#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2024 Alex313031. YEL='\033[1;33m' # Yellow CYA='\033[1;96m' # Cyan RED='\033[1;31m' # Red GRE='\033[1;32m' # Green c0='\033[0m' # Reset Text bold='\033[1m' # Bold Text underline='\033[4m' # Underline Text # Error handling yell() { echo "$0: $*" >&2; } die() { yell "$*"; exit 111; } try() { "$@" || die "${RED}Failed $*"; } # --help displayHelp () { printf "\n" && printf "${bold}${GRE}Script to copy Thorium source files over the Chromium source tree.${c0}\n" && printf "${bold}${YEL} Use the --mac flag for MacOS builds.${c0}\n" && printf "${bold}${YEL} Use the --raspi or --arm64 flag for Raspberry Pi builds.${c0}\n" && printf "${bold}${YEL} Use the --woa flag for Windows on ARM builds.${c0}\n" && printf "${bold}${YEL} Use the --avx512 flag for AVX-512 Builds.${c0}\n" && printf "${bold}${YEL} Use the --avx2 flag for AVX2 Builds.${c0}\n" && printf "${bold}${YEL} Use the --sse4 flag for SSE4.1 Builds.${c0}\n" && printf "${bold}${YEL} Use the --sse3 flag for SSE3 Builds.${c0}\n" && printf "${bold}${YEL} Use the --sse2 flag for 32 bit SSE2 Builds.${c0}\n" && printf "${bold}${YEL} Use the --android flag for Android Builds.${c0}\n" && printf "${bold}${YEL} Use the --cros flag for ChromiumOS Builds.${c0}\n" && printf "${bold}${YEL} --help or -h shows this help.${c0}\n" && printf "${bold}${YEL} IMPORTANT: For Polly builds, first run build_polly.sh in ./infra before building.${c0}\n" && printf "${bold}${YEL} This should be done AFTER running this setup.sh script!${c0}\n" && printf "\n" printf "${bold}${YEL} NOTE: The \`CR_DIR\` env variable can be used to override the location of \"chromium/src\".${c0}\n" && printf "${bold}${YEL} The default is $HOME/chromium/src${c0}\n" && printf "\n" } case $1 in --help) displayHelp; exit 0;; esac case $1 in -h) displayHelp; exit 0;; esac # chromium/src dir env variable if [ -z "${CR_DIR}" ]; then CR_SRC_DIR="$HOME/chromium/src" export CR_SRC_DIR else CR_SRC_DIR="${CR_DIR}" export CR_SRC_DIR fi printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Creating build output directory...${c0}\n" && mkdir -v -p ${CR_SRC_DIR}/out/thorium/ && printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Copying Thorium source files over the Chromium tree...${c0}\n" && # Copy libjxl src cd ~/thorium && cp -r -v thorium-libjxl/src/. ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && # Copy Thorium sources cp -r -v src/BUILD.gn ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v src/ash ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v src/build ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v src/chrome ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v src/chromeos ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v src/components ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v src/content ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v src/extensions ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v src/google_apis ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v src/media ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v src/net ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v src/sandbox ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v src/services ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v src/third_party ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v src/tools ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v src/ui ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v src/v8 ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -r -v thorium_shell/. ${CR_SRC_DIR}/out/thorium/ && cp -r -v pak_src/binaries/pak ${CR_SRC_DIR}/out/thorium/ && cp -r -v pak_src/binaries/pak-win/. ${CR_SRC_DIR}/out/thorium/ && patchThor () { cp -v other/add-hevc-ffmpeg-decoder-parser.patch ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ffmpeg/ && cp -v other/fix-policy-templates.patch ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -v other/ftp-support-thorium.patch ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -v other/thorium-2024-ui.patch ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -v other/GPC.patch ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Patching FFMPEG for HEVC...