$('#timeSort').attr('src', "../assets/sort-time.png")
$('#topSort').attr('src', "../assets/sort-likes-on.png")
function clean(text) {if (!text || typeof text != "string") return text; else return text.replace(/&/g, "&#38;").replace(/</g, "&#60;").replace(/>/g, "&#62;").replace(/=/g, "&#61;").replace(/"/g, "&#34;").replace(/'/g, "&#39;")}
$('#compactMode').attr('src', `../assets/compact-${compact ? "on" : "off"}.png`)
let target = `../api/level/${lvlID}`
if (lvlID > 999999999 || lvlID < -999999999) window.location.href = window.location.href.replace("comments", "search")
if (!Number.isInteger(+lvlID)) {history = true; target = `../api/profile/${lvlID}`}
else lvlID = Math.round(+lvlID)
fetch(target).then(res => res.json()).then(lvl => {
if (history) {
2019-10-22 12:31:04 -03:00
if (!lvl.username) return window.location.href = window.location.href.replace("comments", "search")
$('#levelName').text(lvl.username + "'s comments")
document.title = lvl.username + "'s comments"
$('#meta-title').attr('content', lvl.username + "'s comment history")
$('#meta-desc').attr('content', `View all of ${lvl.username}'s Geometry Dash comments!`)
else {
if (lvl.accountID == undefined) $('#levelAuthor').remove()
2019-11-05 22:46:13 -03:00
else if (lvl.accountID == 0) {
$('#authorLink').attr('href', '../search/' + lvl.authorID + "?user")
else $('#authorLink').attr('href', '../profile/' +
$('#levelName').text( || ("Nonexistent level " + lvlID))
$('#levelAuthor').text("By " + ( || "-"))
$('#levelID').text("ID: " + lvlID)
2019-11-05 22:46:13 -03:00
if (lvl.accountID && != "-")
if ( $('#levelLink').attr('href', '../' +
else $('#levelID').removeClass("gdButton")
$('#levelVersion').text("Version: " + (lvl.version || 0))
document.title = "Comments for " + ( || lvlID)
if ( {
$('#meta-title').attr('content', `Comments for ${}`)
$('#meta-desc').attr('content', `View all the comments for ${} by ${ || "Unknown"}!`)
function appendComments(dontClear, bump) {
let p = compact ? ((page + 1) * 2) - 2 + (bump||0) : page
2019-11-03 12:42:00 -03:00
if (loadingComments && !dontClear) return;
else loadingComments = true;
if (!dontClear) $('#commentBox').html(`<div class="supercenter" id="loading" style="height: 12%;"><img class="spin noSelect" src="../assets/loading.png" height="105%"></div>`)
if (page == 0) $('#pageDown').hide()
else $('#pageDown').show()
fetch(`../api${!history ? window.location.pathname : "/comments/" + lvl.playerID}?page=${p}${history ? "&type=commentHistory" : ""}${mode == "top" ? "&top" : ""}`).then(res => res.json()).then(res => {
2019-11-16 21:05:40 -03:00
if (res.length < 9 || (history && lvl.commentHistory != "all")) $('#pageUp').hide()
else $('#pageUp').show()
2019-11-16 21:05:40 -03:00
if (res == -1 || (history && lvl.commentHistory != "all")) {
2019-11-17 01:56:18 -03:00
loadingComments = false; return $('#loading').hide()
res.forEach(x => {
let userName = !history ? x.username : lvl.username
let userLink = encodeURI(userName)
let modNumber = x.moderator || lvl.moderator
if (!compact) {
////// NORMAL MODE //////
<div class="commentBG">
<div class="comment">
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<a href=../${x.accountID == "0" ? `search/${x.playerID}?user` : `../profile/${userLink}`}>
<h2 class="inline gdButton ${x.accountID == "0" ? "green unregistered" : ""}">${userName}</h2></a>
${modNumber > 0 ? `<img class="inline" src="../assets/mod${modNumber == 2 ? "-elder" : ""}.png" height=18% style="margin-left: 0.6%;">` : ""}
<p class="commentPercent inline">${x.percent ? x.percent + "%" : ""}</p>
<div class="commentAlign">
<p class="commentText" style="color: rgb(${!history && x.playerID == lvl.authorID ? "255, 255, 75" : x.playerID == "16" ? "50, 255, 255" : modNumber == 2 ? "75, 255, 75" : x.browserColor ? "255, 180, 255" : "255, 255, 255"})">${clean(x.content)}</p>
<p class="commentDate">${}</p>
<div class="commentLikes">
${history ? `<h3 style="margin-right: 1.5vh; pointer-events: all;" class="gold inline"><a href="../${x.levelID}">(${x.levelID})</a></h3>` : ""}
<div class="inline gdButton likeComment" commentID="${x.ID}" ${x.levelID ? `levelID="${x.levelID}"` : ""}">
<img class="inline gdButton" ${x.likes < 0 ? "style='transform: translateY(25%); margin-right: 0.4%'" : ""} src="../assets/${x.likes < 0 ? "dis" : ""}like.png" height=20%>
<h3 class="inline">${x.likes}</h3>
</div>`) }
else {
////// COMPACT MODE //////
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<div class="comment compact">
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<a href=../${x.accountID == "0" ? `search/${x.playerID}?user` : `../profile/${userLink}`}>
<h2 class="inline gdButton ${x.accountID == "0" ? "green unregistered" : ""}">${userName}</h2></a>
${modNumber > 0 ? `<img class="inline" src="../assets/mod${modNumber == 2 ? "-elder" : ""}.png" height=18% style="margin-left: 0.6%;">` : ""}
<p class="commentPercent inline">${x.percent ? x.percent + "%" : ""}</p>
<div class="commentAlign">
