Error on Open BOTW - Cemu 2.0-41 beta #871

opened 2023-06-18 16:58:42 -04:00 by GabrielBRDeveloper · 4 comments
GabrielBRDeveloper commented 2023-06-18 16:58:42 -04:00 (Migrated from

OS: Linux Mint 21.1 (x86_64)
Cemu version: 2.0-41 (AppImage)

[16:45:14.813] ------- Init Cemu 2.0-41 (experimental) -------
[16:45:14.813] Init Wii U memory space (base: 0x00007f3bc4000000)
[16:45:14.815] mlc01 path: /home/gabriel/Documentos/Games/Cemu
[16:45:14.815] CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
[16:45:14.815] RAM: 7790MB
[16:45:14.815] Used CPU extensions: SSSE3, SSE4.1, AVX, AVX2, LZCNT, MOVBE, BMI2, AES-NI, INVARIANT-TSC
[16:45:14.815] IOSU_CRYPTO: No otp.bin found. Online mode cannot be used
[16:45:14.815] IOSU_CRYPTO: No Seeprom.bin found. Online mode cannot be used
[16:45:14.836] Failed to read valid PlayDiary header
[16:46:47.145] Mounting title 00050000101c9400
[16:46:47.145] Base: (Edit: My game path)
[16:46:47.145] Update:  (My game path, update v192)
[16:46:47.145] DLC: (My game path) [Folder]
[16:46:48.623] COS: System fonts found. Generated shareddata (26609KB)
[16:46:48.669] ------- Init Vulkan graphics backend -------
[16:46:48.734] Vulkan instance version: 1.3
[16:46:48.746] Using GPU: AMD Radeon RX 580 2048SP (RADV POLARIS10)
[16:46:48.746] Driver version: Mesa 22.2.5
[16:46:48.746] VulkanLimits: UBAlignment 4 nonCoherentAtomSize 64
[16:46:48.786] Using available debug function: vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT()
[16:46:48.786] Vulkan device memory info:
[16:46:48.786] Heap 0 - Size 7936MB Flags 0x00000001
[16:46:48.786] Heap 1 - Size 5843MB Flags 0x00000000
[16:46:48.786] Heap 2 - Size 256MB Flags 0x00000001
[16:46:48.786] Memory 0 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000001
[16:46:48.786] Memory 1 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000001
[16:46:48.787] Memory 2 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000006
[16:46:48.787] Memory 3 - HeapIndex 2 Flags 0x00000007
[16:46:48.787] Memory 4 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x0000000e
[16:46:48.787] VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT not supported
[16:46:48.787] VK_FORMAT_R4G4_UNORM_PACK8 not supported
[16:46:48.807] ------- Loaded title -------
[16:46:48.807] TitleId: 00050000-101c9400
[16:46:48.807] TitleVersion: v192
[16:46:48.807] TitleRegion: US
[16:46:48.807] Save path:   /home/gabriel/Documentos/Games/Cemu/usr/save/00050000/101C9400/user/ (not present)
[16:46:48.807] Shader cache file: shaderCache/transferable/00050000101c9400.bin
[16:46:48.807] gameprofile path: gameProfiles/00050000101c9400.ini
[16:46:48.807] RPX hash (updated): a6152715
[16:46:48.807] RPX hash (base): dcac9927
[16:46:49.038] Loaded module 'u-king' with checksum 0xd472d8a5
[16:46:49.038] RPL link time: 219ms
[16:46:49.217] HLE scan time: 179ms
[16:46:49.217] ------- Active settings -------
[16:46:49.217] CPU-Mode: Multi-core recompiler (gameprofile)
[16:46:49.217] Load shared libraries: true (gameprofile)
[16:46:49.217] Use precompiled shaders: auto (gameprofile)
[16:46:49.217] Full sync at GX2DrawDone: true
[16:46:49.217] Strict shader mul: true
[16:46:49.217] Async compile: true
[16:46:49.217] Console language: Portugese
[16:46:49.568] ------- Activate graphic packs -------
[16:46:49.568] ------- Init Audio backend -------
[16:46:49.568] DirectSound: not supported
[16:46:49.568] XAudio 2.8: not supported
[16:46:49.568] XAudio 2.7: not supported
[16:46:49.568] Cubeb: available
[16:46:49.568] ------- Init Audio input backend -------
[16:46:49.568] Cubeb: available
[16:46:49.568] ------- Run title -------
[16:47:23.494] Recompiler initialized
[16:47:23.528] IOSU_ACT: using account default in first slot
Error: signal 11:
/tmp/.mount_Cemu-2nKFNnF/AppRun.wrapped() [0x685283]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f3cfae6f520]
/tmp/.mount_Cemu-2nKFNnF/AppRun.wrapped() [0x685283]
/tmp/.mount_Cemu-2nKFNnF/AppRun.wrapped() [0x6857cb]
/tmp/.mount_Cemu-2nKFNnF/AppRun.wrapped() [0x5dcdd3]

   Game info
Game: Breath of the Wild
TitleId: 00050000101c9400
RPXHash: dcac9927 (Update: a6152715)

   Active PPC instance
IP 0x00e057e0 LR 0x00e057bc Thread 0x0e0771b8

r0 =00000000 r1 =0e0837f8 r2 =10008000 r3 =00000000 r4 =00010000 r5 =00000000 r6 =0e2840b8 r7 =00000000
r8 =00000000 r9 =00000000 r10=00000000 r11=00000000 r12=00000000 r13=105e30c0 r14=00000000 r15=00000000
r16=00000000 r17=00000000 r18=00000000 r19=00000000 r20=00000000 r21=00000000 r22=00000000 r23=00000000
r24=00000000 r25=00000000 r26=00000000 r27=00000000 r28=00000000 r29=00000000 r30=00000000 r31=00000000

   PPC stack trace
[16:49:13.395] Trace starting at SP/r1 0e0837f8

   PPC stack dump
[0x0e0837f8] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[0x0e083818] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[0x0e083838] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[0x0e083858] 7b535953 20495043 20436f72 6520307d - 00000000 00000000 7b535953 20495043
[0x0e083878] 20436f72 6520317d 00000000 00000000 - 7b535953 20495043 20436f72 6520327d
[0x0e083898] 00000000 00000000 6d536751 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 0e0838a0
[0x0e0838b8] 00000000 0e076480 0e076480 0e0838a0 - 00000000 0e083958 00000030 00000018
[0x0e0838d8] 00000000 6d536751 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 0e0838dc 00000000
