Philip Kaufmann 6715efb9ca [Qt] Payment request expiration bug fix (re-done)
- this is based on #4122 (which can be closed)

Currently a payment request is only checked for expiration upon receipt.
It should be checked again immediately before sending coins to prevent
the user from paying to an expired invoice which would then require a
customer service interaction.

- add static verifyExpired() function to PaymentServer to be able to use
  the same validation code in GUI and unit-testing code
- extend unit tests to use that function and also add an unit test which
  overflows, because payment requests allow expires as uint64, whereas we
  use int64_t for verification of expired payment requests
2015-01-15 09:08:22 +01:00

266 lines
9.3 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-2014 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "paymentrequestplus.h"
#include "walletmodeltransaction.h"
#include "allocators.h" /* for SecureString */
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <QObject>
class AddressTableModel;
class OptionsModel;
class RecentRequestsTableModel;
class TransactionTableModel;
class WalletModelTransaction;
class CCoinControl;
class CKeyID;
class COutPoint;
class COutput;
class CPubKey;
class CWallet;
class uint256;
class QTimer;
class SendCoinsRecipient
explicit SendCoinsRecipient() : amount(0), nVersion(SendCoinsRecipient::CURRENT_VERSION) { }
explicit SendCoinsRecipient(const QString &addr, const QString &label, const CAmount& amount, const QString &message):
address(addr), label(label), amount(amount), message(message), nVersion(SendCoinsRecipient::CURRENT_VERSION) {}
// If from an unauthenticated payment request, this is used for storing
// the addresses, e.g. address-A<br />address-B<br />address-C.
// Info: As we don't need to process addresses in here when using
// payment requests, we can abuse it for displaying an address list.
// Todo: This is a hack, should be replaced with a cleaner solution!
QString address;
QString label;
CAmount amount;
// If from a payment request, this is used for storing the memo
QString message;
// If from a payment request, paymentRequest.IsInitialized() will be true
PaymentRequestPlus paymentRequest;
// Empty if no authentication or invalid signature/cert/etc.
QString authenticatedMerchant;
static const int CURRENT_VERSION = 1;
int nVersion;
template <typename Stream, typename Operation>
inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action, int nType, int nVersion) {
std::string sAddress = address.toStdString();
std::string sLabel = label.toStdString();
std::string sMessage = message.toStdString();
std::string sPaymentRequest;
if (!ser_action.ForRead() && paymentRequest.IsInitialized())
std::string sAuthenticatedMerchant = authenticatedMerchant.toStdString();
nVersion = this->nVersion;
if (ser_action.ForRead())
address = QString::fromStdString(sAddress);
label = QString::fromStdString(sLabel);
message = QString::fromStdString(sMessage);
if (!sPaymentRequest.empty())
paymentRequest.parse(QByteArray::fromRawData(, sPaymentRequest.size()));
authenticatedMerchant = QString::fromStdString(sAuthenticatedMerchant);
/** Interface to Bitcoin wallet from Qt view code. */
class WalletModel : public QObject
explicit WalletModel(CWallet *wallet, OptionsModel *optionsModel, QObject *parent = 0);
enum StatusCode // Returned by sendCoins
TransactionCreationFailed, // Error returned when wallet is still locked
enum EncryptionStatus
Unencrypted, // !wallet->IsCrypted()
Locked, // wallet->IsCrypted() && wallet->IsLocked()
Unlocked // wallet->IsCrypted() && !wallet->IsLocked()
OptionsModel *getOptionsModel();
AddressTableModel *getAddressTableModel();
TransactionTableModel *getTransactionTableModel();
RecentRequestsTableModel *getRecentRequestsTableModel();
CAmount getBalance(const CCoinControl *coinControl = NULL) const;
CAmount getUnconfirmedBalance() const;
CAmount getImmatureBalance() const;
bool haveWatchOnly() const;
CAmount getWatchBalance() const;
CAmount getWatchUnconfirmedBalance() const;
CAmount getWatchImmatureBalance() const;
EncryptionStatus getEncryptionStatus() const;
// Check address for validity
bool validateAddress(const QString &address);
