*added support to control screen pointer with gc pad or classic controller. you are always able to control as long as the corresponding wii control does not point to the screen (e.g. wiimote 1 not pointing to screen -> gcpad/classic controller 1 can control pointer 1). a speed factor is added to the gui option. need feedback about a proper default value, currently 15% (only tested gc pad on dolphin-emu) *fix reinit of cheatcount on download of new file *moved installation window to be on top of main window *added game installation cancel *added nand extract cancel *added back extract of save feature for a real nand channels *added auto position of progress window messages in vertical direction depending of how many are used at the same time
747 lines
14 KiB
747 lines
14 KiB
* libwiigui
* Tantric 2009
* gui_element.cpp
* GUI class definitions
#include "gui.h"
* Constructor for the Object class.
//mutex_t GuiElement::mutex = LWP_MUTEX_NULL;
mutex_t GuiElement::_lock_mutex = LWP_MUTEX_NULL;
xoffset = 0;
yoffset = 0;
zoffset = 0;
xmin = 0;
xmax = 0;
ymin = 0;
ymax = 0;
width = 0;
height = 0;
alpha = 255;
scale = 1;
stateChan = -1;
trigger[0] = NULL;
trigger[1] = NULL;
trigger[2] = NULL;
trigger[3] = NULL;
trigger[4] = NULL;
trigger[5] = NULL;
parentElement = NULL;
rumble = true;
selectable = false;
clickable = false;
holdable = false;
visible = true;
updateCB = NULL;
yoffsetDyn = 0;
xoffsetDyn = 0;
yoffsetDynFloat = 0;
alphaDyn = -1;
scaleDyn = 1;
effects = 0;
effectAmount = 0;
effectTarget = 0;
effectsOver = 0;
effectAmountOver = 0;
effectTargetOver = 0;
frequency = 0.0f;
changervar = 0;
degree = -90.0f;
circleamount = 360.0f;
Radius = 150;
angleDyn = 0.0f;
anglespeed = 0.0f;
// default alignment - align to top left
alignmentVert = ALIGN_TOP;
alignmentHor = ALIGN_LEFT;
// if(mutex == LWP_MUTEX_NULL) LWP_MutexInit(&mutex, true);
if (_lock_mutex == LWP_MUTEX_NULL) LWP_MutexInit(&_lock_mutex, true);
_lock_thread = LWP_THREAD_NULL;
_lock_count = 0;
_lock_queue = LWP_TQUEUE_NULL;
* Destructor for the GuiElement class.
// LWP_MutexDestroy(mutex);
void GuiElement::SetParent(GuiElement * e)
LOCK( this );
parentElement = e;
* Get the left position of the GuiElement.
* @see SetLeft()
* @return Left position in pixel.
int GuiElement::GetLeft()
int x = 0;
int pWidth = 0;
int pLeft = 0;
if (parentElement)
pWidth = parentElement->GetWidth();
pLeft = parentElement->GetLeft();
switch (alignmentHor)
x = pLeft;
x = pLeft + (pWidth / 2) - (width / 2);
x = pLeft + pWidth - width;
return x + xoffset;
* Get the top position of the GuiElement.
* @see SetTop()
* @return Top position in pixel.
int GuiElement::GetTop()
int y = 0;
int pHeight = 0;
int pTop = 0;
if (parentElement)
pHeight = parentElement->GetHeight();
pTop = parentElement->GetTop();
switch (alignmentVert)
y = pTop;
y = pTop + (pHeight / 2) - (height / 2);
y = pTop + pHeight - height;
return y + yoffset;
int GuiElement::GetRelLeft()
GuiElement *tmp = parentElement;
parentElement = NULL;
int pos = GetLeft();
parentElement = tmp;
return pos;
int GuiElement::GetRelTop()
GuiElement *tmp = parentElement;
parentElement = NULL;
int pos = GetTop();
parentElement = tmp;
return pos;
void GuiElement::SetMinX(int x)
LOCK( this );
xmin = x;
void GuiElement::SetMaxX(int x)
LOCK( this );
xmax = x;
void GuiElement::SetMinY(int y)
LOCK( this );
ymin = y;
void GuiElement::SetMaxY(int y)
LOCK( this );
ymax = y;
* Set the width and height of the GuiElement.
