mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 14:37:32 -03:00
* Fix reset settings option. * Try to display sizes using a human-readable format after starting a dump process.
7207 lines
242 KiB
7207 lines
242 KiB
* main.c
* Copyright (c) 2020-2024, DarkMatterCore <pabloacurielz@gmail.com>.
* This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool).
* nxdumptool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* nxdumptool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <core/nxdt_utils.h>
#include <core/gamecard.h>
#include <core/title.h>
#include <core/cnmt.h>
#include <core/program_info.h>
#include <core/nacp.h>
#include <core/legal_info.h>
#include <core/cert.h>
#include <core/usb.h>
#include <core/devoptab/nxdt_devoptab.h>
#define WAIT_TIME_LIMIT 30
/* Type definitions. */
typedef struct _Menu Menu;
typedef u32 (*MenuElementOptionGetterFunction)(void);
typedef void (*MenuElementOptionSetterFunction)(u32 idx);
typedef bool (*MenuElementFunction)(void *userdata);
typedef struct {
u32 selected; ///< Used to keep track of the selected option.
bool retrieved; ///< Used to determine if the value for this option has already been retrieved from configuration.
MenuElementOptionGetterFunction getter_func; ///< Pointer to a function to be called the first time an option value is loaded. Should be set to NULL if not used.
MenuElementOptionSetterFunction setter_func; ///< Pointer to a function to be called each time a new option value is selected. Should be set to NULL if not used.
char **options; ///< Pointer to multiple char pointers with strings representing options. Last element must be set to NULL.
} MenuElementOption;
typedef struct {
char *str; ///< Pointer to a string to be printed for this menu element.
Menu *child_menu; ///< Pointer to a child Menu element. Must be set to NULL if task_func != NULL.
MenuElementFunction task_func; ///< Pointer to a function to be called by this element. Must be set to NULL if child_menu != NULL.
MenuElementOption *element_options; ///< Options for this menu element. Should be set to NULL if not used.
void *userdata; ///< Optional userdata pointer associated with this element. This is always passed to task_func as its only argument.
///< This may or may be not used by the menu handler. Should be set to NULL if not used.
} MenuElement;
struct _Menu {
u32 id; ///< Identifier.
struct _Menu *parent; ///< Set to NULL in the root menu element.
u32 selected, scroll; ///< Used to keep track of the selected element and scroll values.
MenuElement **elements; ///< Element info from this menu. Last element must be set to NULL.
typedef enum {
MenuId_Root = 0,
MenuId_GameCard = 1,
MenuId_XCI = 2,
MenuId_DumpHFS = 3,
MenuId_BrowseHFS = 4,
MenuId_UserTitles = 5,
MenuId_UserTitlesSubMenu = 6,
MenuId_NSPTitleTypes = 7,
MenuId_NSP = 8,
MenuId_TicketTitleTypes = 9,
MenuId_Ticket = 10,
MenuId_NcaTitleTypes = 11,
MenuId_Nca = 12,
MenuId_NcaFsSections = 13,
MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu = 14,
MenuId_SystemTitles = 15,
MenuId_Count = 16
} MenuId;
typedef struct
FILE *fp;
void *data;
size_t data_size;
size_t data_written;
size_t total_size;
bool read_error;
bool write_error;
bool transfer_cancelled;
} SharedThreadData;
typedef struct {
SharedThreadData shared_thread_data;
u32 xci_crc, full_xci_crc;
} XciThreadData;
typedef struct {
SharedThreadData shared_thread_data;
HashFileSystemContext *hfs_ctx;
} HfsThreadData;
typedef struct {
void *data;
size_t data_written;
size_t total_size;
bool error;
bool transfer_cancelled;
} NspThreadData;
typedef struct {
TitleInfo *title_info;
u32 content_idx;
} NcaUserData;
typedef struct {
SharedThreadData shared_thread_data;
NcaContext *nca_ctx;
} NcaThreadData;
typedef struct {
SharedThreadData shared_thread_data;
PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx;
bool use_layeredfs_dir;
} PfsThreadData;
typedef struct {
SharedThreadData shared_thread_data;
RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx;
bool use_layeredfs_dir;
} RomFsThreadData;
typedef struct {
bool highlight;
size_t size;
char size_str[0x10];
struct dirent dt;
} FsBrowserEntry;
typedef struct {
SharedThreadData shared_thread_data;
FILE *src;
} FsBrowserFileThreadData;
typedef struct {
SharedThreadData shared_thread_data;
const char *dir_path;
const FsBrowserEntry *entries;
u32 entries_count;
const char *base_out_path;
} FsBrowserHighlightedEntriesThreadData;
/* Function prototypes. */
static void utilsScanPads(void);
static u64 utilsGetButtonsDown(void);
static u64 utilsGetButtonsHeld(void);
static u64 utilsWaitForButtonPress(u64 flag);
static void consolePrint(const char *text, ...);
static void consolePrintReversedColors(const char *text, ...);
static void consoleRefresh(void);
static u32 menuGetElementCount(const Menu *menu);
static void menuResetAttributes(Menu *cur_menu, u32 element_count);
void freeStorageList(void);
void updateStorageList(void);
void freeTitleList(Menu *menu);
void updateTitleList(Menu *menu, Menu *submenu, bool is_system);
static TitleInfo *getLatestTitleInfo(TitleInfo *title_info, u32 *out_idx, u32 *out_count);
void freeNcaList(void);
void updateNcaList(TitleInfo *title_info, u32 *element_count);
static void switchNcaListTitle(Menu **cur_menu, u32 *element_count, TitleInfo *title_info);
void freeNcaFsSectionsList(void);
void updateNcaFsSectionsList(NcaUserData *nca_user_data);
void freeNcaBasePatchList(void);
void updateNcaBasePatchList(TitleUserApplicationData *user_app_data, TitleInfo *title_info, NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx);
NX_INLINE bool useUsbHost(void);
static bool waitForGameCard(void);
static bool waitForUsb(void);
static char *generateOutputGameCardFileName(const char *subdir, const char *extension, bool use_nacp_name);
static char *generateOutputTitleFileName(TitleInfo *title_info, const char *subdir, const char *extension);
static char *generateOutputLayeredFsFileName(u64 title_id, const char *subdir, const char *extension);
static bool dumpGameCardSecurityInformation(GameCardSecurityInformation *out);
static bool saveGameCardImage(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardHeader(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardCardInfo(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardCertificate(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardInitialData(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardSpecificData(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardIdSet(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardUid(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardHfsPartition(void *userdata);
static bool saveGameCardRawHfsPartition(HashFileSystemContext *hfs_ctx);
static bool saveGameCardExtractedHfsPartition(HashFileSystemContext *hfs_ctx);
static bool browseGameCardHfsPartition(void *userdata);
static bool saveConsoleLafwBlob(void *userdata);
static bool saveNintendoSubmissionPackage(void *userdata);
static bool saveTicket(void *userdata);
static bool saveNintendoContentArchive(void *userdata);
static bool saveNintendoContentArchiveFsSection(void *userdata);
static bool browseNintendoContentArchiveFsSection(void *userdata);
static bool fsBrowser(const char *mount_name, const char *base_out_path);
static bool fsBrowserGetDirEntries(const char *dir_path, FsBrowserEntry **out_entries, u32 *out_entry_count);
static bool fsBrowserDumpFile(const char *dir_path, const FsBrowserEntry *entry, const char *base_out_path);
static bool fsBrowserDumpHighlightedEntries(const char *dir_path, const FsBrowserEntry *entries, u32 entries_count, const char *base_out_path);
static bool initializeNcaFsContext(void *userdata, u8 *out_section_type, bool *out_use_layeredfs_dir, NcaContext **out_base_patch_nca_ctx, void **out_fs_ctx);
static bool saveRawPartitionFsSection(PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx, bool use_layeredfs_dir);
static bool saveExtractedPartitionFsSection(PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx, bool use_layeredfs_dir);
static bool saveRawRomFsSection(RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx, bool use_layeredfs_dir);
static bool saveExtractedRomFsSection(RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx, bool use_layeredfs_dir);
static void xciReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void rawHfsReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void extractedHfsReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void ncaReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void rawPartitionFsReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void extractedPartitionFsReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void rawRomFsReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void extractedRomFsReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void fsBrowserFileReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static void fsBrowserHighlightedEntriesReadThreadFunc(void *arg);
static bool fsBrowserHighlightedEntriesReadThreadLoop(SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data, const char *dir_path, const FsBrowserEntry *entries, u32 entries_count, const char *base_out_path, void *buf1, void *buf2);
static void genericWriteThreadFunc(void *arg);
static bool spanDumpThreads(ThreadFunc read_func, ThreadFunc write_func, void *arg);
static void nspThreadFunc(void *arg);
static u32 getOutputStorageOption(void);
static void setOutputStorageOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getGameCardPrependKeyAreaOption(void);
static void setGameCardPrependKeyAreaOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getGameCardKeepCertificateOption(void);
static void setGameCardKeepCertificateOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getGameCardTrimDumpOption(void);
static void setGameCardTrimDumpOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getGameCardCalculateChecksumOption(void);
static void setGameCardCalculateChecksumOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getGameCardWriteRawHfsPartitionOption(void);
static void setGameCardWriteRawHfsPartitionOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNspSetDownloadDistributionOption(void);
static void setNspSetDownloadDistributionOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNspRemoveConsoleDataOption(void);
static void setNspRemoveConsoleDataOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNspRemoveTitlekeyCryptoOption(void);
static void setNspRemoveTitlekeyCryptoOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNspDisableLinkedAccountRequirementOption(void);
static void setNspDisableLinkedAccountRequirementOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNspEnableScreenshotsOption(void);
static void setNspEnableScreenshotsOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNspEnableVideoCaptureOption(void);
static void setNspEnableVideoCaptureOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNspDisableHdcpOption(void);
static void setNspDisableHdcpOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNspGenerateAuthoringToolDataOption(void);
static void setNspGenerateAuthoringToolDataOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getTicketRemoveConsoleDataOption(void);
static void setTicketRemoveConsoleDataOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNcaFsWriteRawSectionOption(void);
static void setNcaFsWriteRawSectionOption(u32 idx);
static u32 getNcaFsUseLayeredFsDirOption(void);
static void setNcaFsUseLayeredFsDirOption(u32 idx);
static bool resetSettings(void *userdata);
/* Global variables. */
bool g_borealisInitialized = false;
static PadState g_padState = {0};
static char *g_noYesStrings[] = { "no", "yes", NULL };
static bool g_appletStatus = true;
static UsbHsFsDevice *g_umsDevices = NULL;
static u32 g_umsDeviceCount = 0;
static char **g_storageOptions = NULL;
static MenuElementOption g_storageMenuElementOption = {
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getOutputStorageOption,
.setter_func = &setOutputStorageOption,
.options = NULL // Dynamically set
static MenuElement g_storageMenuElement = {
.str = "output storage",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &g_storageMenuElementOption,
.userdata = NULL
static MenuElement *g_xciMenuElements[] = {
.str = "start xci dump",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardImage,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "prepend key area",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getGameCardPrependKeyAreaOption,
.setter_func = &setGameCardPrependKeyAreaOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "keep certificate",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getGameCardKeepCertificateOption,
.setter_func = &setGameCardKeepCertificateOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "trim dump",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getGameCardTrimDumpOption,
.setter_func = &setGameCardTrimDumpOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "calculate checksum",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 1,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getGameCardCalculateChecksumOption,
.setter_func = &setGameCardCalculateChecksumOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
static u32 g_hfsRootPartition = HashFileSystemPartitionType_Root;
static u32 g_hfsUpdatePartition = HashFileSystemPartitionType_Update;
static u32 g_hfsLogoPartition = HashFileSystemPartitionType_Logo;
static u32 g_hfsNormalPartition = HashFileSystemPartitionType_Normal;
static u32 g_hfsSecurePartition = HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure;
static MenuElement *g_gameCardHfsDumpMenuElements[] = {
.str = "dump root hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsRootPartition
.str = "dump update hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsUpdatePartition
.str = "dump logo hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsLogoPartition
.str = "dump normal hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsNormalPartition
.str = "dump secure hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsSecurePartition
.str = "write raw hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getGameCardWriteRawHfsPartitionOption,
.setter_func = &setGameCardWriteRawHfsPartitionOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
static MenuElement *g_gameCardHfsBrowseMenuElements[] = {
.str = "browse root hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &browseGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsRootPartition
.str = "browse update hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &browseGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsUpdatePartition
.str = "browse logo hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &browseGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsLogoPartition
.str = "browse normal hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &browseGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsNormalPartition
.str = "browse secure hfs partition",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &browseGameCardHfsPartition,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_hfsSecurePartition
static MenuElement *g_gameCardMenuElements[] = {
.str = "dump gamecard image (xci)",
.child_menu = &(Menu){
.id = MenuId_XCI,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_xciMenuElements
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump gamecard initial data",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardInitialData,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump gamecard certificate",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardCertificate,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump gamecard id set",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardIdSet,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump gamecard uid",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardUid,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump gamecard header (optional)",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardHeader,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump gamecard cardinfo (optional)",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardCardInfo,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump gamecard specific data (optional)",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveGameCardSpecificData,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump hfs partitions (optional)",
.child_menu = &(Menu){
.id = MenuId_DumpHFS,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_gameCardHfsDumpMenuElements
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "browse hfs partitions (optional)",
.child_menu = &(Menu){
.id = MenuId_BrowseHFS,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_gameCardHfsBrowseMenuElements
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "dump console lafw blob (optional)",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveConsoleLafwBlob,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
static MenuElement *g_nspMenuElements[] = {
.str = "start nsp dump",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveNintendoSubmissionPackage,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL // Dynamically set to the TitleInfo object from the title to dump
.str = "nca: set content distribution type to \"download\"",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNspSetDownloadDistributionOption,
.setter_func = &setNspSetDownloadDistributionOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "tik: remove console specific data",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNspRemoveConsoleDataOption,
.setter_func = &setNspRemoveConsoleDataOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "nca/tik: remove titlekey crypto (overrides previous option)",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNspRemoveTitlekeyCryptoOption,
.setter_func = &setNspRemoveTitlekeyCryptoOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "nacp: disable linked account requirement",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 1,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNspDisableLinkedAccountRequirementOption,
.setter_func = &setNspDisableLinkedAccountRequirementOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "nacp: enable screenshots",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 1,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNspEnableScreenshotsOption,
.setter_func = &setNspEnableScreenshotsOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "nacp: enable video capture",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 1,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNspEnableVideoCaptureOption,
.setter_func = &setNspEnableVideoCaptureOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "nacp: disable hdcp",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 1,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNspDisableHdcpOption,
.setter_func = &setNspDisableHdcpOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "nsp: generate authoringtool data",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 1,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNspGenerateAuthoringToolDataOption,
.setter_func = &setNspGenerateAuthoringToolDataOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
static Menu g_nspMenu = {
.id = MenuId_NSP,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_nspMenuElements
static MenuElement *g_ticketMenuElements[] = {
.str = "start ticket dump",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveTicket,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL // Dynamically set to the TitleInfo object from the title to dump
.str = "remove console specific data",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getTicketRemoveConsoleDataOption,
.setter_func = &setTicketRemoveConsoleDataOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
static Menu g_ticketMenu = {
.id = MenuId_Ticket,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_ticketMenuElements
static TitleInfo *g_ncaUserTitleInfo = NULL, *g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = NULL, *g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfoBkp = NULL;
static char **g_ncaBasePatchOptions = NULL;
static MenuElementOption g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuBasePatchElementOption = {
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = NULL,
.setter_func = NULL,
.options = NULL // Dynamically set
static MenuElement *g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuElements[] = {
.str = "start nca fs section dump",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &saveNintendoContentArchiveFsSection,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL // Dynamically set
.str = "browse nca fs section",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &browseNintendoContentArchiveFsSection,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL // Dynamically set
.str = "use base/patch title",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuBasePatchElementOption,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "write raw section",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNcaFsWriteRawSectionOption,
.setter_func = &setNcaFsWriteRawSectionOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
.str = "use layeredfs dir",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = &(MenuElementOption){
.selected = 0,
.retrieved = false,
.getter_func = &getNcaFsUseLayeredFsDirOption,
.setter_func = &setNcaFsUseLayeredFsDirOption,
.options = g_noYesStrings
.userdata = NULL
static Menu g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenu = {
.id = MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuElements
static bool g_ncaMenuRawMode = false;
static NcaContext *g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx = NULL;
static MenuElement **g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements = NULL;
// Dynamically populated using g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements.
static Menu g_ncaFsSectionsMenu = {
.id = MenuId_NcaFsSections,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = NULL
static MenuElement **g_ncaMenuElements = NULL;
// Dynamically populated using g_ncaMenuElements.
static Menu g_ncaMenu = {
.id = MenuId_Nca,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = NULL
static u32 g_metaTypeApplication = NcmContentMetaType_Application;
static u32 g_metaTypePatch = NcmContentMetaType_Patch;
static u32 g_metaTypeAOC = NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent;
static u32 g_metaTypeAOCPatch = NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch;
static MenuElement *g_titleTypesMenuElements[] = {
.str = "dump base application",
.child_menu = NULL, // Dynamically set
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_metaTypeApplication
.str = "dump update",
.child_menu = NULL, // Dynamically set
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_metaTypePatch
.str = "dump dlc",
.child_menu = NULL, // Dynamically set
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_metaTypeAOC
.str = "dump dlc update",
.child_menu = NULL, // Dynamically set
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = &g_metaTypeAOCPatch
static MenuElement *g_userTitlesSubMenuElements[] = {
.str = "nsp dump options",
.child_menu = &(Menu){
.id = MenuId_NSPTitleTypes,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_titleTypesMenuElements
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "ticket dump options",
.child_menu = &(Menu){
.id = MenuId_TicketTitleTypes,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_titleTypesMenuElements
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "nca / nca fs dump options",
.child_menu = &(Menu){
.id = MenuId_NcaTitleTypes,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_titleTypesMenuElements
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
// Dynamically set as child_menu for all g_userTitlesMenu entries.
static Menu g_userTitlesSubMenu = {
.id = MenuId_UserTitlesSubMenu,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_userTitlesSubMenuElements
// Dynamically populated.
static Menu g_userTitlesMenu = {
.id = MenuId_UserTitles,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = NULL
// Dynamically populated.
