2020-09-29 21:42:18 -04:00
const pako = require ( 'zlib' )
2019-10-16 18:47:53 -04:00
const properties = require ( '../misc/objectProperties.json' )
const init = require ( '../misc/initialProperties.json' )
const colorStuff = require ( '../misc/colorProperties.json' )
const ids = require ( '../misc/objects.json' )
const blocks = require ( '../misc/blocks.json' )
module . exports = async ( app , req , res , level ) => {
2019-10-15 22:42:47 -04:00
2019-12-21 22:16:18 -05:00
let unencrypted = level . data . startsWith ( 'kS' ) // some gdps'es don't encrypt level data
let levelString = unencrypted ? level . data : Buffer . from ( level . data , 'base64' )
2019-10-15 22:42:47 -04:00
let response = { } ;
2019-12-21 22:16:18 -05:00
let rawData ;
2019-10-15 22:42:47 -04:00
2019-12-21 22:16:18 -05:00
if ( unencrypted ) rawData = level . data
2019-10-15 22:42:47 -04:00
2019-12-21 22:16:18 -05:00
else {
let buffer ;
2020-09-29 21:42:18 -04:00
try { buffer = zlib . gzipSync ( levelString ) . toString ( ) }
2019-12-21 22:16:18 -05:00
catch ( e ) { return res . send ( "-1" ) }
rawData = buffer . toString ( 'utf8' )
let data = rawData ; // data is tweaked around a lot, so rawData is preserved
2019-10-15 22:42:47 -04:00
let blockNames = Object . keys ( blocks )
let miscNames = Object . keys ( ids . misc )
let blockCounts = { }
let miscCounts = { }
2019-11-28 13:01:43 -05:00
let triggerGroups = [ ]
2019-11-21 08:45:56 -05:00
let highDetail = 0
2019-10-15 22:42:47 -04:00
data = data . split ( ";" )
function sortObj ( obj , sortBy ) {
var sorted = { }
var keys = ! sortBy ? Object . keys ( obj ) . sort ( ( a , b ) => obj [ b ] - obj [ a ] ) : Object . keys ( obj ) . sort ( ( a , b ) => obj [ b ] [ sortBy ] - obj [ a ] [ sortBy ] )
keys . forEach ( x => { sorted [ x ] = obj [ x ] } )
return sorted
data . forEach ( ( x , y ) => {
obj = app . parseResponse ( x , "," )
let keys = Object . keys ( obj )
keys . forEach ( ( k , i ) => {
if ( init . values [ k ] ) k = obj [ k ] [ 0 ]
else if ( properties [ k ] ) obj [ properties [ k ] ] = obj [ k ]
delete obj [ k ]
} )
let id = obj . id
if ( ids . portals [ id ] ) obj . portal = ids . portals [ id ]
if ( ids . orbs [ id ] ) obj . orb = ids . orbs [ id ]
if ( ids . triggers [ id ] ) obj . trigger = ids . triggers [ id ]
2019-11-28 13:01:43 -05:00
if ( obj . triggerGroups ) obj . triggerGroups . split ( '.' ) . forEach ( x => triggerGroups . push ( x ) )
2019-11-21 08:45:56 -05:00
if ( obj . highDetail == 1 ) highDetail += 1
2019-10-15 22:42:47 -04:00
blockNames . forEach ( b => {
if ( blocks [ b ] . includes ( id ) ) {
if ( ! blockCounts [ b ] ) blockCounts [ b ] = 1
else blockCounts [ b ] += 1
} )
miscNames . forEach ( b => {
if ( ids . misc [ b ] . includes ( Number ( id ) ) ) {
if ( ! miscCounts [ b ] ) miscCounts [ b ] = [ 1 , ids . misc [ b ] [ 0 ] ]
else miscCounts [ b ] [ 0 ] += 1
} )
data [ y ] = obj ;
} )
2019-10-19 00:27:17 -04:00
let last = 0 ;
let xArr = data . map ( x => Number ( x . x ) )
let dl = data . length
while ( dl -- ) { last = xArr [ dl ] > last ? xArr [ dl ] : last }
2019-10-15 22:42:47 -04:00
response . level = {
name : level . name , id : level . id , author : level . author , authorID : level . authorID , accountID : level . accountID , large : level . large
2019-10-16 18:47:53 -04:00
response . objects = data . length - 2
2019-11-21 08:45:56 -05:00
response . highDetail = highDetail
2019-11-10 16:18:52 -05:00
response . settings = { }
2019-10-16 18:47:53 -04:00
2020-02-19 11:39:12 +08:00
response . portals = data . filter ( x => x . portal ) . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return parseInt ( a . x ) - parseInt ( b . x ) } ) . map ( x => x . portal + " " + Math . floor ( x . x / ( Math . max ( last , 529.0 ) + 340.0 ) * 100 ) + "%" ) . join ( ", " )
2019-10-15 22:42:47 -04:00
response . orbs = { }
