mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 14:37:32 -03:00
* AES: moved CTR initializing/updating functions here from nca.c. * BKTR/RomFS/PFS: check if we're dealing with a NCA with titlekey crypto and the titlekey hasn't been retrieved. * BFTTF: use void pointers for output font data. * Mem: Only exclude Unmapped/Uo/ThreadLocal/Reserved memory pages if dealing with FS. * NCA: use content type context pointers inside NCA contexts to manage ContentMeta, ProgramInfo, Nacp and LegalInfo contexts. * NCA: added 'written' bool elements to patch structs to indicate patch write completion. * NPDM: remove unnecessary inline functions, generate PFS patch right after changing ACID data, add a pfsWriteEntryPatchToMemoryBuffer wrapper. * PFS: added PartitionFileSystemFileContext and related functions to deal with NSP headers. * ProgramInfo: removed unnecessary inline functions. * Save: added commented code to dump a full system savefile - will probably use it down the road. * Tik: added support for volatile tickets (thanks to @shchmue and @Whovian9369!), added a rights ID string representation to the Ticket struct, clear Volatile and ELicenseRequired flags in conversions to common tickets. * Title: added a function to calculate the number of titles (current + siblings) from a TItleInfo block. * Utils: added a function to generate a dynamically allocated path string using a prefix, a filename and a extension. * Removed explicit offset checks throughout all the code. * Codestyle fixes. * Updated to-do.
607 lines
26 KiB
607 lines
26 KiB
* program_info.c
* Copyright (c) 2020, DarkMatterCore <pabloacurielz@gmail.com>.
* This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool).
* nxdumptool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* nxdumptool is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <mbedtls/base64.h>
#include "utils.h"
#include "program_info.h"
#include "elf_symbol.h"
/* Global variables. */
static const char *g_trueString = "True", *g_falseString = "False";
static const char g_nnSdkString[] = "NintendoSdk_nnSdk";
static const size_t g_nnSdkStringLength = (MAX_ELEMENTS(g_nnSdkString) - 1);
static const char *g_facAccessibilityStrings[] = {
/* Function prototypes. */
static bool programInfoGetSdkVersionAndBuildTypeFromSdkNso(ProgramInfoContext *program_info_ctx, char **sdk_version, char **build_type);
static bool programInfoAddNsoApiListToAuthoringToolXml(char **xml_buf, u64 *xml_buf_size, ProgramInfoContext *program_info_ctx, const char *api_list_tag, const char *api_entry_prefix, \
const char *sdk_prefix);
static bool programInfoIsApiInfoEntryValid(const char *sdk_prefix, size_t sdk_prefix_len, char *sdk_entry, char **sdk_entry_vender, int *sdk_entry_vender_len, char **sdk_entry_name, bool nnsdk);
static bool programInfoAddStringFieldToAuthoringToolXml(char **xml_buf, u64 *xml_buf_size, const char *tag_name, const char *value);
static bool programInfoAddNsoSymbolsToAuthoringToolXml(char **xml_buf, u64 *xml_buf_size, ProgramInfoContext *program_info_ctx);
static bool programInfoIsElfSymbolValid(u8 *dynsym_ptr, char *dynstr_base_ptr, u64 dynstr_size, bool is_64bit, char **symbol_str);
static bool programInfoAddFsAccessControlDataToAuthoringToolXml(char **xml_buf, u64 *xml_buf_size, ProgramInfoContext *program_info_ctx);
bool programInfoInitializeContext(ProgramInfoContext *out, NcaContext *nca_ctx)
if (!out || !nca_ctx || !*(nca_ctx->content_id_str) || nca_ctx->content_type != NcmContentType_Program || nca_ctx->content_size < NCA_FULL_HEADER_LENGTH || \
(nca_ctx->storage_id != NcmStorageId_GameCard && !nca_ctx->ncm_storage) || (nca_ctx->storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard && !nca_ctx->gamecard_offset) || \
nca_ctx->header.content_type != NcaContentType_Program || !out)
LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
