Cyan 0cd2573062 Push r1235 in internal update menu and window's installer.
Added used libraries to /branches/libs/
You need to "make" and "make install" both libsicksaxis and libupc to compile USBLoaderGX r1235+
2015-01-04 21:00:24 +00:00

21 lines
426 B

=== libruntimeiospatch ===
a library providing necessary functions for patching IOS at runtime using HW_AHBPROT.
It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
=== Including ===
include the library as
#include <libruntimeiospatch.h> // Code
LIBS := -lruntimeiospatch // Makefile
=== API ===
see File "API"
= Thanks =
- libOGC devs
- Team Twizzers
- damysterman
- anyone I forgot to mention here