${c0}\n" && cd ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ffmpeg && git apply --reject ./add-hevc-ffmpeg-decoder-parser.patch && printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Patching policy templates...${c0}\n" && cd ${CR_SRC_DIR} && git apply --reject ./fix-policy-templates.patch && printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Patching FTP support...${c0}\n" && cd ${CR_SRC_DIR} && git apply --reject ./ftp-support-thorium.patch && printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Patching in GPC support...${c0}\n" && cd ${CR_SRC_DIR} && git apply --reject ./GPC.patch printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Patching for Thorium 2024 UI...${c0}\n" && cd ${CR_SRC_DIR} && git apply --reject ./thorium-2024-ui.patch } [ -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ffmpeg/add-hevc-ffmpeg-decoder-parser.patch ] || patchThor; patchAC3 () { cp -v other/ffmpeg_hevc_ac3.patch ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ffmpeg/ && printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Patching FFMPEG for AC3 & E-AC3...${c0}\n" && cd ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ffmpeg && git apply --reject ./ffmpeg_hevc_ac3.patch && cd ~/thorium } patchSSE2 () { cp -v other/SSE2/angle-lockfree.patch ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/angle/src/ && printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Patching ANGLE for SSE2...${c0}\n" && cd ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/angle/src && git apply --reject ./angle-lockfree.patch && cd ~/thorium } cd ~/thorium && printf "\n" && echo "Copying other files to \`out/thorium\`" && # Add default_apps dir for Google Docs Offline extension. mkdir -v -p ${CR_SRC_DIR}/out/thorium/default_apps && cp -r -v infra/default_apps/. ${CR_SRC_DIR}/out/thorium/default_apps/ && # Add initial preferences file to open Thorium welcome page on first run. cp -v infra/initial_preferences ${CR_SRC_DIR}/out/thorium/ && cp -v infra/thor_ver ${CR_SRC_DIR}/out/thorium/ && # MacOS ARMv8.3-A optimizations copyMacOS () { printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Copying files for MacOS...${c0}\n" && cp -v arm/mac_arm.gni ${CR_SRC_DIR}/build/config/arm.gni && cp -r -v arm/third_party/* ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ && cd ${CR_SRC_DIR} && python3 tools/update_pgo_profiles.py --target=mac update --gs-url-base=chromium-optimization-profiles/pgo_profiles && python3 tools/update_pgo_profiles.py --target=mac-arm update --gs-url-base=chromium-optimization-profiles/pgo_profiles && cd ~/thorium && [ -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_hevc_ac3.patch ] || patchAC3; printf "\n" } case $1 in --mac) copyMacOS; esac # Raspberry Pi Source Files copyRaspi () { printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Copying Raspberry Pi build files...${c0}\n" && cp -r -v arm/build/* ${CR_SRC_DIR}/build/ && cp -r -v arm/third_party/* ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ && cp -r -v arm/raspi/* ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && cp -v other/thor_ver_linux/wrapper-raspi ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/installer/linux/common/wrapper && cp -v pak_src/binaries/pak_arm64 ${CR_SRC_DIR}/out/thorium/pak && #./infra/fix_libaom.sh && printf "\n" && cp -r -v arm/raspi/build/config/* ${CR_SRC_DIR}/build/config/ && printf "\n" && # Display raspi ascii art cat logos/raspi_ascii_art.txt } case $1 in --raspi) copyRaspi; esac case $1 in --arm64) copyRaspi; esac # Windows on ARM64 files copyWOA () { printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Copying Windows on ARM build files...