/**************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2011 * by Dimok * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any * damages arising from the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any * purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and * redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you * must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use * this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product * documentation would be appreciated but is not required. * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and * must not be misrepresented as being the original software. * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source * distribution. ***************************************************************************/ #include <unistd.h> #include "CategoryPrompt.hpp" #include "settings/CGameCategories.hpp" #include "settings/CSettings.h" #include "language/gettext.h" #include "themes/gettheme.h" #include "themes/Resources.h" #include "menu/menus.h" CategoryPrompt::CategoryPrompt(const string &title) : GuiWindow(0, 0) { changed = false; trigA.SetSimpleTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_A | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_A, PAD_BUTTON_A); trigB.SetSimpleTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_B | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_B, PAD_BUTTON_B); trigHome.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_HOME | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_HOME, PAD_BUTTON_START); trigPlus.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_PLUS | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_PLUS, PAD_TRIGGER_R); trigMinus.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_MINUS | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_MINUS, PAD_TRIGGER_L); trig1.SetButtonOnlyTrigger(-1, WPAD_BUTTON_1 | WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_Y, PAD_TRIGGER_Z); btnOutline = Resources::GetImageData("button_dialogue_box.png"); bgImgData = Resources::GetImageData("categoryPrompt.png"); browserImgData = Resources::GetImageData("bg_options.png"); addImgData = Resources::GetImageData("add.png"); deleteImgData = Resources::GetImageData("remove.png"); editImgData = Resources::GetImageData("one.png"); bgImg = new GuiImage(bgImgData); Append(bgImg); width = bgImg->GetWidth(); height = bgImg->GetHeight()+btnOutline->GetHeight()*0.9f; titleTxt = new GuiText(title.c_str(), 30, thColor("r=0 g=0 b=0 a=255 - category prompt title text color")); titleTxt->SetAlignment(thAlign("center - category prompt title text align hor"), thAlign("top - category prompt title text align ver")); titleTxt->SetPosition(thInt("0 - category prompt title text pos x"), thInt("10 - category prompt title text pos y")); Append(titleTxt); browserImg = new GuiImage(browserImgData); browser = new GuiCheckboxBrowser(browserImg->GetWidth(), browserImg->GetHeight()); browser->SetImage(browserImg); browser->SetAlignment(thAlign("center - category prompt browser align hor"), thAlign("top - category prompt browser align ver")); browser->SetPosition(thInt("0 - category prompt browser pos x"), thInt("45 - category prompt browser pos y")); Append(browser); homeButton = new GuiButton(0, 0); homeButton->SetTrigger(&trigHome); Append(homeButton); addImg = new GuiImage(addImgData); addTxt = new GuiText(tr("Add category"), 24, thColor("r=0 g=0 b=0 a=255 - prompt windows button text color")); addTxt->SetMaxWidth(180, DOTTED); addTxt->SetAlignment(thAlign("left - category prompt add button text align hor"), thAlign("top - category prompt add button text align ver")); addTxt->SetPosition(thInt("10 - category prompt add button text pos x")+addImg->GetWidth(), thInt("6 - category prompt add button text pos y")); addButton = new GuiButton(addImg->GetWidth()+10+addTxt->GetTextWidth(), addImg->GetHeight()); addButton->SetImage(addImg); addButton->SetLabel(addTxt); addButton->SetAlignment(thAlign("left - category prompt add button