[0x0e0838f8] 00000000 00000000 0e0838dc 00000000 - 0e083c58 00000030 00000015 00000000
[0x0e083918] 6d536751 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 0e083918 00000000 00000000
[0x0e083938] 00000000 0e083918 00000000 0e083f58 - 00000030 0000000b 00000000 00000000
[0x0e083958] e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 10000000 c0172f30 01000000
[0x0e083978] e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000
[0x0e083998] e057e000 10000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000
[0x0e0839b8] e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 10000000 c0172f30 01000000
[0x0e0839d8] e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000

   PPC threads
0e005620 Ent 00e0000c IP 00e0000c LR 00e00000 WAITING   Aff 111 Pri 32 Name Alarm Thread
0e076480 Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00000 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 0}
0e076b1c Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00000 RUNNING   Aff 010 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 1}
0e0771b8 Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00000 RUNNING   Aff 001 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 2}
0e025ce0 Ent 00e00014 IP 00e00014 LR 00e00000 WAITING   Aff 111 Pri 32 Name Callback Thread
0e084adc Ent 00e057a4 IP 00e03530 LR 03094da4 WAITING   Aff 010 Pri 80 Name Default Core 1
0e392e50 Ent 00e057c8 IP 00e057c8 LR 00e00000 READY     Aff 010 Pri 48 Name GX2 event callback
109f8c78 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 010 Pri 84 Name Prepare Thread
12afc1b0 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 80 Name WorkerMgr/Worker1(Any)
12b3ca88 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 001 Pri 80 Name WorkerMgr/Worker2(Any)
15b47930 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 010 Pri 81 Name OverlayArena Prepare
15b49618 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 001 Pri 83 Name DecompThread
302dd6b8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0375c LR 030927e8 WAITING   Aff 001 Pri 83 Name Resource Loading
302e82c8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 84 Name Resource Control
302f3048 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 84 Name Resource Memory
302fdf38 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 84 Name MovableMemory
36c65ac8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 84 Name res::Compaction
1059dfc0 Ent 0421742c IP 00e0416c LR 042175b8 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 67 Name nw::snd::TaskThread
0e4ca4d0 Ent 00e057e4 IP 00e057e4 LR 00e00000 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 14 Name NULL
3e170200 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 82 Name aal::LowPrioWorkerThread
3e55fd20 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 72 Name AsyncPatternRumbleThread
3f024e38 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e042a4 LR 038de0e8 WAITING   Aff 010 Pri 86 Name ProductReportBackGround Thread
3f254398 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e042a4 LR 034291b4 WAITING   Aff 010 Pri 83 Name NFP Thread
10e15020 Ent 03fa2d54 IP 00e042c0 LR 03f7a4cc WAITING   Aff 001 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerEntity(Core2)
10e16850 Ent 03fa2d54 IP 00e042c0 LR 03f7a4cc WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerEntity(Core0)
1109f620 Ent 03fa2d54 IP 00e042c0 LR 03f7a4cc WAITING   Aff 001 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerSensor(Core2)
1109ee10 Ent 03fa2d54 IP 00e042c0 LR 03f7a4cc WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerSensor(Core0)
3f3640c8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 84 Name NavMeshSystemThread
3f3e0678 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 010 Pri 84 Name 
3f40b728 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 84 Name 
3f4367d8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 001 Pri 84 Name 
3f54f500 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 82 Name SaveMgrThread
41a05160 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 81 Name WorkerSupport[0]
41a26470 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 001 Pri 81 Name WorkerSupport[1]
41a28010 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e042a4 LR 031fec88 READY     Aff 001 Pri 79 Name Sleeper
41b354e8 Ent 030bb81c IP 03b99374 LR 03b99320 READY     Aff 001 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate
41b0c8d0 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e042b4 LR 037d7b9c WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate
41c04328 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 010 Pri 81 Name GameScen TaskMgr
43440c18 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 001 Pri 84 Name uiLowPrioThreadMgr
41ae3cb8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 010 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate
42600d08 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 84 Name tera::ImageResourceMgr
```[16:45:14.813] ------- Init Cemu 2.0-41 (experimental) -------
[16:45:14.813] Init Wii U memory space (base: 0x00007f3bc4000000)
[16:45:14.815] mlc01 path: /home/gabriel/Documentos/Games/Cemu
[16:45:14.815] CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
[16:45:14.815] RAM: 7790MB