static Menu g_systemTitlesMenu = {
.id = MenuId_SystemTitles,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = NULL
static MenuElement *g_rootMenuElements[] = {
.str = "gamecard menu",
.child_menu = &(Menu){
.id = MenuId_GameCard,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_gameCardMenuElements
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "user titles menu",
.child_menu = &g_userTitlesMenu,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "system titles menu",
.child_menu = &g_systemTitlesMenu,
.task_func = NULL,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
.str = "reset settings",
.child_menu = NULL,
.task_func = &resetSettings,
.element_options = NULL,
.userdata = NULL
static Menu g_rootMenu = {
.id = MenuId_Root,
.parent = NULL,
.selected = 0,
.scroll = 0,
.elements = g_rootMenuElements
static Mutex g_conMutex = 0, g_fileMutex = 0;
static CondVar g_readCondvar = 0, g_writeCondvar = 0;
static char path[FS_MAX_PATH * 2] = {0};
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS;
if (!utilsInitializeResources())
goto end;
/* Configure input. */
/* Up to 8 different, full controller inputs. */
/* Individual Joy-Cons not supported. */
padConfigureInput(8, HidNpadStyleSet_NpadFullCtrl);
padInitializeWithMask(&g_padState, 0x1000000FFUL);
updateTitleList(&g_userTitlesMenu, &g_userTitlesSubMenu, false);
updateTitleList(&g_systemTitlesMenu, &g_ncaMenu, true);
Menu *cur_menu = &g_rootMenu;
u32 element_count = menuGetElementCount(cur_menu), page_size = 20;
TitleApplicationMetadata *app_metadata = NULL;
TitleUserApplicationData user_app_data = {0};
TitleInfo *title_info = NULL;
u32 title_info_idx = 0, title_info_count = 0;
bool is_system = false;
MenuElement *selected_element = ((cur_menu->elements && element_count && cur_menu->selected < element_count) ? cur_menu->elements[cur_menu->selected] : NULL);
MenuElementOption *selected_element_options = (selected_element ? selected_element->element_options : NULL);
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitlesSubMenu && selected_element && selected_element->child_menu)
/* Set title types child menu pointer if we're currently at the user titles submenu. */
u32 child_id = selected_element->child_menu->id;
g_titleTypesMenuElements[0]->child_menu = g_titleTypesMenuElements[1]->child_menu = \
g_titleTypesMenuElements[2]->child_menu = g_titleTypesMenuElements[3]->child_menu = (child_id == MenuId_NSPTitleTypes ? &g_nspMenu : \
(child_id == MenuId_TicketTitleTypes ? &g_ticketMenu : \
(child_id == MenuId_NcaTitleTypes ? &g_ncaMenu : NULL)));
consolePrint(APP_TITLE " v" APP_VERSION " (" GIT_REV ").\nBuilt on " BUILD_TIMESTAMP ".\n");
if (cur_menu->parent) consolePrint("press b to go back\n");
if (g_umsDeviceCount) consolePrint("press x to safely remove all ums devices\n");
if ((cur_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitles || cur_menu->id == MenuId_SystemTitles) && element_count) consolePrint("press y to dump csv with title info to the sd card\n");
consolePrint("use the sticks to scroll faster\n");
consolePrint("press + to exit\n");
if ((cur_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitles || cur_menu->id == MenuId_SystemTitles) && selected_element)
app_metadata = (TitleApplicationMetadata*)selected_element->userdata;
consolePrint("title: %u / %u\n", cur_menu->selected + 1, element_count);
consolePrint("selected title: %016lX - %s\n", app_metadata->title_id, selected_element->str);
} else
if (cur_menu->id >= MenuId_UserTitlesSubMenu && cur_menu->id < MenuId_SystemTitles)
if (!is_system)
consolePrint("title info:\n\n");
consolePrint("name: %s\n", app_metadata->lang_entry.name);
consolePrint("publisher: %s\n", app_metadata->lang_entry.author);
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitlesSubMenu || cur_menu->id == MenuId_NSPTitleTypes || cur_menu->id == MenuId_TicketTitleTypes || \
cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaTitleTypes) consolePrint("title id: %016lX\n", app_metadata->title_id);
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NSP || cur_menu->id == MenuId_Ticket || cur_menu->id == MenuId_Nca || \
cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSections || cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu)
if (cur_menu->id != MenuId_NcaFsSections && cur_menu->id != MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu && (title_info->previous || title_info->next))
consolePrintReversedColors("press l/zl/r/zr to change the selected title\n");
consolePrintReversedColors("title: %u / %u\n", title_info_idx + 1, title_info_count);
consolePrint("selected title info:\n\n");
if (is_system) consolePrint("name: %s\n", app_metadata->lang_entry.name);
consolePrint("title id: %016lX\n", title_info->meta_key.id);
consolePrint("type: %s\n", titleGetNcmContentMetaTypeName(title_info->meta_key.type));
consolePrint("source storage: %s\n", titleGetNcmStorageIdName(title_info->storage_id));
consolePrint("version: %u (%u.%u.%u-%u.%u)\n", title_info->version.value, title_info->version.system_version.major, title_info->version.system_version.minor, \
title_info->version.system_version.micro, title_info->version.system_version.major_relstep, title_info->version.system_version.minor_relstep);
consolePrint("content count: %u\n", title_info->content_count);
consolePrint("size: %s\n", title_info->size_str);
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NSP) g_nspMenuElements[0]->userdata = title_info;
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_Ticket) g_ticketMenuElements[0]->userdata = title_info;
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_Nca)
consolePrintReversedColors("current mode: %s\n", g_ncaMenuRawMode ? "raw nca" : "nca fs section");
consolePrintReversedColors("press y to switch to %s mode\n", g_ncaMenuRawMode ? "nca fs section" : "raw nca");
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSections || cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu)
consolePrint("selected nca info:\n\n");
consolePrint("content id: %s\n", g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx->content_id_str);
consolePrint("content type: %s\n", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx->content_type));
consolePrint("id offset: %u\n", g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx->id_offset);
consolePrint("size: %s\n", g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx->content_size_str);
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu)
NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx = (NcaFsSectionContext*)g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuElements[0]->userdata;
consolePrint("selected nca fs section info:\n");
consolePrint("section index: %u\n", nca_fs_ctx->section_idx);
consolePrint("section type: %s\n", ncaGetFsSectionTypeName(nca_fs_ctx));
consolePrint("section size: %s\n", nca_fs_ctx->section_size_str);
} else
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_GameCard) {
consolePrint("For a full gamecard image: dump XCI, initial data, certificate, id set and uid.\n");
for(u32 i = cur_menu->scroll; i < element_count; i++)
if (i >= (cur_menu->scroll + page_size)) break;
MenuElement *cur_element = cur_menu->elements[i];
MenuElementOption *cur_options = cur_element->element_options;
TitleApplicationMetadata *cur_app_metadata = ((cur_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitles || cur_menu->id == MenuId_SystemTitles) ? (TitleApplicationMetadata*)cur_element->userdata : NULL);
consolePrint("%s", i == cur_menu->selected ? " -> " : " ");
if (cur_app_metadata) consolePrint("%016lX - ", cur_app_metadata->title_id);
consolePrint("%s", cur_element->str);
if (cur_options)
if (cur_options->getter_func && !cur_options->retrieved)
cur_options->selected = cur_options->getter_func();
cur_options->retrieved = true;
consolePrint(": ");
if (cur_options->selected > 0) consolePrint("< ");
consolePrint("%s", cur_options->options[cur_options->selected]);
if (cur_options->options[cur_options->selected + 1]) consolePrint(" >");
if (!element_count) consolePrint("no elements available! press b to go back");
bool data_update = false;
u64 btn_down = 0, btn_held = 0;
while((g_appletStatus = appletMainLoop()))
btn_down = utilsGetButtonsDown();
btn_held = utilsGetButtonsHeld();
if (btn_down || btn_held) break;
if (umsIsDeviceInfoUpdated())
data_update = true;
if (titleIsGameCardInfoUpdated())
updateTitleList(&g_userTitlesMenu, &g_userTitlesSubMenu, false);
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitles) element_count = menuGetElementCount(cur_menu);
g_userTitlesMenu.selected = g_userTitlesMenu.scroll = 0;
data_update = true;
if (!g_appletStatus) break;
if (data_update) continue;
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_A) && selected_element)
Menu *child_menu = selected_element->child_menu;
if (child_menu)
bool error = false;
/* Only change menus if a valid ID was set. */
if (child_menu->id == MenuId_Root || child_menu->id >= MenuId_Count || child_menu->id == cur_menu->id) continue;
/* Retrieve extra data based on the current menu ID. */
if (child_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitlesSubMenu)
error = !titleGetUserApplicationData(app_metadata->title_id, &user_app_data);
if (error) consolePrint("\nfailed to get user application data for %016lX!\n", app_metadata->title_id);
} else
if (child_menu->id == MenuId_NSP || child_menu->id == MenuId_Ticket || child_menu->id == MenuId_Nca)
u32 title_type = (cur_menu->id != MenuId_SystemTitles ? *((u32*)selected_element->userdata) : NcmContentMetaType_Unknown);
case NcmContentMetaType_Application:
title_info = user_app_data.app_info;
case NcmContentMetaType_Patch:
title_info = user_app_data.patch_info;
case NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent:
title_info = user_app_data.aoc_info;
case NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch:
title_info = user_app_data.aoc_patch_info;
/* Get TitleInfo element on demand. */
title_info = titleGetTitleInfoEntryFromStorageByTitleId(NcmStorageId_BuiltInSystem, app_metadata->title_id);
if (title_info)
title_info = getLatestTitleInfo(title_info, &title_info_idx, &title_info_count);
if (child_menu->id == MenuId_Nca)
updateNcaList(title_info, &element_count);
if (!g_ncaMenuElements || !g_ncaMenuElements[0])
consolePrint("failed to generate nca list\n");
error = true;
if (!error && cur_menu->id == MenuId_SystemTitles) is_system = true;
} else {
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_SystemTitles)
consolePrint("\nunable to retrieve data for system title %016lX\n", app_metadata->title_id);
} else {
consolePrint("\nthe selected title doesn't have available %s data\n", \
title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Application ? "base application" : \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch ? "update" : (title_type == NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent ? "dlc" : "dlc update")));
error = true;
} else
if (child_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSections)
if (!g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements || !g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[0])
consolePrint("failed to generate nca fs sections list\n");
error = true;
} else
if (child_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu)
NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx = selected_element->userdata;
if (nca_fs_ctx->enabled)
updateNcaBasePatchList(&user_app_data, title_info, nca_fs_ctx);
} else {
consolePrint("can't dump an invalid nca fs section!\n");
error = true;
if (!error)
child_menu->parent = cur_menu;
cur_menu = child_menu;
element_count = menuGetElementCount(cur_menu);
} else {
consolePrint("press any button to go back\n");
} else
if (selected_element->task_func)
bool show_button_prompt = true;
/* Wait for gamecard (if needed). */
if (((cur_menu->id >= MenuId_GameCard && cur_menu->id <= MenuId_BrowseHFS) || (title_info && title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard)) && !waitForGameCard())
if (g_appletStatus) continue;
if ((cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu && cur_menu->selected == 1) || cur_menu->id == MenuId_BrowseHFS)
show_button_prompt = false;
/* Ignore result. */
/* Update free space. */
if (!useUsbHost()) updateStorageList();
} else
if (cur_menu->id > MenuId_Root)
/* Wait for USB session (if needed). */
if (useUsbHost() && !waitForUsb())
if (g_appletStatus) continue;
/* Run task. */
if (selected_element->task_func(selected_element->userdata))
if (!useUsbHost()) updateStorageList(); // update free space
} else {
/* Ignore result. */
if (g_appletStatus && show_button_prompt)
/* Display prompt. */
consolePrint("press any button to continue");
} else
if (((btn_down & HidNpadButton_Down) || (btn_held & (HidNpadButton_StickLDown | HidNpadButton_StickRDown))) && element_count)
if (!cur_menu->elements[cur_menu->selected])
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_Down)
cur_menu->selected = 0;
cur_menu->scroll = 0;
} else {
} else
if (cur_menu->selected >= (cur_menu->scroll + (page_size / 2)) && element_count > (cur_menu->scroll + page_size))
} else
if (((btn_down & HidNpadButton_Up) || (btn_held & (HidNpadButton_StickLUp | HidNpadButton_StickRUp))) && element_count)
if (cur_menu->selected == UINT32_MAX)
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_Up)
cur_menu->selected = (element_count - 1);
cur_menu->scroll = (element_count >= page_size ? (element_count - page_size) : 0);
} else {
cur_menu->selected = 0;
} else
if (cur_menu->selected < (cur_menu->scroll + (page_size / 2)) && cur_menu->scroll > 0)
} else
if ((btn_down & (HidNpadButton_Right | HidNpadButton_StickLRight | HidNpadButton_StickRRight)) && selected_element_options)
/* Point to the next base/patch title. */
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu && cur_menu->selected == 2)
if (selected_element_options->selected == 0 && g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfoBkp)
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfoBkp;
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfoBkp = NULL;
} else
if (selected_element_options->selected > 0 && g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo && g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->next)
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->next;
if (!selected_element_options->options[selected_element_options->selected]) selected_element_options->selected--;
if (selected_element_options->setter_func) selected_element_options->setter_func(selected_element_options->selected);
} else
if ((btn_down & (HidNpadButton_Left | HidNpadButton_StickLLeft | HidNpadButton_StickRLeft)) && selected_element_options)
if (selected_element_options->selected == UINT32_MAX) selected_element_options->selected = 0;
if (selected_element_options->setter_func) selected_element_options->setter_func(selected_element_options->selected);
/* Point to the previous base/patch title. */
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu && cur_menu->selected == 2)
if (selected_element_options->selected == 0 && g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo)
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfoBkp = g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo;
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = NULL;
} else
if (selected_element_options->selected > 0 && g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo && g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->previous)
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->previous;
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_B) && cur_menu->parent)
menuResetAttributes(cur_menu, element_count);
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitles || cur_menu->id == MenuId_SystemTitles)
app_metadata = NULL;
} else
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitlesSubMenu)
g_titleTypesMenuElements[0]->child_menu = g_titleTypesMenuElements[1]->child_menu = \
g_titleTypesMenuElements[2]->child_menu = g_titleTypesMenuElements[3]->child_menu = NULL;
} else
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NSPTitleTypes || cur_menu->id == MenuId_TicketTitleTypes || cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaTitleTypes)
title_info = NULL;
title_info_idx = title_info_count = 0;
} else
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NSP)
g_nspMenuElements[0]->userdata = NULL;
} else
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_Ticket)
g_ticketMenuElements[0]->userdata = NULL;
} else
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_Nca)
if (is_system)
is_system = false;
} else
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSections)
} else
if (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NcaFsSectionsSubMenu)
cur_menu = cur_menu->parent;
element_count = menuGetElementCount(cur_menu);
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_X) && g_umsDeviceCount)
for(u32 i = 0; i < g_umsDeviceCount; i++) umsUnmountDevice(&(g_umsDevices[i]));
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_Y) && (cur_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitles || cur_menu->id == MenuId_SystemTitles) && element_count)
consolePrint("dumping title info to csv, please wait...\n");
sprintf(path, DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE "/" OUTDIR "/%s_title_records.csv", cur_menu->id == MenuId_UserTitles ? "user" : "system");
char *csv_buf = NULL;
size_t csv_buf_size = 0;
u32 proc_title_cnt = 0;
csv_buf = titleGenerateTitleRecordsCsv(&csv_buf_size, &proc_title_cnt, cur_menu->id == MenuId_SystemTitles, false);
if (csv_buf)
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(path, false);
FILE *csv_fd = fopen(path, "wb");
if (csv_fd)
fwrite(UTF8_BOM, 1, strlen(UTF8_BOM), csv_fd);
fwrite(csv_buf, 1, csv_buf_size, csv_fd);
consolePrint("title info dumped to \"%s\". %u title record(s) processed.\n", path, proc_title_cnt);
} else {
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing\n", path);
} else {
consolePrint("failed to generate csv data\n");
consolePrint("press any button to go back");
} else
if (((btn_down & (HidNpadButton_L)) || (btn_held & HidNpadButton_ZL)) && (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NSP || cur_menu->id == MenuId_Ticket || cur_menu->id == MenuId_Nca) && title_info->previous)
title_info = title_info->previous;
switchNcaListTitle(&cur_menu, &element_count, title_info);
} else
if (((btn_down & (HidNpadButton_R)) || (btn_held & HidNpadButton_ZR)) && (cur_menu->id == MenuId_NSP || cur_menu->id == MenuId_Ticket || cur_menu->id == MenuId_Nca) && title_info->next)
title_info = title_info->next;
switchNcaListTitle(&cur_menu, &element_count, title_info);
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_Y) && cur_menu->id == MenuId_Nca)
/* Change NCA menu element properties. */
g_ncaMenuRawMode ^= 1;
for(u32 i = 0; g_ncaMenuElements[i]; i++)
g_ncaMenuElements[i]->child_menu = (g_ncaMenuRawMode ? NULL : &g_ncaFsSectionsMenu);
g_ncaMenuElements[i]->task_func = (g_ncaMenuRawMode ? &saveNintendoContentArchive : NULL);
} else
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_Plus)
if (!g_appletStatus) break;
return ret;
static void utilsScanPads(void)
static u64 utilsGetButtonsDown(void)
return padGetButtonsDown(&g_padState);
static u64 utilsGetButtonsHeld(void)
return padGetButtons(&g_padState);
static u64 utilsWaitForButtonPress(u64 flag)
/* Don't consider stick movement as button inputs. */
if (!flag) flag = ~(HidNpadButton_StickLLeft | HidNpadButton_StickLRight | HidNpadButton_StickLUp | HidNpadButton_StickLDown | HidNpadButton_StickRLeft | HidNpadButton_StickRRight | \
HidNpadButton_StickRUp | HidNpadButton_StickRDown);
u64 btn_down = 0;
if ((btn_down = utilsGetButtonsDown()) & flag) break;
return btn_down;
static void consolePrint(const char *text, ...)
va_list v;
va_start(v, text);
vfprintf(stdout, text, v);
static void consolePrintReversedColors(const char *text, ...)