u32 i = 0, pfs_entry_count = 0, magic = 0;
NsoContext *tmp_nso_ctx = NULL;
bool success = false;
/* Free output context beforehand. */
/* Initialize Partition FS context. */
if (!pfsInitializeContext(&(out->pfs_ctx), &(nca_ctx->fs_ctx[0])))
LOGFILE("Failed to initialize Partition FS context!");
goto end;
/* Check if we're indeed dealing with an ExeFS. */
if (!out->pfs_ctx.is_exefs)
LOGFILE("Initialized Partition FS is not an ExeFS!");
goto end;
/* Get ExeFS entry count. Edge case, we should never trigger this. */
if (!(pfs_entry_count = pfsGetEntryCount(&(out->pfs_ctx))))
LOGFILE("ExeFS has no file entries!");
goto end;
/* Initialize NPDM context. */
if (!npdmInitializeContext(&(out->npdm_ctx), &(out->pfs_ctx)))
LOGFILE("Failed to initialize NPDM context!");
goto end;
/* Initialize NSO contexts. */
for(i = 0; i < pfs_entry_count; i++)
/* Skip the main.npdm entry, as well as any other entries without a NSO header. */
PartitionFileSystemEntry *pfs_entry = pfsGetEntryByIndex(&(out->pfs_ctx), i);
char *pfs_entry_name = pfsGetEntryName(&(out->pfs_ctx), pfs_entry);
if (!pfs_entry || !pfs_entry_name || !strncmp(pfs_entry_name, "main.npdm", 9) || !pfsReadEntryData(&(out->pfs_ctx), pfs_entry, &magic, sizeof(u32), 0) || \
__builtin_bswap32(magic) != NSO_HEADER_MAGIC) continue;
/* Reallocate NSO context buffer. */
if (!(tmp_nso_ctx = realloc(out->nso_ctx, (out->nso_count + 1) * sizeof(NsoContext))))
LOGFILE("Failed to reallocate NSO context buffer for NSO \"%s\"! (entry #%u).", pfs_entry_name, i);
goto end;
out->nso_ctx = tmp_nso_ctx;
tmp_nso_ctx = NULL;
memset(&(out->nso_ctx[out->nso_count]), 0, sizeof(NsoContext));
/* Initialize NSO context. */
if (!nsoInitializeContext(&(out->nso_ctx[out->nso_count]), &(out->pfs_ctx), pfs_entry))
LOGFILE("Failed to initialize context for NSO \"%s\"! (entry #%u).", pfs_entry_name, i);
goto end;
/* Update NSO count. */
/* Safety check. */
if (!out->nso_count)
LOGFILE("ExeFS has no NSOs!");
goto end;
/* Update output context. */
out->nca_ctx = nca_ctx;
/* Update content type context info in NCA context. */
nca_ctx->content_type_ctx = out;
nca_ctx->content_type_ctx_patch = false;
success = true;
if (!success) programInfoFreeContext(out);
return success;
bool programInfoGenerateAuthoringToolXml(ProgramInfoContext *program_info_ctx)
if (!programInfoIsValidContext(program_info_ctx))
LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
char *xml_buf = NULL;
u64 xml_buf_size = 0;
char *sdk_version = NULL, *build_type = NULL;
bool is_64bit = (program_info_ctx->npdm_ctx.meta_header->flags.is_64bit_instruction == 1);
u8 *npdm_acid = (u8*)program_info_ctx->npdm_ctx.acid_header;
u64 npdm_acid_size = program_info_ctx->npdm_ctx.meta_header->acid_size, npdm_acid_b64_size = 0;
char *npdm_acid_b64 = NULL;
bool success = false;
/* Free AuthoringTool-like XML data if needed. */
if (program_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml) free(program_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml);
program_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml = NULL;
program_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size = 0;
/* Retrieve the Base64 conversion length for the whole NPDM ACID section. */
mbedtls_base64_encode(NULL, 0, &npdm_acid_b64_size, npdm_acid, npdm_acid_size);
if (npdm_acid_b64_size <= npdm_acid_size)
LOGFILE("Invalid Base64 conversion length for the NPDM ACID section! (0x%lX, 0x%lX).", npdm_acid_b64_size, npdm_acid_size);
goto end;
/* Allocate memory for the NPDM ACID Base64 string. */
if (!(npdm_acid_b64 = calloc(npdm_acid_b64_size + 1, sizeof(char))))
LOGFILE("Failed to allocate 0x%lX bytes for the NPDM ACID section Base64 string!", npdm_acid_b64_size);
goto end;
/* Convert NPDM ACID section to a Base64 string. */
