2019-06-05 18:44:18 -04:00

3256 lines
158 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "crc32_fast.h"
#include "dumper.h"
#include "fs_ext.h"
#include "ui.h"
#include "nca.h"
/* Extern variables */
extern u64 freeSpace;
extern int breaks;
extern int font_height;
extern u64 trimmedCardSize;
extern char trimmedCardSizeStr[32];
extern u8 *hfs0_header;
extern u64 hfs0_offset, hfs0_size;
extern u32 hfs0_partition_cnt;
extern u8 *partitionHfs0Header;
extern u64 partitionHfs0HeaderOffset, partitionHfs0HeaderSize;
extern u32 partitionHfs0FileCount, partitionHfs0StrTableSize;
extern u32 gameCardAppCount;
extern u64 *gameCardTitleID;
extern u32 *gameCardVersion;
extern char **fixedGameCardName;
extern u32 gameCardPatchCount;
extern u32 gameCardAddOnCount;
extern AppletType programAppletType;
extern romfs_ctx_t romFsContext;
extern char curRomFsPath[NAME_BUF_LEN];
extern char strbuf[NAME_BUF_LEN * 4];
/* Statically allocated variables */
void workaroundPartitionZeroAccess(FsDeviceOperator* fsOperator)
FsGameCardHandle handle;
if (R_FAILED(fsDeviceOperatorGetGameCardHandle(fsOperator, &handle))) return;
FsStorage gameCardStorage;
if (R_FAILED(fsOpenGameCardStorage(&gameCardStorage, &handle, 0))) return;
bool dumpCartridgeImage(FsDeviceOperator* fsOperator, bool isFat32, bool setXciArchiveBit, bool dumpCert, bool trimDump, bool calcCrc)
u64 partitionOffset = 0, xciDataSize = 0, n;
u64 partitionSizes[ISTORAGE_PARTITION_CNT];
char partitionSizesStr[ISTORAGE_PARTITION_CNT][32] = {'\0'}, xciDataSizeStr[32] = {'\0'}, filename[NAME_BUF_LEN * 2] = {'\0'};
u32 partition;
Result result;
FsGameCardHandle handle;
FsStorage gameCardStorage;
bool proceed = true, success = false, fat32_error = false;
FILE *outFile = NULL;
u8 *buf = NULL;
u8 splitIndex = 0;
u32 crc1 = 0, crc2 = 0;
progress_ctx_t progressCtx;
memset(&progressCtx, 0, sizeof(progress_ctx_t));
char tmp_idx[5];
size_t write_res;
char *dumpName = generateDumpFullName();
if (!dumpName)
uiDrawString("Error: unable to generate output dump name!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return false;
for(partition = 0; partition < ISTORAGE_PARTITION_CNT; partition++)
/*snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Getting partition #%u size...", partition);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = fsDeviceOperatorGetGameCardHandle(fsOperator, &handle)))
/*snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "GetGameCardHandle succeeded: 0x%08X", handle.value);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = fsOpenGameCardStorage(&gameCardStorage, &handle, partition)))
/*snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "OpenGameCardStorage succeeded: 0x%08X", handle.value);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = fsStorageGetSize(&gameCardStorage, &(partitionSizes[partition]))))
xciDataSize += partitionSizes[partition];
convertSize(partitionSizes[partition], partitionSizesStr[partition], sizeof(partitionSizesStr[partition]) / sizeof(partitionSizesStr[partition][0]));
/*snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Partition #%u size: %s (%lu bytes).", partition, partitionSizesStr[partition], partitionSizes[partition]);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks += 2;*/
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "StorageGetSize failed! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "OpenGameCardStorage failed! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "GetGameCardHandle failed! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
if (proceed)
convertSize(xciDataSize, xciDataSizeStr, sizeof(xciDataSizeStr) / sizeof(xciDataSizeStr[0]));
/*snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "XCI data size: %s (%lu bytes).", xciDataSizeStr, xciDataSize);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks += 2;*/
if (trimDump)
progressCtx.totalSize = trimmedCardSize;
snprintf(progressCtx.totalSizeStr, sizeof(progressCtx.totalSizeStr) / sizeof(progressCtx.totalSizeStr[0]), "%s", trimmedCardSizeStr);
// Change dump size for the last IStorage partition
u64 partitionSizesSum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < (ISTORAGE_PARTITION_CNT - 1); i++) partitionSizesSum += partitionSizes[i];
partitionSizes[ISTORAGE_PARTITION_CNT - 1] = (trimmedCardSize - partitionSizesSum);
} else {
progressCtx.totalSize = xciDataSize;
snprintf(progressCtx.totalSizeStr, sizeof(progressCtx.totalSizeStr) / sizeof(progressCtx.totalSizeStr[0]), "%s", xciDataSizeStr);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Output dump size: %s (%lu bytes).", progressCtx.totalSizeStr, progressCtx.totalSize);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (progressCtx.totalSize <= freeSpace)
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && isFat32)
if (setXciArchiveBit)
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename) / sizeof(filename[0]), "sdmc:/%s.xci", dumpName);
// Since we may actually be dealing with an existing directory with the archive bit set or unset, let's try both
// Better safe than sorry
mkdir(filename, 0744);
sprintf(tmp_idx, "/%02u", splitIndex);
strcat(filename, tmp_idx);
} else {
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename) / sizeof(filename[0]), "sdmc:/%s.xc%u", dumpName, splitIndex);
} else {
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename) / sizeof(filename[0]), "sdmc:/%s.xci", dumpName);
outFile = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (outFile)
buf = malloc(DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (buf)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Dump procedure started. Hold %s to cancel.", NINTENDO_FONT_B);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks += 2;
if (programAppletType != AppletType_Application && programAppletType != AppletType_SystemApplication)
uiDrawString("Do not press the " NINTENDO_FONT_HOME " button. Doing so could corrupt the SD card filesystem.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
progressCtx.line_offset = (breaks + 4);
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx.start));
for(partition = 0; partition < ISTORAGE_PARTITION_CNT; partition++)
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = fsDeviceOperatorGetGameCardHandle(fsOperator, &handle)))
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = fsOpenGameCardStorage(&gameCardStorage, &handle, partition)))
for(partitionOffset = 0; partitionOffset < partitionSizes[partition]; partitionOffset += n, progressCtx.curOffset += n)
uiFill(0, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)) * 4, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Output file: \"%s\".", filename);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Dumping IStorage partition #%u...", partition);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 2) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE > (partitionSizes[partition] - partitionOffset)) n = (partitionSizes[partition] - partitionOffset);
if (R_FAILED(result = fsStorageRead(&gameCardStorage, partitionOffset, buf, n)))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "StorageRead failed (0x%08X) at offset 0x%016lX for partition #%u", result, partitionOffset, partition);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
// Remove game card certificate
if (progressCtx.curOffset == 0 && !dumpCert) memset(buf + CERT_OFFSET, 0xFF, CERT_SIZE);
if (calcCrc)
if (!trimDump)
if (dumpCert)
if (progressCtx.curOffset == 0)
// Update CRC32 (with gamecard certificate)
crc32(buf, n, &crc1);
// Backup gamecard certificate to an array
char tmpCert[CERT_SIZE] = {'\0'};
memcpy(tmpCert, buf + CERT_OFFSET, CERT_SIZE);
// Remove gamecard certificate from buffer
memset(buf + CERT_OFFSET, 0xFF, CERT_SIZE);
// Update CRC32 (without gamecard certificate)
crc32(buf, n, &crc2);
// Restore gamecard certificate to buffer
memcpy(buf + CERT_OFFSET, tmpCert, CERT_SIZE);
} else {
// Update CRC32 (with gamecard certificate)
crc32(buf, n, &crc1);
// Update CRC32 (without gamecard certificate)
crc32(buf, n, &crc2);
} else {
// Update CRC32
crc32(buf, n, &crc2);
} else {
// Update CRC32
crc32(buf, n, &crc1);
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && isFat32 && (progressCtx.curOffset + n) >= ((splitIndex + 1) * SPLIT_FILE_XCI_PART_SIZE))
u64 new_file_chunk_size = ((progressCtx.curOffset + n) - ((splitIndex + 1) * SPLIT_FILE_XCI_PART_SIZE));
u64 old_file_chunk_size = (n - new_file_chunk_size);
if (old_file_chunk_size > 0)
write_res = fwrite(buf, 1, old_file_chunk_size, outFile);
if (write_res != old_file_chunk_size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX to part #%02u! (wrote %lu bytes)", old_file_chunk_size, progressCtx.curOffset, splitIndex, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
outFile = NULL;
if (new_file_chunk_size > 0 || (progressCtx.curOffset + n) < progressCtx.totalSize)
if (setXciArchiveBit)
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename) / sizeof(filename[0]), "sdmc:/%s.xci/%02u", dumpName, splitIndex);
} else {
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename) / sizeof(filename[0]), "sdmc:/%s.xc%u", dumpName, splitIndex);
outFile = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!outFile)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to open output file for part #%u!", splitIndex);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
if (new_file_chunk_size > 0)
write_res = fwrite(buf + old_file_chunk_size, 1, new_file_chunk_size, outFile);
if (write_res != new_file_chunk_size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX to part #%02u! (wrote %lu bytes)", new_file_chunk_size, progressCtx.curOffset + old_file_chunk_size, splitIndex, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
} else {
write_res = fwrite(buf, 1, n, outFile);
if (write_res != n)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX! (wrote %lu bytes)", n, progressCtx.curOffset, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if ((progressCtx.curOffset + n) > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
uiDrawString("You're probably using a FAT32 partition. Make sure to enable the \"Split output dump\" option.", 8, ((breaks + 8) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
fat32_error = true;
proceed = false;
printProgressBar(&progressCtx, true, n);
if ((progressCtx.curOffset + n) < progressCtx.totalSize && ((progressCtx.curOffset / DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE) % 10) == 0)
u32 keysDown = hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO);
if (keysDown & KEY_B)
uiDrawString("Process canceled.", 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
if (progressCtx.curOffset >= progressCtx.totalSize) success = true;
// Support empty files
if (!partitionSizes[partition])
uiFill(0, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)) * 4, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Output file: \"%s\".", filename);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Dumping IStorage partition #%u...", partition);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 2) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
printProgressBar(&progressCtx, false, 0);
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "OpenGameCardStorage failed for partition #%u! (0x%08X)", partition, result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "GetGameCardHandle failed for partition #%u! (0x%08X)", partition, result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
if (!proceed)
if (fat32_error) breaks += 2;
} else {
uiDrawString("Failed to allocate memory for the dump process!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if (outFile) fclose(outFile);
breaks += 6;
if (success)
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx.now));
progressCtx.now -= progressCtx.start;
formatETAString(progressCtx.now, progressCtx.etaInfo, sizeof(progressCtx.etaInfo) / sizeof(progressCtx.etaInfo[0]));
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Process successfully completed after %s!", progressCtx.etaInfo);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 0, 255, 0);
if (calcCrc)
if (!trimDump)
if (dumpCert)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "XCI dump CRC32 checksum (with certificate): %08X", crc1);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 0, 255, 0);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "XCI dump CRC32 checksum (without certificate): %08X", crc2);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 0, 255, 0);
