#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys, subprocess, time, hashlib, platform from random import randint from functools import wraps sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/lib') from stem.control import Controller from stem import SocketError from flask import Flask, Markup, Response, request, make_response, send_from_directory app = Flask(__name__) # generate an unguessable string slug = os.urandom(16).encode('hex') # file information filename = filehash = filesize = '' @app.route("/{0}".format(slug)) def index(): global filename, filesize, filehash, slug return "OnionShare


SHA1 checksum: {2}
File size: {3} bytes

".format(slug, os.path.basename(filename), filehash, filesize) @app.route("/{0}/download".format(slug)) def download(): global filename dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) basename = os.path.basename(filename) return send_from_directory(dirname, basename, as_attachment=True) def get_platform(): if 'ONIONSHARE_PLATFORM' in os.environ: return os.environ['ONIONSHARE_PLATFORM'] else: return platform.system() def get_hidden_service_dir(port): if get_platform() == "Windows": if 'Temp' in os.environ: temp = os.environ['Temp'].replace('\\', '/') else: temp = 'C:/tmp' return "{0}/onionshare_hidden_service_{1}".format(temp, port) return "/tmp/onionshare_hidden_service_{0}".format(port) def get_hidden_service_hostname(port): hostname_file = '{0}/hostname'.format(get_hidden_service_dir(port)) return open(hostname_file, 'r').read().strip() def tails_open_port(port): if get_platform() == 'Tails': print 'Punching a hole in the firewall' subprocess.call(['/sbin/iptables', '-I', 'OUTPUT', '-o', 'lo', '-p', 'tcp', '--dport', str(port), '-j', 'ACCEPT']) def tails_close_port(port): if get_platform() == 'Tails': print 'Closing hole in firewall' subprocess.call(['/sbin/iptables', '-I', 'OUTPUT', '-o', 'lo', '-p', 'tcp', '--dport', str(port), '-j', 'REJECT']) if __name__ == '__main__': # validate filename if len(sys.argv) != 2: sys.exit('Usage: {0} [filename]'.format(sys.argv[0])); filename = sys.argv[1] if not os.path.isfile(filename): sys.exit('{0} is not a file'.format(filename)) # calculate filehash, file size print 'Calculate sha1 checksum' BLOCKSIZE = 65536 hasher = hashlib.sha1() with open(filename, 'rb') as f: buf = f.read(BLOCKSIZE) while len(buf) > 0: hasher.update(buf) buf = f.read(BLOCKSIZE) filehash = hasher.hexdigest() filesize = os.path.getsize(filename) # choose a port port = randint(1025, 65535) # connect to the tor controlport print 'Connecting to Tor control port to set up hidden service on port {0}'.format(port) controlports = [9051, 9151] controller = False for controlport in controlports: try: controller = Controller.from_port(port=controlport) except SocketError: pass if not controller: sys.exit('Cannot connect to Tor control port on ports {0}. Is Tor running?'.format(controlports)) controller.authenticate() # set up hidden service controller.set_options([ ('HiddenServiceDir', get_hidden_service_dir(port)), ('HiddenServicePort', '80{0}'.format(port)) ]) onion_host = get_hidden_service_hostname(port) # punch a hole in the firewall tails_open_port(port) # instructions print '\nGive this URL to the person you\'re sending the file to:' print 'http://{0}/{1}'.format(onion_host, slug) print '' print 'Press Ctrl-C to stop server\n' # start the web server app.run(port=port) print '\n' # shutdown tails_close_port(port)