if (mbedtls_base64_encode((u8*)npdm_acid_b64, npdm_acid_b64_size + 1, &npdm_acid_b64_size, npdm_acid, npdm_acid_size) != 0)
LOGFILE("Base64 conversion failed for the NPDM ACID section!");
goto end;
/* Get SDK version and build type strings. */
if (!programInfoGetSdkVersionAndBuildTypeFromSdkNso(program_info_ctx, &sdk_version, &build_type)) goto end;
if (!utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(&xml_buf, &xml_buf_size, \
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" \
"<ProgramInfo>\n")) goto end;
/* SdkVersion. */
if (!programInfoAddStringFieldToAuthoringToolXml(&xml_buf, &xml_buf_size, "SdkVersion", sdk_version)) goto end;
if (!utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(&xml_buf, &xml_buf_size, \
" <ToolVersion />\n" /* Impossible to get. */ \
" <PatchToolVersion />\n" /* Impossible to get. */ \
" <BuildTarget>%u</BuildTarget>\n", \
is_64bit ? 64 : 32)) goto end;
/* BuildType. */
if (!programInfoAddStringFieldToAuthoringToolXml(&xml_buf, &xml_buf_size, "BuildType", build_type)) goto end;
if (!utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(&xml_buf, &xml_buf_size, \
" <EnableDeadStrip />\n" /* Impossible to get. */ \
" <Desc>%s</Desc>\n" \
" <DescFileName />\n" /* Impossible to get. */ \
" <DescFlags>\n" \
" <Production>%s</Production>\n" \
" <UnqualifiedApproval>%s</UnqualifiedApproval>\n" \
" </DescFlags>\n", \
npdm_acid_b64, \
program_info_ctx->npdm_ctx.acid_header->flags.production ? g_trueString : g_falseString, \
program_info_ctx->npdm_ctx.acid_header->flags.unqualified_approval ? g_trueString : g_falseString)) goto end;
/* MiddlewareList. */
if (!programInfoAddNsoApiListToAuthoringToolXml(&xml_buf, &xml_buf_size, program_info_ctx, "Middleware", "Module", "SDK MW")) goto end;
/* DebugApiList. */
if (!programInfoAddNsoApiListToAuthoringToolXml(&xml_buf, &xml_buf_size, program_info_ctx, "DebugApi", "Api", "SDK Debug")) goto end;
/* PrivateApiList. */
if (!programInfoAddNsoApiListToAuthoringToolXml(&xml_buf, &xml_buf_size, program_info_ctx, "PrivateApi", "Api", "SDK Private")) goto end;
/* UnresolvedApiList. */
if (!programInfoAddNsoSymbolsToAuthoringToolXml(&xml_buf, &xml_buf_size, program_info_ctx)) goto end;
/* GuidelineList. */
if (!programInfoAddNsoApiListToAuthoringToolXml(&xml_buf, &xml_buf_size, program_info_ctx, "GuidelineApi", "Api", "SDK Guideline")) goto end;
/* FsAccessControlData. */
if (!programInfoAddFsAccessControlDataToAuthoringToolXml(&xml_buf, &xml_buf_size, program_info_ctx)) goto end;
if (!(success = utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(&xml_buf, &xml_buf_size, \
" <History />\n" /* Impossible to get. */ \
"</ProgramInfo>"))) goto end;
/* Update ProgramInfo context. */
program_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml = xml_buf;
program_info_ctx->authoring_tool_xml_size = strlen(xml_buf);
if (npdm_acid_b64) free(npdm_acid_b64);
if (build_type) free(build_type);
if (sdk_version) free(sdk_version);
if (!success)
if (xml_buf) free(xml_buf);
LOGFILE("Failed to generate ProgramInfo AuthoringTool XML!");
return success;
static bool programInfoGetSdkVersionAndBuildTypeFromSdkNso(ProgramInfoContext *program_info_ctx, char **sdk_version, char **build_type)
if (!program_info_ctx || !program_info_ctx->nso_count || !program_info_ctx->nso_ctx || !sdk_version || !build_type)
LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
NsoContext *nso_ctx = NULL;
char *sdk_entry = NULL, *sdk_entry_vender = NULL, *sdk_entry_name = NULL, *sdk_entry_version = NULL, *sdk_entry_build_type = NULL;
size_t sdk_entry_version_len = 0;
bool success = true;
/* Set output pointers to NULL beforehand just in case we have no usable nnSdk information. */
*sdk_version = *build_type = NULL;
/* Locate "sdk" NSO. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < program_info_ctx->nso_count; i++)
nso_ctx = &(program_info_ctx->nso_ctx[i]);