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "XCI dump CRC32 checksum: %08X", crc2);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 0, 255, 0);
breaks += 2;
uiDrawString("Starting verification process using XML database from NSWDB.COM...", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "XCI dump CRC32 checksum: %08X", crc1);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 0, 255, 0);
uiDrawString("Dump verification disabled (not compatible with trimmed dumps).", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
// Set archive bit (only for FAT32 and if the required option is enabled)
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && isFat32 && setXciArchiveBit)
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename) / sizeof(filename[0]), "sdmc:/%s.xci", dumpName);
if (R_FAILED(result = fsdevSetArchiveBit(filename)))
breaks += 2;
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Warning: failed to set archive bit on output directory! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && isFat32)
if (setXciArchiveBit)
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename) / sizeof(filename[0]), "sdmc:/%s.xci", dumpName);
} else {
for(u8 i = 0; i <= splitIndex; i++)
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename) / sizeof(filename[0]), "sdmc:/%s.xc%u", dumpName, i);
} else {
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to open output file \"%s\"!", filename);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
uiDrawString("Error: not enough free space available in the SD card.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return success;
bool dumpNintendoSubmissionPackage(FsDeviceOperator* fsOperator, nspDumpType selectedNspDumpType, u32 titleIndex, bool isFat32, bool calcCrc)
Result result;
u32 i = 0, j = 0;
u32 written = 0;
u32 total = 0;
u32 titleNcaCount = 0;
u32 partition = (hfs0_partition_cnt - 1); // Select the secure partition
FsGameCardHandle handle;
FsStorage gameCardStorage;
memset(&gameCardStorage, 0, sizeof(FsStorage));
NcmContentMetaDatabase ncmDb;
memset(&ncmDb, 0, sizeof(NcmContentMetaDatabase));
NcmContentStorage ncmStorage;
memset(&ncmStorage, 0, sizeof(NcmContentStorage));
NcmApplicationContentMetaKey *titleList = NULL;
NcmContentRecord *titleContentRecords = NULL;
size_t titleListSize = sizeof(NcmApplicationContentMetaKey);
titleListSize *= (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_APP_NSP ? gameCardAppCount : (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_PATCH_NSP ? gameCardPatchCount : gameCardAddOnCount));
cnmt_xml_program_info xml_program_info;
cnmt_xml_content_info *xml_content_info = NULL;
NcmNcaId ncaId;
u8 ncaHeader[NCA_FULL_HEADER_LENGTH] = {0};
nca_header_t dec_nca_header;
nca_program_mod_data ncaProgramMod;
memset(&ncaProgramMod, 0, sizeof(nca_program_mod_data));
ncaProgramMod.hash_table = NULL;
ncaProgramMod.block_data[0] = NULL;
ncaProgramMod.block_data[1] = NULL;
nca_cnmt_mod_data ncaCnmtMod;
memset(&ncaCnmtMod, 0, sizeof(nca_cnmt_mod_data));
title_rights_ctx rights_info;
memset(&rights_info, 0, sizeof(title_rights_ctx));
u8 *tikData = NULL;
u64 tikSize = 0;
u8 *certData = NULL;
u64 certSize = 0;
u32 cnmtNcaIndex = 0;
u8 *cnmtNcaBuf = NULL;
bool cnmtFound = false;
char *cnmtXml = NULL;
u32 nacpNcaIndex = 0;
char *nacpXml = NULL;
u32 nspFileCount = 0;
pfs0_header nspPfs0Header;
pfs0_entry_table *nspPfs0EntryTable = NULL;
char *nspPfs0StrTable = NULL;
u64 nspPfs0StrTableSize = 0;
u64 full_nsp_header_size = 0;
u64 hash_table_dump_buffer_start = 0;
u64 hash_table_dump_buffer_end = 0;
u64 block0_dump_buffer_start = 0;
u64 block0_dump_buffer_end = 0;
u64 block1_dump_buffer_start = 0;
u64 block1_dump_buffer_end = 0;
Sha256Context nca_hash_ctx;
char dumpPath[NAME_BUF_LEN * 2] = {'\0'};
u64 n, nca_offset;
FILE *outFile = NULL;
u8 *buf = NULL;
u8 splitIndex = 0;
u32 crc = 0;
bool proceed = true, success = false, dumping = false, fat32_error = false;
progress_ctx_t progressCtx;
memset(&progressCtx, 0, sizeof(progress_ctx_t));
char tmp_idx[5];
size_t write_res;
int initial_breaks = breaks;
if ((selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_APP_NSP && !gameCardAppCount) || (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_PATCH_NSP && !gameCardPatchCount) || (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_ADDON_NSP && !gameCardAddOnCount))
uiDrawString("Error: invalid title type count!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return false;
if ((selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_APP_NSP && titleIndex > (gameCardAppCount - 1)) || (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_PATCH_NSP && titleIndex > (gameCardPatchCount - 1)) || (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_ADDON_NSP && titleIndex > (gameCardAddOnCount - 1)))
uiDrawString("Error: invalid title index!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return false;
char *dumpName = generateNSPDumpName(selectedNspDumpType, titleIndex);
if (!dumpName)
uiDrawString("Error: unable to generate output dump name!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return false;
if (!getPartitionHfs0Header(partition)) return false;
if (!partitionHfs0FileCount)
uiDrawString("The Secure HFS0 partition is empty!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
if (R_FAILED(result = fsDeviceOperatorGetGameCardHandle(fsOperator, &handle)))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "GetGameCardHandle failed! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
if (R_FAILED(result = fsOpenGameCardStorage(&gameCardStorage, &handle, HFS0_TO_ISTORAGE_IDX(hfs0_partition_cnt, partition))))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "OpenGameCardStorage failed! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
uiDrawString("Retrieving information from encrypted NCA content files...", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
titleList = calloc(1, titleListSize);
if (!titleList)
uiDrawString("Error: unable to allocate memory for the ApplicationContentMetaKey struct!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
if (R_FAILED(result = ncmOpenContentMetaDatabase(FsStorageId_GameCard, &ncmDb)))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Error: ncmOpenContentMetaDatabase failed! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
u8 filter = ((u8)selectedNspDumpType + META_DB_REGULAR_APPLICATION);
if (R_FAILED(result = ncmContentMetaDatabaseListApplication(&ncmDb, filter, titleList, titleListSize, &written, &total)))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Error: ncmContentMetaDatabaseListApplication failed! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
if (!written || !total)
uiDrawString("Error: ncmContentMetaDatabaseListApplication wrote no entries to output buffer!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
if (written != total || (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_APP_NSP && written != gameCardAppCount) || (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_PATCH_NSP && written != gameCardPatchCount) || (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_ADDON_NSP && written != gameCardAddOnCount))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Error: title count mismatch in ncmContentMetaDatabaseListApplication (%u != %u)", written, (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_APP_NSP ? gameCardAppCount : (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_PATCH_NSP ? gameCardPatchCount : gameCardAddOnCount)));
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
titleContentRecords = calloc(partitionHfs0FileCount, sizeof(NcmContentRecord));
if (!titleContentRecords)
uiDrawString("Error: unable to allocate memory for the ContentRecord struct!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
if (R_FAILED(result = ncmContentMetaDatabaseListContentInfo(&ncmDb, &(titleList[titleIndex].metaRecord), 0, titleContentRecords, partitionHfs0FileCount * sizeof(NcmContentRecord), &written)))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Error: ncmContentMetaDatabaseListContentInfo failed! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
titleNcaCount = written;
// Fill information for our CNMT XML
memset(&xml_program_info, 0, sizeof(cnmt_xml_program_info));
xml_program_info.type = titleList[titleIndex].metaRecord.type;
xml_program_info.title_id = titleList[titleIndex].metaRecord.titleId;
xml_program_info.version = titleList[titleIndex].metaRecord.version;
xml_program_info.nca_cnt = titleNcaCount;
xml_content_info = calloc(titleNcaCount, sizeof(cnmt_xml_content_info));
if (!xml_content_info)
uiDrawString("Error: unable to allocate memory for the CNMT XML content info struct!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
if (R_FAILED(result = ncmOpenContentStorage(FsStorageId_GameCard, &ncmStorage)))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Error: ncmOpenContentStorage failed! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
// Fill our CNMT XML content records, leaving the CNMT NCA at the end
u32 titleRecordIndex;
for(i = 0, titleRecordIndex = 0; titleRecordIndex < titleNcaCount; i++, titleRecordIndex++)
if (!cnmtFound && titleContentRecords[titleRecordIndex].type == NcmContentType_CNMT)
cnmtFound = true;
cnmtNcaIndex = titleRecordIndex;
// Skip Delta Fragments or any other unknown content types
if (titleContentRecords[titleRecordIndex].type >= NCA_CONTENT_TYPE_DELTA)
// Fill information for our CNMT XML
xml_content_info[i].type = titleContentRecords[titleRecordIndex].type;
memcpy(xml_content_info[i].nca_id, titleContentRecords[titleRecordIndex].ncaId.c, 16); // Temporary
convertDataToHexString(titleContentRecords[titleRecordIndex].ncaId.c, 16, xml_content_info[i].nca_id_str, 33); // Temporary
convertNcaSizeToU64(titleContentRecords[titleRecordIndex].size, &(xml_content_info[i].size));
convertDataToHexString(xml_content_info[i].hash, 32, xml_content_info[i].hash_str, 65); // Temporary
memcpy(&ncaId, &(titleContentRecords[titleRecordIndex].ncaId), sizeof(NcmNcaId));
if (R_FAILED(result = ncmContentStorageReadContentIdFile(&ncmStorage, &ncaId, 0, ncaHeader, NCA_FULL_HEADER_LENGTH)))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Error: ncmContentStorageReadContentIdFile failed for NCA \"%s\"! (0x%08X)", xml_content_info[i].nca_id_str, result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
// Decrypt the NCA header
if (!decryptNcaHeader(ncaHeader, NCA_FULL_HEADER_LENGTH, &dec_nca_header, &rights_info, xml_content_info[i].decrypted_nca_keys))
proceed = false;
bool has_rights_id = false;
for(j = 0; j < 0x10; j++)
if (dec_nca_header.rights_id[j] != 0)
has_rights_id = true;
if (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_APP_NSP || selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_ADDON_NSP)
if (has_rights_id)
uiDrawString("Error: Rights ID field in NCA header not empty!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
// Fill information for our CNMT XML
xml_content_info[i].keyblob = (dec_nca_header.crypto_type2 > dec_nca_header.crypto_type ? dec_nca_header.crypto_type2 : dec_nca_header.crypto_type);
// Modify distribution type
dec_nca_header.distribution = 0;
// Patch ACID pubkey and recreate NCA NPDM signature if we're dealing with the Program NCA
if (xml_content_info[i].type == NcmContentType_Program)
if (!processProgramNca(&ncmStorage, &ncaId, &dec_nca_header, &(xml_content_info[i]), &ncaProgramMod))
proceed = false;
} else
if (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_PATCH_NSP)
if (has_rights_id)
// Fill information for our CNMT XML
xml_content_info[i].keyblob = dec_nca_header.rights_id[15];
} else {
// Fill information for our CNMT XML
xml_content_info[i].keyblob = (dec_nca_header.crypto_type2 > dec_nca_header.crypto_type ? dec_nca_header.crypto_type2 : dec_nca_header.crypto_type);
// Generate NACP XML
if (!nacpXml && xml_content_info[i].type == NcmContentType_Icon)
nacpNcaIndex = i;
if (!generateNacpXmlFromNca(&ncmStorage, &ncaId, &dec_nca_header, xml_content_info[i].decrypted_nca_keys, &nacpXml))
proceed = false;
// Reencrypt header
if (!encryptNcaHeader(&dec_nca_header, xml_content_info[i].encrypted_header_mod, NCA_FULL_HEADER_LENGTH))
proceed = false;
if (proceed && !cnmtFound)
uiDrawString("Error: unable to find CNMT NCA!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
if (!proceed) goto out;
// Update NCA counter just in case we found any delta fragments
titleNcaCount = xml_program_info.nca_cnt;
// Fill information for our CNMT XML
xml_content_info[titleNcaCount - 1].type = titleContentRecords[cnmtNcaIndex].type;