va_list v;
va_start(v, text);
vfprintf(stdout, text, v);
static void consoleRefresh(void)
static u32 menuGetElementCount(const Menu *menu)
if (!menu || !menu->elements || !menu->elements[0]) return 0;
u32 cnt;
for(cnt = 0; menu->elements[cnt]; cnt++);
return cnt;
static void menuResetAttributes(Menu *cur_menu, u32 element_count)
if (!cur_menu) return;
cur_menu->selected = 0;
cur_menu->scroll = 0;
for(u32 i = 0; i < element_count; i++)
MenuElement *cur_element = cur_menu->elements[i];
MenuElementOption *cur_options = cur_element->element_options;
if (cur_options && cur_options != &g_storageMenuElementOption) cur_options->retrieved = false;
void freeStorageList(void)
u32 elem_count = (2 + g_umsDeviceCount); // sd card, usb host, ums devices
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
if (g_storageOptions)
for(u32 i = 0; i < elem_count && g_storageOptions[i]; i++)
g_storageOptions[i] = NULL;
g_storageOptions = NULL;
if (g_umsDevices)
g_umsDevices = NULL;
g_umsDeviceCount = 0;
g_storageMenuElementOption.options = NULL;
void updateStorageList(void)
u32 elem_count = 0, idx = 0;
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
/* Get UMS devices. */
g_umsDevices = umsGetDevices(&g_umsDeviceCount);
elem_count = (2 + g_umsDeviceCount); // sd card, usb host, ums devices
/* Allocate buffer. */
g_storageOptions = calloc(elem_count + 1, sizeof(char*)); // NULL terminator
/* Generate UMS device strings. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < elem_count; i++)
u64 total = 0, free = 0;
char total_str[36] = {0}, free_str[32] = {0};
if (!g_storageOptions[idx])
g_storageOptions[idx] = calloc(sizeof(char), 0x300);
if (!g_storageOptions[idx]) continue;
if (i == 1)
sprintf(g_storageOptions[idx], "usb host (pc)");
} else {
UsbHsFsDevice *ums_device = (i >= 2 ? &(g_umsDevices[i - 2]) : NULL);
sprintf(total_str, "%s/", i == 0 ? DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE : ums_device->name);
utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(total_str, &total, &free);
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString(total, total_str, sizeof(total_str));
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString(free, free_str, sizeof(free_str));
if (i == 0)
sprintf(g_storageOptions[idx], DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE " (%s / %s)", free_str, total_str);
} else {
if (ums_device->product_name[0])
sprintf(g_storageOptions[idx], "%s (%s, LUN %u, FS #%u, %s)", ums_device->name, ums_device->product_name, ums_device->lun, ums_device->fs_idx, LIBUSBHSFS_FS_TYPE_STR(ums_device->fs_type));
} else {
sprintf(g_storageOptions[idx], "%s (LUN %u, FS #%u, %s)", ums_device->name, ums_device->lun, ums_device->fs_idx, LIBUSBHSFS_FS_TYPE_STR(ums_device->fs_type));
sprintf(g_storageOptions[idx] + strlen(g_storageOptions[idx]), " (%s / %s)", free_str, total_str);
/* Update storage menu element options. */
if (g_storageMenuElementOption.selected >= elem_count)
g_storageMenuElementOption.selected = 0;
g_storageMenuElementOption.options = g_storageOptions;
void freeTitleList(Menu *menu)
if (!menu) return;
MenuElement **elements = menu->elements;
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
if (elements)
for(u32 i = 0; elements[i]; i++) free(elements[i]);
menu->scroll = 0;
menu->selected = 0;
menu->elements = NULL;
void updateTitleList(Menu *menu, Menu *submenu, bool is_system)
if (!menu || !submenu) return;
u32 app_count = 0, idx = 0;
TitleApplicationMetadata **app_metadata = NULL;
MenuElement **elements = NULL;
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
/* Get application metadata entries. */
app_metadata = titleGetApplicationMetadataEntries(is_system, &app_count);
if (!app_metadata || !app_count) goto end;
/* Allocate buffer. */
elements = calloc(app_count + 1, sizeof(MenuElement*)); // NULL terminator
/* Generate menu elements. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < app_count; i++)
TitleApplicationMetadata *cur_app_metadata = app_metadata[i];
if (!elements[idx])
elements[idx] = calloc(1, sizeof(MenuElement));
if (!elements[idx]) continue;
elements[idx]->str = cur_app_metadata->lang_entry.name;
elements[idx]->child_menu = submenu;
elements[idx]->userdata = cur_app_metadata;
menu->elements = elements;
if (app_metadata) free(app_metadata);
static TitleInfo *getLatestTitleInfo(TitleInfo *title_info, u32 *out_idx, u32 *out_count)
if (!title_info || !out_idx || !out_count || (title_info->meta_key.type != NcmContentMetaType_Patch && title_info->meta_key.type != NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch))
if (out_idx) *out_idx = 0;
if (out_count) *out_count = titleGetCountFromInfoBlock(title_info);
return title_info;
u32 idx = 0, count = 1;
TitleInfo *cur_info = title_info->previous, *out = title_info;
if (cur_info->version.value > out->version.value)
out = cur_info;
idx = count;
cur_info = cur_info->previous;
idx = (out != title_info ? (count - idx) : (count - 1));
cur_info = title_info->next;
if (cur_info->version.value > out->version.value)
out = cur_info;
idx = (count - 1);
cur_info = cur_info->next;
*out_idx = idx;
*out_count = count;
return out;
void freeNcaList(void)
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
if (g_ncaMenuElements)
u32 count = 0;
for(count = 0; g_ncaMenuElements[count]; count++);
for(u32 i = 0; count > 0 && i < (count - 1); i++) // Don't free output storage element
if (g_ncaMenuElements[i]->str) free(g_ncaMenuElements[i]->str);
if (g_ncaMenuElements[i]->userdata) free(g_ncaMenuElements[i]->userdata);
g_ncaMenuElements = NULL;
g_ncaMenu.scroll = 0;
g_ncaMenu.selected = 0;
g_ncaMenu.elements = NULL;
void updateNcaList(TitleInfo *title_info, u32 *element_count)
u32 content_count = title_info->content_count, idx = 0;
NcmContentInfo *content_infos = title_info->content_infos;
char nca_id_str[0x21] = {0};
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
/* Allocate buffer. */
g_ncaMenuElements = calloc(content_count + 2, sizeof(MenuElement*)); // Output storage, NULL terminator
if (!g_ncaMenuElements) return;
/* Generate menu elements. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < content_count; i++)
NcmContentInfo *cur_content_info = &(content_infos[i]);
char *nca_info_str = NULL, nca_size_str[16] = {0};
u64 nca_size = 0;
NcaUserData *nca_user_data = NULL;
if (!g_ncaMenuElements[idx])
g_ncaMenuElements[idx] = calloc(1, sizeof(MenuElement));
if (!g_ncaMenuElements[idx]) continue;
nca_info_str = calloc(128, sizeof(char));
nca_user_data = calloc(1, sizeof(NcaUserData));
if (!nca_info_str || !nca_user_data)
if (nca_info_str) free(nca_info_str);
if (nca_user_data) free(nca_user_data);
utilsGenerateHexString(nca_id_str, sizeof(nca_id_str), cur_content_info->content_id.c, sizeof(cur_content_info->content_id.c), false);
ncmContentInfoSizeToU64(cur_content_info, &nca_size);
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString((double)nca_size, nca_size_str, sizeof(nca_size_str));
sprintf(nca_info_str, "%s #%u: %s (%s)", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(cur_content_info->content_type), cur_content_info->id_offset, nca_id_str, nca_size_str);
nca_user_data->title_info = title_info;
nca_user_data->content_idx = i;
g_ncaMenuElements[idx]->str = nca_info_str;
g_ncaMenuElements[idx]->child_menu = (g_ncaMenuRawMode ? NULL : &g_ncaFsSectionsMenu);
g_ncaMenuElements[idx]->task_func = (g_ncaMenuRawMode ? &saveNintendoContentArchive : NULL);
g_ncaMenuElements[idx]->userdata = nca_user_data;
if (idx > 0)
g_ncaMenuElements[idx] = &g_storageMenuElement;
g_ncaMenu.elements = g_ncaMenuElements;
if (element_count) *element_count = (idx + 1);
static void switchNcaListTitle(Menu **cur_menu, u32 *element_count, TitleInfo *title_info)
if (!cur_menu || !*cur_menu || (*cur_menu)->id != MenuId_Nca || !element_count || !title_info) return;
updateNcaList(title_info, element_count);
if (!g_ncaMenuElements || !g_ncaMenuElements[0])
consolePrint("\nfailed to generate nca list for newly selected title\npress any button to go back\n");
(*cur_menu)->selected = 0;
(*cur_menu)->scroll = 0;
*cur_menu = (*cur_menu)->parent;
*element_count = menuGetElementCount(*cur_menu);
void freeNcaFsSectionsList(void)
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
if (g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx)
g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx = NULL;
if (g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements)
for(u32 i = 0; g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[i] != NULL; i++)
if (g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[i]->str) free(g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[i]->str);
g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements = NULL;
g_ncaFsSectionsMenu.scroll = 0;
g_ncaFsSectionsMenu.selected = 0;
g_ncaFsSectionsMenu.elements = NULL;
void updateNcaFsSectionsList(NcaUserData *nca_user_data)
TitleInfo *title_info = nca_user_data->title_info;
NcmContentInfo *content_info = &(title_info->content_infos[nca_user_data->content_idx]);
u32 idx = 0;
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
/* Allocate buffer. */
g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements = calloc(NCA_FS_HEADER_COUNT + 1, sizeof(MenuElement*)); // NULL terminator
/* Initialize NCA context. */
g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx = calloc(1, sizeof(NcaContext));
if (!ncaInitializeContext(g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx, title_info->storage_id, (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure : 0), \
&(title_info->meta_key), content_info, NULL)) return;
/* Generate menu elements. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < NCA_FS_HEADER_COUNT; i++)
NcaFsSectionContext *cur_nca_fs_ctx = &(g_ncaFsSectionsMenuCtx->fs_ctx[i]);
char *nca_fs_info_str = NULL;
if (!g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[idx])
g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[idx] = calloc(1, sizeof(MenuElement));
if (!g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[idx]) continue;
nca_fs_info_str = calloc(128, sizeof(char));
if (!nca_fs_info_str) continue;
if (cur_nca_fs_ctx->enabled)
sprintf(nca_fs_info_str, "FS section #%u: %s (%s)", i + 1, ncaGetFsSectionTypeName(cur_nca_fs_ctx), cur_nca_fs_ctx->section_size_str);
} else {
sprintf(nca_fs_info_str, "FS section #%u: %s", i + 1, ncaGetFsSectionTypeName(cur_nca_fs_ctx));
g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[idx]->str = nca_fs_info_str;
g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[idx]->child_menu = &g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenu;
g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements[idx]->userdata = cur_nca_fs_ctx;
g_ncaFsSectionsMenu.elements = g_ncaFsSectionsMenuElements;
void freeNcaBasePatchList(void)
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
if (g_ncaBasePatchOptions)
/* Skip the first option. */
for(u32 i = 1; g_ncaBasePatchOptions[i]; i++)
g_ncaBasePatchOptions[i] = NULL;
g_ncaBasePatchOptions = NULL;
g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuBasePatchElementOption.selected = 0;
g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuBasePatchElementOption.options = NULL;
g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuElements[0]->userdata = g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuElements[1]->userdata = NULL;
if (g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo && (g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent || g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch))
g_ncaUserTitleInfo = g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfoBkp = NULL;
void updateNcaBasePatchList(TitleUserApplicationData *user_app_data, TitleInfo *title_info, NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx)
u32 elem_count = 1, idx = 1; // "no" option
TitleInfo *cur_title_info = NULL;
u8 title_type = title_info->meta_key.type;
u8 content_type = nca_fs_ctx->nca_ctx->content_type;
u8 section_type = nca_fs_ctx->section_type;
bool unsupported = false;
u32 selected_version = 0;
/* Free all previously allocated data. */
/* Only enable base/patch list if we're dealing with supported content types and/or FS section types. */
if ((content_type == NcmContentType_Program || content_type == NcmContentType_Data || content_type == NcmContentType_HtmlDocument) && section_type < NcaFsSectionType_Nca0RomFs)
/* Retrieve corresponding TitleInfo linked list for the current title type. */
case NcmContentMetaType_Application:
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = user_app_data->patch_info;
case NcmContentMetaType_Patch:
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = user_app_data->app_info;
case NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent:
case NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch:
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = titleGetAddOnContentBaseOrPatchList(title_info);
unsupported = true;
} else {
unsupported = true;
/* Calculate element count. */
elem_count += titleGetCountFromInfoBlock(g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo);
/* Allocate buffer. */
g_ncaBasePatchOptions = calloc(elem_count + 1, sizeof(char*)); // NULL terminator
/* Set first option. */
g_ncaBasePatchOptions[0] = (unsupported ? "unsupported by this content/section type combo" : (elem_count < 2 ? "none available" : "no"));
/* Generate base/patch strings. */
cur_title_info = g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo;
if (!g_ncaBasePatchOptions[idx])
g_ncaBasePatchOptions[idx] = calloc(sizeof(char), 0x40);
if (!g_ncaBasePatchOptions[idx])
cur_title_info = cur_title_info->next;
snprintf(g_ncaBasePatchOptions[idx], 0x40, "%s v%u (v%u.%u) (%s)", titleGetNcmContentMetaTypeName(cur_title_info->meta_key.type), \
cur_title_info->version.value, cur_title_info->version.application_version.release_ver, cur_title_info->version.application_version.private_ver, \
/* Make sure the highest available base/patch title is automatically selected. */
if (cur_title_info->version.value >= selected_version && \
(((title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Application || title_type == NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent) && (!nca_fs_ctx->has_sparse_layer || cur_title_info->version.value >= title_info->version.value)) || \
((title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch || title_type == NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch) && cur_title_info->version.value <= title_info->version.value)))
g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuBasePatchElementOption.selected = idx;
selected_version = cur_title_info->version.value;
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo = cur_title_info;
cur_title_info = cur_title_info->next;
g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuBasePatchElementOption.options = g_ncaBasePatchOptions;
g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuElements[0]->userdata = g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuElements[1]->userdata = nca_fs_ctx;
g_ncaUserTitleInfo = title_info;
g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfoBkp = (g_ncaFsSectionsSubMenuBasePatchElementOption.selected > 0 ? g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo : NULL);
NX_INLINE bool useUsbHost(void)
return (g_storageMenuElementOption.selected == 1);
static bool waitForGameCard(void)
consolePrint("waiting for gamecard... ");
time_t start = time(NULL);
u8 status = GameCardStatus_NotInserted;
while((g_appletStatus = appletMainLoop()))
if ((status = gamecardGetStatus()) > GameCardStatus_Processing) break;
time_t now = time(NULL);
time_t diff = (now - start);
if (diff >= WAIT_TIME_LIMIT) break;
consolePrint("%lu ", diff);
if (!g_appletStatus || status == GameCardStatus_NotInserted) return false;
case GameCardStatus_NoGameCardPatchEnabled:
consolePrint("\"nogc\" patch enabled, please disable it and reboot your console\n");
case GameCardStatus_LotusAsicFirmwareUpdateRequired:
consolePrint("gamecard controller firmware update required, please update your console\n");
case GameCardStatus_InsertedAndInfoNotLoaded:
consolePrint("unexpected I/O error occurred, please check the logfile\n");
if (status != GameCardStatus_InsertedAndInfoLoaded)
consolePrint("press any button to go back\n");
return false;
return true;
static bool waitForUsb(void)
consolePrint("waiting for usb session... ");
time_t start = time(NULL);
u8 usb_host_speed = UsbHostSpeed_None;
while((g_appletStatus = appletMainLoop()))
if ((usb_host_speed = usbIsReady()) != UsbHostSpeed_None) break;
time_t now = time(NULL);
time_t diff = (now - start);
if (diff >= WAIT_TIME_LIMIT) break;
consolePrint("%lu ", diff);
if (usb_host_speed != UsbHostSpeed_None) consolePrint("usb speed: %u.0\n", usb_host_speed);
return (g_appletStatus && usb_host_speed != UsbHostSpeed_None);
static bool saveFileData(const char *filepath, void *data, size_t data_size)
if (!filepath || !*filepath || !data || !data_size)
consolePrint("invalid parameters to save file data!\n");
return false;
if (useUsbHost())
if (!usbSendFileProperties(data_size, filepath))
consolePrint("failed to send file properties for \"%s\"!\n", filepath);
return false;
if (!usbSendFileData(data, data_size))
consolePrint("failed to send file data for \"%s\"!\n", filepath);
return false;
} else {
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(filepath, false);
FILE *fp = fopen(filepath, "wb");
if (!fp)
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", filepath);
return false;
ftruncate(fileno(fp), (off_t)data_size);
size_t ret = fwrite(data, 1, data_size, fp);
if (g_storageMenuElementOption.selected == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
if (ret != data_size)
consolePrint("failed to write 0x%lX byte(s) to \"%s\"! (%d)\n", data_size, filepath, errno);
return true;
static char *generateOutputGameCardFileName(const char *subdir, const char *extension, bool use_nacp_name)
char *filename = NULL, *prefix = NULL, *output = NULL;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
if ((subdir && !*subdir) || !extension || !*extension || (use_nacp_name && !(filename = titleGenerateGameCardFileName(TitleNamingConvention_Full, dev_idx > 0 ? TitleFileNameIllegalCharReplaceType_IllegalFsChars : TitleFileNameIllegalCharReplaceType_KeepAsciiCharsOnly))))
consolePrint("failed to generate gamecard filename!\n");
goto end;
prefix = calloc(sizeof(char), FS_MAX_PATH);
if (!prefix)
consolePrint("failed to generate prefix!\n");
goto end;
if (dev_idx != 1) sprintf(prefix, "%s/" OUTDIR, dev_idx == 0 ? DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE : g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].name);
if (subdir)
if (subdir[0] != '/') strcat(prefix, "/");
strcat(prefix, subdir);
output = (use_nacp_name ? utilsGeneratePath(prefix, filename, extension) : utilsGeneratePath(prefix, extension, NULL));
if (!output) consolePrint("failed to generate output filename!\n");
if (prefix) free(prefix);
if (filename) free(filename);
return output;
static char *generateOutputTitleFileName(TitleInfo *title_info, const char *subdir, const char *extension)
char *filename = NULL, *prefix = NULL, *output = NULL;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
if (!title_info || (subdir && !*subdir) || !extension || !*extension || !(filename = titleGenerateFileName(title_info, TitleNamingConvention_Full, dev_idx > 0 ? TitleFileNameIllegalCharReplaceType_IllegalFsChars : TitleFileNameIllegalCharReplaceType_KeepAsciiCharsOnly)))
consolePrint("failed to generate title filename!\n");
goto end;
prefix = calloc(sizeof(char), FS_MAX_PATH);
if (!prefix)
consolePrint("failed to generate prefix!\n");
goto end;
if (dev_idx != 1) sprintf(prefix, "%s/" OUTDIR, dev_idx == 0 ? DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE : g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].name);
if (subdir)
if (subdir[0] != '/') strcat(prefix, "/");
strcat(prefix, subdir);
output = utilsGeneratePath(prefix, filename, extension);
if (!output) consolePrint("failed to generate output filename!\n");
if (prefix) free(prefix);
if (filename) free(filename);
return output;
static char *generateOutputLayeredFsFileName(u64 title_id, const char *subdir, const char *extension)
char *prefix = NULL, *output = NULL;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
if ((subdir && !*subdir) || !extension || !*extension)
consolePrint("failed to generate title filename!\n");
goto end;
prefix = calloc(sizeof(char), FS_MAX_PATH);
if (!prefix)
consolePrint("failed to generate prefix!\n");
goto end;
if (dev_idx != 1) sprintf(prefix, "%s", dev_idx == 0 ? DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE : g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].name);
sprintf(prefix + strlen(prefix), "/atmosphere/contents/%016lX", title_id);
if (subdir)
if (subdir[0] != '/') strcat(prefix, "/");
strcat(prefix, subdir);
output = utilsGeneratePath(prefix, extension, NULL);
if (!output) consolePrint("failed to generate output filename!\n");
if (prefix) free(prefix);
return output;
static bool dumpGameCardSecurityInformation(GameCardSecurityInformation *out)
if (!out)
consolePrint("invalid parameters to dump gamecard security information!\n");
return false;
if (!gamecardGetSecurityInformation(out))
consolePrint("failed to get gamecard security information\n");
return false;
consolePrint("get gamecard security information ok\n");
return true;
static bool saveGameCardImage(void *userdata)
u64 gc_size = 0, free_space = 0;
char size_str[16] = {0};
u32 key_area_crc = 0;
GameCardKeyArea gc_key_area = {0};
GameCardSecurityInformation gc_security_information = {0};
XciThreadData xci_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(xci_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
char *filename = NULL;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
bool prepend_key_area = (bool)getGameCardPrependKeyAreaOption();
bool keep_certificate = (bool)getGameCardKeepCertificateOption();
bool trim_dump = (bool)getGameCardTrimDumpOption();
bool calculate_checksum = (bool)getGameCardCalculateChecksumOption();
bool success = false;
consolePrint("gamecard image dump\nprepend key area: %s | keep certificate: %s | trim dump: %s | calculate checksum: %s\n\n", prepend_key_area ? "yes" : "no", keep_certificate ? "yes" : "no", trim_dump ? "yes" : "no", calculate_checksum ? "yes" : "no");
if ((!trim_dump && !gamecardGetTotalSize(&gc_size)) || (trim_dump && !gamecardGetTrimmedSize(&gc_size)) || !gc_size)
consolePrint("failed to get gamecard size!\n");
goto end;
shared_thread_data->total_size = gc_size;
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString((double)gc_size, size_str, sizeof(size_str));
consolePrint("gamecard size: 0x%lX (%s)\n", gc_size, size_str);
if (prepend_key_area)
gc_size += sizeof(GameCardKeyArea);
if (!dumpGameCardSecurityInformation(&gc_security_information)) goto end;
memcpy(&(gc_key_area.initial_data), &(gc_security_information.initial_data), sizeof(GameCardInitialData));
if (calculate_checksum)
key_area_crc = crc32Calculate(&gc_key_area, sizeof(GameCardKeyArea));
