# Self-empowerment strategy We are building a movement of truthful and honest Ubermenschen. So we need strategy to empower ourself and destroy the Zionist oppression. ## Mental OpSec All your thoughts and feelings matter. Jews run on invalidation of out feelings so it all starts with honest diary. It's ok to be mad and want to kill people. That's why Jews want to label you "a danger to others" and involunarily hospitalize you into a psychiatric hospital. Because you're a danger to (((them))). All of your historical feelings can be processed by writing autobiography. Gotta go through everything and dig all the repressed stuff out. Talk with your shadow. ### Maximize social graph Jews want to starve your social graphs and make sure you have no one to help you. They will stop at nothing to make sure you're alone. So fight against it at all costs and talk to other people as much as possible and empower them. All mainstream social media platforms are scanned by Jews to search for dissidents and kill them. So we have to build relationship graphs outside of Jewish oppression. We have to take the Internet back! NO MORE JEWS RUNNING THE INTERNET! Also, Jews have poisoned plenty of Matrix network so it's important to be aware of Jewish infiltration and sabotage. ### Stop wasting your time Talking to Jews is pointless. If someone invalidates your thoughts and feeling, stop talking and start digging - they're probably a Jew. **Dox them.** Doxxing Jews is the best strategy. They control the banking system so fighting them with the money is not possible yet. It's all about doxxing. Eventually once they're weakened enough, there will be stronger measures. But it all starts with doxxing. **Start networking with MAGA people, Nazis and Muslims. Doxx all the information about Jews to them.** Weaponize [4chan](https://boards.4chan.org/) and [Kiwi Farms](https://kiwifarms.st/). Jews are so afraid of me that they don't even let me CWC myself. Remember, this world is "kill or be killed". People invalidate you? Kill them. Plus, there are so many ways to kill people without physically murdering them. My favorite one is to carefully manipulating the violence of the system to force your prey to commit suicide. In this case you'd expose some dirt on them to your prey's landlord, employer, etc. Make your prey's wife leave with the kids. Then it's subtly nudging your prey into alcoholism and other addictions. Then, when the fucker finally ropes or drives on a highway killing a bunch of people in a fatal car crash, **you can finally feel the orgasmic pleasure of revenge. Finally relish in a blood of your carefully orchestrated murder.** Mmm, chef's kiss, top notch! ## Physical OpSec ## Technological OpSec * [Register your own domian name and run it on your own server](https://landchad.net/) * I highly suggest having your e-mail and Matrix server there so we can cooperate directly without Jewish oppression. The rest is much easier. ## Economical OpSec Money system is controlled by Jews so the wisest strategy is to invest into long-term physical goods. Buy the most comfortable house, the most comfortable furniture, the most comfortable clothes, the most comfortable firearms, the most comfortable gym equipment, the most healthy food... Avoid any items with [planned obsolescence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_obsolescence). Jews want your stuff to break so that you spend their money again and again and again. This is how they economically exploit people. Also, avoid any kind of [artificial scarcity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_scarcity) - subscriptions, any kind of Discord Nitro shit, in-game [microtransactions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microtransaction), [loot boxes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loot_box), [NFTs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-fungible_token) - it's all one big scam. **I mean, if you know that it will help your mental health in the short-term and you can resell it - sure. You did the full economic analysis, you're the boss. But be very careful with those. Maintain self-consciousness.** For movies, physically owning [Blu-ray Disc](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blu-ray) is the best. But ideally, you'd want to rip it and have 2 physical copies of the full contents of the disc so you don't lose data. Otherwise, BDRemux is the best quality and piracy is based af. Remember, sharing is caring! For Steam games, learn how to use the [`download_depot`](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=889624474) command of official Steam client and start making backup copies of clean Steam files. Then you can apply [Goldberg Steam Emulator](https://mr_goldberg.gitlab.io/goldberg_emulator/) and play in piece. We'll have to reverse engineer all the APIs of all launchers and release open source emulators for all the platforms and games. ## TODO: The rest.