* @param[in] Width Width in pixel.
* @param[in] Height Height in pixel.
* @see SetWidth()
* @see SetHeight()
void GuiElement::SetSize(int w, int h)
LOCK( this );
width = w;
height = h;
* Set visible.
* @param[in] Visible Set to true to show GuiElement.
* @see IsVisible()
void GuiElement::SetVisible(bool v)
LOCK( this );
visible = v;
void GuiElement::SetAlpha(int a)
LOCK( this );
alpha = a;
int GuiElement::GetAlpha()
int a;
if (alphaDyn >= 0)
a = alphaDyn;
else a = alpha;
if (parentElement) a *= parentElement->GetAlpha() / 255.0;
return a;
float GuiElement::GetAngleDyn()
float a = 0.0;
if (angleDyn) a = angleDyn;
if (parentElement && !angleDyn) a = parentElement->GetAngleDyn();
return a;
void GuiElement::SetScale(float s)
LOCK( this );
scale = s;
float GuiElement::GetScale()
float s = scale * scaleDyn;
if (parentElement) s *= parentElement->GetScale();
return s;
void GuiElement::SetState(int s, int c)
LOCK( this );
state = s;
stateChan = c;
void GuiElement::ResetState()
LOCK( this );
if (state != STATE_DISABLED)
stateChan = -1;
void GuiElement::SetClickable(bool c)
LOCK( this );
clickable = c;
void GuiElement::SetSelectable(bool s)
LOCK( this );
selectable = s;
void GuiElement::SetHoldable(bool d)
LOCK( this );
holdable = d;
bool GuiElement::IsSelectable()
if (state == STATE_DISABLED || state == STATE_CLICKED)
return false;
else return selectable;
bool GuiElement::IsClickable()
if (state == STATE_DISABLED || state == STATE_CLICKED || state == STATE_HELD)
return false;
else return clickable;
bool GuiElement::IsHoldable()
if (state == STATE_DISABLED)
return false;
else return holdable;
void GuiElement::SetTrigger(GuiTrigger * t)
LOCK( this );
if (!trigger[0])
trigger[0] = t;
else if (!trigger[1])
trigger[1] = t;
else if (!trigger[2])
trigger[2] = t;
else if (!trigger[3])
trigger[3] = t;
else if (!trigger[4])
trigger[4] = t;
else if (!trigger[5])
trigger[5] = t;
else // both were assigned, so we'll just overwrite the first one
trigger[0] = t;
void GuiElement::SetTrigger(u8 i, GuiTrigger * t)
LOCK( this );
trigger[i] = t;
void GuiElement::RemoveTrigger(u8 i)
LOCK( this );
trigger[i] = NULL;
void GuiElement::SetRumble(bool r)
LOCK( this );
rumble = r;
float GuiElement::GetFrequency()
LOCK( this );
return frequency;
void GuiElement::SetEffect(int eff, int speed, f32 circles, int r, f32 startdegree, f32 anglespeedset, int center_x,
int center_y)
xoffsetDyn = 0; //!position of circle in x
yoffsetDyn = 0; //!position of circle in y
Radius = r; //!radius of the circle
degree = startdegree; //!for example -90 (°) to start at top of circle
circleamount = circles; //!circleamoutn in degrees for example 360 for 1 circle
angleDyn = 0.0f; //!this is used by the code to calc the angle
anglespeed = anglespeedset; //!This is anglespeed depending on circle speed 1 is same speed and 0.5 half speed
temp_xoffset = center_x; //!position of center in x
temp_yoffset = center_y; //!position of center in y
effects |= eff;
effectAmount = speed; //!Circlespeed
void GuiElement::SetEffect(int eff, int amount, int target)
LOCK( this );
if (eff & EFFECT_SLIDE_IN)