[16:45:14.815] Used CPU extensions: SSSE3, SSE4.1, AVX, AVX2, LZCNT, MOVBE, BMI2, AES-NI, INVARIANT-TSC
[16:45:14.815] IOSU_CRYPTO: No otp.bin found. Online mode cannot be used
[16:45:14.815] IOSU_CRYPTO: No Seeprom.bin found. Online mode cannot be used
[16:45:14.836] Failed to read valid PlayDiary header
[16:46:47.145] Mounting title 00050000101c9400
[16:46:47.145] Base: (Edit: My game path)
[16:46:47.145] Update:  (My game path, update v192)
[16:46:47.145] DLC: (My game path) [Folder]
[16:46:48.623] COS: System fonts found. Generated shareddata (26609KB)
[16:46:48.669] ------- Init Vulkan graphics backend -------
[16:46:48.734] Vulkan instance version: 1.3
[16:46:48.746] Using GPU: AMD Radeon RX 580 2048SP (RADV POLARIS10)
[16:46:48.746] Driver version: Mesa 22.2.5
[16:46:48.746] VulkanLimits: UBAlignment 4 nonCoherentAtomSize 64
[16:46:48.786] Using available debug function: vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT()
[16:46:48.786] Vulkan device memory info:
[16:46:48.786] Heap 0 - Size 7936MB Flags 0x00000001
[16:46:48.786] Heap 1 - Size 5843MB Flags 0x00000000
[16:46:48.786] Heap 2 - Size 256MB Flags 0x00000001
[16:46:48.786] Memory 0 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000001
[16:46:48.786] Memory 1 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000001
[16:46:48.787] Memory 2 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000006
[16:46:48.787] Memory 3 - HeapIndex 2 Flags 0x00000007
[16:46:48.787] Memory 4 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x0000000e
[16:46:48.787] VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT not supported
[16:46:48.787] VK_FORMAT_R4G4_UNORM_PACK8 not supported
[16:46:48.807] ------- Loaded title -------
[16:46:48.807] TitleId: 00050000-101c9400
[16:46:48.807] TitleVersion: v192
[16:46:48.807] TitleRegion: US
[16:46:48.807] Save path:   /home/gabriel/Documentos/Games/Cemu/usr/save/00050000/101C9400/user/ (not present)
[16:46:48.807] Shader cache file: shaderCache/transferable/00050000101c9400.bin
[16:46:48.807] gameprofile path: gameProfiles/00050000101c9400.ini
[16:46:48.807] RPX hash (updated): a6152715
[16:46:48.807] RPX hash (base): dcac9927
[16:46:49.038] Loaded module 'u-king' with checksum 0xd472d8a5
[16:46:49.038] RPL link time: 219ms
[16:46:49.217] HLE scan time: 179ms
[16:46:49.217] ------- Active settings -------
[16:46:49.217] CPU-Mode: Multi-core recompiler (gameprofile)
[16:46:49.217] Load shared libraries: true (gameprofile)
[16:46:49.217] Use precompiled shaders: auto (gameprofile)
[16:46:49.217] Full sync at GX2DrawDone: true
[16:46:49.217] Strict shader mul: true
[16:46:49.217] Async compile: true
[16:46:49.217] Console language: Portugese
[16:46:49.568] ------- Activate graphic packs -------
[16:46:49.568] ------- Init Audio backend -------
[16:46:49.568] DirectSound: not supported
[16:46:49.568] XAudio 2.8: not supported
[16:46:49.568] XAudio 2.7: not supported
[16:46:49.568] Cubeb: available
[16:46:49.568] ------- Init Audio input backend -------
[16:46:49.568] Cubeb: available
[16:46:49.568] ------- Run title -------
[16:47:23.494] Recompiler initialized
[16:47:23.528] IOSU_ACT: using account default in first slot
Error: signal 11:
/tmp/.mount_Cemu-2nKFNnF/AppRun.wrapped() [0x685283]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f3cfae6f520]
/tmp/.mount_Cemu-2nKFNnF/AppRun.wrapped() [0x685283]
/tmp/.mount_Cemu-2nKFNnF/AppRun.wrapped() [0x6857cb]
/tmp/.mount_Cemu-2nKFNnF/AppRun.wrapped() [0x5dcdd3]

   Game info
Game: Breath of the Wild
TitleId: 00050000101c9400
RPXHash: dcac9927 (Update: a6152715)

   Active PPC instance
IP 0x00e057e0 LR 0x00e057bc Thread 0x0e0771b8

r0 =00000000 r1 =0e0837f8 r2 =10008000 r3 =00000000 r4 =00010000 r5 =00000000 r6 =0e2840b8 r7 =00000000
r8 =00000000 r9 =00000000 r10=00000000 r11=00000000 r12=00000000 r13=105e30c0 r14=00000000 r15=00000000
r16=00000000 r17=00000000 r18=00000000 r19=00000000 r20=00000000 r21=00000000 r22=00000000 r23=00000000
r24=00000000 r25=00000000 r26=00000000 r27=00000000 r28=00000000 r29=00000000 r30=00000000 r31=00000000

   PPC stack trace
[16:49:13.395] Trace starting at SP/r1 0e0837f8

   PPC stack dump
[0x0e0837f8] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[0x0e083818] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[0x0e083838] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[0x0e083858] 7b535953 20495043 20436f72 6520307d - 00000000 00000000 7b535953 20495043
[0x0e083878] 20436f72 6520317d 00000000 00000000 - 7b535953 20495043 20436f72 6520327d
[0x0e083898] 00000000 00000000 6d536751 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 0e0838a0
[0x0e0838b8] 00000000 0e076480 0e076480 0e0838a0 - 00000000 0e083958 00000030 00000018
[0x0e0838d8] 00000000 6d536751 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 0e0838dc 00000000
[0x0e0838f8] 00000000 00000000 0e0838dc 00000000 - 0e083c58 00000030 00000015 00000000
[0x0e083918] 6d536751 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 0e083918 00000000 00000000
[0x0e083938] 00000000 0e083918 00000000 0e083f58 - 00000030 0000000b 00000000 00000000
[0x0e083958] e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 10000000 c0172f30 01000000
[0x0e083978] e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000
[0x0e083998] e057e000 10000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000
