*Moved all related global settings to a settings class. one for themes and individual games will follow. Probably broke some settings or theme loading, we can deal with that later and fix when someone discovers bugs.
434 lines
14 KiB
434 lines
14 KiB
* ProgressWindow
* USB Loader GX 2009
* ProgressWindow.cpp
#include <gccore.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "menu.h"
#include "language/gettext.h"
#include "libwiigui/gui.h"
#include "prompts/ProgressWindow.h"
#include "usbloader/wbfs.h"
#include "usbloader/utils.h"
/*** Variables used only in this file ***/
static lwp_t progressthread = LWP_THREAD_NULL;
static char progressTitle[100];
static char progressMsg1[150];
static char progressMsg2[150];
static char progressTime[80];
static char progressSizeLeft[80];
static char progressSpeed[15];
static char *dyn_message;
static int showProgress = 0;
static f32 progressDone = 0.0;
static bool showTime = false;
static bool showSize = false;
static bool changed = true;
static s64 gameinstalldone = 0;
static s64 gameinstalltotal = -1;
static time_t start;
/*** Extern variables ***/
extern GuiWindow * mainWindow;
extern float gamesize;
/*** Extern functions ***/
extern void ResumeGui();
extern void HaltGui();
* ProgressCallback mainly for gameinstallation. Can be used for other C app.
extern "C" void ProgressCallback( s64 done, s64 total )
gameinstalldone = done;
gameinstalltotal = total;
* GameInstallProgress
* GameInstallValue updating function
static void GameInstallProgress()
if ( gameinstalltotal <= 0 )
if ( gameinstalldone > gameinstalltotal )
gameinstalldone = gameinstalltotal;
static u32 expected = 300;
u32 elapsed, h, m, s;
f32 speed = 0;
//Elapsed time
elapsed = time( 0 ) - start;
//Calculate speed in MB/s
if ( elapsed > 0 )
speed = KB_SIZE * gamesize * gameinstalldone / ( gameinstalltotal * elapsed );
if ( gameinstalldone != gameinstalltotal )
//Expected time
if ( elapsed )
expected = ( expected * 3 + elapsed * gameinstalltotal / gameinstalldone ) / 4;
//Remaining time
elapsed = ( expected > elapsed ) ? ( expected - elapsed ) : 0;
//Calculate time values
h = elapsed / 3600;
m = ( elapsed / 60 ) % 60;
s = elapsed % 60;
progressDone = 100.0 * gameinstalldone / gameinstalltotal;
snprintf( progressTime, sizeof( progressTime ), "%s %d:%02d:%02d", tr( "Time left:" ), h, m, s );
snprintf( progressSizeLeft, sizeof( progressSizeLeft ), "%.2fGB/%.2fGB", gamesize * gameinstalldone / gameinstalltotal, gamesize );
snprintf( progressSpeed, sizeof( progressSpeed ), "%.1fMB/s", speed );
changed = true;
* SetupGameInstallProgress
void SetupGameInstallProgress( char * title, char * game )
strlcpy( progressTitle, title, sizeof( progressTitle ) );
strlcpy( progressMsg1, game, sizeof( progressMsg1 ) );
gameinstalltotal = 1;
showProgress = 1;
showSize = true;
showTime = true;
LWP_ResumeThread( progressthread );
start = time( 0 );
* ProgressWindow
* Opens a window, which displays progress to the user. Can either display a
* progress bar showing % completion, or a throbber that only shows that an
* action is in progress.