orbArray = data . filter ( x => x . orb ) . reduce ( ( a , b ) => { //stolen from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45064107/how-do-i-group-duplicate-objects-in-an-array
var i = a . findIndex ( x => x . orb === b . orb ) ;
return i === - 1 ? a . push ( { orb : b . orb , count : 1 } ) : a [ i ] . count ++ , a ;
} , [ ] ) . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return parseInt ( b . count ) - parseInt ( a . count ) } )
orbArray . forEach ( x => response . orbs [ x . orb ] = x . count )
response . orbs . total = data . filter ( x => x . orb ) . length
response . triggers = { }
triggerArray = data . filter ( x => x . trigger ) . reduce ( ( a , b ) => {
var i = a . findIndex ( x => x . trigger === b . trigger ) ;
return i === - 1 ? a . push ( { trigger : b . trigger , count : 1 } ) : a [ i ] . count ++ , a ;
} , [ ] ) . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return parseInt ( b . count ) - parseInt ( a . count ) } )
triggerArray . forEach ( x => response . triggers [ x . trigger ] = x . count )
response . triggers . total = data . filter ( x => x . trigger ) . length
2019-11-28 13:01:43 -05:00
response . triggerGroups = { }
2019-10-15 22:42:47 -04:00
response . blocks = sortObj ( blockCounts )
response . misc = sortObj ( miscCounts , '0' )
response . colors = [ ]
2019-11-28 13:01:43 -05:00
triggerGroups . forEach ( x => {
if ( response . triggerGroups [ 'Group ' + x ] ) response . triggerGroups [ 'Group ' + x ] += 1
else response . triggerGroups [ 'Group ' + x ] = 1
} )
response . triggerGroups = sortObj ( response . triggerGroups )
2019-12-04 10:01:09 -05:00
response . triggerGroups . total = Object . keys ( response . triggerGroups ) . length
2019-11-28 13:01:43 -05:00
2019-10-15 22:42:47 -04:00
Object . keys ( data [ 0 ] ) . forEach ( x => {
let val = init . values [ x ]
let name = val [ 0 ]
let property = data [ 0 ] [ x ]
if ( val [ 1 ] == "list" ) val = init [ ( val [ 0 ] + "s" ) ] [ property ]
else if ( val [ 1 ] == "number" ) val = Number ( property )
else if ( val [ 1 ] == "bump" ) val = Number ( property ) + 1
else if ( val [ 1 ] == "bool" ) val = property != "0"
2019-11-20 15:18:12 -07:00
// you can only imagine my fear when i discovered this was a thing
// these literally are keys set the value, and to convert this to the color list we have to do this fun messy thing that shouldn't exist
else if ( val [ 1 ] == 'extra-legacy-color' ) {
// since i wrote the 1.9 color before this, a lot of explaination will be there instead
const colorInfo = name . split ( '-' ) ;
const color = colorInfo [ 2 ] ; // r,g,b
const channel = colorInfo [ 1 ] ;
if ( color == 'r' ) {
// first we create the color object
response . colors . push ( { "channel" : channel , "opacity" : 1 } ) ;
// from here we touch the color object
let currentChannel = response . colors . find ( k => k . channel == channel ) ;
if ( color == 'blend' ) {
currentChannel . blending = true ; // only one color has blending though lol
} else if ( color == 'pcol' && property != 0 ) {
currentChannel . pColor = property ;
currentChannel [ color ] = property ;
// if a level has a legacy color, we can assume that it does not have a kS38 at all
else if ( val [ 1 ] == "legacy-color" ) {
color = app . parseResponse ( property , "_" ) ;
const keys = Object . keys ( color )
let colorObj = { }
// so here we parse the color to something understandable by the rest
// slightly smart naming but it is also pretty gross
// in a sense - the name would be something like legacy-G -> G
const colorVal = name . split ( '-' ) . pop ( )
keys . forEach ( k => { if ( colorStuff . properties [ k ] ) colorObj [ colorStuff . properties [ k ] ] = color [ k ] } )
colorObj . channel = colorVal
// from here stuff can continue as normal, ish
if ( colorObj . pColor == "-1" || colorObj . pColor == "0" ) delete colorObj . pColor ;
colorObj . opacity = 1 ; // 1.9 colors don't have this!