xci_thread_data.full_xci_crc = key_area_crc;
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString((double)gc_size, size_str, sizeof(size_str));
consolePrint("gamecard size (with key area): 0x%lX (%s)\n", gc_size, size_str);
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " [%s][%s][%s].xci", prepend_key_area ? "KA" : "NKA", keep_certificate ? "C" : "NC", trim_dump ? "T" : "NT");
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("Gamecard", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!usbSendFileProperties(gc_size, filename))
consolePrint("failed to send file properties for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
if (prepend_key_area && !usbSendFileData(&gc_key_area, sizeof(GameCardKeyArea)))
consolePrint("failed to send gamecard key area data!\n");
goto end;
} else {
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
goto end;
if (gc_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
goto end;
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(filename, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
if (gc_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(filename))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && gc_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
goto end;
shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!shared_thread_data->fp)
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", filename);
goto end;
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)shared_thread_data->total_size);
if (prepend_key_area && fwrite(&gc_key_area, 1, sizeof(GameCardKeyArea), shared_thread_data->fp) != sizeof(GameCardKeyArea))
consolePrint("failed to write gamecard key area data!\n");
goto end;
success = spanDumpThreads(xciReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &xci_thread_data);
if (success)
consolePrint("successfully saved xci as \"%s\"\n", filename);
if (calculate_checksum)
if (prepend_key_area) consolePrint("key area crc: %08X | ", key_area_crc);
consolePrint("xci crc: %08X", xci_thread_data.xci_crc);
if (prepend_key_area) consolePrint(" | xci crc (with key area): %08X", xci_thread_data.full_xci_crc);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (!success && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0)
} else {
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveGameCardHeader(void *userdata)
GameCardHeader gc_header = {0};
bool success = false;
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
if (!gamecardGetHeader(&gc_header))
consolePrint("failed to get gamecard header\n");
goto end;
consolePrint("get gamecard header ok\n");
crc = crc32Calculate(&gc_header, sizeof(GameCardHeader));
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " (Header) (%08X).bin", crc);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("Gamecard", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, &gc_header, sizeof(GameCardHeader))) goto end;
consolePrint("successfully saved header as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveGameCardCardInfo(void *userdata)
GameCardInfo gc_cardinfo = {0};
bool success = false;
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
if (!gamecardGetPlaintextCardInfoArea(&gc_cardinfo))
consolePrint("failed to get gamecard cardinfo\n");
goto end;
consolePrint("get gamecard cardinfo ok\n");
crc = crc32Calculate(&gc_cardinfo, sizeof(GameCardInfo));
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " (CardInfo) (%08X).bin", crc);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("Gamecard", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, &gc_cardinfo, sizeof(GameCardInfo))) goto end;
consolePrint("successfully saved cardinfo dump as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveGameCardCertificate(void *userdata)
FsGameCardCertificate gc_cert = {0};
bool success = false;
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
if (!gamecardGetCertificate(&gc_cert))
consolePrint("failed to get gamecard certificate\n");
goto end;
consolePrint("get gamecard certificate ok\n");
crc = crc32Calculate(&gc_cert, sizeof(FsGameCardCertificate));
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " (Certificate) (%08X).bin", crc);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("Gamecard", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, &gc_cert, sizeof(FsGameCardCertificate))) goto end;
consolePrint("successfully saved certificate as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveGameCardInitialData(void *userdata)
GameCardSecurityInformation gc_security_information = {0};
bool success = false;
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
if (!dumpGameCardSecurityInformation(&gc_security_information)) goto end;
crc = crc32Calculate(&(gc_security_information.initial_data), sizeof(GameCardInitialData));
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " (Initial Data) (%08X).bin", crc);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("Gamecard", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, &(gc_security_information.initial_data), sizeof(GameCardInitialData))) goto end;
consolePrint("successfully saved initial data as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
/* This will save the Gamecard Specific Data. Its format is specific and internal to the current LAFW firmware version and session of the GCBRG ASIC. */
/* Depending on which Switch system version the gamecard was dumped from, this data can change. */
/* Even re-inserting the gamecard will change parts of this data. */
/* For this reason the gamecard specific data is mostly uninteresting for gamecard preservation. */
/* Instead, take a look at saveGameCardIdSet and saveGameCardUid which is a more standardised format of the Gamecard ID data. */
static bool saveGameCardSpecificData(void *userdata)
GameCardSecurityInformation gc_security_information = {0};
bool success = false;
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
if (!dumpGameCardSecurityInformation(&gc_security_information)) goto end;
crc = crc32Calculate(&(gc_security_information.specific_data), sizeof(GameCardSpecificData));
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " (Specific Data) (%08X).bin", crc);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("Gamecard", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, &(gc_security_information.specific_data), sizeof(GameCardSpecificData))) goto end;
consolePrint("successfully saved specific data as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveGameCardIdSet(void *userdata)
FsGameCardIdSet id_set = {0};
bool success = false;
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
if (!gamecardGetCardIdSet(&id_set))
consolePrint("failed to get gamecard id set\n");
goto end;
crc = crc32Calculate(&id_set, sizeof(FsGameCardIdSet));
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " (Card ID Set) (%08X).bin", crc);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("Gamecard", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, &id_set, sizeof(FsGameCardIdSet))) goto end;
consolePrint("successfully saved gamecard id set as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveGameCardUid(void *userdata)
GameCardSecurityInformation gc_security_information = {0};
bool success = false;
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
if (!gamecardGetSecurityInformation(&gc_security_information))
consolePrint("failed to get gamecard security information\n");
goto end;
crc = crc32Calculate(&(gc_security_information.specific_data.card_uid), sizeof(gc_security_information.specific_data.card_uid));
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " (Card UID) (%08X).bin", crc);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("Gamecard", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, &(gc_security_information.specific_data.card_uid), sizeof(gc_security_information.specific_data.card_uid))) goto end;
consolePrint("successfully saved gamecard uid as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveGameCardHfsPartition(void *userdata)
u32 hfs_partition_type = (userdata ? *((u32*)userdata) : HashFileSystemPartitionType_None);
bool write_raw_hfs_partition = (bool)getGameCardWriteRawHfsPartitionOption();
HashFileSystemContext hfs_ctx = {0};
bool success = false;
if (hfs_partition_type < HashFileSystemPartitionType_Root || hfs_partition_type > HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure)
consolePrint("invalid hfs partition type! (%u)\n", hfs_partition_type);
goto end;
if (!gamecardGetHashFileSystemContext(hfs_partition_type, &hfs_ctx))
consolePrint("get hfs ctx failed! this partition type may not exist within the inserted gamecard\n");
goto end;
success = (write_raw_hfs_partition ? saveGameCardRawHfsPartition(&hfs_ctx) : saveGameCardExtractedHfsPartition(&hfs_ctx));
return success;
static bool saveGameCardRawHfsPartition(HashFileSystemContext *hfs_ctx)
u64 free_space = 0;
char size_str[16] = {0};
HfsThreadData hfs_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(hfs_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
char *filename = NULL;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
bool success = false;
hfs_thread_data.hfs_ctx = hfs_ctx;
shared_thread_data->total_size = hfs_ctx->size;
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString((double)hfs_ctx->size, size_str, sizeof(size_str));
consolePrint("raw %s hfs partition size: 0x%lX (%s)\n", hfs_ctx->name, hfs_ctx->size, size_str);
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "/%s.hfs0", hfs_ctx->name);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("HFS/Raw", path, true);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!usbSendFileProperties(shared_thread_data->total_size, filename))
consolePrint("failed to send file properties for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
goto end;
if (shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
goto end;
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(filename, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
if (shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(filename))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
goto end;
shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!shared_thread_data->fp)
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", filename);
goto end;
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)shared_thread_data->total_size);
success = spanDumpThreads(rawHfsReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &hfs_thread_data);
if (success)
consolePrint("successfully saved raw hfs partition as \"%s\"\n", filename);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (!success && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0)
} else {
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveGameCardExtractedHfsPartition(HashFileSystemContext *hfs_ctx)
u64 data_size = 0;
char size_str[16] = {0};
HfsThreadData hfs_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(hfs_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
bool success = false;
if (!hfsGetTotalDataSize(hfs_ctx, &data_size))
consolePrint("failed to calculate extracted %s hfs partition size!\n", hfs_ctx->name);
goto end;
if (!data_size)
consolePrint("%s hfs partition is empty!\n", hfs_ctx->name);
goto end;
hfs_thread_data.hfs_ctx = hfs_ctx;
shared_thread_data->total_size = data_size;
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString((double)data_size, size_str, sizeof(size_str));
consolePrint("extracted %s hfs partition size: 0x%lX (%s)\n", hfs_ctx->name, data_size, size_str);
success = spanDumpThreads(extractedHfsReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &hfs_thread_data);
return success;
static bool browseGameCardHfsPartition(void *userdata)
u32 hfs_partition_type = (userdata ? *((u32*)userdata) : HashFileSystemPartitionType_None);
HashFileSystemContext hfs_ctx = {0};
char mount_name[DEVOPTAB_MOUNT_NAME_LENGTH] = {0}, subdir[0x20] = {0}, *base_out_path = NULL;
bool success = false;
if (hfs_partition_type < HashFileSystemPartitionType_Root || hfs_partition_type > HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure)
consolePrint("invalid hfs partition type! (%u)\n", hfs_partition_type);
goto end;
if (!gamecardGetHashFileSystemContext(hfs_partition_type, &hfs_ctx))
consolePrint("get hfs ctx failed! this partition type may not exist within the inserted gamecard\n");
goto end;
/* Mount devoptab device. */
snprintf(mount_name, MAX_ELEMENTS(mount_name), "hfs%s", hfs_ctx.name);
if (!devoptabMountHashFileSystemDevice(&hfs_ctx, mount_name))
consolePrint("hfs ctx devoptab mount failed!\n");
goto end;
/* Generate output base path. */
snprintf(subdir, MAX_ELEMENTS(subdir), "/%s", hfs_ctx.name);
base_out_path = generateOutputGameCardFileName("HFS/Extracted", subdir, true);
if (!base_out_path) goto end;
/* Display file browser. */
success = fsBrowser(mount_name, base_out_path);
/* Unmount devoptab device. */
/* Free data. */
if (base_out_path) free(base_out_path);
if (!success && g_appletStatus)
consolePrint("press any button to continue\n");
return success;
static bool saveConsoleLafwBlob(void *userdata)
u64 lafw_version = 0;
LotusAsicFirmwareBlob lafw_blob = {0};
bool success = false;
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
const char *fw_type_str = NULL, *dev_type_str = NULL;
if (!gamecardGetLotusAsicFirmwareBlob(&lafw_blob, &lafw_version))
consolePrint("failed to get console lafw blob\n");
goto end;
fw_type_str = gamecardGetLafwTypeString(lafw_blob.fw_type);
if (!fw_type_str) fw_type_str = "Unknown";
dev_type_str = gamecardGetLafwDeviceTypeString(lafw_blob.device_type);
if (!dev_type_str) dev_type_str = "Unknown";
consolePrint("get console lafw blob ok\n");
crc = crc32Calculate(&lafw_blob, sizeof(LotusAsicFirmwareBlob));
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "LAFW (%s) (%s) (v%lu) (%08X).bin", fw_type_str, dev_type_str, lafw_version, crc);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName(NULL, path, false);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, &lafw_blob, sizeof(LotusAsicFirmwareBlob))) goto end;
consolePrint("successfully saved lafw blob as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveNintendoSubmissionPackage(void *userdata)
if (!userdata) return false;
TitleInfo *title_info = (TitleInfo*)userdata;
TitleApplicationMetadata *app_metadata = title_info->app_metadata;
NspThreadData nsp_thread_data = {0};
Thread dump_thread = {0};
time_t start = 0, btn_cancel_start_tmr = 0, btn_cancel_end_tmr = 0;
bool btn_cancel_cur_state = false, btn_cancel_prev_state = false, success = false;
u64 prev_size = 0;
u8 prev_time = 0, percent = 0;
consolePrint("%s info:\n\n", title_info->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_Application ? "base application" : \
(title_info->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch ? "update" : \
(title_info->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent ? "dlc" : "dlc update")));
if (app_metadata)
consolePrint("name: %s\n", app_metadata->lang_entry.name);
consolePrint("publisher: %s\n", app_metadata->lang_entry.author);
consolePrint("source storage: %s\n", titleGetNcmStorageIdName(title_info->storage_id));
consolePrint("title id: %016lX\n", title_info->meta_key.id);
consolePrint("version: %u (%u.%u.%u-%u.%u)\n", title_info->version.value, title_info->version.system_version.major, title_info->version.system_version.minor, \
title_info->version.system_version.micro, title_info->version.system_version.major_relstep, \
consolePrint("content count: %u\n", title_info->content_count);
consolePrint("size: %s\n", title_info->size_str);
/* Create dump thread. */
nsp_thread_data.data = title_info;
utilsCreateThread(&dump_thread, nspThreadFunc, &nsp_thread_data, 2);
/* Wait until the background thread calculates the NSP size. */
while(!nsp_thread_data.total_size && !nsp_thread_data.error) utilsAppletLoopDelay();
if (nsp_thread_data.error)
return false;
/* Start dump. */
start = time(NULL);
while(nsp_thread_data.data_written < nsp_thread_data.total_size)
g_appletStatus = appletMainLoop();
if (!g_appletStatus)
nsp_thread_data.transfer_cancelled = true;
if (nsp_thread_data.error || nsp_thread_data.transfer_cancelled) break;
struct tm ts = {0};
time_t now = time(NULL);
localtime_r(&now, &ts);
size_t size = nsp_thread_data.data_written;
btn_cancel_cur_state = (utilsGetButtonsHeld() & HidNpadButton_B);
if (btn_cancel_cur_state && btn_cancel_cur_state != btn_cancel_prev_state)
btn_cancel_start_tmr = now;
} else
if (btn_cancel_cur_state && btn_cancel_cur_state == btn_cancel_prev_state)
btn_cancel_end_tmr = now;
if ((btn_cancel_end_tmr - btn_cancel_start_tmr) >= 3)
nsp_thread_data.transfer_cancelled = true;
} else {
btn_cancel_start_tmr = btn_cancel_end_tmr = 0;
btn_cancel_prev_state = btn_cancel_cur_state;
if (prev_time == ts.tm_sec || prev_size == size) continue;
percent = (u8)((size * 100) / nsp_thread_data.total_size);
prev_time = ts.tm_sec;
prev_size = size;
consolePrint("%lu / %lu (%u%%) | Time elapsed: %lu\n", size, nsp_thread_data.total_size, percent, (now - start));
consolePrint("\nwaiting for thread to join\n");
consolePrint("dump_thread done: %lu\n", time(NULL));
if (nsp_thread_data.error)
consolePrint("i/o error\n");
} else
if (nsp_thread_data.transfer_cancelled)
consolePrint("process cancelled\n");
} else {
start = (time(NULL) - start);
consolePrint("process completed in %lu seconds\n", start);
success = true;
return success;
static bool saveTicket(void *userdata)
TitleInfo *title_info = (TitleInfo*)userdata;
u8 content_type = 0;
NcmContentInfo *content_info = NULL;
NcaContext *nca_ctx = NULL;
Ticket tik = {0};
u32 crc = 0;
char *filename = NULL;
bool remove_console_data = (bool)getTicketRemoveConsoleDataOption();
bool success = false;
if (!title_info || title_info->meta_key.type < NcmContentMetaType_Application || title_info->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_Delta || \
title_info->meta_key.type > NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch)
consolePrint("invalid title info object\n");
return false;
/* Get a NcmContentInfo entry for a potential NCA with a rights ID. */
content_type = ((title_info->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_Application || title_info->meta_key.type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch) ? NcmContentType_Program : NcmContentType_Data);
content_info = titleGetContentInfoByTypeAndIdOffset(title_info, content_type, 0);
if (!content_info)
consolePrint("content info entry with type 0x%X unavailable\n", content_type);
return false;
/* Allocate buffer for NCA context. */
if (!(nca_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(NcaContext))))
consolePrint("nca ctx calloc failed\n");
goto end;
/* Initialize NCA context. */
if (!ncaInitializeContext(nca_ctx, title_info->storage_id, (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure : 0), \
&(title_info->meta_key), content_info, &tik))
consolePrint("nca initialize ctx failed\n");
goto end;
/* Check if a ticket was retrieved. */
if (!nca_ctx->rights_id_available)
consolePrint("rights id unavailable in target title -- this title doesn't use titlekey crypto\nthere's no ticket to be retrieved\n");
goto end;
if (!nca_ctx->titlekey_retrieved)
consolePrint("failed to retrieve ticket (unavailable?)\ntry launching nxdumptool while overriding the title you wish to dump a ticket from\n");
goto end;
/* Remove console-specific data, if needed. */
if (remove_console_data && tikIsPersonalizedTicket(&tik) && !tikConvertPersonalizedTicketToCommonTicket(&tik, NULL, NULL))
consolePrint("failed to convert personalized ticket to common ticket\n");
goto end;
/* Save ticket. */
crc = crc32Calculate(tik.data, tik.size);
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), " (%08X).tik", crc);
filename = generateOutputTitleFileName(title_info, "Ticket", path);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (!saveFileData(filename, tik.data, tik.size)) goto end;
consolePrint("rights id: %s\n", tik.rights_id_str);
consolePrint("encrypted titlekey: %s\n", tik.enc_titlekey_str);
consolePrint("decrypted titlekey: %s\n\n", tik.dec_titlekey_str);
consolePrint("successfully saved ticket as \"%s\"\n", filename);
success = true;
if (filename) free(filename);
if (nca_ctx) free(nca_ctx);
return success;
static bool saveNintendoContentArchive(void *userdata)
if (!userdata) return false;
NcaUserData *nca_user_data = (NcaUserData*)userdata;
TitleInfo *title_info = nca_user_data->title_info;
NcmContentInfo *content_info = &(title_info->content_infos[nca_user_data->content_idx]);
NcaThreadData nca_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(nca_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
u64 free_space = 0;
char *filename = NULL, subdir[0x20] = {0};
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
char size_str[16] = {0};
bool success = false;
/* Allocate buffer for NCA context. */
if (!(nca_thread_data.nca_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(NcaContext))))
consolePrint("nca ctx calloc failed\n");
goto end;
/* Initialize NCA context. */
if (!ncaInitializeContext(nca_thread_data.nca_ctx, title_info->storage_id, (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure : 0), \
&(title_info->meta_key), content_info, NULL))
consolePrint("nca initialize ctx failed\n");
goto end;
shared_thread_data->total_size = nca_thread_data.nca_ctx->content_size;
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString((double)shared_thread_data->total_size, size_str, sizeof(size_str));
consolePrint("nca size: 0x%lX (%s)\n", shared_thread_data->total_size, size_str);
snprintf(subdir, MAX_ELEMENTS(subdir), "NCA/%s", nca_thread_data.nca_ctx->storage_id == NcmStorageId_BuiltInSystem ? "System" : "User");
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "/%s.%s", nca_thread_data.nca_ctx->content_id_str, content_info->content_type == NcmContentType_Meta ? "cnmt.nca" : "nca");
filename = generateOutputTitleFileName(title_info, subdir, path);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!usbSendFileProperties(shared_thread_data->total_size, filename))
consolePrint("failed to send file properties for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
goto end;
if (shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
goto end;
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(filename, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
if (shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(filename))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
goto end;
shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!shared_thread_data->fp)
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", filename);
goto end;
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)shared_thread_data->total_size);
success = spanDumpThreads(ncaReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &nca_thread_data);
if (success)
consolePrint("successfully saved nca as \"%s\"\n", filename);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (!success && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0)
} else {
if (filename) free(filename);
if (nca_thread_data.nca_ctx) free(nca_thread_data.nca_ctx);