static void ProgressWindow( const char *title, const char *msg1, const char *msg2 )
GuiWindow promptWindow( 472, 320 );
promptWindow.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
promptWindow.SetPosition( 0, -10 );
char imgPath[100];
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sbutton_dialogue_box.png", Settings.theme_path );
GuiImageData btnOutline( imgPath, button_dialogue_box_png );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sdialogue_box.png", Settings.theme_path );
GuiImageData dialogBox( imgPath, dialogue_box_png );
GuiTrigger trigA;
GuiImage dialogBoxImg( &dialogBox );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
dialogBoxImg.SetWidescreen( Settings.widescreen );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sprogressbar_outline.png", Settings.theme_path );
GuiImageData progressbarOutline( imgPath, progressbar_outline_png );
GuiImage progressbarOutlineImg( &progressbarOutline );
if ( Settings.wsprompt == yes )
progressbarOutlineImg.SetWidescreen( Settings.widescreen );
progressbarOutlineImg.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
progressbarOutlineImg.SetPosition( 25, 40 );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sprogressbar_empty.png", Settings.theme_path );
GuiImageData progressbarEmpty( imgPath, progressbar_empty_png );
GuiImage progressbarEmptyImg( &progressbarEmpty );
progressbarEmptyImg.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
progressbarEmptyImg.SetPosition( 25, 40 );
progressbarEmptyImg.SetTile( 100 );
snprintf( imgPath, sizeof( imgPath ), "%sprogressbar.png", Settings.theme_path );
GuiImageData progressbar( imgPath, progressbar_png );
GuiImage progressbarImg( &progressbar );
progressbarImg.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
progressbarImg.SetPosition( 25, 40 );
GuiText titleTxt( title, 26, THEME.prompttext );
titleTxt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP );
titleTxt.SetPosition( 0, 60 );
GuiText msg1Txt( msg1, 22, THEME.prompttext );
msg1Txt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP );
if ( msg2 )
msg1Txt.SetPosition( 0, 120 );
msg1Txt.SetPosition( 0, 100 );
msg1Txt.SetMaxWidth( 430, DOTTED );
GuiText msg2Txt( msg2, 22, THEME.prompttext );
msg2Txt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP );
msg2Txt.SetPosition( 0, 125 );
msg2Txt.SetMaxWidth( 430, DOTTED );
GuiText prsTxt( "%", 22, THEME.prompttext );
prsTxt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
prsTxt.SetPosition( -188, 40 );
GuiText timeTxt( ( char* ) NULL, 22, THEME.prompttext );
timeTxt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_BOTTOM );
timeTxt.SetPosition( 280, -50 );
GuiText sizeTxt( ( char* ) NULL, 22, THEME.prompttext );
sizeTxt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_BOTTOM );
sizeTxt.SetPosition( 50, -50 );
GuiText speedTxt( ( char* ) NULL, 22, THEME.prompttext );
speedTxt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_BOTTOM );
speedTxt.SetPosition( 50, -74 );
GuiText prTxt( ( char* ) NULL, 26, THEME.prompttext );
prTxt.SetAlignment( ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
prTxt.SetPosition( 200, 40 );
if ( ( Settings.wsprompt == yes ) && ( Settings.widescreen ) ) /////////////adjust for widescreen
progressbarOutlineImg.SetAlignment( ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_MIDDLE );
progressbarOutlineImg.SetPosition( 0, 40 );
progressbarEmptyImg.SetPosition( 80, 40 );
progressbarEmptyImg.SetTile( 78 );
progressbarImg.SetPosition( 80, 40 );
msg1Txt.SetMaxWidth( 380, DOTTED );
msg2Txt.SetMaxWidth( 380, DOTTED );
timeTxt.SetPosition( 250, -50 );
timeTxt.SetFontSize( 20 );
speedTxt.SetPosition( 90, -74 );
speedTxt.SetFontSize( 20 );
sizeTxt.SetPosition( 90, -50 );
sizeTxt.SetFontSize( 20 );
usleep( 400000 ); // wait to see if progress flag changes soon
if ( !showProgress )
promptWindow.Append( &dialogBoxImg );
promptWindow.Append( &progressbarEmptyImg );
promptWindow.Append( &progressbarImg );
promptWindow.Append( &progressbarOutlineImg );
promptWindow.Append( &prTxt );
promptWindow.Append( &prsTxt );