if (nso_ctx->nso_filename && strlen(nso_ctx->nso_filename) == 3 && !strcmp(nso_ctx->nso_filename, "sdk") && nso_ctx->rodata_api_info_section && nso_ctx->rodata_api_info_section_size) break;
nso_ctx = NULL;
/* Check if we found the "sdk" NSO. */
if (!nso_ctx) goto end;
/* Look for the "nnSdk" entry in .api_info section. */
for(u64 i = 0; i < nso_ctx->rodata_api_info_section_size; i++)
sdk_entry = (nso_ctx->rodata_api_info_section + i);
if (programInfoIsApiInfoEntryValid("SDK ", 4, sdk_entry, &sdk_entry_vender, NULL, &sdk_entry_name, true)) break;
i += strlen(sdk_entry);
sdk_entry = sdk_entry_vender = sdk_entry_name = NULL;
/* Bail out if we couldn't find the "nnSdk" entry. */
if (!sdk_entry) goto end;
/* Get the SDK version and build type. */
sdk_entry_version = strchr(sdk_entry_name, '-');
if (!sdk_entry_version) goto end;
sdk_entry_build_type = strchr(sdk_entry_version, '-');
if (!sdk_entry_build_type) goto end;
sdk_entry_version_len = (sdk_entry_build_type - sdk_entry_version - 1);
/* Duplicate strings. */
if (!(*sdk_version = strndup(sdk_entry_version, sdk_entry_version_len)) || !(*build_type = strdup(sdk_entry_build_type)))
LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for output strings!");
if (*sdk_version)
*sdk_version = NULL;
if (*build_type)
*build_type = NULL;
success = false;
return success;
static bool programInfoAddNsoApiListToAuthoringToolXml(char **xml_buf, u64 *xml_buf_size, ProgramInfoContext *program_info_ctx, const char *api_list_tag, const char *api_entry_prefix, \
const char *sdk_prefix)
size_t sdk_prefix_len = 0;
int sdk_entry_vender_len = 0;
char *sdk_entry = NULL, *sdk_entry_vender = NULL, *sdk_entry_name = NULL;
bool success = false, api_list_exists = false;
if (!xml_buf || !xml_buf_size || !program_info_ctx || !program_info_ctx->nso_count || !program_info_ctx->nso_ctx || !api_list_tag || !*api_list_tag || !api_entry_prefix || \
!*api_entry_prefix || !sdk_prefix || !(sdk_prefix_len = strlen(sdk_prefix)))
LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
/* Check if any entries for this API list exist. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < program_info_ctx->nso_count; i++)
NsoContext *nso_ctx = &(program_info_ctx->nso_ctx[i]);
if (!nso_ctx->nso_filename || !*(nso_ctx->nso_filename) || !nso_ctx->rodata_api_info_section || !nso_ctx->rodata_api_info_section_size) continue;
for(u64 j = 0; j < nso_ctx->rodata_api_info_section_size; j++)
sdk_entry = (nso_ctx->rodata_api_info_section + j);
if (programInfoIsApiInfoEntryValid(sdk_prefix, sdk_prefix_len, sdk_entry, &sdk_entry_vender, NULL, &sdk_entry_name, false))
api_list_exists = true;
j += strlen(sdk_entry);
if (api_list_exists) break;
/* Append an empty XML element if no entries for this API list exist. */
if (!api_list_exists)
success = utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(xml_buf, xml_buf_size, " <%sList />\n", api_list_tag);
goto end;
if (!utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(xml_buf, xml_buf_size, " <%sList>\n", api_list_tag)) goto end;
/* Retrieve full API list. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < program_info_ctx->nso_count; i++)
NsoContext *nso_ctx = &(program_info_ctx->nso_ctx[i]);
if (!nso_ctx->nso_filename || !*(nso_ctx->nso_filename) || !nso_ctx->rodata_api_info_section || !nso_ctx->rodata_api_info_section_size) continue;
for(u64 j = 0; j < nso_ctx->rodata_api_info_section_size; j++)
sdk_entry = (nso_ctx->rodata_api_info_section + j);
if (programInfoIsApiInfoEntryValid(sdk_prefix, sdk_prefix_len, sdk_entry, &sdk_entry_vender, &sdk_entry_vender_len, &sdk_entry_name, false))
if (!utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(xml_buf, xml_buf_size, \
" <%s>\n" \
" <%sName>%s</%sName>\n" \
" <VenderName>%.*s</VenderName>\n" \
" <NsoName>%s</NsoName>\n" \
" </%s>\n", \
api_list_tag, \