memcpy(xml_content_info[titleNcaCount - 1].nca_id, titleContentRecords[cnmtNcaIndex].ncaId.c, 16); // Temporary
convertDataToHexString(titleContentRecords[cnmtNcaIndex].ncaId.c, 16, xml_content_info[titleNcaCount - 1].nca_id_str, 33); // Temporary
convertNcaSizeToU64(titleContentRecords[cnmtNcaIndex].size, &(xml_content_info[titleNcaCount - 1].size));
convertDataToHexString(xml_content_info[titleNcaCount - 1].hash, 32, xml_content_info[titleNcaCount - 1].hash_str, 65); // Temporary
memcpy(&ncaId, &(titleContentRecords[cnmtNcaIndex].ncaId), sizeof(NcmNcaId));
// Update CNMT index
cnmtNcaIndex = (titleNcaCount - 1);
cnmtNcaBuf = malloc(xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex].size);
if (!cnmtNcaBuf)
uiDrawString("Error: unable to allocate memory for CNMT NCA data!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
if (R_FAILED(result = ncmContentStorageReadContentIdFile(&ncmStorage, &ncaId, 0, cnmtNcaBuf, xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex].size)))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Error: ncmContentStorageReadContentIdFile failed for CNMT NCA \"%s\"! (0x%08X)", xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex].nca_id_str, result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
// Retrieve CNMT NCA data
if (!retrieveCnmtNcaData(selectedNspDumpType, cnmtNcaBuf, &xml_program_info, &(xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex]), &ncaCnmtMod, &rights_info)) goto out;
// Generate a placeholder CNMT XML. It's length will be used to calculate the final output dump size
uiDrawString("Generating placeholder CNMT XML...", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
// Make sure that the output buffer for our CNMT XML is big enough
cnmtXml = calloc(NAME_BUF_LEN * 4, sizeof(char));
if (!cnmtXml)
uiDrawString("Error: unable to allocate memory for the CNMT XML!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
generateCnmtXml(&xml_program_info, xml_content_info, cnmtXml);
if (rights_info.has_rights_id)
// Retrieve tik file
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Retrieving %s file...", rights_info.tik_filename);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
tikData = getPartitionHfs0FileByName(&gameCardStorage, rights_info.tik_filename, &tikSize);
if (!tikData) goto out;
// Retrieve cert file
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Retrieving %s file...", rights_info.cert_filename);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
certData = getPartitionHfs0FileByName(&gameCardStorage, rights_info.cert_filename, &certSize);
if (!certData) goto out;
// File count = NCA count + CNMT XML + tik + cert
nspFileCount = (titleNcaCount + 3);
// Calculate PFS0 String Table size
} else {
// File count = NCA count + CNMT XML
nspFileCount = (titleNcaCount + 1);
// Calculate PFS0 String Table size
nspPfs0StrTableSize = (((nspFileCount - 2) * NSP_NCA_FILENAME_LENGTH) + (NSP_CNMT_FILENAME_LENGTH * 2));
// Add our NACP XML if we created it
if (nacpXml)
// Start NSP creation
uiDrawString("Generating placeholder PFS0 header...", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
memset(&nspPfs0Header, 0, sizeof(pfs0_header));
nspPfs0Header.magic = bswap_32(PFS0_MAGIC);
nspPfs0Header.file_cnt = nspFileCount;
nspPfs0EntryTable = calloc(nspFileCount, sizeof(pfs0_entry_table));
if (!nspPfs0EntryTable)
uiDrawString("Unable to allocate memory for the PFS0 file entries!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
// Make sure we have enough space
nspPfs0StrTable = calloc(nspPfs0StrTableSize * 2, sizeof(char));
if (!nspPfs0StrTable)
uiDrawString("Unable to allocate memory for the PFS0 string table!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
// Determine our full NSP header size
full_nsp_header_size = (sizeof(pfs0_header) + (nspFileCount * sizeof(pfs0_entry_table)) + nspPfs0StrTableSize);
full_nsp_header_size = round_up(full_nsp_header_size, 0x10);
// Determine our String Table size
nspPfs0Header.str_table_size = (full_nsp_header_size - (sizeof(pfs0_header) + (nspFileCount * sizeof(pfs0_entry_table))));
// Calculate total dump size
progressCtx.totalSize = full_nsp_header_size;
progressCtx.totalSize += strlen(cnmtXml);
if (nacpXml) progressCtx.totalSize += strlen(nacpXml);
if (rights_info.has_rights_id) progressCtx.totalSize += (tikSize + certSize);
for(i = 0; i < titleNcaCount; i++) progressCtx.totalSize += xml_content_info[i].size;
convertSize(progressCtx.totalSize, progressCtx.totalSizeStr, sizeof(progressCtx.totalSizeStr) / sizeof(progressCtx.totalSizeStr[0]));
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Total NSP dump size: %s (%lu bytes).", progressCtx.totalSizeStr, progressCtx.totalSize);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (progressCtx.totalSize > freeSpace)
uiDrawString("Error: not enough free space available in the SD card.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
snprintf(dumpPath, sizeof(dumpPath) / sizeof(dumpPath[0]), "sdmc:/%s.nsp", dumpName);
// Since we may actually be dealing with an existing directory with the archive bit set or unset, let's try both
// Better safe than sorry
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && isFat32)
mkdir(dumpPath, 0744);
sprintf(tmp_idx, "/%02u", splitIndex);
strcat(dumpPath, tmp_idx);
outFile = fopen(dumpPath, "wb");
if (!outFile)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to open output file \"%s\"!", dumpPath);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
buf = calloc(DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE, sizeof(u8));
if (!buf)
uiDrawString("Failed to allocate memory for the dump process!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Dump procedure started. Hold %s to cancel.", NINTENDO_FONT_B);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks += 2;
if (programAppletType != AppletType_Application && programAppletType != AppletType_SystemApplication)
uiDrawString("Do not press the " NINTENDO_FONT_HOME " button. Doing so could corrupt the SD card filesystem.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
// Write placeholder zeroes
write_res = fwrite(buf, 1, full_nsp_header_size + strlen(cnmtXml), outFile);
if (write_res != (full_nsp_header_size + strlen(cnmtXml)))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes placeholder data to file offset 0x%016lX! (wrote %lu bytes)", full_nsp_header_size + strlen(cnmtXml), (u64)0, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
progressCtx.curOffset = (full_nsp_header_size + strlen(cnmtXml));
// Write our NACP XML
if (nacpXml)
write_res = fwrite(nacpXml, 1, strlen(nacpXml), outFile);
if (write_res != strlen(nacpXml))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes NACP XML to file offset 0x%016lX! (wrote %lu bytes)", strlen(nacpXml), progressCtx.curOffset, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
progressCtx.curOffset += strlen(nacpXml);
if (rights_info.has_rights_id)
memcpy(buf, tikData, tikSize);
memcpy(buf + tikSize, certData, certSize);
// Write tik / cert
write_res = fwrite(buf, 1, tikSize + certSize, outFile);
if (write_res != (tikSize + certSize))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes tik + cert to file offset 0x%016lX! (wrote %lu bytes)", tikSize + certSize, progressCtx.curOffset, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
progressCtx.curOffset += (tikSize + certSize);
// Calculate DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE block numbers for the modified Program NCA data blocks
if (selectedNspDumpType != DUMP_PATCH_NSP && ncaProgramMod.block_mod_cnt > 0)
hash_table_dump_buffer_start = ((ncaProgramMod.hash_table_offset / DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE) * DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE);
hash_table_dump_buffer_end = (((ncaProgramMod.hash_table_offset + ncaProgramMod.hash_table_size) / DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE) * DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE);
block0_dump_buffer_start = ((ncaProgramMod.block_offset[0] / DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE) * DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE);
block0_dump_buffer_end = (((ncaProgramMod.block_offset[0] + ncaProgramMod.block_size[0]) / DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE) * DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (ncaProgramMod.block_mod_cnt == 2)
block1_dump_buffer_start = ((ncaProgramMod.block_offset[1] / DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE) * DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE);
block1_dump_buffer_end = (((ncaProgramMod.block_offset[1] + ncaProgramMod.block_size[1]) / DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE) * DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE);
progressCtx.line_offset = (breaks + 4);
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx.start));
dumping = true;
// Dump all NCAs excluding the CNMT NCA
for(i = 0; i < (titleNcaCount - 1); i++)
memcpy(ncaId.c, xml_content_info[i].nca_id, 16);
for(nca_offset = 0; nca_offset < xml_content_info[i].size; nca_offset += n, progressCtx.curOffset += n)
uiFill(0, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)) * 4, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Output file: \"%s\".", dumpPath);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Dumping NCA content \"%s\"...", xml_content_info[i].nca_id_str);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 2) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE > (xml_content_info[i].size - nca_offset)) n = (xml_content_info[i].size - nca_offset);
if (R_FAILED(result = ncmContentStorageReadContentIdFile(&ncmStorage, &ncaId, nca_offset, buf, n)))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Error: ncmContentStorageReadContentIdFile failed (0x%08X) at offset 0x%016lX for NCA \"%s\".", result, nca_offset, xml_content_info[i].nca_id_str);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
// Replace NCA header with our modified one
if (nca_offset == 0) memcpy(buf, xml_content_info[i].encrypted_header_mod, NCA_FULL_HEADER_LENGTH);
// Replace modified Program NCA data blocks
if (xml_content_info[i].type == NcmContentType_Program && selectedNspDumpType != DUMP_PATCH_NSP && ncaProgramMod.block_mod_cnt > 0)
u64 program_nca_prev_write;
u64 program_nca_next_write;
if (nca_offset == hash_table_dump_buffer_start || nca_offset == hash_table_dump_buffer_end)
if (hash_table_dump_buffer_start == hash_table_dump_buffer_end)
memcpy(buf + (ncaProgramMod.hash_table_offset - hash_table_dump_buffer_start), ncaProgramMod.hash_table, ncaProgramMod.hash_table_size);
} else {
program_nca_prev_write = (DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE - (ncaProgramMod.hash_table_offset - hash_table_dump_buffer_start));
program_nca_next_write = (ncaProgramMod.hash_table_size - program_nca_prev_write);
if (nca_offset == hash_table_dump_buffer_start)
memcpy(buf + (ncaProgramMod.hash_table_offset - hash_table_dump_buffer_start), ncaProgramMod.hash_table, program_nca_prev_write);
} else {
memcpy(buf, ncaProgramMod.hash_table + program_nca_prev_write, program_nca_next_write);
if (nca_offset == block0_dump_buffer_start || nca_offset == block0_dump_buffer_end)
if (block0_dump_buffer_start == block0_dump_buffer_end)
memcpy(buf + (ncaProgramMod.block_offset[0] - block0_dump_buffer_start), ncaProgramMod.block_data[0], ncaProgramMod.block_size[0]);
} else {
program_nca_prev_write = (DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE - (ncaProgramMod.block_offset[0] - block0_dump_buffer_start));
program_nca_next_write = (ncaProgramMod.block_size[0] - program_nca_prev_write);
if (nca_offset == block0_dump_buffer_start)
memcpy(buf + (ncaProgramMod.block_offset[0] - block0_dump_buffer_start), ncaProgramMod.block_data[0], program_nca_prev_write);
} else {
memcpy(buf, ncaProgramMod.block_data[0] + program_nca_prev_write, program_nca_next_write);
if (ncaProgramMod.block_mod_cnt == 2 && (nca_offset == block1_dump_buffer_start || nca_offset == block1_dump_buffer_end))
if (block1_dump_buffer_start == block1_dump_buffer_end)
memcpy(buf + (ncaProgramMod.block_offset[1] - block1_dump_buffer_start), ncaProgramMod.block_data[1], ncaProgramMod.block_size[1]);
} else {
program_nca_prev_write = (DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE - (ncaProgramMod.block_offset[1] - block1_dump_buffer_start));
program_nca_next_write = (ncaProgramMod.block_size[1] - program_nca_prev_write);