align hor"), thAlign("top - category prompt add button align ver")); addButton->SetPosition(width/2-thInt("180 - category prompt add button pos x")-addImg->GetWidth()/2, thInt("330 - category prompt add button pos y")); addButton->SetSoundOver(btnSoundOver); addButton->SetSoundClick(btnSoundClick); addButton->SetTrigger(&trigA); addButton->SetTrigger(&trigPlus); addButton->SetEffectGrow(); Append(addButton); deleteImg = new GuiImage(deleteImgData); deleteTxt = new GuiText(tr("Delete category"), 24, thColor("r=0 g=0 b=0 a=255 - prompt windows button text color")); deleteTxt->SetMaxWidth(180, DOTTED); deleteTxt->SetAlignment(thAlign("left - category prompt delete button text align hor"), thAlign("top - category prompt delete button text align ver")); deleteTxt->SetPosition(thInt("10 - category prompt delete button text pos x")+deleteImg->GetWidth(), thInt("6 - category prompt delete button text pos y")); deleteButton = new GuiButton(deleteImg->GetWidth()+10+deleteTxt->GetTextWidth(), deleteImg->GetHeight()); deleteButton->SetImage(deleteImg); deleteButton->SetLabel(deleteTxt); deleteButton->SetAlignment(thAlign("left - category prompt delete button align hor"), thAlign("top - category prompt delete button align ver")); deleteButton->SetPosition(width/2+thInt("5 - category prompt delete button pos x"), thInt("330 - category prompt delete button pos y")); deleteButton->SetSoundOver(btnSoundOver); deleteButton->SetSoundClick(btnSoundClick); deleteButton->SetTrigger(&trigA); deleteButton->SetTrigger(&trigMinus); deleteButton->SetEffectGrow(); Append(deleteButton); editImg = new GuiImage(editImgData); editTxt = new GuiText(tr("Rename category"), 24, thColor("r=0 g=0 b=0 a=255 - prompt windows button text color")); editTxt->SetAlignment(thAlign("left - category prompt edit button text align hor"), thAlign("top - category prompt edit button text align ver")); editTxt->SetPosition(thInt("10 - category prompt edit button text pos x")+editImg->GetWidth(), thInt("6 - category prompt edit button text pos y")); editTxt->SetMaxWidth(180, DOTTED); editButton = new GuiButton(editImg->GetWidth()+10+editTxt->GetTextWidth(), editImg->GetHeight()); editButton->SetImage(editImg); editButton->SetLabel(editTxt); editButton->SetAlignment(thAlign("left - category prompt edit button align hor"), thAlign("top - category prompt edit button align ver")); editButton->SetPosition(width/2-thInt("180 - category prompt edit button pos x")-addImg->GetWidth()/2, thInt("362 - category prompt edit button pos y")); editButton->SetSoundOver(btnSoundOver); editButton->SetSoundClick(btnSoundClick); editButton->SetTrigger(&trigA); editButton->SetTrigger(&trig1); editButton->SetEffectGrow(); Append(editButton); saveImg = new GuiImage(btnOutline); saveImg->SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE); saveImg->SetScale(0.9f); saveTxt = new GuiText(tr("Save"), 22, thColor("r=0 g=0 b=0 a=255 - prompt windows button text color")); saveButton = new GuiButton(saveImg->GetWidth()*0.9f, saveImg->GetHeight()*0.9f); saveButton->SetImage(saveImg); saveButton->SetLabel(saveTxt); saveButton->SetAlignment(thAlign("center - category prompt save button align hor"), thAlign("bottom - category prompt save button align ver")); saveButton->SetPosition(thInt("-110 - category prompt save button pos x"), thInt("0 - category prompt save button pos y")); saveButton->SetSoundOver(btnSoundOver); saveButton->SetSoundClick(btnSoundClick); saveButton->SetTrigger(&trigA); saveButton->SetEffectGrow(); Append(saveButton); backImg = new GuiImage(btnOutline); backImg->SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_MIDDLE); backImg->SetScale(0.9f); backTxt = new GuiText(tr("Back"), 22, thColor("r=0 g=0 b=0 a=255 - prompt windows button text color")); backBtn = new GuiButton(backImg->GetWidth()*0.9f, backImg->GetHeight()*0.9f); backBtn->SetImage(backImg); backBtn->SetLabel(backTxt); backBtn->SetAlignment(thAlign("center - category prompt back button align hor"), thAlign("bottom - category prompt back button align