This adds a new descriptor with syntax e.g. tr(KEY,{S1,{{S2,S3},S4})
where KEY is a key expression for the internal key and S_i are
script expression for the leaves. They have to be organized in
nested {A,B} groups, with exactly two elements.
tr() only exists at the top level, and inside the script expressions
only pk() scripts are allowed for now.
As described in "Key origin identification" section, a descriptor
that has hardened derivation after xpub does not let you compute scripts
without access to the corresponding private keys. Such a descriptor is
practically useless.
The text after the descriptor said "with child key *1'/2* of the
specified xpub", and clearly an xpub cannot have "child key" with
hardened derivation. Therefore it makes sense to fix this inconsistency
to not confuse the reader of the doc