if (nca_offset == block1_dump_buffer_start)
memcpy(buf + (ncaProgramMod.block_offset[1] - block1_dump_buffer_start), ncaProgramMod.block_data[1], program_nca_prev_write);
} else {
memcpy(buf, ncaProgramMod.block_data[1] + program_nca_prev_write, program_nca_next_write);
// Update SHA-256 calculation
sha256ContextUpdate(&nca_hash_ctx, buf, n);
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && isFat32 && (progressCtx.curOffset + n) >= ((splitIndex + 1) * SPLIT_FILE_NSP_PART_SIZE))
u64 new_file_chunk_size = ((progressCtx.curOffset + n) - ((splitIndex + 1) * SPLIT_FILE_NSP_PART_SIZE));
u64 old_file_chunk_size = (n - new_file_chunk_size);
if (old_file_chunk_size > 0)
write_res = fwrite(buf, 1, old_file_chunk_size, outFile);
if (write_res != old_file_chunk_size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX to part #%02u! (wrote %lu bytes)", old_file_chunk_size, progressCtx.curOffset, splitIndex, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
outFile = NULL;
if (new_file_chunk_size > 0 || (progressCtx.curOffset + n) < progressCtx.totalSize)
snprintf(dumpPath, sizeof(dumpPath) / sizeof(dumpPath[0]), "sdmc:/%s.nsp/%02u", dumpName, splitIndex);
outFile = fopen(dumpPath, "wb");
if (!outFile)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to open output file for part #%u!", splitIndex);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
if (new_file_chunk_size > 0)
write_res = fwrite(buf + old_file_chunk_size, 1, new_file_chunk_size, outFile);
if (write_res != new_file_chunk_size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX to part #%02u! (wrote %lu bytes)", new_file_chunk_size, progressCtx.curOffset + old_file_chunk_size, splitIndex, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
} else {
write_res = fwrite(buf, 1, n, outFile);
if (write_res != n)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX! (wrote %lu bytes)", n, progressCtx.curOffset, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if ((progressCtx.curOffset + n) > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
uiDrawString("You're probably using a FAT32 partition. Make sure to enable the \"Split output dump\" option.", 8, ((breaks + 8) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
fat32_error = true;
proceed = false;
printProgressBar(&progressCtx, true, n);
if ((progressCtx.curOffset + n) < progressCtx.totalSize && ((progressCtx.curOffset / DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE) % 10) == 0)
u32 keysDown = hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO);
if (keysDown & KEY_B)
uiDrawString("Process canceled.", 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
if (!proceed)
// Support empty files
if (!xml_content_info[i].size)
uiFill(0, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)) * 4, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Output file: \"%s\".", dumpPath);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Dumping NCA content \"%s\"...", xml_content_info[i].nca_id_str);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 2) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
printProgressBar(&progressCtx, false, 0);
// Update content info
sha256ContextGetHash(&nca_hash_ctx, xml_content_info[i].hash);
convertDataToHexString(xml_content_info[i].hash, 32, xml_content_info[i].hash_str, 65);
memcpy(xml_content_info[i].nca_id, xml_content_info[i].hash, 16);
convertDataToHexString(xml_content_info[i].nca_id, 16, xml_content_info[i].nca_id_str, 33);
if (!proceed) goto out;
dumping = false;
breaks += 6;
uiFill(0, ((progressCtx.line_offset - 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)) * 4, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Output file: \"%s\".", dumpPath);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((progressCtx.line_offset - 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
uiDrawString("Writing PFS0 header, CNMT XML and CNMT NCA...", 8, ((progressCtx.line_offset - 2) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
// Now we can patch our CNMT NCA and generate our proper CNMT XML
if (!patchCnmtNca(cnmtNcaBuf, xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex].size, &xml_program_info, xml_content_info, &ncaCnmtMod))
goto out;
generateCnmtXml(&xml_program_info, xml_content_info, cnmtXml);
// Fill our Entry and String Tables
u64 file_offset = 0;
u32 filename_offset = 0;
for(i = 0; i < nspFileCount; i++)
// If dealing with a title with rights ID, reserve the first four entries for the CNMT XML, NACP XML (if available), tik and cert
// Otherwise, just reserve the first entry for the CNMT XML
char ncaFileName[50] = {'\0'};
u64 cur_file_size = 0;
if (i == 0)
sprintf(ncaFileName, "%s.cnmt.xml", xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex].nca_id_str);
cur_file_size = strlen(cnmtXml);
} else {
if (nacpXml && i == 1)
sprintf(ncaFileName, "%s.nacp.xml", xml_content_info[nacpNcaIndex].nca_id_str);
cur_file_size = strlen(nacpXml);
} else {
if (rights_info.has_rights_id && ((!nacpXml && (i == 1 || i == 2)) || (nacpXml && (i == 2 || i == 3))))
// tik / cert
sprintf(ncaFileName, "%s", (((!nacpXml && i == 1) || (nacpXml && i == 2)) ? rights_info.tik_filename : rights_info.cert_filename));
cur_file_size = (((!nacpXml && i == 1) || (nacpXml && i == 2)) ? tikSize : certSize);
} else {
u32 cnt_idx = (i - (rights_info.has_rights_id ? 3 : 1) - (nacpXml ? 1 : 0));
sprintf(ncaFileName, "%s.%s", xml_content_info[cnt_idx].nca_id_str, (cnt_idx == cnmtNcaIndex ? "cnmt.nca" : "nca"));
cur_file_size = xml_content_info[cnt_idx].size;
nspPfs0EntryTable[i].file_size = cur_file_size;
nspPfs0EntryTable[i].file_offset = file_offset;
nspPfs0EntryTable[i].filename_offset = filename_offset;
strcpy(nspPfs0StrTable + filename_offset, ncaFileName);
file_offset += nspPfs0EntryTable[i].file_size;
filename_offset += (strlen(ncaFileName) + 1);
// Write our full PFS0 header + CNMT XML
memcpy(buf, &nspPfs0Header, sizeof(pfs0_header));
memcpy(buf + sizeof(pfs0_header), nspPfs0EntryTable, nspFileCount * sizeof(pfs0_entry_table));
memcpy(buf + sizeof(pfs0_header) + (nspFileCount * sizeof(pfs0_entry_table)), nspPfs0StrTable, nspPfs0Header.str_table_size);
memcpy(buf + full_nsp_header_size, cnmtXml, strlen(cnmtXml));
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && isFat32)
if (outFile)
outFile = NULL;
snprintf(dumpPath, sizeof(dumpPath) / sizeof(dumpPath[0]), "sdmc:/%s.nsp/%02u", dumpName, 0);
outFile = fopen(dumpPath, "rb+");
if (!outFile)
uiDrawString("Failed to re-open output file for part #0!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
} else {
write_res = fwrite(buf, 1, full_nsp_header_size + strlen(cnmtXml), outFile);
if (write_res != (full_nsp_header_size + strlen(cnmtXml)))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes PFS0 header + CNMT XML to file offset 0x%016lX! (wrote %lu bytes)", full_nsp_header_size + strlen(cnmtXml), (u64)0, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
// Now let's write our modified CNMT NCA
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && isFat32)
if (outFile)
outFile = NULL;
snprintf(dumpPath, sizeof(dumpPath) / sizeof(dumpPath[0]), "sdmc:/%s.nsp/%02u", dumpName, splitIndex);
outFile = fopen(dumpPath, "rb+");
if (!outFile)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to re-open output file for part #%u!", splitIndex);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
fseek(outFile, 0, SEEK_END);
// This is a pain
u64 cur_file_size = (progressCtx.curOffset - (splitIndex * SPLIT_FILE_NSP_PART_SIZE));
if ((cur_file_size + xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex].size) > SPLIT_FILE_NSP_PART_SIZE)
u64 new_file_chunk_size = ((progressCtx.curOffset + xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex].size) - ((splitIndex + 1) * SPLIT_FILE_NSP_PART_SIZE));
u64 old_file_chunk_size = (xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex].size - new_file_chunk_size);
if (old_file_chunk_size > 0)
write_res = fwrite(cnmtNcaBuf, 1, old_file_chunk_size, outFile);
if (write_res != old_file_chunk_size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes CNMT NCA chunk #1 from offset 0x%016lX to part #%02u! (wrote %lu bytes)", old_file_chunk_size, progressCtx.curOffset, splitIndex, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
outFile = NULL;
if (new_file_chunk_size > 0)
snprintf(dumpPath, sizeof(dumpPath) / sizeof(dumpPath[0]), "sdmc:/%s.nsp/%02u", dumpName, splitIndex);
outFile = fopen(dumpPath, "wb");
if (!outFile)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to open output file for part #%u!", splitIndex);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
uiFill(0, ((progressCtx.line_offset - 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)), BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Output file: \"%s\".", dumpPath);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((progressCtx.line_offset - 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
write_res = fwrite(cnmtNcaBuf + old_file_chunk_size, 1, new_file_chunk_size, outFile);
if (write_res != new_file_chunk_size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes CNMT NCA chunk #2 from offset 0x%016lX to part #%02u! (wrote %lu bytes)", new_file_chunk_size, progressCtx.curOffset + old_file_chunk_size, splitIndex, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
} else {
write_res = fwrite(cnmtNcaBuf, 1, xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex].size, outFile);
if (write_res != xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex].size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes CNMT NCA to file offset 0x%016lX! (wrote %lu bytes)", xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex].size, progressCtx.curOffset, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
} else {
fseek(outFile, 0, SEEK_END);
write_res = fwrite(cnmtNcaBuf, 1, xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex].size, outFile);
if (write_res != xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex].size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes CNMT NCA to file offset 0x%016lX! (wrote %lu bytes)", xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex].size, progressCtx.curOffset, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if ((progressCtx.curOffset + xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex].size) > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
breaks += 2;
uiDrawString("You're probably using a FAT32 partition. Make sure to enable the \"Split output dump\" option.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
goto out;
progressCtx.curOffset += xml_content_info[cnmtNcaIndex].size;
if (progressCtx.curOffset < progressCtx.totalSize)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Unexpected underdump error! Wrote %lu bytes, expected %lu bytes.", progressCtx.curOffset, progressCtx.totalSize);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
success = true;
// Finalize dump
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx.now));
progressCtx.now -= progressCtx.start;
progressCtx.progress = 100;
progressCtx.remainingTime = 0;
printProgressBar(&progressCtx, false, 0);
formatETAString(progressCtx.now, progressCtx.etaInfo, sizeof(progressCtx.etaInfo) / sizeof(progressCtx.etaInfo[0]));
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Process successfully completed after %s!", progressCtx.etaInfo);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 0, 255, 0);
if (calcCrc)
breaks += 2;
uiDrawString("CRC32 checksum calculation will begin in 5 seconds...", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks = initial_breaks;
uiFill(0, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, FB_HEIGHT - (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))), BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Calculating CRC32 checksum. Hold %s to cancel.", NINTENDO_FONT_B);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks += 2;
if (outFile)
outFile = NULL;
snprintf(dumpPath, sizeof(dumpPath) / sizeof(dumpPath[0]), "sdmc:/%s.nsp", dumpName);
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && isFat32)
splitIndex = 0;
sprintf(tmp_idx, "/%02u", splitIndex);
strcat(dumpPath, tmp_idx);
outFile = fopen(dumpPath, "rb");
if (outFile)
progressCtx.start = progressCtx.now = progressCtx.remainingTime = 0;
progressCtx.lastSpeed = progressCtx.averageSpeed = 0.0;
size_t read_res;
progressCtx.line_offset = (breaks + 2);
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx.start));
