mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 10:47:44 -03:00
148 lines
3.7 KiB
Executable file
148 lines
3.7 KiB
Executable file
# Copyright (c) 2024 Alex313031.
YEL='\033[1;33m' # Yellow
RED='\033[1;31m' # Red
GRE='\033[1;32m' # Green
c0=$'\033[0m' # Reset Text
bold=$'\033[1m' # Bold Text
underline=$'\033[4m' # Underline Text
# Error handling
yell() { echo "$0: $*" >&2; }
die() { yell "$*"; exit 111; }
try() { "$@" || die "${RED}Failed $*"; }
printf "\n" &&
printf "${GRE}Script to download all prequisites to build Thorium...\n" &&
tput sgr0 &&
# Give user a chance to stop if they wish
tput setaf 1 &&
read -p "This script requires git and wget. Press Enter to continue, otherwise use Ctrl+C to stop and install these first."
tput sgr0 &&
printf "\n" &&
printf "${YEL}Installing depot_tools, cloning Thorium repo, and creating Chromium directories...\n" &&
tput sgr0 &&
sleep 1 &&
cd &&
# Clone repos
git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git &&
printf "\n" &&
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Alex313031/thorium.git &&
# Make Chromium dirs
printf "\n" &&
mkdir -v ~/chromium &&
mkdir -v ~/chromium/src &&
mkdir -v ~/chromium/win &&
cd $HOME/chromium/win &&
printf "\n" &&
printf "${YEL}Downloading Cross-Building MSVS Artifacts Archive...\n" &&
tput sgr0 &&
sleep 1 &&
# Download VS artifacts .zip
printf "\n" &&
wget -v https://github.com/Alex313031/Snippets/releases/download/10.1.20348.1_04/15be23e584.zip &&
sleep 1 &&
# Alert user to .bashrc changes
printf "\n" &&
printf "${YEL}Adding these lines to your .bashrc...\n" &&
tput sgr0 &&
printf "umask 022\n" &&
printf "PATH=\$PATH:\$HOME/depot_tools\n" &&
printf "export DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN_BASE_URL=\$HOME/chromium/win/\n" &&
printf "export GYP_MSVS_HASH_1023ce2e82=15be23e584\n" &&
# Give user a chance to stop if they wish
tput setaf 1 &&
read -p "Press Enter to continue, otherwise use Ctrl + C to stop."
tput sgr0 &&
cd &&
# Append lines to .bashrc
echo 'umask 022' >> .bashrc &&
echo 'PATH="$PATH:$HOME/depot_tools"' >> .bashrc &&
echo 'export DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN_BASE_URL=$HOME/chromium/win/' >> .bashrc &&
echo 'export GYP_MSVS_HASH_1023ce2e82=15be23e584' >> .bashrc &&
printf "\n" &&
printf "${YEL}Running source ~/.bashrc..\n" &&
tput sgr0 &&
# Source .bashrc so changes take effect
cd &&
source .bashrc &&
printf "\n" &&
printf "${YEL}Downloading Chromium source (This will take a while)...\n" &&
tput sgr0 &&
sleep 1 &&
# Use depot_tools fetch to download full Chromium source tree
cd ~/chromium &&
fetch --nohooks chromium &&
printf "\n" &&
printf "${YEL}Running install-build-deps.sh to make sure prerequisites are installed...\n" &&
tput sgr0 &&
# Run script to install needed libraries
cd ~/chromium/src &&
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 &&
sudo apt update &&
./build/install-build-deps.sh --arm --chromeos-fonts &&
printf "\n" &&
printf "${YEL}Running hooks...\n" &&
tput sgr0 &&
# Run hooks for Chromium
cd ~/chromium/src &&
gclient runhooks &&
# Alert user to .gclient file changes
printf "\n" &&
printf "${YEL}Appending target_os = [ 'linux', 'win' ] to .gclient file...\n" &&
tput sgr0 &&
cd ~/chromium &&
# Apend line to chromium/.gclient file
echo "target_os = [ 'linux', 'win' ]" >> .gclient &&
printf "\n" &&
printf "${YEL}Running set_exec.sh in ~/Thorium...\n" &&
tput sgr0 &&
# Make set_exec.sh executable so it can make all other scripts executable
cd ~/Thorium &&
chmod +x set_exec.sh &&
# Run set_exec.sh
./set_exec.sh &&
printf "\n" &&
printf "${YEL}Running trunk.sh in ~/Thorium...\n" &&
tput sgr0 &&
# Run final trunk.sh to sync/rebase everything with tags and branches, and to set the VS toolchain
./trunk.sh &&
# Land user in ~/chromium/src
cd ~/chromium/src
printf "${YEL}Done!\n" &&
printf "${GRE}Done! ${YEL}You can now run ./setup.sh or build vanilla Chromium.\n"
tput sgr0