[0x0e0839b8] e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 10000000 c0172f30 01000000
[0x0e0839d8] e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000

   PPC threads
0e005620 Ent 00e0000c IP 00e0000c LR 00e00000 WAITING   Aff 111 Pri 32 Name Alarm Thread
0e076480 Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00000 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 0}
0e076b1c Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00000 RUNNING   Aff 010 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 1}
0e0771b8 Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00000 RUNNING   Aff 001 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 2}
0e025ce0 Ent 00e00014 IP 00e00014 LR 00e00000 WAITING   Aff 111 Pri 32 Name Callback Thread
0e084adc Ent 00e057a4 IP 00e03530 LR 03094da4 WAITING   Aff 010 Pri 80 Name Default Core 1
0e392e50 Ent 00e057c8 IP 00e057c8 LR 00e00000 READY     Aff 010 Pri 48 Name GX2 event callback
109f8c78 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 010 Pri 84 Name Prepare Thread
12afc1b0 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 80 Name WorkerMgr/Worker1(Any)
12b3ca88 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 001 Pri 80 Name WorkerMgr/Worker2(Any)
15b47930 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 010 Pri 81 Name OverlayArena Prepare
15b49618 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 001 Pri 83 Name DecompThread
302dd6b8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0375c LR 030927e8 WAITING   Aff 001 Pri 83 Name Resource Loading
302e82c8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 84 Name Resource Control
302f3048 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 84 Name Resource Memory
302fdf38 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 84 Name MovableMemory
36c65ac8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 84 Name res::Compaction
1059dfc0 Ent 0421742c IP 00e0416c LR 042175b8 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 67 Name nw::snd::TaskThread
0e4ca4d0 Ent 00e057e4 IP 00e057e4 LR 00e00000 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 14 Name NULL
3e170200 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 82 Name aal::LowPrioWorkerThread
3e55fd20 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 72 Name AsyncPatternRumbleThread
3f024e38 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e042a4 LR 038de0e8 WAITING   Aff 010 Pri 86 Name ProductReportBackGround Thread
3f254398 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e042a4 LR 034291b4 WAITING   Aff 010 Pri 83 Name NFP Thread
10e15020 Ent 03fa2d54 IP 00e042c0 LR 03f7a4cc WAITING   Aff 001 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerEntity(Core2)
10e16850 Ent 03fa2d54 IP 00e042c0 LR 03f7a4cc WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerEntity(Core0)
1109f620 Ent 03fa2d54 IP 00e042c0 LR 03f7a4cc WAITING   Aff 001 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerSensor(Core2)
1109ee10 Ent 03fa2d54 IP 00e042c0 LR 03f7a4cc WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerSensor(Core0)
3f3640c8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 84 Name NavMeshSystemThread
3f3e0678 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 010 Pri 84 Name 
3f40b728 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 84 Name 
3f4367d8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 001 Pri 84 Name 
3f54f500 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 82 Name SaveMgrThread
41a05160 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 81 Name WorkerSupport[0]
41a26470 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 001 Pri 81 Name WorkerSupport[1]
41a28010 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e042a4 LR 031fec88 READY     Aff 001 Pri 79 Name Sleeper
41b354e8 Ent 030bb81c IP 03b99374 LR 03b99320 READY     Aff 001 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate
41b0c8d0 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e042b4 LR 037d7b9c WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate
41c04328 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 010 Pri 81 Name GameScen TaskMgr
43440c18 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 001 Pri 84 Name uiLowPrioThreadMgr
41ae3cb8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 010 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate
42600d08 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING   Aff 100 Pri 84 Name tera::ImageResourceMgr
OS: Linux Mint 21.1 (x86_64) Cemu version: 2.0-41 (AppImage) ``` [16:45:14.813] ------- Init Cemu 2.0-41 (experimental) ------- [16:45:14.813] Init Wii U memory space (base: 0x00007f3bc4000000) [16:45:14.815] mlc01 path: /home/gabriel/Documentos/Games/Cemu [16:45:14.815] CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz [16:45:14.815] RAM: 7790MB [16:45:14.815] Used CPU extensions: SSSE3, SSE4.1, AVX, AVX2, LZCNT, MOVBE, BMI2, AES-NI, INVARIANT-TSC [16:45:14.815] IOSU_CRYPTO: No otp.bin found. Online mode cannot be used [16:45:14.815] IOSU_CRYPTO: No Seeprom.bin found. Online mode cannot be used [16:45:14.836] Failed to read valid PlayDiary header [16:46:47.145] Mounting title 00050000101c9400 [16:46:47.145] Base: (Edit: My game path) [16:46:47.145] Update: (My game path, update v192) [16:46:47.145] DLC: (My game path) [Folder] [16:46:48.623] COS: System fonts found. Generated