for(progressCtx.curOffset = 0; progressCtx.curOffset < progressCtx.totalSize; progressCtx.curOffset += n)
uiFill(0, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)) * 2, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "File: \"%s\".", dumpPath);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE > (progressCtx.totalSize - progressCtx.curOffset)) n = (progressCtx.totalSize - progressCtx.curOffset);
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && isFat32 && (progressCtx.curOffset + n) >= ((splitIndex + 1) * SPLIT_FILE_NSP_PART_SIZE))
u64 new_file_chunk_size = ((progressCtx.curOffset + n) - ((splitIndex + 1) * SPLIT_FILE_NSP_PART_SIZE));
u64 old_file_chunk_size = (n - new_file_chunk_size);
if (old_file_chunk_size > 0)
read_res = fread(buf, 1, old_file_chunk_size, outFile);
if (read_res != old_file_chunk_size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to read %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX from part #%02u! (read %lu bytes)", old_file_chunk_size, progressCtx.curOffset, splitIndex, read_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
outFile = NULL;
if (new_file_chunk_size > 0 || (progressCtx.curOffset + n) < progressCtx.totalSize)
snprintf(dumpPath, sizeof(dumpPath) / sizeof(dumpPath[0]), "sdmc:/%s.nsp/%02u", dumpName, splitIndex);
outFile = fopen(dumpPath, "rb");
if (!outFile)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to re-open output file for part #%u!", splitIndex);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
if (new_file_chunk_size > 0)
read_res = fread(buf + old_file_chunk_size, 1, new_file_chunk_size, outFile);
if (read_res != new_file_chunk_size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to read %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX from part #%02u! (read %lu bytes)", new_file_chunk_size, progressCtx.curOffset + old_file_chunk_size, splitIndex, read_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
} else {
read_res = fread(buf, 1, n, outFile);
if (read_res != n)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to read %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX! (read %lu bytes)", n, progressCtx.curOffset, read_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
// Update CRC32
crc32(buf, n, &crc);
printProgressBar(&progressCtx, true, n);
if ((progressCtx.curOffset + n) < progressCtx.totalSize && ((progressCtx.curOffset / DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE) % 10) == 0)
u32 keysDown = hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO);
if (keysDown & KEY_B)
uiDrawString("Process canceled.", 8, ((breaks + 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
proceed = false;
breaks += 4;
if (proceed)
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx.now));
progressCtx.now -= progressCtx.start;
formatETAString(progressCtx.now, progressCtx.etaInfo, sizeof(progressCtx.etaInfo) / sizeof(progressCtx.etaInfo[0]));
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Process successfully completed after %s!", progressCtx.etaInfo);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 0, 255, 0);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "NSP dump CRC32 checksum: %08X", crc);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 0, 255, 0);
} else {
} else {
uiDrawString("Failed to re-open output file in read mode!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
// Set archive bit (only for FAT32)
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && isFat32)
snprintf(dumpPath, sizeof(dumpPath) / sizeof(dumpPath[0]), "sdmc:/%s.nsp", dumpName);
if (R_FAILED(result = fsdevSetArchiveBit(dumpPath)))
breaks += 2;
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Warning: failed to set archive bit on output directory! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if (buf) free(buf);
if (outFile) fclose(outFile);
if (!success)
if (dumping)
breaks += 6;
if (fat32_error) breaks += 2;
snprintf(dumpPath, sizeof(dumpPath) / sizeof(dumpPath[0]), "sdmc:/%s.nsp", dumpName);
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && isFat32)
} else {
if (nspPfs0StrTable) free(nspPfs0StrTable);
if (nspPfs0EntryTable) free(nspPfs0EntryTable);
if (certData) free(certData);
if (tikData) free(tikData);
if (cnmtXml) free(cnmtXml);
if (cnmtNcaBuf) free(cnmtNcaBuf);
if (ncaProgramMod.block_mod_cnt == 2 && ncaProgramMod.block_data[1]) free(ncaProgramMod.block_data[1]);
if (ncaProgramMod.block_data[0]) free(ncaProgramMod.block_data[0]);
if (ncaProgramMod.hash_table) free(ncaProgramMod.hash_table);
if (nacpXml) free(nacpXml);
if (xml_content_info) free(xml_content_info);
if (titleContentRecords) free(titleContentRecords);
if (titleList) free(titleList);
if (partitionHfs0Header)
partitionHfs0Header = NULL;
partitionHfs0HeaderOffset = 0;
partitionHfs0HeaderSize = 0;
partitionHfs0FileCount = 0;
partitionHfs0StrTableSize = 0;
breaks += 2;
return success;
bool dumpRawHfs0Partition(FsDeviceOperator* fsOperator, u32 partition, bool doSplitting)
Result result;
u64 partitionOffset;
bool success = false, fat32_error = false;
u8 *buf = NULL;
FsGameCardHandle handle;
FsStorage gameCardStorage;
char filename[NAME_BUF_LEN * 2] = {'\0'};
FILE *outFile = NULL;
u8 splitIndex = 0;
progress_ctx_t progressCtx;
memset(&progressCtx, 0, sizeof(progress_ctx_t));
size_t write_res;
char *dumpName = generateDumpFullName();
if (!dumpName)
uiDrawString("Error: unable to generate output dump name!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return false;
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = fsDeviceOperatorGetGameCardHandle(fsOperator, &handle)))
/*snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "GetGameCardHandle succeeded: 0x%08X", handle.value);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
// Ugly hack
// The IStorage instance returned for partition == 0 contains the gamecard header, the gamecard certificate, the root HFS0 header and:
// * The "update" (0) partition and the "normal" (1) partition (for gamecard type 0x01)
// * The "update" (0) partition, the "logo" (1) partition and the "normal" (2) partition (for gamecard type 0x02)
// The IStorage instance returned for partition == 1 contains the "secure" partition (which can either be 2 or 3 depending on the gamecard type)
// This ugly hack makes sure we just dump the *actual* raw HFS0 partition, without preceding data, padding, etc.
// Oddly enough, IFileSystem instances actually points to the specified partition ID filesystem. I don't understand why it doesn't work like that for IStorage, but whatever
// NOTE: Using partition == 2 returns error 0x149002, and using higher values probably do so, too
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = fsOpenGameCardStorage(&gameCardStorage, &handle, HFS0_TO_ISTORAGE_IDX(hfs0_partition_cnt, partition))))
/*snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "OpenGameCardStorage succeeded: 0x%08X", handle.value);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (getHfs0EntryDetails(hfs0_header, hfs0_offset, hfs0_size, hfs0_partition_cnt, partition, true, 0, &partitionOffset, &(progressCtx.totalSize)))
convertSize(progressCtx.totalSize, progressCtx.totalSizeStr, sizeof(progressCtx.totalSizeStr) / sizeof(progressCtx.totalSizeStr[0]));
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "HFS0 partition size: %s (%lu bytes).", progressCtx.totalSizeStr, progressCtx.totalSize);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks += 2;
/*snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "HFS0 partition offset (relative to IStorage instance): 0x%016lX", partitionOffset);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks += 2;*/
if (progressCtx.totalSize <= freeSpace)
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && doSplitting)
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename) / sizeof(filename[0]), "sdmc:/%s - Partition %u (%s).hfs0.%02u", dumpName, partition, GAMECARD_PARTITION_NAME(hfs0_partition_cnt, partition), splitIndex);
} else {
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename) / sizeof(filename[0]), "sdmc:/%s - Partition %u (%s).hfs0", dumpName, partition, GAMECARD_PARTITION_NAME(hfs0_partition_cnt, partition));
outFile = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (outFile)
buf = malloc(DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (buf)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Dumping raw HFS0 partition #%u. Hold %s to cancel.", partition, NINTENDO_FONT_B);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks += 2;
if (programAppletType != AppletType_Application && programAppletType != AppletType_SystemApplication)
uiDrawString("Do not press the " NINTENDO_FONT_HOME " button. Doing so could corrupt the SD card filesystem.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
progressCtx.line_offset = (breaks + 2);
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx.start));
for (progressCtx.curOffset = 0; progressCtx.curOffset < progressCtx.totalSize; progressCtx.curOffset += n)
uiFill(0, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)) * 2, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Output file: \"%s\".", filename);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE > (progressCtx.totalSize - progressCtx.curOffset)) n = (progressCtx.totalSize - progressCtx.curOffset);
if (R_FAILED(result = fsStorageRead(&gameCardStorage, partitionOffset + progressCtx.curOffset, buf, n)))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "StorageRead failed (0x%08X) at offset 0x%016lX", result, partitionOffset + progressCtx.curOffset);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && doSplitting && (progressCtx.curOffset + n) >= ((splitIndex + 1) * SPLIT_FILE_GENERIC_PART_SIZE))
u64 new_file_chunk_size = ((progressCtx.curOffset + n) - ((splitIndex + 1) * SPLIT_FILE_GENERIC_PART_SIZE));
u64 old_file_chunk_size = (n - new_file_chunk_size);
if (old_file_chunk_size > 0)
write_res = fwrite(buf, 1, old_file_chunk_size, outFile);
if (write_res != old_file_chunk_size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX to part #%02u! (wrote %lu bytes)", old_file_chunk_size, progressCtx.curOffset, splitIndex, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
outFile = NULL;
if (new_file_chunk_size > 0 || (progressCtx.curOffset + n) < progressCtx.totalSize)
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename) / sizeof(filename[0]), "sdmc:/%s - Partition %u (%s).hfs0.%02u", dumpName, partition, GAMECARD_PARTITION_NAME(hfs0_partition_cnt, partition), splitIndex);
outFile = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!outFile)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to open output file for part #%u!", splitIndex);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if (new_file_chunk_size > 0)
write_res = fwrite(buf + old_file_chunk_size, 1, new_file_chunk_size, outFile);
if (write_res != new_file_chunk_size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX to part #%02u! (wrote %lu bytes)", new_file_chunk_size, progressCtx.curOffset + old_file_chunk_size, splitIndex, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
write_res = fwrite(buf, 1, n, outFile);
if (write_res != n)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX! (wrote %lu bytes)", n, progressCtx.curOffset, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if ((progressCtx.curOffset + n) > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
uiDrawString("You're probably using a FAT32 partition. Make sure to enable file splitting.", 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
fat32_error = true;
printProgressBar(&progressCtx, true, n);
if ((progressCtx.curOffset + n) < progressCtx.totalSize && ((progressCtx.curOffset / DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE) % 10) == 0)
u32 keysDown = hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO);
if (keysDown & KEY_B)
uiDrawString("Process canceled.", 8, ((breaks + 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if (progressCtx.curOffset >= progressCtx.totalSize) success = true;
// Support empty files
if (!progressCtx.totalSize)
uiFill(0, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)) * 2, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Output file: \"%s\".", filename);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
progressCtx.progress = 100;
printProgressBar(&progressCtx, false, 0);
breaks += 4;
if (success)
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx.now));
progressCtx.now -= progressCtx.start;
formatETAString(progressCtx.now, progressCtx.etaInfo, sizeof(progressCtx.etaInfo) / sizeof(progressCtx.etaInfo[0]));