${c0}\n" && cp -r -v arm/build/* ${CR_SRC_DIR}/build/ && cp -r -v arm/third_party/* ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ && cd ${CR_SRC_DIR} && python3 tools/update_pgo_profiles.py --target=win-arm64 update --gs-url-base=chromium-optimization-profiles/pgo_profiles && cd ~/thorium && # Use regular arm.gni from src, pending further testing # cp -v arm/woa_arm.gni ${CR_SRC_DIR}/build/config/arm.gni && printf "\n" } case $1 in --woa) copyWOA; esac # Copy AVX512 files copyAVX512 () { printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Copying AVX-512 build files...${c0}\n" && cp -r -v other/AVX2/third_party/* ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ && cp -v other/AVX512/thor_ver ${CR_SRC_DIR}/out/thorium/ && cp -v other/thor_ver_linux/wrapper-avx512 ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/installer/linux/common/wrapper && [ -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_hevc_ac3.patch ] || patchAC3; printf "\n" } case $1 in --avx512) copyAVX512; esac # Copy AVX2 files copyAVX2 () { printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Copying AVX2 build files...${c0}\n" && cp -r -v other/AVX2/third_party/* ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ && cp -v other/AVX2/thor_ver ${CR_SRC_DIR}/out/thorium/ && cp -v other/thor_ver_linux/wrapper-avx2 ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/installer/linux/common/wrapper && [ -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_hevc_ac3.patch ] || patchAC3; printf "\n" } case $1 in --avx2) copyAVX2; esac # Copy SSE4.1 files copySSE4 () { printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Copying SSE4.1 build files...${c0}\n" && cp -v other/SSE4.1/thor_ver ${CR_SRC_DIR}/out/thorium/ && cp -v other/thor_ver_linux/wrapper-sse4 ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/installer/linux/common/wrapper && [ -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_hevc_ac3.patch ] || patchAC3; printf "\n" } case $1 in --sse4) copySSE4; esac # Copy SSE3 files copySSE3 () { printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Copying SSE3 build files...${c0}\n" && cp -v other/SSE3/thor_ver ${CR_SRC_DIR}/out/thorium/ && cp -v other/thor_ver_linux/wrapper-sse3 ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/installer/linux/common/wrapper && cd ${CR_SRC_DIR} && python3 tools/update_pgo_profiles.py --target=win32 update --gs-url-base=chromium-optimization-profiles/pgo_profiles && cd ~/thorium && [ -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_hevc_ac3.patch ] || patchAC3; printf "\n" } case $1 in --sse3) copySSE3; esac # Copy SSE2 files copySSE2 () { printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Copying SSE2 (32-bit) build files...${c0}\n" && cp -v other/SSE2/thor_ver ${CR_SRC_DIR}/out/thorium/ && cp -v other/thor_ver_linux/wrapper-sse2 ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/installer/linux/common/wrapper && cd ${CR_SRC_DIR} && python3 tools/update_pgo_profiles.py --target=win32 update --gs-url-base=chromium-optimization-profiles/pgo_profiles && cd ~/thorium && [ -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_hevc_ac3.patch ] || patchAC3; [ -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/angle/src/angle-lockfree.patch ] || patchSSE2; printf "\n" } case $1 in --sse2) copySSE2; esac # Copy Android files copyAndroid () { printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Copying Android (ARM64 and ARM32) build files...${c0}\n" && cp -r -v arm/build/* ${CR_SRC_DIR}/build/ && cp -r -v arm/third_party/* ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ && printf "\n" && cp -r -v arm/android/* ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && printf "\n" && #cp -r -v arm/android/third_party/* ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ && rm -v -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/android/java/res_base/drawable-v26/ic_launcher.xml && rm -v -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/android/java/res_base/drawable-v26/ic_launcher_round.xml && rm -v -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/android/java/res_chromium_base/mipmap-mdpi/layered_app_icon_background.png && #rm -v -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/android/java/res_chromium_base/mipmap-mdpi/layered_app_icon.png && rm -v -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/android/java/res_chromium_base/mipmap-xhdpi/layered_app_icon_background.png && #rm -v -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/android/java/res_chromium_base/mipmap-xhdpi/layered_app_icon.png && rm -v -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/android/java/res_chromium_base/mipmap-xxxhdpi/layered_app_icon_background.png && #rm -v -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/android/java/res_chromium_base/mipmap-xxxhdpi/layered_app_icon.png && rm -v -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/android/java/res_chromium_base/mipmap-nodpi/layered_app_icon_foreground.xml && rm -v -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/android/java/res_chromium_base/mipmap-hdpi/layered_app_icon_background.png && #rm -v -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/android/java/res_chromium_base/mipmap-hdpi/layered_app_icon.png && rm -v -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/android/java/res_chromium_base/mipmap-xxhdpi/layered_app_icon_background.png && #rm -v -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/chrome/android/java/res_chromium_base/mipmap-xxhdpi/layered_app_icon.png && #./infra/fix_libaom.sh && printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Downloading PGO profiles...${c0}\n" && cd ${CR_SRC_DIR} && python3 tools/update_pgo_profiles.py --target=android-arm64 update --gs-url-base=chromium-optimization-profiles/pgo_profiles && python3 tools/update_pgo_profiles.py --target=android-arm32 update --gs-url-base=chromium-optimization-profiles/pgo_profiles && cd ~/thorium && printf "\n" } case $1 in --android) copyAndroid; esac # Copy CrOS files copyCros () { printf "\n" && printf "${YEL}Copying ChromiumOS build files...${c0}\n" && cp -r -v other/CrOS/* ${CR_SRC_DIR}/ && [ -f ${CR_SRC_DIR}/third_party/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_hevc_ac3.patch ] || patchAC3; printf "\n" } case $1 in --cros) copyCros; esac printf "\n" && printf "${GRE}Done!${c0}\n" && #. ~/thorium/aliases.txt && #printf "\n" && #printf "export ${CYA}NINJA_SUMMARIZE_BUILD=1${c0}\n" && #printf "export ${CYA}EDITOR=nano${c0}\n" && #printf "export ${CYA}VISUAL=nano${c0}\n" && #printf "\n" && #printf "alias ${YEL}origin${c0} = ${CYA}git checkout -f origin/main${c0}\n" && #printf "alias ${YEL}gfetch${c0} = ${CYA}git fetch --tags${c0}\n" && #printf "alias ${YEL}rebase${c0} = ${CYA}git rebase-update${c0}\n" && #printf "alias ${YEL}gsync${c0} = ${CYA}gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags -f -R -D${c0}\n" && #printf "alias ${YEL}args${c0} = ${CYA}gn args out/thorium${c0}\n" && #printf "alias ${YEL}gnls${c0} = ${CYA}gn ls out/thorium${c0}\n" && #printf "alias ${YEL}show${c0} = ${CYA}git show-ref${c0}\n" && #printf "alias ${YEL}runhooks${c0} = ${CYA}gclient runhooks${c0}\n" && #printf "alias ${YEL}pgo${c0} = ${CYA}python3 tools/update_pgo_profiles.py --target=linux update --gs-url-base=chromium-optimization-profiles/pgo_profiles${c0}\n" && #printf "alias ${YEL}pgow${c0} = ${CYA}python3 tools/update_pgo_profiles.py --target=win64 update --gs-url-base=chromium-optimization-profiles/pgo_profiles${c0}\n" && #printf "alias ${YEL}pgom${c0} = ${CYA}python3 tools/update_pgo_profiles.py --target=mac update --gs-url-base=chromium-optimization-profiles/pgo_profiles${c0}\n" && #printf "alias ${YEL}pgomac-arm${c0} = ${CYA}python3 tools/update_pgo_profiles.py --target=mac-arm update --gs-url-base=chromium-optimization-profiles/pgo_profiles${c0}\n" && #printf "\n" && cat ./logos/thorium_ascii_art.txt && printf "${YEL}Tip: See the ${CYA}aliases.txt${YEL} file for some handy bash aliases.${c0}\n" && printf "\n" && printf "${RED} IMPORTANT: If you ran setup.sh without any flags, you must also run ./patch_ac3.sh for AC3/E-AC3 support.\n" && printf "\n" && printf "${GRE} Enjoy Thorium!\n" && printf "\n" && tput sgr0