if ( colorObj . blending && colorObj . blending == '1' ) colorObj . blending = true ; // 1.9 colors manage to always think they're blending - they're not
else delete colorObj . blending ;
if ( colorVal == '3DL' ) { response . colors . splice ( 4 , 0 , colorObj ) ; } // hardcode the position of 3DL, it typically goes at the end due to how RobTop make the headers
else if ( colorVal == 'Line' ) { colorObj . blending = true ; response . colors . push ( colorObj ) ; } // in line with 2.1 behavior
else { response . colors . push ( colorObj ) ; } // bruh whatever was done to make the color list originally was long
2019-10-15 22:42:47 -04:00
else if ( val [ 1 ] == "colors" ) {
let colorList = property . split ( "|" )
colorList . forEach ( ( x , y ) => {
color = app . parseResponse ( x , "_" )
let keys = Object . keys ( color )
let colorObj = { }
if ( ! color [ '6' ] ) return colorList = colorList . filter ( ( h , i ) => y != i )
2019-11-20 15:18:12 -07:00
2019-10-15 22:42:47 -04:00
keys . forEach ( k => { if ( colorStuff . properties [ k ] ) colorObj [ colorStuff . properties [ k ] ] = color [ k ] } )
if ( colorStuff . channels [ colorObj . channel ] ) colorObj . channel = colorStuff . channels [ colorObj . channel ]
if ( colorObj . channel > 1000 ) return ;
if ( colorStuff . channels [ colorObj . copiedChannel ] ) colorObj . copiedChannel = colorStuff . channels [ colorObj . copiedChannel ]
if ( colorObj . copiedChannel > 1000 ) delete colorObj . copiedChannel ;
if ( colorObj . pColor == "-1" ) delete colorObj . pColor
if ( colorObj . blending ) colorObj . blending = true
2019-11-30 18:01:33 -05:00
if ( colorObj . copiedHSV ) {
let hsv = colorObj . copiedHSV . split ( "a" )
colorObj . copiedHSV = { }
hsv . forEach ( ( x , y ) => { colorObj . copiedHSV [ colorStuff . hsv [ y ] ] = x } )
colorObj . copiedHSV [ 's-checked' ] = colorObj . copiedHSV [ 's-checked' ] == 1
colorObj . copiedHSV [ 'v-checked' ] = colorObj . copiedHSV [ 'v-checked' ] == 1
if ( colorObj . copyOpacity == 1 ) colorObj . copyOpacity = true
2019-10-30 21:41:21 -04:00
colorObj . opacity = + Number ( colorObj . opacity ) . toFixed ( 2 )
2019-10-15 22:42:47 -04:00
colorList [ y ] = colorObj
colorList = colorList . filter ( x => typeof x == "object" )
if ( ! colorList . find ( x => x . channel == "Obj" ) ) colorList . push ( { "r" : "255" , "g" : "255" , "b" : "255" , "channel" : "Obj" , "opacity" : "1" } )
let specialSort = [ "BG" , "G" , "G2" , "Line" , "Obj" , "3DL" ]
let specialColors = colorList . filter ( x => isNaN ( x . channel ) ) . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return specialSort . indexOf ( a . channel ) > specialSort . indexOf ( b . channel ) } )
let regularColors = colorList . filter ( x => ! isNaN ( x . channel ) ) . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return ( + a . channel ) - ( + b . channel ) } ) ;
response . colors = specialColors . concat ( regularColors )
} )
response . settings [ name ] = val
} )
2019-11-19 23:53:24 -05:00
if ( ! response . settings . ground || response . settings . ground > 17 ) response . settings . ground = 1
if ( ! response . settings . background || response . settings . background > 20 ) response . settings . background = 1
2019-11-09 19:59:11 -05:00
if ( ! response . settings . font ) response . settings . font = 1
2019-11-09 20:13:56 -05:00
2019-11-09 20:11:18 -05:00
if ( response . settings . alternateLine == 2 ) response . settings . alternateLine = true
2019-11-09 20:13:56 -05:00
else response . settings . alternateLine = false
2019-11-09 19:59:11 -05:00
2019-11-20 15:18:12 -07:00
Object . keys ( response . settings ) . filter ( k => {
// this should be parsed into color list instead
if ( k . includes ( 'legacy' ) ) delete response . settings [ k ] ;
} ) ;
2019-10-15 22:42:47 -04:00
delete response . settings [ 'colors' ]
2019-11-10 16:18:52 -05:00
response . text = data . filter ( x => x . message ) . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return parseInt ( a . x ) - parseInt ( b . x ) } ) . map ( x => [ Buffer . from ( x . message , 'base64' ) . toString ( ) , Math . round ( x . x / last * 99 ) + "%" ] )
2019-10-15 22:42:47 -04:00
response . dataLength = rawData . length
response . data = rawData
return res . send ( response )