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Process successfully completed after %s!", progressCtx.etaInfo);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 0, 255, 0);
} else {
if (fat32_error) breaks += 2;
} else {
uiDrawString("Failed to allocate memory for the dump process!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if (outFile) fclose(outFile);
if (!success)
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && doSplitting)
for(u8 i = 0; i <= splitIndex; i++)
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename) / sizeof(filename[0]), "sdmc:/%s - Partition %u (%s).hfs0.%02u", dumpName, partition, GAMECARD_PARTITION_NAME(hfs0_partition_cnt, partition), i);
} else {
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to open output file \"%s\"!", filename);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
uiDrawString("Error: not enough free space available in the SD card.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
uiDrawString("Error: unable to get partition details from the root HFS0 header!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "OpenGameCardStorage failed! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "GetGameCardHandle failed! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return success;
bool copyFileFromHfs0(FsDeviceOperator* fsOperator, u32 partition, const char* source, const char* dest, const u64 file_offset, const u64 size, progress_ctx_t *progressCtx, bool doSplitting)
Result result;
bool success = false, fat32_error = false;
char splitFilename[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'};
size_t destLen = strlen(dest);
FILE *outFile = NULL;
u8 *buf = NULL;
u64 off, n = DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE;
u8 splitIndex = 0;
FsGameCardHandle handle;
FsStorage gameCardStorage;
size_t write_res;
uiFill(0, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)) * 4, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Copying \"%s\"...", source);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if ((destLen + 1) < NAME_BUF_LEN)
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = fsDeviceOperatorGetGameCardHandle(fsOperator, &handle)))
/*snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "GetGameCardHandle succeeded: 0x%08X", handle.value);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
// Same ugly hack from dumpRawHfs0Partition()
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = fsOpenGameCardStorage(&gameCardStorage, &handle, HFS0_TO_ISTORAGE_IDX(hfs0_partition_cnt, partition))))
/*snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "OpenGameCardStorage succeeded: 0x%08X", handle.value);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && doSplitting) snprintf(splitFilename, sizeof(splitFilename) / sizeof(splitFilename[0]), "%s.%02u", dest, splitIndex);
outFile = fopen(((size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && doSplitting) ? splitFilename : dest), "wb");
if (outFile)
buf = malloc(DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (buf)
for (off = 0; off < size; off += n, progressCtx->curOffset += n)
uiFill(0, ((breaks + 2) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)) * 2, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Output file: \"%s\".", ((size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && doSplitting) ? (strrchr(splitFilename, '/') + 1) : (strrchr(dest, '/') + 1)));
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 2) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE > (size - off)) n = (size - off);
if (R_FAILED(result = fsStorageRead(&gameCardStorage, file_offset + off, buf, n)))
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "StorageRead failed (0x%08X) at offset 0x%016lX", result, file_offset + off);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if (size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && doSplitting && (off + n) >= ((splitIndex + 1) * SPLIT_FILE_GENERIC_PART_SIZE))
u64 new_file_chunk_size = ((off + n) - ((splitIndex + 1) * SPLIT_FILE_GENERIC_PART_SIZE));
u64 old_file_chunk_size = (n - new_file_chunk_size);
if (old_file_chunk_size > 0)
write_res = fwrite(buf, 1, old_file_chunk_size, outFile);
if (write_res != old_file_chunk_size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX to part #%02u! (wrote %lu bytes)", old_file_chunk_size, off, splitIndex, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
outFile = NULL;
if (new_file_chunk_size > 0 || (off + n) < size)
snprintf(splitFilename, sizeof(splitFilename) / sizeof(splitFilename[0]), "%s.%02u", dest, splitIndex);
outFile = fopen(splitFilename, "wb");
if (!outFile)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to open output file for part #%u!", splitIndex);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if (new_file_chunk_size > 0)
write_res = fwrite(buf + old_file_chunk_size, 1, new_file_chunk_size, outFile);
if (write_res != new_file_chunk_size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX to part #%02u! (wrote %lu bytes)", new_file_chunk_size, off + old_file_chunk_size, splitIndex, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
write_res = fwrite(buf, 1, n, outFile);
if (write_res != n)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX! (wrote %lu bytes)", n, off, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if ((off + n) > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
uiDrawString("You're probably using a FAT32 partition. Make sure to enable file splitting.", 8, ((breaks + 8) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
fat32_error = true;
printProgressBar(progressCtx, true, n);
if ((off + n) < size && ((off / DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE) % 10) == 0)
u32 keysDown = hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO);
if (keysDown & KEY_B)
uiDrawString("Process canceled.", 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if (off >= size) success = true;
// Support empty files
if (!size)
uiFill(0, ((breaks + 2) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)) * 2, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Output file: \"%s\".", ((size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && doSplitting) ? (strrchr(splitFilename, '/') + 1) : (strrchr(dest, '/') + 1)));
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 2) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (progressCtx->totalSize == size) progressCtx->progress = 100;
printProgressBar(progressCtx, false, 0);
if (!success)
if (fat32_error) breaks += 2;
} else {
uiDrawString("Failed to allocate memory for the dump process!", 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if (outFile) fclose(outFile);
if (!success)
if (size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && doSplitting)
for(u8 i = 0; i <= splitIndex; i++)
snprintf(splitFilename, sizeof(splitFilename) / sizeof(splitFilename[0]), "%s.%02u", dest, i);
} else {
} else {
uiDrawString("Failed to open output file!", 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "OpenGameCardStorage failed! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "GetGameCardHandle failed! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Destination path is too long! (%lu bytes)", destLen);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
return success;
bool copyHfs0Contents(FsDeviceOperator* fsOperator, u32 partition, hfs0_entry_table *partitionEntryTable, progress_ctx_t *progressCtx, const char *dest, bool splitting)
if (!dest || !*dest)
uiDrawString("Error: destination directory is empty.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
return false;
if (!partitionHfs0Header || !partitionEntryTable)
uiDrawString("HFS0 partition header information unavailable!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
return false;
if (!progressCtx)
uiDrawString("Error: invalid progress context.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
return false;
char dbuf[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'};
size_t dest_len = strlen(dest);
if ((dest_len + 1) >= NAME_BUF_LEN)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Destination directory name is too long! (%lu bytes)", dest_len);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
return false;
strcpy(dbuf, dest);
mkdir(dbuf, 0744);
dbuf[dest_len] = '/';
u32 i;
bool success;
progressCtx->line_offset = (breaks + 4);
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx->start));
for(i = 0; i < partitionHfs0FileCount; i++)
u32 filename_offset = (HFS0_ENTRY_TABLE_ADDR + (sizeof(hfs0_entry_table) * partitionHfs0FileCount) + partitionEntryTable[i].filename_offset);
char *filename = ((char*)partitionHfs0Header + filename_offset);
strcpy(dbuf + dest_len, filename);
removeIllegalCharacters(dbuf + dest_len);
u64 file_offset = (partitionHfs0HeaderSize + partitionEntryTable[i].file_offset);
if (HFS0_TO_ISTORAGE_IDX(hfs0_partition_cnt, partition) == 0) file_offset += partitionHfs0HeaderOffset;
success = copyFileFromHfs0(fsOperator, partition, filename, dbuf, file_offset, partitionEntryTable[i].file_size, progressCtx, splitting);
if (!success) break;
return success;
bool dumpHfs0PartitionData(FsDeviceOperator* fsOperator, u32 partition)
bool success = false;
u32 i;
hfs0_entry_table *entryTable = NULL;
char dumpPath[NAME_BUF_LEN * 2] = {'\0'};
progress_ctx_t progressCtx;
memset(&progressCtx, 0, sizeof(progress_ctx_t));
char *dumpName = generateDumpFullName();
if (!dumpName)
uiDrawString("Error: unable to generate output dump name!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return false;
if (getPartitionHfs0Header(partition))
if (partitionHfs0FileCount)
entryTable = calloc(partitionHfs0FileCount, sizeof(hfs0_entry_table));
if (entryTable)
memcpy(entryTable, partitionHfs0Header + HFS0_ENTRY_TABLE_ADDR, sizeof(hfs0_entry_table) * partitionHfs0FileCount);
// Calculate total size
for(i = 0; i < partitionHfs0FileCount; i++) progressCtx.totalSize += entryTable[i].file_size;
convertSize(progressCtx.totalSize, progressCtx.totalSizeStr, sizeof(progressCtx.totalSizeStr) / sizeof(progressCtx.totalSizeStr[0]));
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Total partition data size: %s (%lu bytes).", progressCtx.totalSizeStr, progressCtx.totalSize);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks += 2;
if (progressCtx.totalSize <= freeSpace)
snprintf(dumpPath, sizeof(dumpPath) / sizeof(dumpPath[0]), "sdmc:/%s - Partition %u (%s)", dumpName, partition, GAMECARD_PARTITION_NAME(hfs0_partition_cnt, partition));
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Copying partition #%u data to \"%s/\". Hold %s to cancel.", partition, dumpPath, NINTENDO_FONT_B);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks += 2;
if (programAppletType != AppletType_Application && programAppletType != AppletType_SystemApplication)
uiDrawString("Do not press the " NINTENDO_FONT_HOME " button. Doing so could corrupt the SD card filesystem.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
success = copyHfs0Contents(fsOperator, partition, entryTable, &progressCtx, dumpPath, true);
breaks += 6;
if (success)
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx.now));
progressCtx.now -= progressCtx.start;
formatETAString(progressCtx.now, progressCtx.etaInfo, sizeof(progressCtx.etaInfo) / sizeof(progressCtx.etaInfo[0]));
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Process successfully completed after %s!", progressCtx.etaInfo);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 0, 255, 0);
} else {
} else {
uiDrawString("Error: not enough free space available in the SD card.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
uiDrawString("Unable to allocate memory for the HFS0 file entries!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
uiDrawString("The selected partition is empty!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
partitionHfs0Header = NULL;
partitionHfs0HeaderOffset = 0;
partitionHfs0HeaderSize = 0;
partitionHfs0FileCount = 0;
partitionHfs0StrTableSize = 0;
breaks += 2;
return success;
bool dumpFileFromHfs0Partition(FsDeviceOperator* fsOperator, u32 partition, u32 file, char *filename)
if (!partitionHfs0Header)
uiDrawString("HFS0 partition header information unavailable!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return false;
if (!filename || !*filename)
uiDrawString("Filename unavailable!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return false;
progress_ctx_t progressCtx;