shareddata (26609KB) [16:46:48.669] ------- Init Vulkan graphics backend ------- [16:46:48.734] Vulkan instance version: 1.3 [16:46:48.746] Using GPU: AMD Radeon RX 580 2048SP (RADV POLARIS10) [16:46:48.746] Driver version: Mesa 22.2.5 [16:46:48.746] VulkanLimits: UBAlignment 4 nonCoherentAtomSize 64 [16:46:48.786] Using available debug function: vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT() [16:46:48.786] Vulkan device memory info: [16:46:48.786] Heap 0 - Size 7936MB Flags 0x00000001 [16:46:48.786] Heap 1 - Size 5843MB Flags 0x00000000 [16:46:48.786] Heap 2 - Size 256MB Flags 0x00000001 [16:46:48.786] Memory 0 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000001 [16:46:48.786] Memory 1 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000001 [16:46:48.787] Memory 2 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000006 [16:46:48.787] Memory 3 - HeapIndex 2 Flags 0x00000007 [16:46:48.787] Memory 4 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x0000000e [16:46:48.787] VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT not supported [16:46:48.787] VK_FORMAT_R4G4_UNORM_PACK8 not supported [16:46:48.807] ------- Loaded title ------- [16:46:48.807] TitleId: 00050000-101c9400 [16:46:48.807] TitleVersion: v192 [16:46:48.807] TitleRegion: US [16:46:48.807] Save path: /home/gabriel/Documentos/Games/Cemu/usr/save/00050000/101C9400/user/ (not present) [16:46:48.807] Shader cache file: shaderCache/transferable/00050000101c9400.bin [16:46:48.807] gameprofile path: gameProfiles/00050000101c9400.ini [16:46:48.807] RPX hash (updated): a6152715 [16:46:48.807] RPX hash (base): dcac9927 [16:46:49.038] Loaded module 'u-king' with checksum 0xd472d8a5 [16:46:49.038] RPL link time: 219ms [16:46:49.217] HLE scan time: 179ms [16:46:49.217] ------- Active settings ------- [16:46:49.217] CPU-Mode: Multi-core recompiler (gameprofile) [16:46:49.217] Load shared libraries: true (gameprofile) [16:46:49.217] Use precompiled shaders: auto (gameprofile) [16:46:49.217] Full sync at GX2DrawDone: true [16:46:49.217] Strict shader mul: true [16:46:49.217] Async compile: true [16:46:49.217] Console language: Portugese [16:46:49.568] ------- Activate graphic packs ------- [16:46:49.568] ------- Init Audio backend ------- [16:46:49.568] DirectSound: not supported [16:46:49.568] XAudio 2.8: not supported [16:46:49.568] XAudio 2.7: not supported [16:46:49.568] Cubeb: available [16:46:49.568] ------- Init Audio input backend ------- [16:46:49.568] Cubeb: available [16:46:49.568] ------- Run title ------- [16:47:23.494] Recompiler initialized [16:47:23.528] IOSU_ACT: using account default in first slot Error: signal 11: /tmp/.mount_Cemu-2nKFNnF/AppRun.wrapped() [0x685283] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f3cfae6f520] /tmp/.mount_Cemu-2nKFNnF/AppRun.wrapped() [0x685283] /tmp/.mount_Cemu-2nKFNnF/AppRun.wrapped() [0x6857cb] /tmp/.mount_Cemu-2nKFNnF/AppRun.wrapped() [0x5dcdd3] [0x7f3cf6c06dcb]+[0x7f3cf6c06dcb] ----------------------------------------- Game info ----------------------------------------- Game: Breath of the Wild TitleId: 00050000101c9400 RPXHash: dcac9927 (Update: a6152715) ----------------------------------------- Active PPC instance ----------------------------------------- IP 0x00e057e0 LR 0x00e057bc Thread 0x0e0771b8 r0 =00000000 r1 =0e0837f8 r2 =10008000 r3 =00000000 r4 =00010000 r5 =00000000 r6 =0e2840b8 r7 =00000000 r8 =00000000 r9 =00000000 r10=00000000 r11=00000000 r12=00000000 r13=105e30c0 r14=00000000 r15=00000000 r16=00000000 r17=00000000 r18=00000000 r19=00000000 r20=00000000 r21=00000000 r22=00000000 r23=00000000 r24=00000000 r25=00000000 r26=00000000 r27=00000000 r28=00000000 r29=00000000 r30=00000000 r31=00000000 ----------------------------------------- PPC stack trace ----------------------------------------- [16:49:13.395] Trace starting at SP/r1 0e0837f8 ----------------------------------------- PPC stack dump ----------------------------------------- [0x0e0837f8] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [0x0e083818] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [0x0e083838] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [0x0e083858] 7b535953 20495043 20436f72 6520307d - 00000000 00000000 7b535953 20495043 [0x0e083878] 20436f72 6520317d 00000000 00000000 - 7b535953 20495043 20436f72 6520327d [0x0e083898] 00000000 00000000 6d536751 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 0e0838a0 [0x0e0838b8] 00000000 0e076480 0e076480 0e0838a0 - 00000000 0e083958 00000030 00000018 [0x0e0838d8] 00000000 6d536751 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 0e0838dc 00000000 [0x0e0838f8] 00000000 00000000 0e0838dc 00000000 - 0e083c58 00000030 00000015 00000000 [0x0e083918] 6d536751 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 0e083918 00000000 00000000 [0x0e083938] 00000000 0e083918 00000000 0e083f58 - 00000030 0000000b 00000000 00000000 [0x0e083958] e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 10000000 c0172f30 01000000 [0x0e083978] e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 [0x0e083998] e057e000 10000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 [0x0e0839b8] e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 10000000 c0172f30 01000000 [0x0e0839d8] e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 ----------------------------------------- PPC