On Windows link with mswsock, it being required (indirectly) by RPC code

Signed-off-by: Giel van Schijndel <me@mortis.eu>
This commit is contained in:
Giel van Schijndel 2012-06-24 14:16:30 +02:00
parent ad25804feb
commit 5b14622110
3 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

View file

@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ isEmpty(BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH) {
macx:BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH = /opt/local/include
windows:LIBS += -lws2_32 -lshlwapi
windows:LIBS += -lws2_32 -lshlwapi -lmswsock
windows:DEFINES += WIN32
windows:RC_FILE = src/qt/res/bitcoin-qt.rc

View file

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ ifdef USE_UPNP
LIBS += -l mingwthrd -l kernel32 -l user32 -l gdi32 -l comdlg32 -l winspool -l winmm -l shell32 -l comctl32 -l ole32 -l oleaut32 -l uuid -l rpcrt4 -l advapi32 -l ws2_32 -l shlwapi
LIBS += -l mingwthrd -l kernel32 -l user32 -l gdi32 -l comdlg32 -l winspool -l winmm -l shell32 -l comctl32 -l ole32 -l oleaut32 -l uuid -l rpcrt4 -l advapi32 -l ws2_32 -l mswsock -l shlwapi
# TODO: make the mingw builds smarter about dependencies, like the linux/osx builds are
HEADERS = $(wildcard *.h)

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ ifdef USE_UPNP
LIBS += -l kernel32 -l user32 -l gdi32 -l comdlg32 -l winspool -l winmm -l shell32 -l comctl32 -l ole32 -l oleaut32 -l uuid -l rpcrt4 -l advapi32 -l ws2_32 -l shlwapi
LIBS += -l kernel32 -l user32 -l gdi32 -l comdlg32 -l winspool -l winmm -l shell32 -l comctl32 -l ole32 -l oleaut32 -l uuid -l rpcrt4 -l advapi32 -l ws2_32 -l mswsock -l shlwapi
# TODO: make the mingw builds smarter about dependencies, like the linux/osx builds are
HEADERS = $(wildcard *.h)