return success;
static bool saveNintendoContentArchiveFsSection(void *userdata)
u8 section_type = 0;
bool use_layeredfs_dir = false;
NcaContext *base_patch_nca_ctx = NULL;
void *fs_ctx = NULL;
bool write_raw_section = (bool)getNcaFsWriteRawSectionOption();
bool success = false;
/* Initialize NCA FS section context. */
if (!initializeNcaFsContext(userdata, §ion_type, &use_layeredfs_dir, &base_patch_nca_ctx, &fs_ctx)) return false;
/* Perform requested operation. */
if (section_type == NcaFsSectionType_PartitionFs)
PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx = (PartitionFileSystemContext*)fs_ctx;
success = (write_raw_section ? saveRawPartitionFsSection(pfs_ctx, use_layeredfs_dir) : saveExtractedPartitionFsSection(pfs_ctx, use_layeredfs_dir));
} else {
RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx = (RomFileSystemContext*)fs_ctx;
success = (write_raw_section ? saveRawRomFsSection(romfs_ctx, use_layeredfs_dir) : saveExtractedRomFsSection(romfs_ctx, use_layeredfs_dir));
/* Free data. */
return success;
static bool browseNintendoContentArchiveFsSection(void *userdata)
u8 section_type = 0;
bool use_layeredfs_dir = false;
NcaContext *base_patch_nca_ctx = NULL;
void *fs_ctx = NULL;
PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx = NULL;
RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx = NULL;
NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx = NULL;
NcaContext *nca_ctx = NULL;
u64 title_id = 0;
u8 title_type = 0;
char mount_name[DEVOPTAB_MOUNT_NAME_LENGTH] = {0}, subdir[0x20] = {0}, extension[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0};
char *base_out_path = NULL;
bool success = false;
/* Initialize NCA FS section context. */
if (!initializeNcaFsContext(userdata, §ion_type, &use_layeredfs_dir, &base_patch_nca_ctx, &fs_ctx)) goto end;
/* Mount devoptab device. */
if (section_type == NcaFsSectionType_PartitionFs)
pfs_ctx = (PartitionFileSystemContext*)fs_ctx;
nca_fs_ctx = pfs_ctx->nca_fs_ctx;
snprintf(mount_name, MAX_ELEMENTS(mount_name), "%s", pfs_ctx->is_exefs ? "ncaexefs" : "ncapfs");
if (!devoptabMountPartitionFileSystemDevice(pfs_ctx, mount_name))
consolePrint("pfs ctx devoptab mount failed!\n");
goto end;
} else {
romfs_ctx = (RomFileSystemContext*)fs_ctx;
nca_fs_ctx = romfs_ctx->default_storage_ctx->nca_fs_ctx;
snprintf(mount_name, MAX_ELEMENTS(mount_name), "ncaromfs");
if (!devoptabMountRomFileSystemDevice(romfs_ctx, mount_name))
consolePrint("romfs ctx devoptab mount failed!\n");
goto end;
/* Generate output base path. */
nca_ctx = nca_fs_ctx->nca_ctx;
title_id = nca_ctx->title_id;
title_type = nca_ctx->title_type;
if (use_layeredfs_dir)
/* Only use base title IDs if we're dealing with patches. */
title_id = (title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch ? titleGetApplicationIdByPatchId(title_id) : \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch ? titleGetAddOnContentIdByDataPatchId(title_id) : title_id));
base_out_path = generateOutputLayeredFsFileName(title_id + nca_ctx->id_offset, NULL, section_type == NcaFsSectionType_PartitionFs ? "exefs" : "romfs");
} else {
snprintf(subdir, MAX_ELEMENTS(subdir), "NCA FS/%s/Extracted", nca_ctx->storage_id == NcmStorageId_BuiltInSystem ? "System" : "User");
snprintf(extension, MAX_ELEMENTS(extension), "/%s #%u/%u", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(nca_ctx->content_type), nca_ctx->id_offset, nca_fs_ctx->section_idx);
TitleInfo *title_info = (title_id == g_ncaUserTitleInfo->meta_key.id ? g_ncaUserTitleInfo : g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo);
base_out_path = generateOutputTitleFileName(title_info, subdir, extension);
if (!base_out_path) goto end;
/* Display file browser. */
success = fsBrowser(mount_name, base_out_path);
/* Unmount devoptab device. */
/* Free data. */
if (base_out_path) free(base_out_path);
if (pfs_ctx) pfsFreeContext(pfs_ctx);
if (romfs_ctx) romfsFreeContext(romfs_ctx);
if (fs_ctx) free(fs_ctx);
if (base_patch_nca_ctx) free(base_patch_nca_ctx);
if (!success && g_appletStatus)
consolePrint("press any button to continue\n");
return success;
static bool fsBrowser(const char *mount_name, const char *base_out_path)
char dir_path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0};
size_t dir_path_len = 0;
FsBrowserEntry *entries = NULL;
u32 entries_count = 0, depth = 0;
u32 scroll = 0, selected = 0, highlighted = 0, page_size = 20;
bool success = true;
/* Get root directory entries. */
snprintf(dir_path, MAX_ELEMENTS(dir_path), "%s:/", mount_name);
dir_path_len = strlen(dir_path);
if (!(success = fsBrowserGetDirEntries(dir_path, &entries, &entries_count))) goto end;
while((g_appletStatus = appletMainLoop()))
consolePrint("press a to enter a directory / dump a file\n");
consolePrint("press b to %s\n", depth > 0 ? "move back to the parent dir" : "exit the fs browser");
consolePrint("press r to (un)highlight the selected entry\n");
consolePrint("press l to invert the current selection\n");
consolePrint("press zr to highlight all entries\n");
consolePrint("press zl to unhighlight all entries\n");
consolePrint("press y to dump the highlighted entries\n");
consolePrint("use the sticks to scroll faster\n");
consolePrint("press + to exit\n");
consolePrint("entry: %u / %u\n", selected + 1, entries_count);
consolePrint("highlighted: %u / %u\n", highlighted, entries_count);
consolePrint("current path: %s\n", dir_path);
for(u32 i = scroll; i < entries_count; i++)
if (i >= (scroll + page_size)) break;
FsBrowserEntry *cur_entry = &(entries[i]);
consolePrint("%s", i == selected ? " -> " : " ");
if (cur_entry->highlight)
consolePrintReversedColors("[%c] %s", cur_entry->dt.d_type == DT_DIR ? 'D' : 'F', cur_entry->dt.d_name);
if (cur_entry->dt.d_type == DT_REG) consolePrintReversedColors(" (%s)", cur_entry->size_str);
} else {
consolePrint("[%c] %s", cur_entry->dt.d_type == DT_DIR ? 'D' : 'F', cur_entry->dt.d_name);
if (cur_entry->dt.d_type == DT_REG) consolePrint(" (%s)", cur_entry->size_str);
if (!entries_count) consolePrint("no elements available!");
u64 btn_down = 0, btn_held = 0;
while((g_appletStatus = appletMainLoop()))
btn_down = utilsGetButtonsDown();
btn_held = utilsGetButtonsHeld();
if (btn_down || btn_held) break;
if (!g_appletStatus) break;
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_A) && entries_count)
FsBrowserEntry *selected_entry = &(entries[selected]);
if (selected_entry->dt.d_type == DT_DIR)
/* Change directory. */
snprintf(dir_path + dir_path_len, MAX_ELEMENTS(dir_path) - dir_path_len, "%s%s", depth > 0 ? "/" : "", selected_entry->dt.d_name);
if (!(success = fsBrowserGetDirEntries(dir_path, &entries, &entries_count))) break;
/* Update variables. */
dir_path_len = strlen(dir_path);
scroll = selected = highlighted = 0;
} else {
/* Dump file. */
fsBrowserDumpFile(dir_path, selected_entry, base_out_path);
} else
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_B)
if (depth > 0)
/* Go back to the parent directory. */
char *ptr = strrchr(dir_path, '/');
if (depth > 1)
*ptr = '\0';
} else {
*(++ptr) = '\0';
if (!(success = fsBrowserGetDirEntries(dir_path, &entries, &entries_count))) break;
/* Update variables. */
dir_path_len = strlen(dir_path);
scroll = selected = highlighted = 0;
} else {
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_R) && entries_count)
/* (Un)highlight the selected entry. */
FsBrowserEntry *selected_entry = &(entries[selected]);
selected_entry->highlight ^= 1;
highlighted += (selected_entry->highlight ? 1 : -1);
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_L) && entries_count)
/* Invert current selection. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < entries_count; i++)
FsBrowserEntry *cur_entry = &(entries[i]);
cur_entry->highlight ^= 1;
highlighted += (cur_entry->highlight ? 1 : -1);
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_ZR) && entries_count)
/* Highlight all entries. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < entries_count; i++) entries[i].highlight = true;
/* Update counter. */
highlighted = entries_count;
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_ZL) && entries_count)
/* Unhighlight all entries. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < entries_count; i++) entries[i].highlight = false;
/* Reset counter. */
highlighted = 0;
} else
if ((btn_down & HidNpadButton_Y) && entries_count && highlighted)
/* Dump highlighted entries. */
fsBrowserDumpHighlightedEntries(dir_path, entries, entries_count, base_out_path);
/* Unhighlight all entries. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < entries_count; i++) entries[i].highlight = false;
/* Reset counter. */
highlighted = 0;
} else
if (((btn_down & HidNpadButton_Down) || (btn_held & (HidNpadButton_StickLDown | HidNpadButton_StickRDown))) && entries_count)
if (selected >= entries_count)
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_Down)
scroll = 0;
selected = 0;
} else {
} else
if (selected >= (scroll + (page_size / 2)) && entries_count > (scroll + page_size))
} else
if (((btn_down & HidNpadButton_Up) || (btn_held & (HidNpadButton_StickLUp | HidNpadButton_StickRUp))) && entries_count)
if (selected == UINT32_MAX)
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_Up)
selected = (entries_count - 1);
scroll = (entries_count >= page_size ? (entries_count - page_size) : 0);
} else {
selected = 0;
} else
if (selected < (scroll + (page_size / 2)) && scroll > 0)
} else
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_Plus)
g_appletStatus = false;
if (entries) free(entries);
return success;
static bool fsBrowserGetDirEntries(const char *dir_path, FsBrowserEntry **out_entries, u32 *out_entry_count)
DIR *dp = NULL;
struct dirent *dt = NULL;
struct stat st = {0};
FsBrowserEntry *entries = NULL, *entries_tmp = NULL;
char tmp_path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0};
u32 count = 0;
bool append_path_sep = (dir_path[strlen(dir_path) - 1] != '/');
bool success = false;
/* Free input pointer, if needed. */
if (*out_entries)
*out_entries = NULL;
/* Open directory. */
dp = opendir(dir_path);
if (!dp)
consolePrint("failed to open dir \"%s\"\n", dir_path);
goto end;
/* Get entry count. */
while((dt = readdir(dp)))
/* Skip "." and ".." entries. */
if (!strcmp(dt->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dt->d_name, "..")) continue;
/* Reallocate directory entries buffer. */
if (!(entries_tmp = realloc(entries, (count + 1) * sizeof(FsBrowserEntry))))
consolePrint("failed to allocate memory for dir entries in \"%s\"\n", dir_path);
goto end;
entries = entries_tmp;
entries_tmp = NULL;
/* Store entry data. */
FsBrowserEntry *cur_entry = &(entries[count++]);
memset(cur_entry, 0, sizeof(FsBrowserEntry));
if (dt->d_type == DT_REG)
/* Get file size. */
snprintf(tmp_path, MAX_ELEMENTS(tmp_path), "%s%s%s", dir_path, append_path_sep ? "/" : "", dt->d_name);
stat(tmp_path, &st);
cur_entry->size = st.st_size;
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString((double)st.st_size, cur_entry->size_str, sizeof(cur_entry->size_str));
memcpy(&(cur_entry->dt), dt, sizeof(struct dirent));
/* Short-circuit: handle empty directories. */
if (!entries)
*out_entry_count = 0;
success = true;
goto end;
/* Update output pointers. */
*out_entries = entries;
*out_entry_count = count;
/* Update return value. */
success = true;
if (dp) closedir(dp);
if (!success && entries) free(entries);
return success;
static bool fsBrowserDumpFile(const char *dir_path, const FsBrowserEntry *entry, const char *base_out_path)
u64 free_space = 0;
FsBrowserFileThreadData fs_browser_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(fs_browser_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
bool success = false;
shared_thread_data->total_size = entry->size;
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "%s%s%s", dir_path, dir_path[strlen(dir_path) - 1] != '/' ? "/" : "", entry->dt.d_name);
consolePrint("file path: %s\n", path);
consolePrint("file size: 0x%lX (%s)\n\n", entry->size, entry->size_str);
/* Open input file. */
fs_browser_thread_data.src = fopen(path, "rb");
if (!fs_browser_thread_data.src)
consolePrint("failed to open input file!\n");
goto end;
setvbuf(fs_browser_thread_data.src, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
const char *dir_path_start = (strchr(dir_path, '/') + 1);
if (*dir_path_start)
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "%s/%s/%s", base_out_path, dir_path_start, entry->dt.d_name);
} else {
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "%s/%s", base_out_path, entry->dt.d_name);
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!waitForUsb()) goto end;
if (!usbSendFileProperties(shared_thread_data->total_size, path))
consolePrint("failed to send file properties for \"%s\"!\n", path);
goto end;
} else {
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(path, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
goto end;
if (shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
goto end;
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(path, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
if (shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(path))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", path);
goto end;
} else {
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
goto end;
shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(path, "wb");
if (!shared_thread_data->fp)
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", path);
goto end;
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)shared_thread_data->total_size);
success = spanDumpThreads(fsBrowserFileReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &fs_browser_thread_data);
if (success)
consolePrint("successfully saved file to \"%s\"\n", path);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (!success && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0)
} else {
if (fs_browser_thread_data.src) fclose(fs_browser_thread_data.src);
consolePrint("press any button to continue\n");
return success;
static bool fsBrowserDumpHighlightedEntries(const char *dir_path, const FsBrowserEntry *entries, u32 entries_count, const char *base_out_path)
bool append_path_sep = (dir_path[strlen(dir_path) - 1] != '/');
u64 data_size = 0;
char size_str[16] = {0};
FsBrowserHighlightedEntriesThreadData fs_browser_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(fs_browser_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
bool success = false;
consolePrint("calculating dump size...\n");
/* Calculate dump size. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < entries_count; i++)
const FsBrowserEntry *cur_entry = &(entries[i]);
if (!cur_entry->highlight) continue;
if (cur_entry->dt.d_type == DT_DIR)
/* Get directory size. */
u64 dir_size = 0;
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "%s%s%s", dir_path, append_path_sep ? "/" : "", cur_entry->dt.d_name);
if (!utilsGetDirectorySize(path, &dir_size))
consolePrint("failed to calculate size for dir \"%s\"\n", path);
goto end;
/* Update dump size. */
data_size += dir_size;
} else {
/* Update dump size. */
data_size += cur_entry->size;
fs_browser_thread_data.dir_path = dir_path;
fs_browser_thread_data.entries = entries;
fs_browser_thread_data.entries_count = entries_count;
fs_browser_thread_data.base_out_path = base_out_path;
shared_thread_data->total_size = data_size;
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString((double)data_size, size_str, sizeof(size_str));
consolePrint("dump size: 0x%lX (%s)\n", data_size, size_str);
success = spanDumpThreads(fsBrowserHighlightedEntriesReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &fs_browser_thread_data);
consolePrint("press any button to continue\n");
return success;
static bool initializeNcaFsContext(void *userdata, u8 *out_section_type, bool *out_use_layeredfs_dir, NcaContext **out_base_patch_nca_ctx, void **out_fs_ctx)
NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx = (NcaFsSectionContext*)userdata;
NcaContext *nca_ctx = (nca_fs_ctx ? nca_fs_ctx->nca_ctx : NULL);
/* Sanity checks. */
if (!g_ncaUserTitleInfo || !nca_fs_ctx || !nca_ctx || !nca_fs_ctx->enabled || nca_fs_ctx->section_type > NcaFsSectionType_Nca0RomFs || \
(nca_fs_ctx->section_type == NcaFsSectionType_Nca0RomFs && g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo))
consolePrint("invalid nca fs parameters!\n");
return false;
if (nca_fs_ctx->has_sparse_layer)
if (!g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo)
consolePrint("the selected nca fs section holds a sparse storage\na matching patch of at least v%u must be selected\n", nca_ctx->title_version.value);
return false;
} else
if (g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->version.value < nca_ctx->title_version.value)
consolePrint("the selected patch doesn't meet the sparse storage version requirement!\nv%u < v%u\n", g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->version.value, nca_ctx->title_version.value);
return false;
if (nca_fs_ctx->section_type == NcaFsSectionType_PatchRomFs && !g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo)
consolePrint("patch romfs section selected but no base app provided\n");
return false;
u8 title_type = nca_ctx->title_type;
u8 content_type = nca_ctx->content_type;
u8 section_type = nca_fs_ctx->section_type;
NcmContentInfo *base_patch_content_info = (g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo ? titleGetContentInfoByTypeAndIdOffset(g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo, content_type, nca_ctx->id_offset) : NULL);
NcaContext *base_patch_nca_ctx = NULL;
NcaFsSectionContext *base_patch_nca_fs_ctx = NULL;
bool use_layeredfs_dir = (bool)getNcaFsUseLayeredFsDirOption();
bool success = false;
/* Override LayeredFS flag, if needed. */
if (use_layeredfs_dir && \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Unknown || (title_type > NcmContentMetaType_SystemData && title_type < NcmContentMetaType_Application) || \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_SystemProgram && (content_type != NcmContentType_Program || nca_fs_ctx->section_idx != 0)) || \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_SystemData && (content_type != NcmContentType_Data || nca_fs_ctx->section_idx != 0)) || \
((title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Application || title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch) && (content_type != NcmContentType_Program || nca_fs_ctx->section_idx > 1)) || \
((title_type == NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent || title_type == NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch) && (content_type != NcmContentType_Data || nca_fs_ctx->section_idx != 0))))
consolePrint("layeredfs setting disabled (unsupported by current content/section type combo)\n");
use_layeredfs_dir = false;
/* Initialize base/patch NCA context, if needed. */
if (base_patch_content_info)
base_patch_nca_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(NcaContext));
if (!base_patch_nca_ctx)
consolePrint("failed to allocate memory for base/patch nca ctx!\n");
goto end;
if (!ncaInitializeContext(base_patch_nca_ctx, g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->storage_id, (g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure : 0), \
&(g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo->meta_key), base_patch_content_info, NULL))
consolePrint("failed to initialize base/patch nca ctx!\n");
goto end;
/* Use a matching NCA FS section entry. */
base_patch_nca_fs_ctx = &(base_patch_nca_ctx->fs_ctx[nca_fs_ctx->section_idx]);
if (section_type == NcaFsSectionType_PartitionFs)
/* Select the right NCA FS section context, depending on the sparse layer flag. */
NcaFsSectionContext *pfs_nca_fs_ctx = ((title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Application && base_patch_nca_fs_ctx && base_patch_nca_fs_ctx->enabled) ? base_patch_nca_fs_ctx : nca_fs_ctx);
/* Initialize PartitionFS context. */
PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(PartitionFileSystemContext));
if (!pfs_ctx)
consolePrint("pfs ctx alloc failed!\n");
goto end;
if (!pfsInitializeContext(pfs_ctx, pfs_nca_fs_ctx))
consolePrint("pfs initialize ctx failed!\n");
goto end;
*out_fs_ctx = pfs_ctx;
} else {
/* Select the right base/patch NCA FS section contexts. */
NcaFsSectionContext *base_nca_fs_ctx = (section_type == NcaFsSectionType_PatchRomFs ? base_patch_nca_fs_ctx : nca_fs_ctx);
NcaFsSectionContext *patch_nca_fs_ctx = (section_type == NcaFsSectionType_PatchRomFs ? nca_fs_ctx : base_patch_nca_fs_ctx);
/* Initialize RomFS context. */
RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(RomFileSystemContext));
if (!romfs_ctx)
consolePrint("romfs ctx alloc failed!\n");
goto end;
if (!romfsInitializeContext(romfs_ctx, base_nca_fs_ctx, patch_nca_fs_ctx))
consolePrint("romfs initialize ctx failed!\n");
goto end;
*out_fs_ctx = romfs_ctx;
/* Update output pointers. */
*out_section_type = section_type;
*out_use_layeredfs_dir = use_layeredfs_dir;
*out_base_patch_nca_ctx = base_patch_nca_ctx;
success = true;
if (!success && base_patch_nca_ctx) free(base_patch_nca_ctx);
return success;
static bool saveRawPartitionFsSection(PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx, bool use_layeredfs_dir)
u64 free_space = 0;
char size_str[16] = {0};
PfsThreadData pfs_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(pfs_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx = pfs_ctx->nca_fs_ctx;
NcaContext *nca_ctx = nca_fs_ctx->nca_ctx;
u64 title_id = nca_ctx->title_id;
u8 title_type = nca_ctx->title_type;
char subdir[0x20] = {0}, *filename = NULL;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
bool success = false;
pfs_thread_data.pfs_ctx = pfs_ctx;
pfs_thread_data.use_layeredfs_dir = use_layeredfs_dir;
shared_thread_data->total_size = pfs_ctx->size;
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString((double)pfs_ctx->size, size_str, sizeof(size_str));
consolePrint("raw partitionfs section size: 0x%lX (%s)\n", pfs_ctx->size, size_str);
if (use_layeredfs_dir)
/* Only use base title IDs if we're dealing with patches. */
title_id = (title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch ? titleGetApplicationIdByPatchId(title_id) : \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch ? titleGetAddOnContentIdByDataPatchId(title_id) : title_id));
filename = generateOutputLayeredFsFileName(title_id + nca_ctx->id_offset, NULL, "exefs.nsp");
} else {
snprintf(subdir, MAX_ELEMENTS(subdir), "NCA FS/%s/Raw", nca_ctx->storage_id == NcmStorageId_BuiltInSystem ? "System" : "User");
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "/%s #%u/%u.nsp", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(nca_ctx->content_type), nca_ctx->id_offset, nca_fs_ctx->section_idx);
TitleInfo *title_info = (title_id == g_ncaUserTitleInfo->meta_key.id ? g_ncaUserTitleInfo : g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo);
filename = generateOutputTitleFileName(title_info, subdir, path);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!usbSendFileProperties(shared_thread_data->total_size, filename))
consolePrint("failed to send file properties for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