api_entry_prefix, sdk_entry_name, api_entry_prefix, \
sdk_entry_vender_len, sdk_entry_vender, \
nso_ctx->nso_filename, \
api_list_tag)) goto end;
j += strlen(sdk_entry);
success = utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(xml_buf, xml_buf_size, " </%sList>\n", api_list_tag);
return success;
static bool programInfoIsApiInfoEntryValid(const char *sdk_prefix, size_t sdk_prefix_len, char *sdk_entry, char **sdk_entry_vender, int *sdk_entry_vender_len, char **sdk_entry_name, bool nnsdk)
if (!sdk_prefix || !sdk_prefix_len || !sdk_entry || !sdk_entry_vender || !sdk_entry_name || strncmp(sdk_entry, sdk_prefix, sdk_prefix_len) != 0) return false;
*sdk_entry_vender = strchr(sdk_entry, '+');
if (!*sdk_entry_vender) return false;
*sdk_entry_name = strchr(*sdk_entry_vender, '+');
if (!*sdk_entry_name) return false;
if (sdk_entry_vender_len) *sdk_entry_vender_len = (*sdk_entry_name - *sdk_entry_vender - 1);
int res = strncmp(*sdk_entry_name, g_nnSdkString, g_nnSdkStringLength);
if ((nnsdk && res != 0) || (!nnsdk && res == 0)) return false;
return true;
static bool programInfoAddStringFieldToAuthoringToolXml(char **xml_buf, u64 *xml_buf_size, const char *tag_name, const char *value)
if (!xml_buf || !xml_buf_size || !tag_name || !*tag_name)
LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
return ((value && *value) ? utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(xml_buf, xml_buf_size, " <%s>%s</%s>\n", tag_name, value, tag_name) : \
utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(xml_buf, xml_buf_size, " <%s />\n", tag_name));
static bool programInfoAddNsoSymbolsToAuthoringToolXml(char **xml_buf, u64 *xml_buf_size, ProgramInfoContext *program_info_ctx)
if (!xml_buf || !xml_buf_size || !program_info_ctx || !program_info_ctx->npdm_ctx.meta_header || !program_info_ctx->nso_count || !program_info_ctx->nso_ctx)
LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
NsoContext *nso_ctx = NULL;
bool success = false, symbols_exist = false, is_64bit = (program_info_ctx->npdm_ctx.meta_header->flags.is_64bit_instruction == 1);
char *symbol_str = NULL;
u64 symbol_size = (!is_64bit ? sizeof(Elf32Symbol) : sizeof(Elf64Symbol));
/* Locate "main" NSO. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < program_info_ctx->nso_count; i++)
nso_ctx = &(program_info_ctx->nso_ctx[i]);
if (nso_ctx->nso_filename && strlen(nso_ctx->nso_filename) == 4 && !strcmp(nso_ctx->nso_filename, "main") && nso_ctx->rodata_dynstr_section && nso_ctx->rodata_dynstr_section_size && \
nso_ctx->rodata_dynsym_section && nso_ctx->rodata_dynsym_section_size) break;
nso_ctx = NULL;
/* Check if we found the "main" NSO. */
if (!nso_ctx) goto end;
/* Check if any symbols matching the required filters exist. */
for(u64 i = 0; i < nso_ctx->rodata_dynsym_section_size; i += symbol_size)
if ((nso_ctx->rodata_dynsym_section_size - i) < symbol_size) break;
if (programInfoIsElfSymbolValid(nso_ctx->rodata_dynsym_section + i, nso_ctx->rodata_dynstr_section, nso_ctx->rodata_dynstr_section_size, is_64bit, NULL))
symbols_exist = true;
/* Bail out if we couldn't find any valid symbols. */
if (!symbols_exist) goto end;
if (!utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(xml_buf, xml_buf_size, " <UnresolvedApiList>\n")) goto end;
/* Parse ELF dynamic symbol table to retrieve the symbol strings. */
for(u64 i = 0; i < nso_ctx->rodata_dynsym_section_size; i += symbol_size)
if ((nso_ctx->rodata_dynsym_section_size - i) < symbol_size) break;
if (!programInfoIsElfSymbolValid(nso_ctx->rodata_dynsym_section + i, nso_ctx->rodata_dynstr_section, nso_ctx->rodata_dynstr_section_size, is_64bit, &symbol_str)) continue;
if (!utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(xml_buf, xml_buf_size, \
" <UnresolvedApi>\n" \
" <ApiName>%s</ApiName>\n" \
" <NsoName>%s</NsoName>\n" \
" </UnresolvedApi>\n", \
