import json import requests import socks from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtTest from onionshare import strings from onionshare.common import Common from onionshare.settings import Settings from onionshare.onion import Onion from onionshare.web import Web from onionshare_gui import Application, OnionShare, OnionShareGui from onionshare_gui.mode.share_mode import ShareMode from onionshare_gui.mode.receive_mode import ReceiveMode from .GuiBaseTest import GuiBaseTest class TorGuiBaseTest(GuiBaseTest): @staticmethod def set_up(test_settings, settings_filename): '''Create GUI with given settings''' # Create our test file testfile = open('/tmp/test.txt', 'w') testfile.write('onionshare') testfile.close() common = Common() common.settings = Settings(common) common.define_css() strings.load_strings(common) # Get all of the settings in test_settings test_settings['connection_type'] = 'automatic' test_settings['downloads_dir'] = '/tmp/OnionShare' for key, val in common.settings.default_settings.items(): if key not in test_settings: test_settings[key] = val # Start the Onion testonion = Onion(common) global qtapp qtapp = Application(common) app = OnionShare(common, testonion, False, 0) web = Web(common, False, False) open('/tmp/{}.json'.format(settings_filename), 'w').write(json.dumps(test_settings)) gui = OnionShareGui(common, testonion, qtapp, app, ['/tmp/test.txt'], '/tmp/{}.json'.format(settings_filename), False) return gui def history_indicator(self, mode, public_mode): '''Test that we can make sure the history is toggled off, do an action, and the indiciator works''' # Make sure history is toggled off if mode.history.isVisible(): QtTest.QTest.mouseClick(mode.toggle_history, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) self.assertFalse(mode.history.isVisible()) # Indicator should not be visible yet self.assertFalse(mode.toggle_history.indicator_label.isVisible()) # Set up connecting to the onion (socks_address, socks_port) = session = requests.session() session.proxies = {} session.proxies['http'] = 'socks5h://{}:{}'.format(socks_address, socks_port) if type(mode) == ReceiveMode: # Upload a file files = {'file[]': open('/tmp/test.txt', 'rb')} if not public_mode: path = 'http://{}/{}/upload'.format(, mode.web.slug) else: path = 'http://{}/upload'.format( response =, files=files) QtTest.QTest.qWait(4000) if type(mode) == ShareMode: # Download files if public_mode: path = "http://{}/download".format( else: path = "http://{}/{}/download".format(, mode.web.slug) response = session.get(path) QtTest.QTest.qWait(4000) # Indicator should be visible, have a value of "1" self.assertTrue(mode.toggle_history.indicator_label.isVisible()) self.assertEqual(mode.toggle_history.indicator_label.text(), "1") # Toggle history back on, indicator should be hidden again QtTest.QTest.mouseClick(mode.toggle_history, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) self.assertFalse(mode.toggle_history.indicator_label.isVisible()) def a_server_is_started(self, mode): '''Test that the server has started (overriding from local tests to wait for longer)''' QtTest.QTest.qWait(45000) # Should now be in SERVER_STARTED state self.assertEqual(mode.server_status.status, 2) def have_an_onion_service(self): '''Test that we have a valid Onion URL''' self.assertRegex(, r'[a-z2-7].onion') def web_page(self, mode, string, public_mode): '''Test that the web page contains a string''' (socks_address, socks_port) = socks.set_default_proxy(socks.SOCKS5, socks_address, socks_port) s = socks.socksocket() s.settimeout(60) s.connect((, 80)) if not public_mode: path = '/{}'.format(mode.server_status.web.slug) else: path = '/' http_request = 'GET {} HTTP/1.0\r\n'.format(path) http_request += 'Host: {}\r\n'.format( http_request += '\r\n' s.sendall(http_request.encode('utf-8')) with open('/tmp/webpage', 'wb') as file_to_write: while True: data = s.recv(1024) if not data: break file_to_write.write(data) file_to_write.close() f = open('/tmp/webpage') self.assertTrue(string in f.close() def cancel_the_share(self, mode): '''Test that we can cancel this share before it's started up ''' self.server_working_on_start_button_pressed(self.gui.share_mode) self.server_status_indicator_says_starting(self.gui.share_mode) self.add_delete_buttons_hidden() self.settings_button_is_hidden() QtTest.QTest.mousePress(mode.server_status.server_button, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) QtTest.QTest.qWait(1000) QtTest.QTest.mouseRelease(mode.server_status.server_button, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) self.assertEqual(mode.server_status.status, 0) self.server_is_stopped(self.gui.share_mode, False) self.web_service_is_stopped() # Stealth tests def copy_have_hidserv_auth_button(self, mode): '''Test that the Copy HidservAuth button is shown''' self.assertTrue(mode.server_status.copy_hidservauth_button.isVisible()) def hidserv_auth_string(self): '''Test the validity of the HidservAuth string''' self.assertRegex(, r'HidServAuth %s [a-zA-Z1-9]' %