goto end;
if (shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
goto end;
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(filename, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
if (shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(filename))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
goto end;
shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!shared_thread_data->fp)
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", filename);
goto end;
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)shared_thread_data->total_size);
success = spanDumpThreads(rawPartitionFsReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &pfs_thread_data);
if (success)
consolePrint("successfully saved raw partitionfs section as \"%s\"\n", filename);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (!success && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0)
} else {
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveExtractedPartitionFsSection(PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx, bool use_layeredfs_dir)
u64 data_size = 0;
char size_str[16] = {0};
PfsThreadData pfs_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(pfs_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
bool success = false;
if (!pfsGetTotalDataSize(pfs_ctx, &data_size))
consolePrint("failed to calculate extracted partitionfs section size!\n");
goto end;
if (!data_size)
consolePrint("partitionfs section is empty!\n");
goto end;
pfs_thread_data.pfs_ctx = pfs_ctx;
pfs_thread_data.use_layeredfs_dir = use_layeredfs_dir;
shared_thread_data->total_size = data_size;
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString((double)data_size, size_str, sizeof(size_str));
consolePrint("extracted partitionfs section size: 0x%lX (%s)\n", data_size, size_str);
success = spanDumpThreads(extractedPartitionFsReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &pfs_thread_data);
return success;
static bool saveRawRomFsSection(RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx, bool use_layeredfs_dir)
u64 free_space = 0;
char size_str[16] = {0};
RomFsThreadData romfs_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(romfs_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx = romfs_ctx->default_storage_ctx->nca_fs_ctx;
NcaContext *nca_ctx = nca_fs_ctx->nca_ctx;
u64 title_id = nca_ctx->title_id;
u8 title_type = nca_ctx->title_type;
char subdir[0x20] = {0}, *filename = NULL;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
bool success = false;
romfs_thread_data.romfs_ctx = romfs_ctx;
romfs_thread_data.use_layeredfs_dir = use_layeredfs_dir;
shared_thread_data->total_size = romfs_ctx->size;
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString((double)romfs_ctx->size, size_str, sizeof(size_str));
consolePrint("raw romfs section size: 0x%lX (%s)\n", romfs_ctx->size, size_str);
if (use_layeredfs_dir)
/* Only use base title IDs if we're dealing with patches. */
title_id = (title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch ? titleGetApplicationIdByPatchId(title_id) : \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch ? titleGetAddOnContentIdByDataPatchId(title_id) : title_id));
filename = generateOutputLayeredFsFileName(title_id + nca_ctx->id_offset, NULL, "romfs.bin");
} else {
snprintf(subdir, MAX_ELEMENTS(subdir), "NCA FS/%s/Raw", nca_ctx->storage_id == NcmStorageId_BuiltInSystem ? "System" : "User");
snprintf(path, MAX_ELEMENTS(path), "/%s #%u/%u.bin", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(nca_ctx->content_type), nca_ctx->id_offset, nca_fs_ctx->section_idx);
TitleInfo *title_info = (title_id == g_ncaUserTitleInfo->meta_key.id ? g_ncaUserTitleInfo : g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo);
filename = generateOutputTitleFileName(title_info, subdir, path);
if (!filename) goto end;
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!usbSendFileProperties(shared_thread_data->total_size, filename))
consolePrint("failed to send file properties for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
goto end;
if (shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
goto end;
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(filename, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
if (shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(filename))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && shared_thread_data->total_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
goto end;
shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!shared_thread_data->fp)
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", filename);
goto end;
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)shared_thread_data->total_size);
success = spanDumpThreads(rawRomFsReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &romfs_thread_data);
if (success)
consolePrint("successfully saved raw romfs section as \"%s\"\n", filename);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (!success && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0)
} else {
if (filename) free(filename);
return success;
static bool saveExtractedRomFsSection(RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx, bool use_layeredfs_dir)
u64 data_size = 0;
char size_str[16] = {0};
RomFsThreadData romfs_thread_data = {0};
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(romfs_thread_data.shared_thread_data);
bool success = false;
if (!romfsGetTotalDataSize(romfs_ctx, false, &data_size))
consolePrint("failed to calculate extracted romfs section size!\n");
goto end;
if (!data_size)
consolePrint("romfs section is empty!\n");
goto end;
romfs_thread_data.romfs_ctx = romfs_ctx;
romfs_thread_data.use_layeredfs_dir = use_layeredfs_dir;
shared_thread_data->total_size = data_size;
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString((double)data_size, size_str, sizeof(size_str));
consolePrint("extracted romfs section size: 0x%lX (%s)\n", data_size, size_str);
success = spanDumpThreads(extractedRomFsReadThreadFunc, genericWriteThreadFunc, &romfs_thread_data);
return success;
static void xciReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
XciThreadData *xci_thread_data = (XciThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(xci_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !buf1 || !buf2)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
shared_thread_data->data = NULL;
shared_thread_data->data_size = 0;
bool prepend_key_area = (bool)getGameCardPrependKeyAreaOption();
bool keep_certificate = (bool)getGameCardKeepCertificateOption();
bool calculate_checksum = (bool)getGameCardCalculateChecksumOption();
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < shared_thread_data->total_size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset)) blksize = (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current data chunk */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !gamecardReadStorage(buf1, blksize, offset);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Remove certificate */
if (!keep_certificate && offset == 0) memset((u8*)buf1 + GAMECARD_CERT_OFFSET, 0xFF, sizeof(FsGameCardCertificate));
/* Update checksum */
if (calculate_checksum)
xci_thread_data->xci_crc = crc32CalculateWithSeed(xci_thread_data->xci_crc, buf1, blksize);
if (prepend_key_area) xci_thread_data->full_xci_crc = crc32CalculateWithSeed(xci_thread_data->full_xci_crc, buf1, blksize);
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void rawHfsReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
HfsThreadData *hfs_thread_data = (HfsThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(hfs_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
HashFileSystemContext *hfs_ctx = hfs_thread_data->hfs_ctx;
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !hfs_ctx || !buf1 || !buf2)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
shared_thread_data->data = NULL;
shared_thread_data->data_size = 0;
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < shared_thread_data->total_size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset)) blksize = (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current data chunk */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !hfsReadPartitionData(hfs_ctx, buf1, blksize, offset);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void extractedHfsReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
HfsThreadData *hfs_thread_data = (HfsThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(hfs_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
HashFileSystemContext *hfs_ctx = hfs_thread_data->hfs_ctx;
u32 hfs_entry_count = hfsGetEntryCount(hfs_ctx);
char hfs_path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0}, *filename = NULL;
size_t filename_len = 0;
HashFileSystemEntry *hfs_entry = NULL;
char *hfs_entry_name = NULL;
u64 free_space = 0;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
snprintf(hfs_path, MAX_ELEMENTS(hfs_path), "/%s", hfs_ctx->name);
filename = generateOutputGameCardFileName("HFS/Extracted", hfs_path, true);
filename_len = (filename ? strlen(filename) : 0);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !hfs_entry_count || !buf1 || !buf2 || !filename)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
if (dev_idx != 1)
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
} else {
if (!usbStartExtractedFsDump(shared_thread_data->total_size, filename))
consolePrint("failed to send extracted fs info to host\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
goto end;
/* Loop through all file entries. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < hfs_entry_count; i++)
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user. */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
if (dev_idx != 1)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
/* Close file. */
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (dev_idx == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
/* Retrieve Hash FS file entry information. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = ((hfs_entry = hfsGetEntryByIndex(hfs_ctx, i)) == NULL || (hfs_entry_name = hfsGetEntryName(hfs_ctx, hfs_entry)) == NULL);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Generate output path. */
snprintf(hfs_path, MAX_ELEMENTS(hfs_path), "%s/%s", filename, hfs_entry_name);
utilsReplaceIllegalCharacters(hfs_path + filename_len + 1, dev_idx == 0);
if (dev_idx == 1)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
/* Send current file properties */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !usbSendFileProperties(hfs_entry->size, hfs_path);
} else {
/* Create directory tree. */
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(hfs_path, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
/* Create ConcatenationFile if we're dealing with a big file + SD card as the output storage. */
if (hfs_entry->size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(hfs_path))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", hfs_path);
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
} else {
/* Don't handle file chunks on FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 formatted UMS devices. */
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && hfs_entry->size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Open output file. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = ((shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(hfs_path, "wb")) == NULL);
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Set file size. */
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)hfs_entry->size);
} else {
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", hfs_path);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < hfs_entry->size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (hfs_entry->size - offset)) blksize = (hfs_entry->size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user. */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current file data chunk. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !hfsReadEntryData(hfs_ctx, hfs_entry, buf1, blksize, offset);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written. */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) break;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && !shared_thread_data->write_error && !shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written. */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (dev_idx == 1) usbEndExtractedFsDump();
consolePrint("successfully saved extracted hfs partition data to \"%s\"\n", filename);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if ((shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
if (filename) free(filename);
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void ncaReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
NcaThreadData *nca_thread_data = (NcaThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(nca_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
NcaContext *nca_ctx = nca_thread_data->nca_ctx;
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !nca_ctx || !buf1 || !buf2)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
shared_thread_data->data = NULL;
shared_thread_data->data_size = 0;
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < shared_thread_data->total_size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset)) blksize = (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current data chunk */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !ncaReadContentFile(nca_ctx, buf1, blksize, offset);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void rawPartitionFsReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
PfsThreadData *pfs_thread_data = (PfsThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(pfs_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx = pfs_thread_data->pfs_ctx;
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !pfs_ctx || !buf1 || !buf2)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
shared_thread_data->data = NULL;
shared_thread_data->data_size = 0;
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < shared_thread_data->total_size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset)) blksize = (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current data chunk */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !pfsReadPartitionData(pfs_ctx, buf1, blksize, offset);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void extractedPartitionFsReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
PfsThreadData *pfs_thread_data = (PfsThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(pfs_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
PartitionFileSystemContext *pfs_ctx = pfs_thread_data->pfs_ctx;
u32 pfs_entry_count = pfsGetEntryCount(pfs_ctx);
char pfs_path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0}, subdir[0x20] = {0}, *filename = NULL;
size_t filename_len = 0;
PartitionFileSystemEntry *pfs_entry = NULL;
char *pfs_entry_name = NULL;
NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx = pfs_ctx->nca_fs_ctx;
NcaContext *nca_ctx = nca_fs_ctx->nca_ctx;
u64 title_id = nca_ctx->title_id;
u8 title_type = nca_ctx->title_type;
u64 free_space = 0;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (pfs_thread_data->use_layeredfs_dir)
/* Only use base title IDs if we're dealing with patches. */
title_id = (title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch ? titleGetApplicationIdByPatchId(title_id) : \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch ? titleGetAddOnContentIdByDataPatchId(title_id) : title_id));
filename = generateOutputLayeredFsFileName(title_id + nca_ctx->id_offset, NULL, "exefs");
} else {
snprintf(subdir, MAX_ELEMENTS(subdir), "NCA FS/%s/Extracted", nca_ctx->storage_id == NcmStorageId_BuiltInSystem ? "System" : "User");
snprintf(pfs_path, MAX_ELEMENTS(pfs_path), "/%s #%u/%u", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(nca_ctx->content_type), nca_ctx->id_offset, nca_fs_ctx->section_idx);
TitleInfo *title_info = (title_id == g_ncaUserTitleInfo->meta_key.id ? g_ncaUserTitleInfo : g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo);
filename = generateOutputTitleFileName(title_info, subdir, pfs_path);
filename_len = (filename ? strlen(filename) : 0);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !pfs_entry_count || !buf1 || !buf2 || !filename)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
if (dev_idx != 1)
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
} else {
if (!usbStartExtractedFsDump(shared_thread_data->total_size, filename))
consolePrint("failed to send extracted fs info to host\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
goto end;
/* Loop through all file entries. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < pfs_entry_count; i++)
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user. */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
if (dev_idx != 1)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
/* Close file. */
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (dev_idx == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
/* Retrieve Partition FS file entry information. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = ((pfs_entry = pfsGetEntryByIndex(pfs_ctx, i)) == NULL || (pfs_entry_name = pfsGetEntryName(pfs_ctx, pfs_entry)) == NULL);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Generate output path. */
snprintf(pfs_path, MAX_ELEMENTS(pfs_path), "%s/%s", filename, pfs_entry_name);
utilsReplaceIllegalCharacters(pfs_path + filename_len + 1, dev_idx == 0);
if (dev_idx == 1)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
/* Send current file properties */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !usbSendFileProperties(pfs_entry->size, pfs_path);
} else {
/* Create directory tree. */
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(pfs_path, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
/* Create ConcatenationFile if we're dealing with a big file + SD card as the output storage. */
if (pfs_entry->size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(pfs_path))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", pfs_path);
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
} else {
/* Don't handle file chunks on FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 formatted UMS devices. */
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && pfs_entry->size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Open output file. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = ((shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(pfs_path, "wb")) == NULL);
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Set file size. */
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)pfs_entry->size);
} else {
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", pfs_path);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < pfs_entry->size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (pfs_entry->size - offset)) blksize = (pfs_entry->size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user. */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current file data chunk. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !pfsReadEntryData(pfs_ctx, pfs_entry, buf1, blksize, offset);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written. */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) break;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && !shared_thread_data->write_error && !shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written. */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (dev_idx == 1) usbEndExtractedFsDump();
consolePrint("successfully saved extracted partitionfs section data to \"%s\"\n", filename);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if ((shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
if (filename) free(filename);
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void rawRomFsReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
RomFsThreadData *romfs_thread_data = (RomFsThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(romfs_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx = romfs_thread_data->romfs_ctx;
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !romfs_ctx || !buf1 || !buf2)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
shared_thread_data->data = NULL;
shared_thread_data->data_size = 0;
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < shared_thread_data->total_size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset)) blksize = (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current data chunk */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !romfsReadFileSystemData(romfs_ctx, buf1, blksize, offset);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void extractedRomFsReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
RomFsThreadData *romfs_thread_data = (RomFsThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(romfs_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx = romfs_thread_data->romfs_ctx;
RomFileSystemFileEntry *romfs_file_entry = NULL;
u64 cur_entry_offset = 0;
char romfs_path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0}, subdir[0x20] = {0}, *filename = NULL;
size_t filename_len = 0;
NcaFsSectionContext *nca_fs_ctx = romfs_ctx->default_storage_ctx->nca_fs_ctx;
NcaContext *nca_ctx = nca_fs_ctx->nca_ctx;
u64 title_id = nca_ctx->title_id;
u8 title_type = nca_ctx->title_type;
u64 free_space = 0;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
u8 romfs_illegal_char_replace_type = (dev_idx != 0 ? RomFileSystemPathIllegalCharReplaceType_IllegalFsChars : RomFileSystemPathIllegalCharReplaceType_KeepAsciiCharsOnly);
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (romfs_thread_data->use_layeredfs_dir)
/* Only use base title IDs if we're dealing with patches. */
title_id = (title_type == NcmContentMetaType_Patch ? titleGetApplicationIdByPatchId(title_id) : \
(title_type == NcmContentMetaType_DataPatch ? titleGetAddOnContentIdByDataPatchId(title_id) : title_id));
filename = generateOutputLayeredFsFileName(title_id + nca_ctx->id_offset, NULL, "romfs");
} else {
snprintf(subdir, MAX_ELEMENTS(subdir), "NCA FS/%s/Extracted", nca_ctx->storage_id == NcmStorageId_BuiltInSystem ? "System" : "User");
snprintf(romfs_path, MAX_ELEMENTS(romfs_path), "/%s #%u/%u", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(nca_ctx->content_type), nca_ctx->id_offset, nca_fs_ctx->section_idx);
TitleInfo *title_info = (title_id == g_ncaUserTitleInfo->meta_key.id ? g_ncaUserTitleInfo : g_ncaBasePatchTitleInfo);
filename = generateOutputTitleFileName(title_info, subdir, romfs_path);
filename_len = (filename ? strlen(filename) : 0);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !buf1 || !buf2 || !filename)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
snprintf(romfs_path, MAX_ELEMENTS(romfs_path), "%s", filename);
if (dev_idx != 1)
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
} else {
