- This contains [*.gn files*](https://gn.googlesource.com/gn/) and scripts for generating DEBUG builds of Thorium for debugging, testing, and inspection.
- The [ABOUT_GN_ARGS.md](https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium/blob/main/infra/DEBUG/ABOUT_GN_ARGS.md) describes what each line in the args *.gn files do, also useful for the regular build args *.gn files. \
__NOTE:__ You cannot build installers for any platform with a debug build. Running the [clean.sh](https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium/blob/main/clean.sh) script in the root of the repo is highly reccomended to get your //out/thorium dir from ~6-7 GB to something reasonable, like ~1-2 GB.
- Running the `build_debug.sh` or `build_win_debug.sh` will build the *Thorium UI Debug Shell (views_examples_with_content)* target as well as the rest of Thorium.
- Running `build_debug_shell.sh` can be used for any platform, and will build the standalone Thorium UI Debug Shell. \
__NOTE:__ Running either of the above will make a directory in //out/thorium called Thorium_UI_Debug_Shell with all the artifacts and Readme inside, suitable for zipping up and distributing to users.
- For more information, read the [DEBUG_SHELL_README.md](https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium/blob/main/infra/DEBUG/DEBUG_SHELL_README.md) file).
__The [*DEBUGGING.md*](https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium/blob/main/infra/DEBUG/DEBUGGING.md) file is a slightly modified version of the upstream Chromium one.__ \