parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Script to get coins from a faucet.',epilog='You may need to start with double-dash (--) when providing bitcoin-cli arguments.')
parser.add_argument('-c','--cmd',dest='cmd',default='bitcoin-cli',help='bitcoin-cli command to use')
print('The global faucet cannot be used with a custom Signet network. Please use the global signet or setup your custom faucet to use this functionality.\n')
# Display the output as per the returned status code
# When the return code is in between 200 and 400 i.e. successful
print('The specified faucet URL does not exist. Please check for any server issues/typo.')
print('The script does not allow for repeated transactions as the global faucet is rate-limitied to 1 request/IP/day. You can access the faucet website to get more coins manually')