if (!usbStartExtractedFsDump(shared_thread_data->total_size, filename))
consolePrint("failed to send extracted fs info to host\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
goto end;
/* Loop through all file entries. */
while(shared_thread_data->data_written < shared_thread_data->total_size && cur_entry_offset < romfs_ctx->file_table_size)
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user. */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
if (dev_idx != 1)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
/* Close file. */
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (dev_idx == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
/* Retrieve RomFS file entry information and generate output path. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = (!(romfs_file_entry = romfsGetFileEntryByOffset(romfs_ctx, cur_entry_offset)) || \
!romfsGeneratePathFromFileEntry(romfs_ctx, romfs_file_entry, romfs_path + filename_len, sizeof(romfs_path) - filename_len, romfs_illegal_char_replace_type));
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
if (dev_idx == 1)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
/* Send current file properties */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !usbSendFileProperties(romfs_file_entry->size, romfs_path);
} else {
/* Create directory tree. */
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(romfs_path, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
/* Create ConcatenationFile if we're dealing with a big file + SD card as the output storage. */
if (romfs_file_entry->size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(romfs_path))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", romfs_path);
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
} else {
/* Don't handle file chunks on FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 formatted UMS devices. */
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && romfs_file_entry->size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Open output file. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = ((shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(romfs_path, "wb")) == NULL);
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Set file size. */
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)romfs_file_entry->size);
} else {
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", romfs_path);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < romfs_file_entry->size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (romfs_file_entry->size - offset)) blksize = (romfs_file_entry->size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user. */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current file data chunk. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !romfsReadFileEntryData(romfs_ctx, romfs_file_entry, buf1, blksize, offset);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written. */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) break;
/* Get the offset for the next file entry. */
cur_entry_offset += ALIGN_UP(sizeof(RomFileSystemFileEntry) + romfs_file_entry->name_length, ROMFS_TABLE_ENTRY_ALIGNMENT);
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && !shared_thread_data->write_error && !shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written. */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (dev_idx == 1) usbEndExtractedFsDump();
consolePrint("successfully saved extracted romfs section data to \"%s\"\n", filename);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if ((shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
if (filename) free(filename);
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void fsBrowserFileReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
FsBrowserFileThreadData *fs_browser_thread_data = (FsBrowserFileThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(fs_browser_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
FILE *src = fs_browser_thread_data->src;
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !src || !buf1 || !buf2)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
shared_thread_data->data = NULL;
shared_thread_data->data_size = 0;
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < shared_thread_data->total_size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset)) blksize = (shared_thread_data->total_size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current data chunk */
shared_thread_data->read_error = (fread(buf1, 1, blksize, src) != blksize);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static void fsBrowserHighlightedEntriesReadThreadFunc(void *arg)
void *buf1 = NULL, *buf2 = NULL;
FsBrowserHighlightedEntriesThreadData *fs_browser_thread_data = (FsBrowserHighlightedEntriesThreadData*)arg;
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = &(fs_browser_thread_data->shared_thread_data);
const char *dir_path = fs_browser_thread_data->dir_path;
const FsBrowserEntry *entries = fs_browser_thread_data->entries;
u32 entries_count = fs_browser_thread_data->entries_count;
const char *base_out_path = fs_browser_thread_data->base_out_path;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
buf1 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
buf2 = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE);
if (!shared_thread_data->total_size || !dir_path || !*dir_path || !entries || !entries_count || !base_out_path || !*base_out_path || !buf1 || !buf2)
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
goto end;
if (dev_idx != 1)
u64 free_space = 0;
if (!utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(base_out_path, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && shared_thread_data->total_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("dump size exceeds free space\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
} else {
if (!usbStartExtractedFsDump(shared_thread_data->total_size, base_out_path))
consolePrint("failed to send extracted fs info to host\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Dump highlighted entries. */
fsBrowserHighlightedEntriesReadThreadLoop(shared_thread_data, dir_path, entries, entries_count, base_out_path, buf1, buf2);
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && !shared_thread_data->write_error && !shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
if (dev_idx == 1) usbEndExtractedFsDump();
consolePrint("successfully saved dumped data to \"%s\"\n", base_out_path);
} else {
if (buf2) free(buf2);
if (buf1) free(buf1);
static bool fsBrowserHighlightedEntriesReadThreadLoop(SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data, const char *dir_path, const FsBrowserEntry *entries, u32 entries_count, const char *base_out_path, void *buf1, void *buf2)
bool append_path_sep = (dir_path[strlen(dir_path) - 1] != '/');
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
bool is_topmost = (entries && entries_count); /* If entry data is provided, it means we're dealing with the topmost directory. */
const char *dir_path_start = (strchr(dir_path, '/') + 1);
char *tmp_path = NULL;
FILE *src = NULL;
/* Allocate memory for our temporary path. */
tmp_path = calloc(sizeof(char), FS_MAX_PATH);
if ((shared_thread_data->read_error = (tmp_path == NULL)))
consolePrint("failed to allocate memory for path!\n");
goto end;
/* Get directory entries, if needed. */
if (!is_topmost && (shared_thread_data->read_error = !fsBrowserGetDirEntries(dir_path, (FsBrowserEntry**)&entries, &entries_count)))
goto end;
/* Loop through all highlighted entries. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < entries_count; i++)
/* Get current entry. */
const FsBrowserEntry *entry = &(entries[i]);
if (is_topmost && !entry->highlight) continue;
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user. */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
if (dev_idx != 1)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
/* Close file. */
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if (dev_idx == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
/* Generate input path. */
snprintf(tmp_path, FS_MAX_PATH, "%s%s%s", dir_path, append_path_sep ? "/" : "", entry->dt.d_name);
if (entry->dt.d_type == DT_DIR)
/* Dump directory. */
if (!fsBrowserHighlightedEntriesReadThreadLoop(shared_thread_data, tmp_path, NULL, 0, base_out_path, buf1, buf2)) break;
/* Open input file. */
src = fopen(tmp_path, "rb");
if ((shared_thread_data->read_error = (src == NULL)))
consolePrint("failed to open file \"%s\" for reading!\n", tmp_path);
setvbuf(src, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
/* Generate output path. */
if (*dir_path_start)
snprintf(tmp_path, FS_MAX_PATH, "%s/%s/%s", base_out_path, dir_path_start, entry->dt.d_name);
} else {
snprintf(tmp_path, FS_MAX_PATH, "%s/%s", base_out_path, entry->dt.d_name);
if (dev_idx == 1)
/* Wait until the previous data chunk has been written */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
/* Send current file properties */
shared_thread_data->read_error = !usbSendFileProperties(entry->size, tmp_path);
} else {
/* Create directory tree. */
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(tmp_path, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
/* Create ConcatenationFile if we're dealing with a big file + SD card as the output storage. */
if (entry->size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(tmp_path))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", tmp_path);
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
} else {
/* Don't handle file chunks on FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 formatted UMS devices. */
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && entry->size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
shared_thread_data->read_error = true;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Open output file. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = ((shared_thread_data->fp = fopen(tmp_path, "wb")) == NULL);
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Set file size. */
setvbuf(shared_thread_data->fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(shared_thread_data->fp), (off_t)entry->size);
} else {
consolePrint("failed to open \"%s\" for writing!\n", tmp_path);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Dump file. */
for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = BLOCK_SIZE; offset < entry->size; offset += blksize)
if (blksize > (entry->size - offset)) blksize = (entry->size - offset);
/* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user. */
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Read current file data chunk. */
shared_thread_data->read_error = (fread(buf1, 1, blksize, src) != blksize);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error)
/* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written. */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->write_error)
/* Update shared object. */
shared_thread_data->data = buf1;
shared_thread_data->data_size = blksize;
/* Swap buffers. */
buf1 = buf2;
buf2 = shared_thread_data->data;
/* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data. */
/* Close input file. */
src = NULL;
if (shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) break;
if (!shared_thread_data->read_error && !shared_thread_data->write_error && !shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
/* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written. */
if (shared_thread_data->data_size) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->fp)
shared_thread_data->fp = NULL;
if ((shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) && dev_idx != 1)
if (dev_idx == 0) utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges();
if (src) fclose(src);
if (!is_topmost && entries) free((FsBrowserEntry*)entries);
if (tmp_path) free(tmp_path);
return !shared_thread_data->read_error;
static void genericWriteThreadFunc(void *arg)
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = (SharedThreadData*)arg; // UB but we don't care
while(shared_thread_data->data_written < shared_thread_data->total_size)
/* Wait until the current file data chunk has been read */
if (!shared_thread_data->data_size && !shared_thread_data->read_error) condvarWait(&g_writeCondvar, &g_fileMutex);
if (shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled || (!useUsbHost() && !shared_thread_data->fp))
if (useUsbHost() && shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) usbCancelFileTransfer();
/* Write current file data chunk */
if (useUsbHost())
shared_thread_data->write_error = !usbSendFileData(shared_thread_data->data, shared_thread_data->data_size);
} else {
shared_thread_data->write_error = (fwrite(shared_thread_data->data, 1, shared_thread_data->data_size, shared_thread_data->fp) != shared_thread_data->data_size);
if (!shared_thread_data->write_error)
shared_thread_data->data_written += shared_thread_data->data_size;
shared_thread_data->data_size = 0;
/* Wake up the read thread to continue reading data */
if (shared_thread_data->write_error) break;
static bool spanDumpThreads(ThreadFunc read_func, ThreadFunc write_func, void *arg)
SharedThreadData *shared_thread_data = (SharedThreadData*)arg; // UB but we don't care
Thread read_thread = {0}, write_thread = {0};
time_t start = 0, btn_cancel_start_tmr = 0, btn_cancel_end_tmr = 0;
bool btn_cancel_cur_state = false, btn_cancel_prev_state = false, success = false;
u64 prev_size = 0;
u8 prev_time = 0, percent = 0;
consolePrint("creating threads\n");
utilsCreateThread(&read_thread, read_func, arg, 2);
utilsCreateThread(&write_thread, write_func, arg, 2);
consolePrint("hold b to cancel\n\n");
start = time(NULL);
while(shared_thread_data->data_written < shared_thread_data->total_size)
g_appletStatus = appletMainLoop();
if (!g_appletStatus)
shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled = true;
if (shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error || shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) break;
struct tm ts = {0};
time_t now = time(NULL);
localtime_r(&now, &ts);
size_t size = shared_thread_data->data_written;
btn_cancel_cur_state = (utilsGetButtonsHeld() & HidNpadButton_B);
if (btn_cancel_cur_state && btn_cancel_cur_state != btn_cancel_prev_state)
btn_cancel_start_tmr = now;
} else
if (btn_cancel_cur_state && btn_cancel_cur_state == btn_cancel_prev_state)
btn_cancel_end_tmr = now;
if ((btn_cancel_end_tmr - btn_cancel_start_tmr) >= 3)
shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled = true;
} else {
btn_cancel_start_tmr = btn_cancel_end_tmr = 0;
btn_cancel_prev_state = btn_cancel_cur_state;
if (prev_time == ts.tm_sec || prev_size == size) continue;
percent = (u8)((size * 100) / shared_thread_data->total_size);
prev_time = ts.tm_sec;
prev_size = size;
consolePrint("%lu / %lu (%u%%) | Time elapsed: %lu\n", size, shared_thread_data->total_size, percent, (now - start));
consolePrint("\nwaiting for threads to join\n");
consolePrint("read_thread done: %lu\n", time(NULL));
consolePrint("write_thread done: %lu\n", time(NULL));
if (shared_thread_data->read_error || shared_thread_data->write_error)
consolePrint("i/o error\n");
} else
if (shared_thread_data->transfer_cancelled)
consolePrint("process cancelled\n");
} else {
start = (time(NULL) - start);
consolePrint("process completed in %lu seconds\n", start);
success = true;
return success;
static void nspThreadFunc(void *arg)
NspThreadData *nsp_thread_data = (NspThreadData*)arg;
TitleInfo *title_info = NULL;
bool set_download_type = (bool)getNspSetDownloadDistributionOption();
bool remove_console_data = (bool)getNspRemoveConsoleDataOption();
bool remove_titlekey_crypto = (bool)getNspRemoveTitlekeyCryptoOption();
bool patch_sua = (bool)getNspDisableLinkedAccountRequirementOption();
bool patch_screenshot = (bool)getNspEnableScreenshotsOption();
bool patch_video_capture = (bool)getNspEnableVideoCaptureOption();
bool patch_hdcp = (bool)getNspDisableHdcpOption();
bool generate_authoringtool_data = (bool)getNspGenerateAuthoringToolDataOption();
bool success = false, no_titlekey_confirmation = false;
u64 free_space = 0;
u32 dev_idx = g_storageMenuElementOption.selected;
u8 *buf = NULL;
char *filename = NULL;
FILE *fp = NULL;
NcaContext *nca_ctx = NULL;
NcaContext *meta_nca_ctx = NULL;
ContentMetaContext cnmt_ctx = {0};
ProgramInfoContext *program_info_ctx = NULL;
u32 program_idx = 0, program_count = 0;
NacpContext *nacp_ctx = NULL;
u32 control_idx = 0, control_count = 0;
LegalInfoContext *legal_info_ctx = NULL;
u32 legal_info_idx = 0, legal_info_count = 0;
Ticket tik = {0};
TikCommonBlock *tik_common_block = NULL;
u8 *raw_cert_chain = NULL;
u64 raw_cert_chain_size = 0;
PartitionFileSystemImageContext pfs_img_ctx = {0};
char entry_name[64] = {0};
u64 nsp_header_size = 0, nsp_size = 0, nsp_offset = 0;
char size_str[16] = {0};
char *tmp_name = NULL;
Sha256Context clean_sha256_ctx = {0}, dirty_sha256_ctx = {0};
u8 clean_sha256_hash[SHA256_HASH_SIZE] = {0}, dirty_sha256_hash[SHA256_HASH_SIZE] = {0};
if (!nsp_thread_data || !(title_info = (TitleInfo*)nsp_thread_data->data) || !title_info->content_count || !title_info->content_infos) goto end;
/* Allocate memory for the dump process. */
if (!(buf = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(BLOCK_SIZE)))
consolePrint("buf alloc failed\n");
goto end;
/* Generate output path. */
filename = generateOutputTitleFileName(title_info, "NSP", ".nsp");
if (!filename) goto end;
/* Get free space on output storage. */
if (dev_idx != 1 && !utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(filename, NULL, &free_space))
consolePrint("failed to retrieve free space from selected device\n");
goto end;
if (!(nca_ctx = calloc(title_info->content_count, sizeof(NcaContext))))
consolePrint("nca ctx calloc failed\n");
goto end;
// determine if we should initialize programinfo ctx
if (generate_authoringtool_data)
program_count = titleGetContentCountByType(title_info, NcmContentType_Program);
if (program_count && !(program_info_ctx = calloc(program_count, sizeof(ProgramInfoContext))))
consolePrint("program info ctx calloc failed\n");
goto end;
// determine if we should initialize nacp ctx
if (patch_sua || patch_screenshot || patch_video_capture || patch_hdcp || generate_authoringtool_data)
control_count = titleGetContentCountByType(title_info, NcmContentType_Control);
if (control_count && !(nacp_ctx = calloc(control_count, sizeof(NacpContext))))
consolePrint("nacp ctx calloc failed\n");
goto end;
// determine if we should initialize legalinfo ctx
if (generate_authoringtool_data)
legal_info_count = titleGetContentCountByType(title_info, NcmContentType_LegalInformation);
if (legal_info_count && !(legal_info_ctx = calloc(legal_info_count, sizeof(LegalInfoContext))))
consolePrint("legal info ctx calloc failed\n");
goto end;
// set meta nca as the last nca
meta_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[title_info->content_count - 1]);
if (!ncaInitializeContext(meta_nca_ctx, title_info->storage_id, (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure : 0), \
&(title_info->meta_key), titleGetContentInfoByTypeAndIdOffset(title_info, NcmContentType_Meta, 0), &tik))
consolePrint("meta nca initialize ctx failed\n");
goto end;
consolePrint("meta nca initialize ctx succeeded\n");
if (!cnmtInitializeContext(&cnmt_ctx, meta_nca_ctx))
consolePrint("cnmt initialize ctx failed\n");
goto end;
consolePrint("cnmt initialize ctx succeeded (%s)\n", meta_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
// initialize nca context
// initialize content type context
// generate nca patches (if needed)
// generate content type xml
for(u32 i = 0, j = 0; i < title_info->content_count; i++)
// skip meta nca since we already initialized it
NcmContentInfo *content_info = &(title_info->content_infos[i]);
if (content_info->content_type == NcmContentType_Meta) continue;
NcaContext *cur_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[j]);
if (!ncaInitializeContext(cur_nca_ctx, title_info->storage_id, (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? HashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure : 0), \
&(title_info->meta_key), content_info, &tik))
consolePrint("%s #%u initialize nca ctx failed\n", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(content_info->content_type), content_info->id_offset);
goto end;
consolePrint("%s #%u initialize nca ctx succeeded\n", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(cur_nca_ctx->content_type), cur_nca_ctx->id_offset);
// don't go any further with this nca if we can't access its fs data because it's pointless
if (cur_nca_ctx->rights_id_available && !cur_nca_ctx->titlekey_retrieved && !no_titlekey_confirmation)
consolePrintReversedColors("\nunable to retrieve titlekey for the selected title");
consolePrintReversedColors("\nif you proceed, nca modifications will be disabled, and content decryption");
consolePrintReversedColors("\nwill not be possible for external tools (e.g. emulators, etc.)\n");
consolePrintReversedColors("\nthis may occur because of different reasons:\n");
consolePrintReversedColors("\n1. you haven't launched this game/dlc at least once since you downloaded it");
consolePrintReversedColors("\n2. this is a shared game/dlc across different switch consoles using the");
consolePrintReversedColors("\n same nintendo account and you're using the secondary console");
consolePrintReversedColors("\n3. you downloaded this game/dlc onto your sd card using your sysmmc, then");
consolePrintReversedColors("\n copied the 'nintendo' folder data into the 'emummc' folder (or viceversa)\n");
consolePrintReversedColors("\ncases 1 and 2 can be fixed by exiting nxdumptool, launching the game");
consolePrintReversedColors("\nand then running nxdumptool once again\n");
consolePrintReversedColors("\ncase 3 can be fixed by running nxdumptool directly under the emmc that was");
consolePrintReversedColors("\nused to download the game/dlc\n");
consolePrintReversedColors("\npress a to proceed anyway, or b to cancel\n\n");
u64 btn_down = utilsWaitForButtonPress(HidNpadButton_A | HidNpadButton_B);
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_A)
no_titlekey_confirmation = true;
goto end;
// set download distribution type
// has no effect if this nca uses NcaDistributionType_Download
if (set_download_type) ncaSetDownloadDistributionType(cur_nca_ctx);
// remove titlekey crypto
// has no effect if this nca doesn't use titlekey crypto
if (remove_titlekey_crypto && !ncaRemoveTitleKeyCrypto(cur_nca_ctx))
consolePrint("nca remove titlekey crypto failed\n");
goto end;
if (!cur_nca_ctx->fs_ctx[0].has_sparse_layer)
case NcmContentType_Program:
// don't proceed if we didn't allocate programinfo ctx
if (!program_count || !program_info_ctx) break;
ProgramInfoContext *cur_program_info_ctx = &(program_info_ctx[program_idx]);
if (!programInfoInitializeContext(cur_program_info_ctx, cur_nca_ctx))
consolePrint("initialize program info ctx failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
if (!programInfoGenerateAuthoringToolXml(cur_program_info_ctx))