symbol_str, \
nso_ctx->nso_filename)) goto end;
success = utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(xml_buf, xml_buf_size, " </UnresolvedApiList>\n");
/* Append an empty XML element if no valid symbols exist. */
if (!success && (!nso_ctx || !symbols_exist)) success = utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(xml_buf, xml_buf_size, " <UnresolvedApiList />\n");
return success;
static bool programInfoIsElfSymbolValid(u8 *dynsym_ptr, char *dynstr_base_ptr, u64 dynstr_size, bool is_64bit, char **symbol_str)
if (!dynsym_ptr || !dynstr_base_ptr || !dynstr_size) return false;
u8 st_type = 0;
bool is_valid = false;
if (!is_64bit)
/* Parse 32-bit ELF symbol. */
Elf32Symbol *elf32_symbol = (Elf32Symbol*)dynsym_ptr;
st_type = ELF_ST_TYPE(elf32_symbol->st_info);
is_valid = (elf32_symbol->st_name < dynstr_size && (st_type == STT_NOTYPE || st_type == STT_FUNC) && elf32_symbol->st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF);
if (is_valid && symbol_str) *symbol_str = (dynstr_base_ptr + elf32_symbol->st_name);
} else {
/* Parse 64-bit ELF symbol. */
Elf64Symbol *elf64_symbol = (Elf64Symbol*)dynsym_ptr;
st_type = ELF_ST_TYPE(elf64_symbol->st_info);
is_valid = (elf64_symbol->st_name < dynstr_size && (st_type == STT_NOTYPE || st_type == STT_FUNC) && elf64_symbol->st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF);
if (is_valid && symbol_str) *symbol_str = (dynstr_base_ptr + elf64_symbol->st_name);
return is_valid;
static bool programInfoAddFsAccessControlDataToAuthoringToolXml(char **xml_buf, u64 *xml_buf_size, ProgramInfoContext *program_info_ctx)
NpdmFsAccessControlData *aci_fac_data = NULL;
NpdmFsAccessControlDataSaveDataOwnerBlock *save_data_owner_block = NULL;
u64 *save_data_owner_ids = NULL;
bool success = false, sdo_data_available = false;
if (!xml_buf || !xml_buf_size || !program_info_ctx || !(aci_fac_data = program_info_ctx->npdm_ctx.aci_fac_data))
LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
/* Check if there's save data owner data available in the FS access control data region from the ACI0 section in the NPDM. */
sdo_data_available = (aci_fac_data->save_data_owner_info_offset >= sizeof(NpdmFsAccessControlData) && aci_fac_data->save_data_owner_info_size);
if (!sdo_data_available) goto end;
/* Get save data owner block and check the ID count. */
save_data_owner_block = (NpdmFsAccessControlDataSaveDataOwnerBlock*)((u8*)aci_fac_data + aci_fac_data->save_data_owner_info_offset);
if (!save_data_owner_block->save_data_owner_id_count)
sdo_data_available = false;
goto end;
/* Get save data owner IDs. */
/* Padding to a 0x4-byte boundary is needed. Each accessibility field takes up a single byte, so we can get away with it by aligning the ID count. */
save_data_owner_ids = (u64*)((u8*)save_data_owner_block + sizeof(NpdmFsAccessControlDataSaveDataOwnerBlock) + ALIGN_UP(save_data_owner_block->save_data_owner_id_count, 0x4));
if (!utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(xml_buf, xml_buf_size, " <FsAccessControlData>\n")) goto end;
/* Append save data owner IDs. */
for(u32 i = 0; i < save_data_owner_block->save_data_owner_id_count; i++)
if (!utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(xml_buf, xml_buf_size, \
" <SaveDataOwnerIds>\n" \
" <Accessibility>%s</Accessibility>\n" \
" <Id>0x%016lx</Id>\n" \
" </SaveDataOwnerIds>\n", \
g_facAccessibilityStrings[save_data_owner_block->accessibility[i] & 0x3], \
save_data_owner_ids[i])) goto end;
success = utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(xml_buf, xml_buf_size, " </FsAccessControlData>\n");
/* Append an empty XML element if no FS access control data exists. */
if (!success && !sdo_data_available) success = utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(xml_buf, xml_buf_size, " <FsAccessControlData />\n");
return success;