memset(&progressCtx, 0, sizeof(progress_ctx_t));
char *dumpName = generateDumpFullName();
if (!dumpName)
uiDrawString("Error: unable to generate output dump name!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return false;
u64 file_offset = 0;
u64 file_size = 0;
bool success = false;
if (getHfs0EntryDetails(partitionHfs0Header, partitionHfs0HeaderOffset, partitionHfs0HeaderSize, partitionHfs0FileCount, file, false, partition, &file_offset, &file_size))
progressCtx.totalSize = file_size;
convertSize(progressCtx.totalSize, progressCtx.totalSizeStr, sizeof(progressCtx.totalSizeStr) / sizeof(progressCtx.totalSizeStr[0]));
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "File size: %s (%lu bytes).", progressCtx.totalSizeStr, progressCtx.totalSize);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (file_size <= freeSpace)
char destCopyPath[NAME_BUF_LEN * 2] = {'\0'};
char fixedFilename[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'};
sprintf(fixedFilename, filename);
snprintf(destCopyPath, sizeof(destCopyPath) / sizeof(destCopyPath[0]), "sdmc:/%s - Partition %u (%s)", dumpName, partition, GAMECARD_PARTITION_NAME(hfs0_partition_cnt, partition));
if ((strlen(destCopyPath) + 1 + strlen(filename)) < NAME_BUF_LEN)
mkdir(destCopyPath, 0744);
snprintf(destCopyPath, sizeof(destCopyPath) / sizeof(destCopyPath[0]), "sdmc:/%s - Partition %u (%s)/%s", dumpName, partition, GAMECARD_PARTITION_NAME(hfs0_partition_cnt, partition), fixedFilename);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Hold %s to cancel.", NINTENDO_FONT_B);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks += 2;
if (programAppletType != AppletType_Application && programAppletType != AppletType_SystemApplication)
uiDrawString("Do not press the " NINTENDO_FONT_HOME " button. Doing so could corrupt the SD card filesystem.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
progressCtx.line_offset = (breaks + 4);
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx.start));
success = copyFileFromHfs0(fsOperator, partition, filename, destCopyPath, file_offset, file_size, &progressCtx, true);
breaks += 6;
if (success)
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx.now));
progressCtx.now -= progressCtx.start;
formatETAString(progressCtx.now, progressCtx.etaInfo, sizeof(progressCtx.etaInfo) / sizeof(progressCtx.etaInfo[0]));
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Process successfully completed after %s!", progressCtx.etaInfo);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 0, 255, 0);
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Destination path is too long! (%lu bytes)", strlen(destCopyPath) + 1 + strlen(filename));
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
uiDrawString("Error: not enough free space available in the SD card.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
uiDrawString("Error: unable to get file details from the partition HFS0 header!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return success;
bool recursiveDumpRomFsFile(u32 file_offset, char *romfs_path, char *output_path, progress_ctx_t *progressCtx, bool doSplitting)
if (!romFsContext.romfs_filetable_size || file_offset > romFsContext.romfs_filetable_size || !romFsContext.romfs_file_entries || !romfs_path || !output_path || !progressCtx)
uiDrawString("Error: invalid parameters to parse file entry from RomFS section!", 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
return false;
size_t orig_romfs_path_len = strlen(romfs_path);
size_t orig_output_path_len = strlen(output_path);
FILE *outFile = NULL;
u8 *buf = NULL;
u8 splitIndex = 0;
bool proceed = true, success = false, fat32_error = false;
u64 off = 0;
size_t write_res;
char tmp_idx[5];
romfs_file *entry = (romfs_file*)((u8*)romFsContext.romfs_file_entries + file_offset);
// Check if we're dealing with a nameless file
if (!entry->nameLen)
uiDrawString("Error: file entry without name in RomFS section!", 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
return false;
if ((orig_romfs_path_len + 1 + entry->nameLen) >= (NAME_BUF_LEN * 2) || (orig_output_path_len + 1 + entry->nameLen) >= (NAME_BUF_LEN * 2))
uiDrawString("Error: RomFS section file path is too long!", 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
return false;
// Generate current path
strcat(romfs_path, "/");
strncat(romfs_path, (char*)entry->name, entry->nameLen);
strcat(output_path, "/");
strncat(output_path, (char*)entry->name, entry->nameLen);
removeIllegalCharacters(output_path + orig_output_path_len + 1);
// Start dump process
uiFill(0, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)) * 4, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Copying \"romfs:%s\"...", romfs_path);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (entry->dataSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && doSplitting)
sprintf(tmp_idx, ".%02u", splitIndex);
strcat(output_path, tmp_idx);
outFile = fopen(output_path, "wb");
if (!outFile)
uiDrawString("Failed to open output file!", 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
goto out;
buf = malloc(DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (!buf)
uiDrawString("Failed to allocate memory for the dump process!", 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
goto out;
for(off = 0; off < entry->dataSize; off += n, progressCtx->curOffset += n)
uiFill(0, ((breaks + 2) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)) * 2, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Output file: \"%s\".", strrchr(output_path, '/') + 1);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 2) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE > (entry->dataSize - off)) n = (entry->dataSize - off);
breaks += 6;
proceed = processNcaCtrSectionBlock(&(romFsContext.ncmStorage), &(romFsContext.ncaId), romFsContext.romfs_filedata_offset + entry->dataOff + off, buf, n, &(romFsContext.aes_ctx), false);
breaks -= 6;
if (!proceed) break;
if (entry->dataSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && doSplitting && (off + n) >= ((splitIndex + 1) * SPLIT_FILE_GENERIC_PART_SIZE))
u64 new_file_chunk_size = ((off + n) - ((splitIndex + 1) * SPLIT_FILE_GENERIC_PART_SIZE));
u64 old_file_chunk_size = (n - new_file_chunk_size);
if (old_file_chunk_size > 0)
write_res = fwrite(buf, 1, old_file_chunk_size, outFile);
if (write_res != old_file_chunk_size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX to part #%02u! (wrote %lu bytes)", old_file_chunk_size, off, splitIndex, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
outFile = NULL;
if (new_file_chunk_size > 0 || (off + n) < entry->dataSize)
char *tmp = strrchr(output_path, '.');
if (tmp != NULL) *tmp = '\0';
sprintf(tmp_idx, ".%02u", splitIndex);
strcat(output_path, tmp_idx);
outFile = fopen(output_path, "wb");
if (!outFile)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to open output file for part #%u!", splitIndex);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if (new_file_chunk_size > 0)
write_res = fwrite(buf + old_file_chunk_size, 1, new_file_chunk_size, outFile);
if (write_res != new_file_chunk_size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX to part #%02u! (wrote %lu bytes)", new_file_chunk_size, off + old_file_chunk_size, splitIndex, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
write_res = fwrite(buf, 1, n, outFile);
if (write_res != n)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX! (wrote %lu bytes)", n, off, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if ((off + n) > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
uiDrawString("You're probably using a FAT32 partition. Make sure to enable file splitting.", 8, ((breaks + 8) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
fat32_error = true;
printProgressBar(progressCtx, true, n);
if ((off + n) < entry->dataSize && ((off / DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE) % 10) == 0)
u32 keysDown = hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO);
if (keysDown & KEY_B)
uiDrawString("Process canceled.", 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if (off >= entry->dataSize) success = true;
// Support empty files
if (!entry->dataSize)
uiFill(0, ((breaks + 2) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)) * 2, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Output file: \"%s\".", strrchr(output_path, '/') + 1);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 2) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (progressCtx->totalSize == entry->dataSize) progressCtx->progress = 100;
printProgressBar(progressCtx, false, 0);
if (buf) free(buf);
if (outFile) fclose(outFile);
if (!success)
if (fat32_error) breaks += 2;
if (entry->dataSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && doSplitting)
for(u8 i = 0; i <= splitIndex; i++)
char *tmp = strrchr(output_path, '.');
if (tmp != NULL) *tmp = '\0';
sprintf(tmp_idx, ".%02u", splitIndex);
strcat(output_path, tmp_idx);
} else {
romfs_path[orig_romfs_path_len] = '\0';
output_path[orig_output_path_len] = '\0';
if (success)
if (entry->sibling != ROMFS_ENTRY_EMPTY) success = recursiveDumpRomFsFile(entry->sibling, romfs_path, output_path, progressCtx, true);
return success;
bool recursiveDumpRomFsDir(u32 dir_offset, char *romfs_path, char *output_path, progress_ctx_t *progressCtx)
if (!romFsContext.romfs_dirtable_size || dir_offset > romFsContext.romfs_dirtable_size || !romFsContext.romfs_dir_entries || !romFsContext.romfs_filetable_size || !romFsContext.romfs_file_entries || !romfs_path || !output_path || !progressCtx)
uiDrawString("Error: invalid parameters to parse directory entry from RomFS section!", 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
return false;
size_t orig_romfs_path_len = strlen(romfs_path);
size_t orig_output_path_len = strlen(output_path);
romfs_dir *entry = (romfs_dir*)((u8*)romFsContext.romfs_dir_entries + dir_offset);
// Check if we're dealing with a nameless directory that's not the root directory
if (!entry->nameLen && dir_offset > 0)
uiDrawString("Error: directory entry without name in RomFS section!", 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
return false;
if ((orig_romfs_path_len + 1 + entry->nameLen) >= (NAME_BUF_LEN * 2) || (orig_output_path_len + 1 + entry->nameLen) >= (NAME_BUF_LEN * 2))
uiDrawString("Error: RomFS section directory path is too long!", 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
return false;
// Generate current path
if (entry->nameLen)
strcat(romfs_path, "/");
strncat(romfs_path, (char*)entry->name, entry->nameLen);
strcat(output_path, "/");
strncat(output_path, (char*)entry->name, entry->nameLen);
removeIllegalCharacters(output_path + orig_output_path_len + 1);
mkdir(output_path, 0744);
if (entry->childFile != ROMFS_ENTRY_EMPTY)
if (!recursiveDumpRomFsFile(entry->childFile, romfs_path, output_path, progressCtx, true))
romfs_path[orig_romfs_path_len] = '\0';
output_path[orig_output_path_len] = '\0';
return false;
if (entry->childDir != ROMFS_ENTRY_EMPTY)
if (!recursiveDumpRomFsDir(entry->childDir, romfs_path, output_path, progressCtx))
romfs_path[orig_romfs_path_len] = '\0';
output_path[orig_output_path_len] = '\0';
return false;
romfs_path[orig_romfs_path_len] = '\0';
output_path[orig_output_path_len] = '\0';
if (entry->sibling != ROMFS_ENTRY_EMPTY)
if (!recursiveDumpRomFsDir(entry->sibling, romfs_path, output_path, progressCtx)) return false;
return true;
bool dumpRomFsSectionData(FsDeviceOperator* fsOperator, u32 appIndex)
progress_ctx_t progressCtx;
memset(&progressCtx, 0, sizeof(progress_ctx_t));
char romFsPath[NAME_BUF_LEN * 2] = {'\0'}, dumpPath[NAME_BUF_LEN * 2] = {'\0'};
bool success = false;
if (!gameCardAppCount)
uiDrawString("Error: invalid gamecard application count!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return false;
if (appIndex > (gameCardAppCount - 1))
uiDrawString("Error: invalid gamecard application index!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return false;
char *dumpName = generateNSPDumpName(DUMP_APP_NSP, appIndex);
if (!dumpName)
uiDrawString("Error: unable to generate output dump name!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return false;
// Replace "(BASE)" with "(RomFS)"
dumpName[strlen(dumpName) - 6] = '\0';
strcat(dumpName, "(RomFS)");
// Retrieve RomFS from Program NCA
if (!readProgramNcaRomFs(appIndex)) goto out;
// Calculate total dump size
if (!calculateRomFsExtractedDataSize(&(progressCtx.totalSize))) goto out;
convertSize(progressCtx.totalSize, progressCtx.totalSizeStr, sizeof(progressCtx.totalSizeStr) / sizeof(progressCtx.totalSizeStr[0]));
