This dir contains [*.gn files*](<imgsrc=""width="32">, scripts, and other artifacts like vdpau-va-driver and flash player and the BUILDER file which contains notes (generally only usable by me, but feel free to ask what the info inside is for). \
The [args.list]( file shows all possible build arguments, and the [gn_args.list]( shows all possible build args after the Thorium args have been added, and the [win_args.list]( shows all possible build arguments for Windows builds. \
The *.gn files contain what you should use in the for platforms other than the normal Linux release (which is [here]( in the root of this repo.)
- The GN files [Here]( are for Android (x86, x64, arm32, arm64). >
- The []( is for ChromiumOS on Linux. >
- The []( is for x64 MacOS. []( is for ARM64 M1/M2 MacOS.)
- The []( is for Windows x64 \
- The [cgpt]( file is a compiler optimized build of cgpt for Linux/ChromiumOS, you can put anywhere in your $PATH. See >
- The DEBUG dir is for DEBUGGING, see the []( inside it.
– See the [Docs]( dir for more instructions on building for a particular platform. \
– The [DEV_CMDLINE_FLAGS.txt]( has usefule command line flags for Debugging, Web Development, and Thorium development. The []( contains a list of all possible cmdline flags for Chromium. It is borrowed from > \
– The [THORIUM_DEV_BOOKMARKS.html]( file contain the bookmarks I use for Thorium development and rebasing the files it uses.