if ( title )
promptWindow.Append( &titleTxt );
if ( msg1 )
promptWindow.Append( &msg1Txt );
if ( msg2 )
promptWindow.Append( &msg2Txt );
if ( showTime )
promptWindow.Append( &timeTxt );
if ( showSize )
promptWindow.Append( &sizeTxt );
promptWindow.Append( &speedTxt );
promptWindow.SetEffect( EFFECT_SLIDE_TOP | EFFECT_SLIDE_IN, 50 );
mainWindow->SetState( STATE_DISABLED );
mainWindow->Append( &promptWindow );
mainWindow->ChangeFocus( &promptWindow );
while ( promptWindow.GetEffect() > 0 ) usleep( 100 );
int tmp;
while ( showProgress )
if ( changed )
changed = false;
tmp = static_cast<int>( progressbarImg.GetWidth() * progressDone );
if ( Settings.widescreen && Settings.wsprompt == yes )
progressbarImg.SetSkew( 0, 0, static_cast<int>( progressbarImg.GetWidth()*progressDone*0.8 ) - progressbarImg.GetWidth(), 0, static_cast<int>( progressbarImg.GetWidth()*progressDone*0.8 ) - progressbarImg.GetWidth(), 0, 0, 0 );
progressbarImg.SetSkew( 0, 0, static_cast<int>( progressbarImg.GetWidth()*progressDone ) - progressbarImg.GetWidth(), 0, static_cast<int>( progressbarImg.GetWidth()*progressDone ) - progressbarImg.GetWidth(), 0, 0, 0 );
prTxt.SetTextf( "%.2f", progressDone );
if ( showSize )
sizeTxt.SetText( progressSizeLeft );
speedTxt.SetText( progressSpeed );
if ( showTime )
timeTxt.SetText( progressTime );
if ( msg2 )
msg2Txt.SetText( dyn_message );
promptWindow.SetEffect( EFFECT_SLIDE_TOP | EFFECT_SLIDE_OUT, 50 );
while ( promptWindow.GetEffect() > 0 ) usleep( 100 );
mainWindow->Remove( &promptWindow );
mainWindow->SetState( STATE_DEFAULT );
* ProgressThread
static void * ProgressThread ( void *arg )
while ( 1 )
if ( !showProgress )
LWP_SuspendThread ( progressthread );
ProgressWindow( progressTitle, progressMsg1, progressMsg2 );
usleep( 100 );
return NULL;
* ProgressStop
void ProgressStop()
showProgress = 0;
gameinstalltotal = -1;
// wait for thread to finish
while ( !LWP_ThreadIsSuspended( progressthread ) )
usleep( 100 );
* ShowProgress
* Callbackfunction for updating the progress values
* Use this function as standard callback
void ShowProgress( const char *title, const char *msg1, char *dynmsg2, f32 done, f32 total, bool swSize, bool swTime )
if ( total <= 0 )
else if ( done > total )
done = total;
showSize = swSize;
showTime = swTime;
if ( title )
strlcpy( progressTitle, title, sizeof( progressTitle ) );
if ( msg1 )
strlcpy( progressMsg1, msg1, sizeof( progressMsg1 ) );
if ( dynmsg2 )
dyn_message = dynmsg2;
static u32 expected;
u32 elapsed, h, m, s, speed = 0;
if ( !done )
start = time( 0 );
expected = 300;
LWP_ResumeThread( progressthread );
//Elapsed time
elapsed = time( 0 ) - start;
//Calculate speed in KB/s
if ( elapsed > 0 )
speed = done / ( elapsed * KB_SIZE );
if ( done != total )
//Expected time
if ( elapsed )
expected = ( expected * 3 + elapsed * total / done ) / 4;
//Remaining time
elapsed = ( expected > elapsed ) ? ( expected - elapsed ) : 0;
//Calculate time values
h = elapsed / 3600;
m = ( elapsed / 60 ) % 60;
s = elapsed % 60;
if ( swTime == true )
snprintf( progressTime, sizeof( progressTime ), "%s %d:%02d:%02d", tr( "Time left:" ), h, m, s );
if ( swSize == true )
if ( total < MB_SIZE )
snprintf( progressSizeLeft, sizeof( progressSizeLeft ), "%0.2fKB/%0.2fKB", done * done / total / KB_SIZE, total / KB_SIZE );
else if ( total > MB_SIZE && total < GB_SIZE )
snprintf( progressSizeLeft, sizeof( progressSizeLeft ), "%0.2fMB/%0.2fMB", done * done / total / MB_SIZE, total / MB_SIZE );
snprintf( progressSizeLeft, sizeof( progressSizeLeft ), "%0.2fGB/%0.2fGB", done * done / total / GB_SIZE, total / GB_SIZE );
snprintf( progressSpeed, sizeof( progressSpeed ), "%dKB/s", speed );
showProgress = 1;
progressDone = 100.0 * done / total;
changed = true;
* InitProgressThread
* Startup Progressthread in idle prio
void InitProgressThread()
LWP_CreateThread( &progressthread, ProgressThread, NULL, NULL, 16384, 80 );
* ExitProgressThread
* Shutdown Progressthread
void ExitProgressThread()
LWP_JoinThread( progressthread, NULL );
progressthread = LWP_THREAD_NULL;