consolePrint("program info xml failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
consolePrint("initialize program info ctx succeeded (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
case NcmContentType_Control:
// don't proceed if we didn't allocate nacp ctx
if (!control_count || !nacp_ctx) break;
NacpContext *cur_nacp_ctx = &(nacp_ctx[control_idx]);
if (!nacpInitializeContext(cur_nacp_ctx, cur_nca_ctx))
consolePrint("initialize nacp ctx failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
if (!nacpGenerateNcaPatch(cur_nacp_ctx, patch_sua, patch_screenshot, patch_video_capture, patch_hdcp))
consolePrint("nacp nca patch failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
if (generate_authoringtool_data && !nacpGenerateAuthoringToolXml(cur_nacp_ctx, title_info->version.value, cnmtGetRequiredTitleVersion(&cnmt_ctx)))
consolePrint("nacp xml failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
consolePrint("initialize nacp ctx succeeded (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
case NcmContentType_LegalInformation:
// don't proceed if we didn't allocate legalinfo ctx
if (!legal_info_count || !legal_info_ctx) break;
LegalInfoContext *cur_legal_info_ctx = &(legal_info_ctx[legal_info_idx]);
if (!legalInfoInitializeContext(cur_legal_info_ctx, cur_nca_ctx))
consolePrint("initialize legal info ctx failed (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
consolePrint("initialize legal info ctx succeeded (%s)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
if (!ncaEncryptHeader(cur_nca_ctx))
consolePrint("%s #%u encrypt nca header failed\n", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(content_info->content_type), content_info->id_offset);
goto end;
// generate cnmt xml right away even though we don't yet have all the data we need
// This is because we need its size to calculate the full nsp size
if (generate_authoringtool_data && !cnmtGenerateAuthoringToolXml(&cnmt_ctx, nca_ctx, title_info->content_count))
consolePrint("cnmt xml #1 failed\n");
goto end;
bool retrieve_tik_cert = (!remove_titlekey_crypto && tikIsValidTicket(&tik));
if (retrieve_tik_cert)
if (!(tik_common_block = tikGetCommonBlockFromTicket(&tik)))
consolePrint("tik common block failed");
goto end;
if (remove_console_data && tik_common_block->titlekey_type == TikTitleKeyType_Personalized)
if (!tikConvertPersonalizedTicketToCommonTicket(&tik, &raw_cert_chain, &raw_cert_chain_size))
consolePrint("tik convert failed\n");
goto end;
} else {
raw_cert_chain = (title_info->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? certRetrieveRawCertificateChainFromGameCardByRightsId(&(tik_common_block->rights_id), &raw_cert_chain_size) : \
certGenerateRawCertificateChainBySignatureIssuer(tik_common_block->issuer, &raw_cert_chain_size));
if (!raw_cert_chain)
consolePrint("cert failed\n");
goto end;
// add nca info
for(u32 i = 0; i < title_info->content_count; i++)
NcaContext *cur_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[i]);
sprintf(entry_name, "%s.%s", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str, cur_nca_ctx->content_type == NcmContentType_Meta ? "cnmt.nca" : "nca");
if (!pfsAddEntryInformationToImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, entry_name, cur_nca_ctx->content_size, NULL))
consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name);
goto end;
// add cnmt xml info
if (generate_authoringtool_data)
sprintf(entry_name, "%s.cnmt.xml", meta_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
if (!pfsAddEntryInformationToImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, entry_name, cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml_size, &(meta_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx)))
consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name);
goto end;
// add content type ctx data info
u32 limit = generate_authoringtool_data ? (title_info->content_count - 1) : 0;
for(u32 i = 0; i < limit; i++)
bool ret = false;
NcaContext *cur_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[i]);
if (!cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx) continue;
case NcmContentType_Program:
ProgramInfoContext *cur_program_info_ctx = (ProgramInfoContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx;
sprintf(entry_name, "%s.programinfo.xml", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
ret = pfsAddEntryInformationToImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, entry_name, cur_program_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size, &(cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx));
case NcmContentType_Control:
NacpContext *cur_nacp_ctx = (NacpContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx;
for(u8 j = 0; j < cur_nacp_ctx->icon_count; j++)
NacpIconContext *icon_ctx = &(cur_nacp_ctx->icon_ctx[j]);
sprintf(entry_name, "%s.nx.%s.jpg", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str, nacpGetLanguageString(icon_ctx->language));
if (!pfsAddEntryInformationToImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, entry_name, icon_ctx->icon_size, j == 0 ? &(cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx) : NULL))
consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name);
goto end;
sprintf(entry_name, "%s.nacp.xml", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
ret = pfsAddEntryInformationToImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, entry_name, cur_nacp_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size, !cur_nacp_ctx->icon_count ? &(cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx) : NULL);
case NcmContentType_LegalInformation:
LegalInfoContext *cur_legal_info_ctx = (LegalInfoContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx;
sprintf(entry_name, "%s.legalinfo.xml", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
ret = pfsAddEntryInformationToImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, entry_name, cur_legal_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size, &(cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx));
if (!ret)
consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name);
goto end;
// add ticket and cert info
if (retrieve_tik_cert)
sprintf(entry_name, "%s.tik", tik.rights_id_str);
if (!pfsAddEntryInformationToImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, entry_name, tik.size, NULL))
consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name);
goto end;
sprintf(entry_name, "%s.cert", tik.rights_id_str);
if (!pfsAddEntryInformationToImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, entry_name, raw_cert_chain_size, NULL))
consolePrint("pfs add entry failed: %s\n", entry_name);
goto end;
// write pfs header to memory buffer
if (!pfsWriteImageContextHeaderToMemoryBuffer(&pfs_img_ctx, buf, BLOCK_SIZE, &nsp_header_size))
consolePrint("pfs write header to mem #1 failed\n");
goto end;
nsp_size = (nsp_header_size + pfs_img_ctx.fs_size);
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString((double)nsp_header_size, size_str, sizeof(size_str));
consolePrint("nsp header size: 0x%lX (%s)\n", nsp_header_size, size_str);
utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString((double)nsp_size, size_str, sizeof(size_str));
consolePrint("nsp size: 0x%lX (%s)\n", nsp_size, size_str);
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!usbSendNspProperties(nsp_size, filename, (u32)nsp_header_size))
consolePrint("usb send nsp properties failed\n");
goto end;
} else {
if (nsp_size >= free_space)
consolePrint("nsp size exceeds free space\n");
goto end;
utilsCreateDirectoryTree(filename, false);
if (dev_idx == 0)
if (nsp_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT && !utilsCreateConcatenationFile(filename))
consolePrint("failed to create concatenation file for \"%s\"!\n", filename);
goto end;
} else {
if (g_umsDevices[dev_idx - 2].fs_type < UsbHsFsDeviceFileSystemType_exFAT && nsp_size > FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT)
consolePrint("split dumps not supported for FAT12/16/32 volumes in UMS devices (yet)\n");
goto end;
if (!(fp = fopen(filename, "wb")))
consolePrint("fopen failed\n");
goto end;
// set file size
setvbuf(fp, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
ftruncate(fileno(fp), (off_t)nsp_size);
// write placeholder header
memset(buf, 0, nsp_header_size);
fwrite(buf, 1, nsp_header_size, fp);
consolePrint("dump process started, please wait. hold b to cancel.\n");
nsp_offset += nsp_header_size;
// set nsp size
nsp_thread_data->total_size = nsp_size;
// write ncas
for(u32 i = 0; i < title_info->content_count; i++)
NcaContext *cur_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[i]);
u64 blksize = BLOCK_SIZE;
if (cur_nca_ctx->content_type == NcmContentType_Meta && (!cnmtGenerateNcaPatch(&cnmt_ctx) || !ncaEncryptHeader(cur_nca_ctx)))
consolePrint("cnmt generate patch failed\n");
goto end;
bool dirty_header = ncaIsHeaderDirty(cur_nca_ctx);
if (dev_idx == 1)
tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, i);
if (!usbSendFileProperties(cur_nca_ctx->content_size, tmp_name))
consolePrint("usb send file properties \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name);
goto end;
for(u64 offset = 0; offset < cur_nca_ctx->content_size; offset += blksize, nsp_offset += blksize, nsp_thread_data->data_written += blksize)
bool cancelled = nsp_thread_data->transfer_cancelled;
if (cancelled) goto end;
if ((cur_nca_ctx->content_size - offset) < blksize) blksize = (cur_nca_ctx->content_size - offset);
// read nca chunk
if (!ncaReadContentFile(cur_nca_ctx, buf, blksize, offset))
consolePrint("nca read failed at 0x%lX for \"%s\"\n", offset, cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
// update clean hash calculation
sha256ContextUpdate(&clean_sha256_ctx, buf, blksize);
if ((offset + blksize) >= cur_nca_ctx->content_size)
// get clean hash
sha256ContextGetHash(&clean_sha256_ctx, clean_sha256_hash);
// validate clean hash
if (!cnmtVerifyContentHash(&cnmt_ctx, cur_nca_ctx, clean_sha256_hash))
consolePrint("sha256 checksum mismatch for nca \"%s\"\nplease check for corrupted data using the data management menu\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
if (dirty_header)
// write re-encrypted headers
if (!cur_nca_ctx->header_written) ncaWriteEncryptedHeaderDataToMemoryBuffer(cur_nca_ctx, buf, blksize, offset);
if (cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_patch)
// write content type context patch
case NcmContentType_Meta:
cnmtWriteNcaPatch(&cnmt_ctx, buf, blksize, offset);
case NcmContentType_Control:
nacpWriteNcaPatch((NacpContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx, buf, blksize, offset);
// update flag to avoid entering this code block if it's not needed anymore
dirty_header = (!cur_nca_ctx->header_written || cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_patch);
// update dirty hash calculation
sha256ContextUpdate(&dirty_sha256_ctx, buf, blksize);
// write nca chunk
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!usbSendFileData(buf, blksize))
consolePrint("send file data failed\n");
goto end;
} else {
fwrite(buf, 1, blksize, fp);
// get dirty hash
sha256ContextGetHash(&dirty_sha256_ctx, dirty_sha256_hash);
if (memcmp(clean_sha256_hash, dirty_sha256_hash, SHA256_HASH_SIZE) != 0)
// update content id and hash
ncaUpdateContentIdAndHash(cur_nca_ctx, dirty_sha256_hash);
// update cnmt
if (!cnmtUpdateContentInfo(&cnmt_ctx, cur_nca_ctx))
consolePrint("cnmt update content info failed\n");
goto end;
// update pfs entry name
if (!pfsUpdateEntryNameFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, i, cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str))
consolePrint("pfs update entry name failed for nca \"%s\"\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
if (generate_authoringtool_data)
// regenerate cnmt xml
if (!cnmtGenerateAuthoringToolXml(&cnmt_ctx, nca_ctx, title_info->content_count))
consolePrint("cnmt xml #2 failed\n");
goto end;
// write cnmt xml
if (dev_idx == 1)
tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, meta_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx);
if (!usbSendFileProperties(cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml_size, tmp_name) || !usbSendFileData(cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml, cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml_size))
consolePrint("send \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name);
goto end;
} else {
fwrite(cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml, 1, cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml_size, fp);
nsp_offset += cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml_size;
nsp_thread_data->data_written += cnmt_ctx.authoring_tool_xml_size;
// update cnmt xml pfs entry name
if (!pfsUpdateEntryNameFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, meta_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx, meta_nca_ctx->content_id_str))
consolePrint("pfs update entry name cnmt xml failed\n");
goto end;
// write content type ctx data
for(u32 i = 0; i < limit; i++)
NcaContext *cur_nca_ctx = &(nca_ctx[i]);
if (!cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx) continue;
char *authoring_tool_xml = NULL;
u64 authoring_tool_xml_size = 0;
u32 data_idx = cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_data_idx;
case NcmContentType_Program:
ProgramInfoContext *cur_program_info_ctx = (ProgramInfoContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx;
authoring_tool_xml = cur_program_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml;
authoring_tool_xml_size = cur_program_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size;
case NcmContentType_Control:
NacpContext *cur_nacp_ctx = (NacpContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx;
authoring_tool_xml = cur_nacp_ctx->authoring_tool_xml;
authoring_tool_xml_size = cur_nacp_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size;
// loop through available icons
for(u8 j = 0; j < cur_nacp_ctx->icon_count; j++)
NacpIconContext *icon_ctx = &(cur_nacp_ctx->icon_ctx[j]);
// write icon
if (dev_idx == 1)
tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, data_idx);
if (!usbSendFileProperties(icon_ctx->icon_size, tmp_name) || !usbSendFileData(icon_ctx->icon_data, icon_ctx->icon_size))
consolePrint("send \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name);
goto end;
} else {
fwrite(icon_ctx->icon_data, 1, icon_ctx->icon_size, fp);
nsp_offset += icon_ctx->icon_size;
nsp_thread_data->data_written += icon_ctx->icon_size;
// update pfs entry name
if (!pfsUpdateEntryNameFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, data_idx++, cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str))
consolePrint("pfs update entry name failed for icon \"%s\" (%u)\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str, icon_ctx->language);
goto end;
case NcmContentType_LegalInformation:
LegalInfoContext *cur_legal_info_ctx = (LegalInfoContext*)cur_nca_ctx->content_type_ctx;
authoring_tool_xml = cur_legal_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml;
authoring_tool_xml_size = cur_legal_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size;
// write xml
if (dev_idx == 1)
tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, data_idx);
if (!usbSendFileProperties(authoring_tool_xml_size, tmp_name) || !usbSendFileData(authoring_tool_xml, authoring_tool_xml_size))
consolePrint("send \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name);
goto end;
} else {
fwrite(authoring_tool_xml, 1, authoring_tool_xml_size, fp);
nsp_offset += authoring_tool_xml_size;
nsp_thread_data->data_written += authoring_tool_xml_size;
// update pfs entry name
if (!pfsUpdateEntryNameFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, data_idx, cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str))
consolePrint("pfs update entry name failed for xml \"%s\"\n", cur_nca_ctx->content_id_str);
goto end;
if (retrieve_tik_cert)
// write ticket
if (dev_idx == 1)
tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, pfs_img_ctx.header.entry_count - 2);
if (!usbSendFileProperties(tik.size, tmp_name) || !usbSendFileData(tik.data, tik.size))
consolePrint("send \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name);
goto end;
} else {
fwrite(tik.data, 1, tik.size, fp);
nsp_offset += tik.size;
nsp_thread_data->data_written += tik.size;
// write cert
if (dev_idx == 1)
tmp_name = pfsGetEntryNameByIndexFromImageContext(&pfs_img_ctx, pfs_img_ctx.header.entry_count - 1);
if (!usbSendFileProperties(raw_cert_chain_size, tmp_name) || !usbSendFileData(raw_cert_chain, raw_cert_chain_size))
consolePrint("send \"%s\" failed\n", tmp_name);
goto end;
} else {
fwrite(raw_cert_chain, 1, raw_cert_chain_size, fp);
nsp_offset += raw_cert_chain_size;
nsp_thread_data->data_written += raw_cert_chain_size;
// write new pfs0 header
if (!pfsWriteImageContextHeaderToMemoryBuffer(&pfs_img_ctx, buf, BLOCK_SIZE, &nsp_header_size))
consolePrint("pfs write header to mem #2 failed\n");
goto end;
if (dev_idx == 1)
if (!usbSendNspHeader(buf, (u32)nsp_header_size))
consolePrint("send nsp header failed\n");
goto end;
} else {
fwrite(buf, 1, nsp_header_size, fp);
nsp_thread_data->data_written += nsp_header_size;
success = true;
if (!success && !nsp_thread_data->transfer_cancelled) nsp_thread_data->error = true;
if (fp)
if (!success)
if (dev_idx == 0)
} else {
if (!success && dev_idx == 1) usbCancelFileTransfer();
if (raw_cert_chain) free(raw_cert_chain);
if (legal_info_ctx)
for(u32 i = 0; i < legal_info_count; i++) legalInfoFreeContext(&(legal_info_ctx[i]));
if (nacp_ctx)
for(u32 i = 0; i < control_count; i++) nacpFreeContext(&(nacp_ctx[i]));
if (program_info_ctx)
for(u32 i = 0; i < program_count; i++) programInfoFreeContext(&(program_info_ctx[i]));
if (nca_ctx) free(nca_ctx);
if (filename) free(filename);
if (buf) free(buf);
static u32 getOutputStorageOption(void)
return (u32)configGetInteger("output_storage");
static void setOutputStorageOption(u32 idx)
if (idx < ConfigOutputStorage_Count) configSetInteger("output_storage", (int)idx);
static u32 getGameCardPrependKeyAreaOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("gamecard/prepend_key_area");
static void setGameCardPrependKeyAreaOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("gamecard/prepend_key_area", (bool)idx);
static u32 getGameCardKeepCertificateOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("gamecard/keep_certificate");
static void setGameCardKeepCertificateOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("gamecard/keep_certificate", (bool)idx);
static u32 getGameCardTrimDumpOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("gamecard/trim_dump");
static void setGameCardTrimDumpOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("gamecard/trim_dump", (bool)idx);
static u32 getGameCardCalculateChecksumOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("gamecard/calculate_checksum");
static void setGameCardCalculateChecksumOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("gamecard/calculate_checksum", (bool)idx);
static u32 getGameCardWriteRawHfsPartitionOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("gamecard/write_raw_hfs_partition");
static void setGameCardWriteRawHfsPartitionOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("gamecard/write_raw_hfs_partition", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNspSetDownloadDistributionOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nsp/set_download_distribution");
static void setNspSetDownloadDistributionOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nsp/set_download_distribution", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNspRemoveConsoleDataOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nsp/remove_console_data");
static void setNspRemoveConsoleDataOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nsp/remove_console_data", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNspRemoveTitlekeyCryptoOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nsp/remove_titlekey_crypto");
static void setNspRemoveTitlekeyCryptoOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nsp/remove_titlekey_crypto", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNspDisableLinkedAccountRequirementOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nsp/disable_linked_account_requirement");
static void setNspDisableLinkedAccountRequirementOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nsp/disable_linked_account_requirement", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNspEnableScreenshotsOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nsp/enable_screenshots");
static void setNspEnableScreenshotsOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nsp/enable_screenshots", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNspEnableVideoCaptureOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nsp/enable_video_capture");
static void setNspEnableVideoCaptureOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nsp/enable_video_capture", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNspDisableHdcpOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nsp/disable_hdcp");
static void setNspDisableHdcpOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nsp/disable_hdcp", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNspGenerateAuthoringToolDataOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nsp/generate_authoringtool_data");
static void setNspGenerateAuthoringToolDataOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nsp/generate_authoringtool_data", (bool)idx);
static u32 getTicketRemoveConsoleDataOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("ticket/remove_console_data");
static void setTicketRemoveConsoleDataOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("ticket/remove_console_data", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNcaFsWriteRawSectionOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nca_fs/write_raw_section");
static void setNcaFsWriteRawSectionOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nca_fs/write_raw_section", (bool)idx);
static u32 getNcaFsUseLayeredFsDirOption(void)
return (u32)configGetBoolean("nca_fs/use_layeredfs_dir");
static void setNcaFsUseLayeredFsDirOption(u32 idx)
configSetBoolean("nca_fs/use_layeredfs_dir", (bool)idx);
static bool resetSettings(void *userdata)
consolePrint("are you sure you want to reset all settings to their default values?\n");
consolePrint("press a to proceed, or b to cancel\n\n");
u64 btn_down = utilsWaitForButtonPress(HidNpadButton_A | HidNpadButton_B);
if (btn_down & HidNpadButton_A)
MenuElement **element_lists[] = {
for(u32 i = 0; element_lists[i] != NULL; i++)
MenuElement **cur_element_list = element_lists[i];
for(u32 j = 0; cur_element_list[j] != NULL; j++)
MenuElement *cur_element = cur_element_list[j];
MenuElementOption *cur_options = cur_element->element_options;
if (!cur_options) continue;
cur_options->retrieved = false;
if (cur_options->getter_func)
cur_options->selected = cur_options->getter_func();
cur_options->retrieved = true;
consolePrint("settings successfully reset\n");
return false;