2021-01-18 21:54:18 -05:00
< head >
< title > GD Multiverse Navigation Terminal< / title >
< meta charset = "utf-8" >
2021-03-31 20:54:28 -04:00
< link href = "../assets/css/browser.css?v=x" type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" >
2021-01-18 21:54:18 -05:00
< script async src = "https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-135255146-3" > < / script > < script > window . dataLayer = window . dataLayer || [ ] ; function gtag ( ) { dataLayer . push ( arguments ) ; } gtag ( 'js' , new Date ( ) ) ; gtag ( 'config' , 'UA-135255146-3' ) ; < / script >
2021-03-31 20:54:28 -04:00
< link rel = "icon" href = "../assets/unlock.png?" >
2021-01-18 21:54:18 -05:00
< meta id = "meta-title" property = "og:title" content = "GD Multiverse Navigation Terminal" >
< meta id = "meta-desc" property = "og:description" content = "That's uhh... that's just fancy talk for GDPS Browser. Select a popular GD private server and view its levels, creators, packs, leaderboards, and more!" >
2021-03-31 20:54:28 -04:00
< meta id = "meta-image" name = "og:image" itemprop = "image" content = "https://gdbrowser.com/assets/unlock.png?" >
2021-01-21 20:28:04 -05:00
< meta name = "twitter:card" content = "summary" >
2021-01-18 21:54:18 -05:00
< / head >
< body class = "levelBG vaultBG" onbeforeunload = "saveUrl()" >
< div id = "everything" style = "overflow: auto;" >
< div class = "popup" id = "infoDiv" >
< div class = "fancybox bounce center supercenter" style = "width: 90vh" >
< h2 class = "smaller center" style = "font-size: 5.5vh" > Add server< / h2 >
< p class = "bigger center" style = "line-height: 5vh; margin-top: 1.5vh; margin-bottom: 2.5vh;" >
Please contact < span style = "color: #FF8000" > Colon< / span > < / a > on
2021-02-03 13:50:19 -05:00
< a target = "_blank" href = "https://twitter.com/TheRealGDColon" > < ca class = "underline" > Twitter< / ca > < / a > or
< span style = "color: #7289DA" > Discord< / span > if you are interested in adding your < cy > private server< / cy > to this list.
2021-01-18 21:54:18 -05:00
< / p >
< p class = "bigger center" style = "margin-top: 1vh" >
2021-02-03 13:50:19 -05:00
Please note that I am only adding < cg > relatively popular< / cg > servers at this time.
Servers which are < cr > inactive< / cr > or have < cr > few levels/members< / cr > will not be accepted.
2021-01-18 21:54:18 -05:00
< / p >
2021-03-31 20:54:28 -04:00
< img src = "../assets/ok.png?" width = 15%; class = "gdButton center" onclick = "$('.popup').hide()" >
2021-01-18 21:54:18 -05:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "searchBox" class = "supercenter dragscroll" ; style = "width: 127vh" >
< div style = "height: 4.5%" > < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "epicbox supercenter gs" style = "width: 126vh; height: 80%; pointer-events: none" > < / div >
< div class = "center" style = "position:absolute; top: 8%; left: 0%; right: 0%" >
< h1 class = "pre" id = "header" > GD Private Servers< / h1 >
< / div >
< div style = "position:absolute; top: 2%; left: 1.5%; width: 10%; height: 25%; pointer-events: none" >
2021-03-31 20:54:28 -04:00
< img class = "gdButton yesClick" id = "backButton" src = "../assets/back.png?" height = "30%" onclick = "backButton()" >
2021-01-18 21:54:18 -05:00
< / div >
< div class = "supercenter" id = "loading" style = "height: 10%; top: 47%" >
2021-03-31 20:54:28 -04:00
< img class = "spin noSelect" src = "../assets/loading.png?" height = "105%" >
2021-01-18 21:54:18 -05:00
< / div >
< div style = "position:absolute; top: 3%; right: 2%; text-align: right; width: 20%;" >
2021-03-31 20:54:28 -04:00
< img id = "plusButton" class = "inline gdButton" src = "../assets/plus.png?" width = "25%" onclick = "$('#infoDiv').show()" >
2021-01-18 21:54:18 -05:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / body >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../sizecheck.js?" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "../dragscroll.js" > < / script >
< script >
2021-01-25 09:27:57 -05:00
let localhost = window.location.hostname == "localhost"
2021-01-18 21:54:18 -05:00
let host = window.location.host.split(".").slice(-2).join(".")
Fetch('../api/gdps').then(servers => {
servers.forEach(x => {
if (!x.id) x.id = null
$('#searchBox').append(`< div class = "searchresult" style = "height: 19%; padding-top: 1.2%" >
< h1 class = "lessspaced blue" style = "color: ${gdps == x.id ? " # 00DDFF " : " white " } " > ${x.name}< / h1 >
< h2 class = "lessSpaced smaller inline gdButton" > < a href = "${x.authorLink}" target = "_blank" > By ${x.author}< / a > < / h2 >
< div class = "center" style = "position:absolute; height: 10%; width: 12.5%; left: 3%; transform:translateY(-160%)" >
2021-03-31 20:54:28 -04:00
< a href = "${x.link}" target = "_blank" > < img class = "gdButton spaced gdpslogo" src = "../assets/gdps/${x.id || " gd " } _icon . png ? " height = "130%" > < / a >
2021-01-18 21:54:18 -05:00
< / div >
< div class = "center" style = "position:absolute; right: 7%; transform:translateY(-150%); height: 10%" >
2021-03-31 20:54:28 -04:00
< a href = "http://${x.id || " " } $ { x . id & & localhost ? " . x " : " " } $ { x . id ? " . " : " " } $ { host } " > < img style = "margin-bottom: 4.5%" class = "valign gdButton" src = "../assets/view.png?" height = "105%" > < / a >
2021-01-18 21:54:18 -05:00
< / div >
< / div > `)
$('#searchBox').append('< div style = "height: 4%" > < / div > ')
< / script >