// Return status record for SendCoins, contains error id + information
struct SendCoinsReturn
SendCoinsReturn(StatusCode status = OK):
status(status) {}
StatusCode status;
// prepare transaction for getting txfee before sending coins
SendCoinsReturn prepareTransaction(WalletModelTransaction &transaction, const CCoinControl *coinControl = NULL);
// Send coins to a list of recipients
SendCoinsReturn sendCoins(WalletModelTransaction &transaction);
// Wallet encryption
bool setWalletEncrypted(bool encrypted, const SecureString &passphrase);
// Passphrase only needed when unlocking
bool setWalletLocked(bool locked, const SecureString &passPhrase=SecureString());
bool changePassphrase(const SecureString &oldPass, const SecureString &newPass);
// Wallet backup
bool backupWallet(const QString &filename);
// RAI object for unlocking wallet, returned by requestUnlock()
class UnlockContext
UnlockContext(WalletModel *wallet, bool valid, bool relock);
bool isValid() const { return valid; }
// Copy operator and constructor transfer the context
UnlockContext(const UnlockContext& obj) { CopyFrom(obj); }
UnlockContext& operator=(const UnlockContext& rhs) { CopyFrom(rhs); return *this; }
WalletModel *wallet;
bool valid;
mutable bool relock; // mutable, as it can be set to false by copying
void CopyFrom(const UnlockContext& rhs);
UnlockContext requestUnlock();
bool getPubKey(const CKeyID &address, CPubKey& vchPubKeyOut) const;
void getOutputs(const std::vector<COutPoint>& vOutpoints, std::vector<COutput>& vOutputs);
bool isSpent(const COutPoint& outpoint) const;
void listCoins(std::map<QString, std::vector<COutput> >& mapCoins) const;
bool isLockedCoin(uint256 hash, unsigned int n) const;
void lockCoin(COutPoint& output);
void unlockCoin(COutPoint& output);
void listLockedCoins(std::vector<COutPoint>& vOutpts);
void loadReceiveRequests(std::vector<std::string>& vReceiveRequests);
bool saveReceiveRequest(const std::string &sAddress, const int64_t nId, const std::string &sRequest);
CWallet *wallet;
bool fHaveWatchOnly;
bool fForceCheckBalanceChanged;
// Wallet has an options model for wallet-specific options
// (transaction fee, for example)
OptionsModel *optionsModel;
AddressTableModel *addressTableModel;
TransactionTableModel *transactionTableModel;
RecentRequestsTableModel *recentRequestsTableModel;
// Cache some values to be able to detect changes
CAmount cachedBalance;
CAmount cachedUnconfirmedBalance;
CAmount cachedImmatureBalance;
CAmount cachedWatchOnlyBalance;
CAmount cachedWatchUnconfBalance;
CAmount cachedWatchImmatureBalance;
EncryptionStatus cachedEncryptionStatus;
int cachedNumBlocks;
QTimer *pollTimer;
void subscribeToCoreSignals();
void unsubscribeFromCoreSignals();
void checkBalanceChanged();
// Signal that balance in wallet changed
void balanceChanged(const CAmount& balance, const CAmount& unconfirmedBalance, const CAmount& immatureBalance,
const CAmount& watchOnlyBalance, const CAmount& watchUnconfBalance, const CAmount& watchImmatureBalance);
// Encryption status of wallet changed
void encryptionStatusChanged(int status);
// Signal emitted when wallet needs to be unlocked
// It is valid behaviour for listeners to keep the wallet locked after this signal;
// this means that the unlocking failed or was cancelled.
void requireUnlock();
// Fired when a message should be reported to the user
void message(const QString &title, const QString &message, unsigned int style);
// Coins sent: from wallet, to recipient, in (serialized) transaction:
void coinsSent(CWallet* wallet, SendCoinsRecipient recipient, QByteArray transaction);
// Show progress dialog e.g. for rescan
void showProgress(const QString &title, int nProgress);
// Watch-only address added
void notifyWatchonlyChanged(bool fHaveWatchonly);
public slots:
/* Wallet status might have changed */
void updateStatus();
/* New transaction, or transaction changed status */
void updateTransaction();
/* New, updated or removed address book entry */
void updateAddressBook(const QString &address, const QString &label, bool isMine, const QString &purpose, int status);
/* Watch-only added */
void updateWatchOnlyFlag(bool fHaveWatchonly);
/* Current, immature or unconfirmed balance might have changed - emit 'balanceChanged' if so */
void pollBalanceChanged();