Alexander David Frick 42c3fd3474
Add more aliases
2022-05-09 03:06:08 -05:00

75 lines
2.2 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2022 Alex313031.
YEL='\033[1;33m' # Yellow
printf "\n" &&
printf "${YEL}Creating build output directory...\n" &&
tput sgr0 &&
mkdir -v -p $HOME/chromium/src/out/thorium/ &&
printf "\n" &&
printf "${YEL}Copying source files over Chromium tree...\n" &&
tput sgr0 &&
cp -r -v build/. $HOME/chromium/src/build/ &&
cp -r -v chrome/. $HOME/chromium/src/chrome/ &&
cp -r -v components/. $HOME/chromium/src/components &&
cp -r -v content/. $HOME/chromium/src/content/ &&
cp -r -v media/. $HOME/chromium/src/media/ &&
cp -r -v net/. $HOME/chromium/src/net/ &&
cp -r -v sandbox/. $HOME/chromium/src/sandbox/ &&
cp -r -v third_party/. $HOME/chromium/src/third_party/ &&
cp -r -v tools/. $HOME/chromium/src/tools/ &&
cp -r -v ui/. $HOME/chromium/src/ui/ &&
cp -r -v v8/. $HOME/chromium/src/v8/ &&
cp -r -v content_shell/. $HOME/chromium/src/out/thorium/ &&
cp -r -v pak_src/bin/pak $HOME/chromium/src/out/thorium/ &&
cp -r -v pak_src/bin/pak-win/. $HOME/chromium/src/out/thorium/ &&
printf "${YEL}Done!\n" &&
printf "\n" &&
printf "${YEL}Setting NINJA_SUMMARIZE_BUILD=1 and aliases to download the PGO Profiles for supported targets, and the gsync alias.\n" &&
export EDITOR=nano &&
export VISUAL=nano &&
alias origin='git checkout -f origin/main' &&
alias rebase='git rebase-update' &&
alias gnargs='gn args out/thorium' &&
alias gnls='gn ls out/thorium' &&
alias gsync='gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags -f -R -D' &&
alias runhooks='gclient runhooks' &&
alias pgo='python3 tools/ --target=linux update --gs-url-base=chromium-optimization-profiles/pgo_profiles' &&
alias pgow='python3 tools/ --target=win64 update --gs-url-base=chromium-optimization-profiles/pgo_profiles' &&
alias pgom='python3 tools/ --target=mac update --gs-url-base=chromium-optimization-profiles/pgo_profiles' &&
printf "\n" &&
printf "${YEL}Dropping you to ~/chromium/src.\n" &&
printf "\n" &&
printf "${YEL}Look in this file to see the aliases and what they're for.\n" &&
printf "\n" &&
printf "${YEL}Enjoy Thorium!\n" &&
printf "\n" &&
tput sgr0 &&
cd $HOME/chromium/src &&
exit 0