<p class="commentText" style="color: rgb(${!history && x.playerID == lvl.authorID ? "255, 255, 75" : x.playerID == "16" ? "50, 255, 255" : modNumber == "2" ? "75, 255, 75" : x.browserColor ? "255, 180, 255" : "255, 255, 255"})">${clean(x.content)}</p>
<p class="commentDate compactDate">${}</p>
<div class="commentLikes">
${history ? `<h3 style="margin-right: 0.5vh; pointer-events: all;" class="gold inline"><a href="../${x.levelID}">(${x.levelID})</a></h3>` : ""}
<div class="inline gdButton likeComment" commentID="${x.ID}"${x.levelID ? `levelID="${x.levelID}"` : ""}>
<img class="inline" ${x.likes < 0 ? "style='transform: translateY(15%); margin-right: 0.4%'" : ""} src="../assets/${x.likes < 0 ? "dis" : ""}like.png" height=27%>
<h3 class="inline">${x.likes}</h3>
</div>`) }
$('.commentText').each(function() {
if ($(this).text().length > 100) {
let overflow = ($(this).text().length - 100) * 0.01
$(this).css('font-size', (3.5 - (overflow)) + 'vh')
if (compact && p % 2 == 0) {
return appendComments(true, 1)
return loadingComments = false;
loadingComments = false
$('#pageUp').click(function() {if (loadingComments) return; page += 1; appendComments()})
$('#pageDown').click(function() {if (loadingComments) return; page -= 1; appendComments()})
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mode = "time";
page = 0;
$('#timeSort').attr('src', "../assets/sort-time-on.png")
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$('#compactMode').click(function() {
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compact = !compact
page = 0;
$('#compactMode').attr('src', `../assets/compact-${compact ? "on" : "off"}.png`)
$('#refresh').click(function() {
if (loadingComments) return
page = 0;
2019-11-17 19:13:42 -03:00
$('#content').on('input', function() {
2019-11-17 19:16:11 -03:00
let remaining = 150-$('#content').val().length
2019-11-17 19:13:42 -03:00
2019-11-17 19:00:19 -03:00
$('#submitComment').click(function() {
let comment = $('#content').val()
let username = $('#username').val()
let password = $('#password').val()
let levelID = window.location.pathname.split('/')[2]
let accountID = 0
if (!content || !username || !password || loadingComments) return $('#postComment').hide()
$('#message').text("Posting comment...")
allowEsc = false
fetch(`../api/profile/${username}`).then(res => res.json()).then(res => {
if (!res || res == "-1") {allowEsc = true; $('.postbutton').show(); return $('#message').text("The username you provided doesn't exist!")}
2019-11-17 19:00:19 -03:00
else accountID = res.accountID
$.post("../postComment", {comment, username, password, levelID, accountID, color: true})
2019-11-17 19:00:19 -03:00
.done(x => {
$('#timeSort').attr('src', "../assets/sort-time-on.png")
$('#topSort').attr('src', "../assets/sort-likes.png")
allowEsc = true
mode = "time"
page = 0
.fail(e => {allowEsc = true; $('.postbutton').show();$('#message').text(e.responseText.includes("DOCTYPE") ? "Something went wrong..." : e.responseText)})
2019-11-17 19:00:19 -03:00
$('#likebtn').click(function() {
like = true
$('#dislikebtn').click(function() {
like = false
let commentID = 0
let lvID = 0
let likeCount, likeImg;
let likedComments;
$(document).on('click', '.likeComment', function(cmnt) {
commentID = $(this).attr('commentID')
likedComments = localStorage.likedComments ? JSON.parse(localStorage.likedComments) : []
if (likedComments.includes(commentID)) return;
lvID = $(this).attr('levelID') || 0
likeImg = $(this).find('img')
likeCount = $(this).parent().find('h3:not(.gold)')
$('#submitVote').click(function() {
if (likedComments.includes(commentID)) return $('#likeMessage').text("You've already liked/disliked this comment!");
let ID = commentID
let username = $('#like-username').val()
let password = $('#like-password').val()
let extraID = lvID || window.location.pathname.split('/')[2]
let accountID = 0
let likeType = like ? "1" : "0"
if (!ID || !username || !password || loadingComments) return $('#postComment').hide()
$('#likeMessage').text(like ? "Liking..." : "Disliking... :(")
allowEsc = false
fetch(`../api/profile/${username}`).then(res => res.json()).then(res => {
if (!res || res == "-1") {allowEsc = true; $('.postbutton').show(); return $('#likeMessage').text("The username you provided doesn't exist!")}
else accountID = res.accountID
$.post("../like", { ID, accountID, password, like: likeType, type: 2, extraID })
.done(x => {
let newCount = parseInt(likeCount.text()) + (like ? 1 : -1)
if (newCount < 0) likeImg.attr('src', '../assets/dislike.png').css('transform', compact ? 'translateY(15%)' : 'translateY(25%)')
else likeImg.attr('src', '../assets/like.png').removeAttr('style')
$('#likeMessage').html(messageText.replace("posting", "liking").replace("postComment", "like"))
allowEsc = true
localStorage.setItem('likedComments', JSON.stringify(likedComments))
.fail(e => {allowEsc = true; $('.postbutton').show();$('#likeMessage').text(e.responseText.includes("DOCTYPE") ? "Something went wrong..." : e.responseText)})
$(window).on('beforeunload ', function() {
localStorage.setItem('commentPreset', JSON.stringify({mode, compact}))
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