# Order 11 * Date: 1 September 2024 * Nickname: "No more starvation." ## Contents Each person has [needs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs). The old system of mass murder is designed to starve people of their needs. To kill them. I, Rea - as a Mother - will not tolerate my children being murdered this way. Every child of the Motherdom deserves at least all of their physiological and safety needs being fully compensated by the Motherdom. This includes food, water, clothes, shelter, warmth, rest, bathroom, toilet, security, safety, Internet and cellular connection. Everyone deserves the baseline of comfort for free. Since Empire of Truth recognizes orders as suggesions, it is understood that every child of the Motherdom has good conscience to understand which people - especially Zionists - ruin lives of other people by running greedy utility, electricity, communications and real estate companies and therefore deserve their unjust power being taken away from them. Redistribution of power and wealth is desperately needed for the sake of building a better future.