// these calculations overcompensate a little
yoffsetDyn = -screenheight;
else if (eff & EFFECT_SLIDE_LEFT)
xoffsetDyn = -screenwidth;
else if (eff & EFFECT_SLIDE_BOTTOM)
yoffsetDyn = screenheight;
else if (eff & EFFECT_SLIDE_RIGHT) xoffsetDyn = screenwidth;
if ((eff & EFFECT_FADE) && amount > 0)
alphaDyn = 0;
else if ((eff & EFFECT_FADE) && amount < 0)
alphaDyn = alpha;
else if (eff & EFFECT_ROCK_VERTICLE)
changervar = 0;
yoffsetDyn = 0;
yoffsetDynFloat = 0.0;
effects |= eff;
effectAmount = amount;
effectTarget = target;
void GuiElement::SetEffectOnOver(int eff, int amount, int target)
LOCK( this );
effectsOver |= eff;
effectAmountOver = amount;
effectTargetOver = target;
void GuiElement::SetEffectGrow()
SetEffectOnOver(EFFECT_SCALE, 4, 110);
void GuiElement::StopEffect()
xoffsetDyn = 0;
yoffsetDyn = 0;
effects = 0;
effectsOver = 0;
effectAmount = 0;
effectAmountOver = 0;
effectTarget = 0;
effectTargetOver = 0;
scaleDyn = 1;
frequency = 0.0f;
changervar = 0;
//angleDyn = 0.0f;
anglespeed = 0.0f;
void GuiElement::UpdateEffects()
LOCK( this );
if (effects & EFFECT_SLIDE_IN)
if (effects & EFFECT_SLIDE_LEFT)
xoffsetDyn += effectAmount;
if (xoffsetDyn >= 0)
xoffsetDyn = 0;
effects = 0;
else if (effects & EFFECT_SLIDE_RIGHT)
xoffsetDyn -= effectAmount;
if (xoffsetDyn <= 0)
xoffsetDyn = 0;
effects = 0;
else if (effects & EFFECT_SLIDE_TOP)
yoffsetDyn += effectAmount;
if (yoffsetDyn >= 0)
yoffsetDyn = 0;
effects = 0;
else if (effects & EFFECT_SLIDE_BOTTOM)
yoffsetDyn -= effectAmount;
if (yoffsetDyn <= 0)
yoffsetDyn = 0;
effects = 0;
if (effects & EFFECT_SLIDE_LEFT)
xoffsetDyn -= effectAmount;
if (xoffsetDyn <= -screenwidth) effects = 0; // shut off effect
else if (effects & EFFECT_SLIDE_RIGHT)
xoffsetDyn += effectAmount;
if (xoffsetDyn >= screenwidth) effects = 0; // shut off effect
else if (effects & EFFECT_SLIDE_TOP)
yoffsetDyn -= effectAmount;
if (yoffsetDyn <= -screenheight) effects = 0; // shut off effect
else if (effects & EFFECT_SLIDE_BOTTOM)
yoffsetDyn += effectAmount;
if (yoffsetDyn >= screenheight) effects = 0; // shut off effect
if (effects & EFFECT_GOROUND)
//!< check out gui.h for info
xoffset = temp_xoffset;
yoffset = temp_yoffset;
if (fabs(frequency) < circleamount)
angleDyn = (frequency + degree + 90.0f) * anglespeed;
xoffsetDyn = (int) lround(((f32) Radius) * cos((frequency + degree) * PI / 180.0f));
yoffsetDyn = (int) lround(((f32) Radius) * sin((frequency + degree) * PI / 180.0f));
frequency += ((f32) effectAmount) * 0.01f;
f32 temp_frequency = ((effectAmount < 0) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * circleamount;
angleDyn = (temp_frequency + degree + 90.0f) * anglespeed;
xoffsetDyn = (int) lround(((f32) Radius) * cos((temp_frequency + degree) * PI / 180.0f));
yoffsetDyn = (int) lround(((f32) Radius) * sin((temp_frequency + degree) * PI / 180.0f));
xoffset += xoffsetDyn;
yoffset += yoffsetDyn;
effects ^= EFFECT_GOROUND;
frequency = 0.0f;
//move up to 10pixel above 0
if (changervar == 0 && yoffsetDynFloat < 11.0)
yoffsetDynFloat += (effectAmount * 0.01);
else if (yoffsetDynFloat > 10.0)
changervar = 1;
