## Thorium AppImage Generation ### Instructions This directory contains files to generate an .AppImage of Thorium. You __must__ place the .deb file generated from running `thordeb.sh` in this directory, and then run `./build_appimage.sh` When it is done, you will have an appimage in *out*, I.E. it should be something like `//thorium/infra/APPIMAGE/out/Thorium_Browser-104.0.5107.0.glibc2.17-x86_64.AppImage` You can use it standalone, after making it executable with `sudo chmod +x Thorium_Browser-*`, or (*reccomended*) to integrate it with your system you can use [AppImageLauncher](https://github.com/TheAssassin/AppImageLauncher). - Running `./extract_appimage.sh` will extract the appimage contents to *out/Thorium_squashfs-root* - The *files* subdir contains files needed for the 22px and 512px icons, and a thorium-shell wrapper that allows thorium_shell to run properly in an AppImage. - *See also:* [About AppImages](https://appimage.org/) ### About – This infra project uses [*pkg2appimage*](https://github.com/AppImage/pkg2appimage/blob/master/pkg2appimage) from here > https://github.com/AppImage/pkg2appimage \ – The [*Thorium.yml*](https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium/blob/main/infra/APPIMAGE/Thorium.yml) file was modeled after the official Chromium one from here > https://github.com/AppImage/pkg2appimage/blob/master/recipes/Chromium.yml