diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 731f30df..74654000 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ _**The scripts assume the Chromium source is at $HOME/chromiums/src/. You may ha - Run `export EDITOR=nano` & `export VISUAL=nano` *# You can substitute a cmdline editor like vim here, but many GUI editors cause it to try and parse the args.gn file before it is even saved.* - Run `gn args out/thorium` and the contents of 'args.gn' in the 'misc' dir of this repo should be copy/pasted into the editor. Note that for Windows, Mac, ChromiumOS, or Android there are seperate *_args.gn files for those platforms. *--Include your api keys here at the top or leave blank, and edit the last line to point to the actual path and file name of '*.profdata'* - 'misc/args.list' contains an alphabetical list with descriptions of all possible build arguments; gn_args.list gives a similar list but with the flags in args.gn added. -- To build, run `autoninja -C out/thorium chrome chromedriver chrome_sandbox content_shell -j8` For Windows, use `autoninja -C out/thorium chrome chromedriver content_shell setup mini_installer -j8` *The -j# can be changed to limit or increase the number of jobs (generally should be the number of CPU cores on your machine)* +- To build, run `./build.sh` (--help for help). For Windows, use `autoninja -C out/thorium chrome chromedriver content_shell setup mini_installer -j8` *The -j# can be changed to limit or increase the number of jobs (generally should be the number of CPU cores on your machine)* - To install, copy/paste the contents of your *out/thorium* dir to a good location, i.e. *$HOME/bin/thorium*. **RECOMMENDED - Copy and run clean.sh within this dir to clean up build artifacts**. Then you can just run the browser with `~/bin/thorium/chrome`, the content_shell with `~/bin/thorium/content_shell`, or chromedriver with `~/bin/thorium/chromedriver`. -- **Proper Install:** To install with a .deb, dont copy the contents of *out/thorium*; instead run
`autoninja -C out/thorium/ "chrome/installer/linux:unstable_deb"` A nice .deb file will now be in *out/thorium* and you can install it with `sudo dpkg -i *.deb` It will be called 'thorium-browser-unstable_$VERSIONNUMBER_amd64.deb', and will be installed to */opt/chromium.org/thorium-unstable/*. For Windows, just run the mini_installer.exe. \ +- **Proper Install:** To install with a .deb, dont copy the contents of *out/thorium*; instead run
`./thordeb.sh` (--help for help). A nice .deb file will now be in *out/thorium* and you can install it with `sudo dpkg -i *.deb` It will be called 'thorium-browser-unstable_$VERSIONNUMBER_amd64.deb', and will be installed to */opt/chromium.org/thorium-unstable/*. For Windows, just run the mini_installer.exe. \    NOTE: To get back to "Trunk", i.e. to revert all changes in order to build vanilla chromium, just run `./trunk.sh` again. \    NOTE: To compile without AVX, simply go to *//chromium/src/build/config/compiler/BUILD.gn*, search for *mavx*, and replace *mavx* with *msse3*.