threads ----------------------------------------- 0e005620 Ent 00e0000c IP 00e0000c LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 111 Pri 32 Name Alarm Thread 0e076480 Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 0} 0e076b1c Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00000 RUNNING Aff 010 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 1} 0e0771b8 Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00000 RUNNING Aff 001 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 2} 0e025ce0 Ent 00e00014 IP 00e00014 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 111 Pri 32 Name Callback Thread 0e084adc Ent 00e057a4 IP 00e03530 LR 03094da4 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 80 Name Default Core 1 0e392e50 Ent 00e057c8 IP 00e057c8 LR 00e00000 READY Aff 010 Pri 48 Name GX2 event callback 109f8c78 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 84 Name Prepare Thread 12afc1b0 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 80 Name WorkerMgr/Worker1(Any) 12b3ca88 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 80 Name WorkerMgr/Worker2(Any) 15b47930 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 81 Name OverlayArena Prepare 15b49618 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 83 Name DecompThread 302dd6b8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0375c LR 030927e8 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 83 Name Resource Loading 302e82c8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name Resource Control 302f3048 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name Resource Memory 302fdf38 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name MovableMemory 36c65ac8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name res::Compaction 1059dfc0 Ent 0421742c IP 00e0416c LR 042175b8 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 67 Name nw::snd::TaskThread 0e4ca4d0 Ent 00e057e4 IP 00e057e4 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 14 Name NULL 3e170200 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 82 Name aal::LowPrioWorkerThread 3e55fd20 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 72 Name AsyncPatternRumbleThread 3f024e38 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e042a4 LR 038de0e8 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 86 Name ProductReportBackGround Thread 3f254398 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e042a4 LR 034291b4 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 83 Name NFP Thread 10e15020 Ent 03fa2d54 IP 00e042c0 LR 03f7a4cc WAITING Aff 001 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerEntity(Core2) 10e16850 Ent 03fa2d54 IP 00e042c0 LR 03f7a4cc WAITING Aff 100 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerEntity(Core0) 1109f620 Ent 03fa2d54 IP 00e042c0 LR 03f7a4cc WAITING Aff 001 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerSensor(Core2) 1109ee10 Ent 03fa2d54 IP 00e042c0 LR 03f7a4cc WAITING Aff 100 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerSensor(Core0) 3f3640c8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name NavMeshSystemThread 3f3e0678 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 84 Name 3f40b728 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name 3f4367d8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 84 Name 3f54f500 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 82 Name SaveMgrThread 41a05160 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 81 Name WorkerSupport[0] 41a26470 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 81 Name WorkerSupport[1] 41a28010 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e042a4 LR 031fec88 READY Aff 001 Pri 79 Name Sleeper 41b354e8 Ent 030bb81c IP 03b99374 LR 03b99320 READY Aff 001 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate 41b0c8d0 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e042b4 LR 037d7b9c WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate 41c04328 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 81 Name GameScen TaskMgr 43440c18 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 84 Name uiLowPrioThreadMgr 41ae3cb8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate 42600d08 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name tera::ImageResourceMgr ```[16:45:14.813] ------- Init Cemu 2.0-41 (experimental) ------- [16:45:14.813] Init Wii U memory space (base: 0x00007f3bc4000000) [16:45:14.815] mlc01 path: /home/gabriel/Documentos/Games/Cemu [16:45:14.815] CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz [16:45:14.815] RAM: 7790MB [16:45:14.815] Used CPU extensions: SSSE3, SSE4.1, AVX, AVX2, LZCNT, MOVBE, BMI2, AES-NI, INVARIANT-TSC [16:45:14.815] IOSU_CRYPTO: No otp.bin found. Online mode cannot be used [16:45:14.815] IOSU_CRYPTO: No Seeprom.bin found. Online mode cannot be used [16:45:14.836] Failed to read valid PlayDiary header [16:46:47.145] Mounting title 00050000101c9400 [16:46:47.145] Base: (Edit: My game path) [16:46:47.145] Update: (My game path, update v192) [16:46:47.145] DLC: (My game path) [Folder] [16:46:48.623] COS: System fonts found. Generated shareddata (26609KB) [16:46:48.669] ------- Init Vulkan graphics backend ------- [16:46:48.734] Vulkan instance version: 1.3 [16:46:48.746] Using GPU: AMD Radeon RX 580 2048SP (RADV