//move down till 10pixel under 0
if (changervar == 1 && yoffsetDynFloat > -11.0)
yoffsetDynFloat -= (effectAmount * 0.01);
else if (yoffsetDynFloat < -10.0)
changervar = 0;
yoffsetDyn = (int) (yoffsetDynFloat);
if (effects & EFFECT_FADE)
alphaDyn += effectAmount;
if (effectAmount < 0 && alphaDyn <= 0)
alphaDyn = 0;
effects = 0; // shut off effect
else if (effectAmount > 0 && alphaDyn >= alpha)
alphaDyn = alpha;
effects = 0; // shut off effect
if (effects & EFFECT_SCALE)
scaleDyn += effectAmount / 100.0;
if ((effectAmount < 0 && scaleDyn <= effectTarget / 100.0) || (effectAmount > 0 && scaleDyn >= effectTarget
/ 100.0))
scaleDyn = effectTarget / 100.0;
effects = 0; // shut off effect
if (effects & EFFECT_PULSE)
int percent = 10; //go down from target by this
if ((scaleDyn <= (effectTarget * 0.01)) && (!changervar))
scaleDyn += (effectAmount * 0.001);
else if (scaleDyn > (effectTarget * 0.01))
changervar = 1;
if ((scaleDyn >= ((effectTarget - percent) * 0.01)) && (changervar))
scaleDyn -= (effectAmount * 0.001);
else if (scaleDyn < ((effectTarget - percent) * 0.01))
changervar = 0;
void GuiElement::Update(GuiTrigger * t)
LOCK( this );
if (updateCB) updateCB(this);
void GuiElement::SetUpdateCallback(UpdateCallback u)
LOCK( this );
updateCB = u;
void GuiElement::SetPosition(int xoff, int yoff, int zoff)
LOCK( this );
xoffset = xoff;
yoffset = yoff;
zoffset = zoff;
void GuiElement::SetAlignment(int hor, int vert)
LOCK( this );
alignmentHor = hor;
alignmentVert = vert;
int GuiElement::GetSelected()
return -1;
* Draw an element on screen.
void GuiElement::Draw()
* Draw Tooltips on screen.
void GuiElement::DrawTooltip()
* Check if a position is inside the GuiElement.
* @param[in] x X position in pixel.
* @param[in] y Y position in pixel.
bool GuiElement::IsInside(int x, int y)
if (x > this->GetLeft() && x < (this->GetLeft() + width) && y > this->GetTop() && y < (this->GetTop() + height)) return true;
return false;
void GuiElement::LockElement()
// LWP_MutexLock(mutex);
for (;;) // loop while element is locked by self
if (_lock_thread == LWP_THREAD_NULL) // element is not locked
_lock_thread = LWP_GetSelf(); // mark as locked
_lock_count = 1; // set count of lock to 1
else if (_lock_thread == LWP_GetSelf()) // thread is locked by my self
_lock_count++; // inc count of locks;
else // otherwise the element is locked by an other thread
if (_lock_queue == LWP_TQUEUE_NULL) // no queue - meens it is the first access to the locked element
LWP_InitQueue(&_lock_queue); // init queue
LWP_ThreadSleep(_lock_queue); // and sleep
// try lock again;
void GuiElement::UnlockElement()
// LWP_MutexUnlock(mutex);
// only the thread was locked this element, can call unlock
if (_lock_thread == LWP_GetSelf()) // but we check it here safe is safe
if (--_lock_count == 0) // dec count of locks and check if it last lock;
_lock_thread = LWP_THREAD_NULL; // mark as unlocked
if (_lock_queue != LWP_TQUEUE_NULL) // has a queue
LWP_CloseQueue(_lock_queue); // close the queue and wake all waited threads
_lock_queue = LWP_TQUEUE_NULL;
SimpleLock::SimpleLock(GuiElement *e) :