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Extracted RomFS dump size: %s (%lu bytes).", progressCtx.totalSizeStr, progressCtx.totalSize);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (progressCtx.totalSize > freeSpace)
uiDrawString("Error: not enough free space available in the SD card.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
goto out;
// Prepare output dump path
snprintf(dumpPath, sizeof(dumpPath) / sizeof(dumpPath[0]), "sdmc:/%s", dumpName);
mkdir(dumpPath, 0744);
// Start dump process
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Dump procedure started. Hold %s to cancel.", NINTENDO_FONT_B);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks += 2;
if (programAppletType != AppletType_Application && programAppletType != AppletType_SystemApplication)
uiDrawString("Do not press the " NINTENDO_FONT_HOME " button. Doing so could corrupt the SD card filesystem.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
progressCtx.line_offset = (breaks + 4);
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx.start));
success = recursiveDumpRomFsDir(0, romFsPath, dumpPath, &progressCtx);
breaks += 6;
if (success)
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx.now));
progressCtx.now -= progressCtx.start;
formatETAString(progressCtx.now, progressCtx.etaInfo, sizeof(progressCtx.etaInfo) / sizeof(progressCtx.etaInfo[0]));
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Process successfully completed after %s!", progressCtx.etaInfo);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 0, 255, 0);
} else {
breaks += 2;
return success;
bool dumpFileFromRomFsSection(u32 appIndex, u32 file_offset, bool doSplitting)
if (!romFsContext.romfs_filetable_size || file_offset > romFsContext.romfs_filetable_size || !romFsContext.romfs_file_entries || appIndex > (gameCardAppCount - 1))
uiDrawString("Error: invalid parameters to parse file entry from RomFS section!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return false;
FILE *outFile = NULL;
u8 *buf = NULL;
u8 splitIndex = 0;
bool proceed = true, success = false, fat32_error = false;
char dumpPath[NAME_BUF_LEN * 2] = {'\0'};
char tmp_idx[5];
progress_ctx_t progressCtx;
memset(&progressCtx, 0, sizeof(progress_ctx_t));
size_t write_res;
romfs_file *entry = (romfs_file*)((u8*)romFsContext.romfs_file_entries + file_offset);
// Check if we're dealing with a nameless file
if (!entry->nameLen)
uiDrawString("Error: file entry without name in RomFS section!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return false;
char *dumpName = generateNSPDumpName(DUMP_APP_NSP, appIndex);
if (!dumpName)
uiDrawString("Error: unable to generate output dump name!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return false;
// Replace "(BASE)" with "(RomFS)"
dumpName[strlen(dumpName) - 6] = '\0';
strcat(dumpName, "(RomFS)");
// Generate output path
snprintf(dumpPath, sizeof(dumpPath) / sizeof(dumpPath[0]), "sdmc:/%s", dumpName);
mkdir(dumpPath, 0744);
// Create subdirectories
char *tmp1 = NULL;
char *tmp2 = NULL;
tmp1 = strchr(curRomFsPath, '/');
while(tmp1 != NULL)
if (!strlen(tmp1)) break;
strcat(dumpPath, "/");
size_t cur_len = strlen(dumpPath);
tmp2 = strchr(tmp1, '/');
if (tmp2 != NULL)
strncat(dumpPath, tmp1, tmp2 - tmp1);
tmp1 = tmp2;
} else {
strcat(dumpPath, tmp1);
tmp1 = NULL;
removeIllegalCharacters(dumpPath + cur_len);
mkdir(dumpPath, 0744);
strcat(dumpPath, "/");
strncat(dumpPath, (char*)entry->name, entry->nameLen);
progressCtx.totalSize = entry->dataSize;
convertSize(progressCtx.totalSize, progressCtx.totalSizeStr, sizeof(progressCtx.totalSizeStr) / sizeof(progressCtx.totalSizeStr[0]));
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "File size: %s (%lu bytes).", progressCtx.totalSizeStr, progressCtx.totalSize);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks += 2;
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Hold %s to cancel.", NINTENDO_FONT_B);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks += 2;
if (programAppletType != AppletType_Application && programAppletType != AppletType_SystemApplication)
uiDrawString("Do not press the " NINTENDO_FONT_HOME " button. Doing so could corrupt the SD card filesystem.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
// Start dump process
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Copying \"romfs:%s/%.*s\"...", curRomFsPath, entry->nameLen, entry->name);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks += 2;
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && doSplitting)
sprintf(tmp_idx, ".%02u", splitIndex);
strcat(dumpPath, tmp_idx);
outFile = fopen(dumpPath, "wb");
if (!outFile)
uiDrawString("Failed to open output file!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
goto out;
buf = malloc(DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (!buf)
uiDrawString("Failed to allocate memory for the dump process!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
goto out;
progressCtx.line_offset = (breaks + 2);
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx.start));
for(progressCtx.curOffset = 0; progressCtx.curOffset < progressCtx.totalSize; progressCtx.curOffset += n)
uiFill(0, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)) * 2, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Output file: \"%s\".", strrchr(dumpPath, '/') + 1);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE > (progressCtx.totalSize - progressCtx.curOffset)) n = (progressCtx.totalSize - progressCtx.curOffset);
breaks += 4;
proceed = processNcaCtrSectionBlock(&(romFsContext.ncmStorage), &(romFsContext.ncaId), romFsContext.romfs_filedata_offset + entry->dataOff + progressCtx.curOffset, buf, n, &(romFsContext.aes_ctx), false);
breaks -= 4;
if (!proceed) break;
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && doSplitting && (progressCtx.curOffset + n) >= ((splitIndex + 1) * SPLIT_FILE_GENERIC_PART_SIZE))
u64 new_file_chunk_size = ((progressCtx.curOffset + n) - ((splitIndex + 1) * SPLIT_FILE_GENERIC_PART_SIZE));
u64 old_file_chunk_size = (n - new_file_chunk_size);
if (old_file_chunk_size > 0)
write_res = fwrite(buf, 1, old_file_chunk_size, outFile);
if (write_res != old_file_chunk_size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX to part #%02u! (wrote %lu bytes)", old_file_chunk_size, progressCtx.curOffset, splitIndex, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
outFile = NULL;
if (new_file_chunk_size > 0 || (progressCtx.curOffset + n) < progressCtx.totalSize)
char *tmp = strrchr(dumpPath, '.');
if (tmp != NULL) *tmp = '\0';
sprintf(tmp_idx, ".%02u", splitIndex);
strcat(dumpPath, tmp_idx);
outFile = fopen(dumpPath, "wb");
if (!outFile)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to open output file for part #%u!", splitIndex);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if (new_file_chunk_size > 0)
write_res = fwrite(buf + old_file_chunk_size, 1, new_file_chunk_size, outFile);
if (write_res != new_file_chunk_size)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX to part #%02u! (wrote %lu bytes)", new_file_chunk_size, progressCtx.curOffset + old_file_chunk_size, splitIndex, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
write_res = fwrite(buf, 1, n, outFile);
if (write_res != n)
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %lu bytes chunk from offset 0x%016lX! (wrote %lu bytes)", n, progressCtx.curOffset, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, ((breaks + 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if ((progressCtx.curOffset + n) > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
uiDrawString("You're probably using a FAT32 partition. Make sure to enable file splitting.", 8, ((breaks + 6) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
fat32_error = true;
printProgressBar(&progressCtx, true, n);
if ((progressCtx.curOffset + n) < progressCtx.totalSize && ((progressCtx.curOffset / DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE) % 10) == 0)
u32 keysDown = hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO);
if (keysDown & KEY_B)
uiDrawString("Process canceled.", 8, ((breaks + 4) * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if (progressCtx.curOffset >= progressCtx.totalSize) success = true;
// Support empty files
if (!progressCtx.totalSize)
uiFill(0, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + 8, FB_WIDTH, (font_height + (font_height / 4)) * 2, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB, BG_COLOR_RGB);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Output file: \"%s\".", strrchr(dumpPath, '/') + 1);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
progressCtx.progress = 100;
printProgressBar(&progressCtx, false, 0);
breaks += 4;
if (success)
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx.now));
progressCtx.now -= progressCtx.start;
formatETAString(progressCtx.now, progressCtx.etaInfo, sizeof(progressCtx.etaInfo) / sizeof(progressCtx.etaInfo[0]));
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Process successfully completed after %s!", progressCtx.etaInfo);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 0, 255, 0);
} else {
if (buf) free(buf);
if (outFile) fclose(outFile);
if (!success)
if (fat32_error) breaks += 2;
if (progressCtx.totalSize > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && doSplitting)
for(u8 i = 0; i <= splitIndex; i++)
char *tmp = strrchr(dumpPath, '.');
if (tmp != NULL) *tmp = '\0';
sprintf(tmp_idx, ".%02u", splitIndex);
strcat(dumpPath, tmp_idx);
} else {
breaks += 2;
return success;
bool dumpGameCertificate(FsDeviceOperator* fsOperator)
u32 crc = 0;
Result result;
FsGameCardHandle handle;
FsStorage gameCardStorage;
bool success = false;
FILE *outFile = NULL;
char filename[NAME_BUF_LEN * 2] = {'\0'};
u8 buf[CERT_SIZE];
size_t write_res;
char *dumpName = generateDumpFullName();
if (!dumpName)
uiDrawString("Error: unable to generate output dump name!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return false;
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = fsDeviceOperatorGetGameCardHandle(fsOperator, &handle)))
/*snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "GetGameCardHandle succeeded: 0x%08X", handle.value);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = fsOpenGameCardStorage(&gameCardStorage, &handle, 0)))
/*snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "OpenGameCardStorage succeeded: 0x%08X", handle.value);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
if (CERT_SIZE <= freeSpace)
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = fsStorageRead(&gameCardStorage, CERT_OFFSET, buf, CERT_SIZE)))
// Calculate CRC32
crc32(buf, CERT_SIZE, &crc);
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename) / sizeof(filename[0]), "sdmc:/%s - Certificate (%08X).bin", dumpName, crc);
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Dumping game card certificate to \"%s\"...", filename);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 255, 255);
breaks += 2;
if (programAppletType != AppletType_Application && programAppletType != AppletType_SystemApplication)
uiDrawString("Do not press the " NINTENDO_FONT_HOME " button. Doing so could corrupt the SD card filesystem.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
outFile = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (outFile)
write_res = fwrite(buf, 1, CERT_SIZE, outFile);
if (write_res == CERT_SIZE)
success = true;
uiDrawString("Process successfully completed!", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 0, 255, 0);
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to write %u bytes certificate data! (wrote %lu bytes)", CERT_SIZE, write_res);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
if (!success) unlink(filename);
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "Failed to open output file \"%s\"!", filename);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "StorageRead failed (0x%08X) at offset 0x%08X", result, CERT_OFFSET);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
uiDrawString("Error: not enough free space available in the SD card.", 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "OpenGameCardStorage failed! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
} else {
snprintf(strbuf, sizeof(strbuf) / sizeof(strbuf[0]), "GetGameCardHandle failed! (0x%08X)", result);
uiDrawString(strbuf, 8, (breaks * (font_height + (font_height / 4))) + (font_height / 8), 255, 0, 0);
breaks += 2;
return success;