POLARIS10) [16:46:48.746] Driver version: Mesa 22.2.5 [16:46:48.746] VulkanLimits: UBAlignment 4 nonCoherentAtomSize 64 [16:46:48.786] Using available debug function: vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT() [16:46:48.786] Vulkan device memory info: [16:46:48.786] Heap 0 - Size 7936MB Flags 0x00000001 [16:46:48.786] Heap 1 - Size 5843MB Flags 0x00000000 [16:46:48.786] Heap 2 - Size 256MB Flags 0x00000001 [16:46:48.786] Memory 0 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000001 [16:46:48.786] Memory 1 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000001 [16:46:48.787] Memory 2 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000006 [16:46:48.787] Memory 3 - HeapIndex 2 Flags 0x00000007 [16:46:48.787] Memory 4 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x0000000e [16:46:48.787] VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT not supported [16:46:48.787] VK_FORMAT_R4G4_UNORM_PACK8 not supported [16:46:48.807] ------- Loaded title ------- [16:46:48.807] TitleId: 00050000-101c9400 [16:46:48.807] TitleVersion: v192 [16:46:48.807] TitleRegion: US [16:46:48.807] Save path: /home/gabriel/Documentos/Games/Cemu/usr/save/00050000/101C9400/user/ (not present) [16:46:48.807] Shader cache file: shaderCache/transferable/00050000101c9400.bin [16:46:48.807] gameprofile path: gameProfiles/00050000101c9400.ini [16:46:48.807] RPX hash (updated): a6152715 [16:46:48.807] RPX hash (base): dcac9927 [16:46:49.038] Loaded module 'u-king' with checksum 0xd472d8a5 [16:46:49.038] RPL link time: 219ms [16:46:49.217] HLE scan time: 179ms [16:46:49.217] ------- Active settings ------- [16:46:49.217] CPU-Mode: Multi-core recompiler (gameprofile) [16:46:49.217] Load shared libraries: true (gameprofile) [16:46:49.217] Use precompiled shaders: auto (gameprofile) [16:46:49.217] Full sync at GX2DrawDone: true [16:46:49.217] Strict shader mul: true [16:46:49.217] Async compile: true [16:46:49.217] Console language: Portugese [16:46:49.568] ------- Activate graphic packs ------- [16:46:49.568] ------- Init Audio backend ------- [16:46:49.568] DirectSound: not supported [16:46:49.568] XAudio 2.8: not supported [16:46:49.568] XAudio 2.7: not supported [16:46:49.568] Cubeb: available [16:46:49.568] ------- Init Audio input backend ------- [16:46:49.568] Cubeb: available [16:46:49.568] ------- Run title ------- [16:47:23.494] Recompiler initialized [16:47:23.528] IOSU_ACT: using account default in first slot Error: signal 11: /tmp/.mount_Cemu-2nKFNnF/AppRun.wrapped() [0x685283] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f3cfae6f520] /tmp/.mount_Cemu-2nKFNnF/AppRun.wrapped() [0x685283] /tmp/.mount_Cemu-2nKFNnF/AppRun.wrapped() [0x6857cb] /tmp/.mount_Cemu-2nKFNnF/AppRun.wrapped() [0x5dcdd3] [0x7f3cf6c06dcb]+[0x7f3cf6c06dcb] ----------------------------------------- Game info ----------------------------------------- Game: Breath of the Wild TitleId: 00050000101c9400 RPXHash: dcac9927 (Update: a6152715) ----------------------------------------- Active PPC instance ----------------------------------------- IP 0x00e057e0 LR 0x00e057bc Thread 0x0e0771b8 r0 =00000000 r1 =0e0837f8 r2 =10008000 r3 =00000000 r4 =00010000 r5 =00000000 r6 =0e2840b8 r7 =00000000 r8 =00000000 r9 =00000000 r10=00000000 r11=00000000 r12=00000000 r13=105e30c0 r14=00000000 r15=00000000 r16=00000000 r17=00000000 r18=00000000 r19=00000000 r20=00000000 r21=00000000 r22=00000000 r23=00000000 r24=00000000 r25=00000000 r26=00000000 r27=00000000 r28=00000000 r29=00000000 r30=00000000 r31=00000000 ----------------------------------------- PPC stack trace ----------------------------------------- [16:49:13.395] Trace starting at SP/r1 0e0837f8 ----------------------------------------- PPC stack dump ----------------------------------------- [0x0e0837f8] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [0x0e083818] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [0x0e083838] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [0x0e083858] 7b535953 20495043 20436f72 6520307d - 00000000 00000000 7b535953 20495043 [0x0e083878] 20436f72 6520317d 00000000 00000000 - 7b535953 20495043 20436f72 6520327d [0x0e083898] 00000000 00000000 6d536751 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000 0e0838a0 [0x0e0838b8] 00000000 0e076480 0e076480 0e0838a0 - 00000000 0e083958 00000030 00000018 [0x0e0838d8] 00000000 6d536751 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 0e0838dc 00000000 [0x0e0838f8] 00000000 00000000 0e0838dc 00000000 - 0e083c58 00000030 00000015 00000000 [0x0e083918] 6d536751 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 0e083918 00000000 00000000 [0x0e083938] 00000000 0e083918 00000000 0e083f58 - 00000030 0000000b 00000000 00000000 [0x0e083958] e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 10000000 c0172f30 01000000 [0x0e083978] e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 [0x0e083998] e057e000 10000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 [0x0e0839b8] e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 10000000 c0172f30 01000000 [0x0e0839d8] e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 - e057e000 00000000 c0172f30 01000000 ----------------------------------------- PPC threads ----------------------------------------- 0e005620 Ent 00e0000c IP 00e0000c LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 