ver")); backBtn->SetPosition(thInt("110 - category prompt back button pos x"), thInt("0 - category prompt back button pos y")); backBtn->SetSoundOver(btnSoundOver); backBtn->SetSoundClick(btnSoundClick); backBtn->SetTrigger(&trigA); backBtn->SetEffectGrow(); Append(backBtn); browserRefresh(); } CategoryPrompt::~CategoryPrompt() { RemoveAll(); delete browser; delete btnOutline; delete bgImgData; delete bgImg; delete browserImgData; delete browserImg; delete addImgData; delete addImg; delete deleteImgData; delete deleteImg; delete editImgData; delete editImg; delete backImg; delete saveImg; delete backBtn; delete homeButton; delete addButton; delete deleteButton; delete editButton; delete saveButton; delete titleTxt; delete addTxt; delete deleteTxt; delete editTxt; delete backTxt; delete saveTxt; } int CategoryPrompt::Show() { while(backBtn->GetState() != STATE_CLICKED) { usleep(100); if (shutdown) Sys_Shutdown(); else if (reset) Sys_Reboot(); else if (homeButton->GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { gprintf("\thomeButton clicked\n"); WindowExitPrompt(); mainWindow->SetState(STATE_DISABLED); SetState(STATE_DEFAULT); homeButton->ResetState(); } else if(saveButton->GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { if(categoriesChanged()) GameCategories.Save(); return 1; } else if(addButton->GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { if(!Settings.godmode && (Settings.ParentalBlocks & BLOCK_CATEGORIES_MOD)) { WindowPrompt(tr( "Permission denied." ), tr( "Console must be unlocked to be able to use this." ), tr( "OK" )); mainWindow->SetState(STATE_DISABLED); SetState(STATE_DEFAULT); addButton->ResetState(); continue; } char entered[512] = ""; int result = OnScreenKeyboard(entered, sizeof(entered), 0); if(result) { GameCategories.CategoryList.AddCategory(entered); browserRefresh(); markChanged(); } mainWindow->SetState(STATE_DISABLED); SetState(STATE_DEFAULT); addButton->ResetState(); } else if(deleteButton->GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { if(!Settings.godmode && (Settings.ParentalBlocks & BLOCK_CATEGORIES_MOD)) { WindowPrompt(tr( "Permission denied." ), tr( "Console must be unlocked to be able to use this." ), tr( "OK" )); mainWindow->SetState(STATE_DISABLED); SetState(STATE_DEFAULT); deleteButton->ResetState(); continue; } if(browser->GetSelected() == 0) { WindowPrompt(tr("Error"), tr("You cannot delete this category."), tr("OK")); mainWindow->SetState(STATE_DISABLED); SetState(STATE_DEFAULT); deleteButton->ResetState(); continue; } int choice = WindowPrompt(tr("Warning"), tr("Are you sure you want to delete this category?"), tr("Yes"), tr("Cancel")); if(choice) { GameCategories.CategoryList.goToFirst(); for(int i = 0; i < browser->GetSelected(); ++i) GameCategories.CategoryList.goToNext(); int categoryID = GameCategories.CategoryList.getCurrentID(); GameCategories.CategoryList.RemoveCategory(categoryID); GameCategories.RemoveCategory(categoryID); browserRefresh(); markChanged(); } mainWindow->SetState(STATE_DISABLED); SetState(STATE_DEFAULT); deleteButton->ResetState(); } else if(editButton->GetState() == STATE_CLICKED) { if(!Settings.godmode && (Settings.ParentalBlocks & BLOCK_CATEGORIES_MOD)) { WindowPrompt(tr( "Permission denied." ), tr( "Console must be unlocked to be able to use this." ), tr( "OK" )); mainWindow->SetState(STATE_DISABLED); SetState(STATE_DEFAULT); continue; } GameCategories.CategoryList.goToFirst(); for(int i = 0; i < browser->GetSelected(); ++i) GameCategories.CategoryList.goToNext(); char entered[512]; snprintf(entered, sizeof(entered), tr(GameCategories.CategoryList.getCurrentName().c_str())); int result = OnScreenKeyboard(entered, sizeof(entered), 0); if(result) { GameCategories.CategoryList.SetCategory(GameCategories.CategoryList.getCurrentID(), entered); browserRefresh(); markChanged(); } mainWindow->SetState(STATE_DISABLED); SetState(STATE_DEFAULT); editButton->ResetState(); } } //! Reset to old file in case of cancel if(categoriesChanged()) resetChanges(); return 0; }