111 Pri 32 Name Alarm Thread 0e076480 Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 0} 0e076b1c Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00000 RUNNING Aff 010 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 1} 0e0771b8 Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00000 RUNNING Aff 001 Pri 15 Name {SYS IPC Core 2} 0e025ce0 Ent 00e00014 IP 00e00014 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 111 Pri 32 Name Callback Thread 0e084adc Ent 00e057a4 IP 00e03530 LR 03094da4 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 80 Name Default Core 1 0e392e50 Ent 00e057c8 IP 00e057c8 LR 00e00000 READY Aff 010 Pri 48 Name GX2 event callback 109f8c78 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 84 Name Prepare Thread 12afc1b0 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 80 Name WorkerMgr/Worker1(Any) 12b3ca88 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 80 Name WorkerMgr/Worker2(Any) 15b47930 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 81 Name OverlayArena Prepare 15b49618 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 83 Name DecompThread 302dd6b8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0375c LR 030927e8 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 83 Name Resource Loading 302e82c8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name Resource Control 302f3048 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name Resource Memory 302fdf38 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name MovableMemory 36c65ac8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name res::Compaction 1059dfc0 Ent 0421742c IP 00e0416c LR 042175b8 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 67 Name nw::snd::TaskThread 0e4ca4d0 Ent 00e057e4 IP 00e057e4 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 14 Name NULL 3e170200 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 82 Name aal::LowPrioWorkerThread 3e55fd20 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 72 Name AsyncPatternRumbleThread 3f024e38 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e042a4 LR 038de0e8 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 86 Name ProductReportBackGround Thread 3f254398 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e042a4 LR 034291b4 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 83 Name NFP Thread 10e15020 Ent 03fa2d54 IP 00e042c0 LR 03f7a4cc WAITING Aff 001 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerEntity(Core2) 10e16850 Ent 03fa2d54 IP 00e042c0 LR 03f7a4cc WAITING Aff 100 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerEntity(Core0) 1109f620 Ent 03fa2d54 IP 00e042c0 LR 03f7a4cc WAITING Aff 001 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerSensor(Core2) 1109ee10 Ent 03fa2d54 IP 00e042c0 LR 03f7a4cc WAITING Aff 100 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerSensor(Core0) 3f3640c8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name NavMeshSystemThread 3f3e0678 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 84 Name 3f40b728 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name 3f4367d8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 84 Name 3f54f500 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 82 Name SaveMgrThread 41a05160 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 81 Name WorkerSupport[0] 41a26470 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 81 Name WorkerSupport[1] 41a28010 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e042a4 LR 031fec88 READY Aff 001 Pri 79 Name Sleeper 41b354e8 Ent 030bb81c IP 03b99374 LR 03b99320 READY Aff 001 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate 41b0c8d0 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e042b4 LR 037d7b9c WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate 41c04328 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 81 Name GameScen TaskMgr 43440c18 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 84 Name uiLowPrioThreadMgr 41ae3cb8 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate 42600d08 Ent 030bb81c IP 00e0416c LR 030de644 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 84 Name tera::ImageResourceMgr
Squall-Leonhart commented 2023-06-19 03:52:36 -04:00 (Migrated from

the latest game version is v208, you have v192.

Graphic patches are only fully compatible with v208.

the latest game version is v208, you have v192. Graphic patches are only fully compatible with v208.
ShivamBhardwaj93 commented 2023-06-23 22:59:39 -04:00 (Migrated from

same kinda crash occurred yesterday on mac i have v208 with dlc 80
whenever i open cemu no problems
but crshes every 2 secs when i open botw in it

same kinda crash occurred yesterday on mac i have v208 with dlc 80 whenever i open cemu no problems but crshes every 2 secs when i open botw in it
ShivamBhardwaj93 commented 2023-06-24 05:40:12 -04:00 (Migrated from

it is a shader cache
i have to delete all the shader cache all the time

it is a shader cache i have to delete all the shader cache all the time
yuurrraaaa commented 2023-07-30 05:37:01 -04:00 (Migrated from

@ShivamBhardwaj93 thats helped me, thanks!

@ShivamBhardwaj93 thats helped me, thanks!
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Reference: cemu-project_Mirror/Cemu-2024-03-05#871
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